Valley of Flood - Part 6


Meanwhile, on the high school grounds, the second squad, led by Petre, the soldier who has helped the group of survivors escapes from the restaurant they were stuck at the entrance of Curtea de Arges leads a squad of five soldiers at the gym building, to see if there is someone in there. arriving at the door, they see it is opened, and there are five corpses who were eaten by zombies, all consisting of teenagers looking bodies. The soldiers did not have the time to say something, all they can do is to check the perimeter to be sure this place may be good for a temporary safe zone.

When they've entered the basketball court, they observe inside of the ring a few corpses of humans and zombies made into a big pile. The bodies don't look fresh, more likely that were there a long time ago, probably from the first days of this apocalypse. The soldiers are ignoring the bodies, and checking around this place, they see a few firearms on the court, on the chairs and near the doors. But all of these weapons are broken and unable to function properly.

They remain in this place, checking for a few more minutes, and when they are done, they leave the place empty-handed, and go to the other building to check its interior. While they are walking to that other building, the soldiers observe a few zombies who are trying to break the windows from that place they were heading. Petre tells his squad.

"Go to the military truck and bring the C-4's."

"You are going to blow up this building?" asks a soldier a bit surprised by this action of Petre.

"Yes. It is for the better."

"Alright, sir." says a soldier and goes with three more soldiers to bring the C-4 to blow up the zone where it used to be the place the high schoolers used to work on wood activities such as cutting woods, making furniture and any other activities.

Petre and with other soldiers are looking around the place. The leader walks to where is one of the entrances of this building, he notices the door is locked from outside by a car who smashed through the door. The car it smashed in there is a Dacia Logan jeep, a single car, managed to keep more than fifty zombies locked in a single building with three stories. He also checks the other entrance, and sees how the door is locked by a few sturdy logs who were filled at the doorway.

When he finished looking around, Petre sees how the side of this high school the one where it should be located the library and where once used to be a cafeteria is on the brink of collapse. On that part a helicopter has crashed, and it made a lot of mess. The helicopter has fall into the rooftop a stopped until it reached the ground floor of this place. At the stairs there are a few corpses, all varying from ages.

"We've got the C-4's, sir!" says the three soldiers who are carrying the bombs.

"Good." says Petre to his people. "Let's detonate this building. We have to kill every single zombie from here."

Petre and the soldiers starts planting the C-4's on that building.