Valley of Flood - Part 7


"How did you survive this long?" asks Victor to Andra.

The two classmates are sitting in their old classroom, not on their usual seats, they both sit on chairs, near each other, face to face, nothing to make a blockage, like some kind of interrogation room without the normal table that is used it be there to create some kind of way to relax both the interrogator and the suspect.

"I've stayed in my house. You?" asks Andra looking at Victor.

"I was stupid." says Victor to Andra. "I've left my house at the usual 7 AM, hour I am was always going to school. And with no way out of this place, and trapped with other people, all I could do is remain here, with these people."

"How many were in there at beginning?"

"Eighty or more than that. At first, we were all on the three floors, but somebody, being a threat to us, he opened the doors, and let these ferocious creatures in the place. These things ate most of the good people from here. But we managed to fight back these things, but we could not be able to retake the other floors, only the second floor remain to us until you guys have showed up."

"Never ever thought a day like this would come." says Andra after she looked in silent to a blood stain on the wall. "We'll be back here. In the place we both used to hate."

"Maybe you because I saw it as an escape from my abusive family." responds Viktor. "I don't love my family for a bit."

"How can you say that?" asks Andra feeling a bit mad to Victor's behaviour.

"They were all bad people." responds Victor.

The clock of this room continues to work, meaning its batteries did not stop or ran out of juice.

"Why do you think they were bad?"

"Exams. Disappointment of ending here on this crap high school. Being the bigger brother, and always being ignored by everybody, except you…Until the day we broke up."

"Look. I am-"

"Not your fault." responds Victor to Andra. "I am not used to being close to people… I will probably never be."

"Look, Victor. I don't understand what is going on through your head." says Andra to Victor. "But I assure you, I am not going to leave you. Alright? I will stay close to you. Now, wherever you want to go, I'll go."

"You promise?" asks Victor looking hopefully at Andra, wondering if his ex-girlfriend is actually telling the truth and not some kind of lie to make him feel better for a while.

"I promise." responds Andra looking at Victor eyes. "I promise I will not leave you."

"And I promise I will protect and watch after you when you'll be in trouble."

The two are staring at each other for a few seconds, then, a soldier comes into this room, he sees Andra, and he tells her. The soldier is the same one who drove the vehicle here, on this area to rescue the people who were trapped in here.

"Andra. Gotta help us on something."

"Sure." says Andra leaving her seat and walking toward the soldier. "What is it?"

"Now. We want you to help us."

"At what?"

"Do you know where is the principal office?"

"Yes. It's near the teacher lounge. What do we need from there?"

"We also got a signal of help coming from there. There wasn't only one."

"So you say someone was trapped in the Principal office."

"By that someone if you consider the risk it may be an undead."

"An Undead? What is that?" asks Victor who joined into this conversation.

"Mind your business, citizen."

"He has the right to know, sir." says Andra to the soldier, in an authority voice. "What is an Undead, by the way?"

"It is complicated. But if we manage to extract one alive, we may be close to a craft a cure to these things."

Andra and Victor are looking at each other surprised by this information. They never thought there may be chances for a cure to be made in the first place, especially when there are zombies who can throw bodies of humans, run, climb, jump three meters high and ones who can crawl. Both are starting to look hopefully, but then, Victor remembers something.

"I know where is that place. But going down will be a risk. The entire place is filled with zombies last time I saw. He may not be there anymore."

"We got the signal yesterday." says the soldier. "If it is a gamble, we'll take it. We need as many people as we can get."

"What if they are evil?" asks Andra.

"Evil? What is this? A TV shows made for people who enjoy horror stuff?"

"What if they break a rule?"

"They'll be arrested. That is all."

"But if they continue to do bad stuff until they'll be freed?"

"Arrested." says the soldier. "For more time."

The thing he said is a lie. If a survivor broke a rule made by The Organization, he'll pe put on trial and if it is guilty as a punishment he may get arrested in a container for more than a week with only bread and water. And the worst punishment to a survivor, would not be the exiled part, that would be infection with zombie virus and used as a lab rats by researchers in search of a cure.

The soldier leaves the room with Andra and Victor, they walk to the group of other soldiers who are about to go to Principal office to check if there is truly a signal from someone stuck in there. They do not even change a word, the leader squad, is kicking the door that was used earlier by the squad to get here, when it was kicked, a few zombies are stumbling down the stairs, and others are tripping on other zombies. Then, the squad proceeds to open fire on the zombies with their fire weapons and advance slowly toward the ground floor, killing every single zombie that are on the stairs.

As the squad is descending the stairs, an explosion is heard outside, the squad of soldier are almost falling from the stairs due to shockwave it caused and the shaking. The squad is continuing to descend the stairs, killing and pushing any zombie from the stairs. Andra and Victor are on the back of the prepared squad wearing heavy armour with heavy weapons while they are using handguns to kill the zombies.

In a few minutes they managed to get on ground floor, they proceed to walk on the hall of teacher lounge, killing any zombie who are raising or are coming in the hallway. Andra and Victor have been killing three zombies. Well, only Andra have killed three zombies because Victor has missed all of his shoots.

" We are here." says Victor to the squad of soldiers who were checking the teacher lounge.

"Is it locked?" asks a soldier who has entered the cashier room to check if there was a zombie in there.

"No." says Victor who has opened the door and it is unlocked. "It is opened."

Victor opens the Principal office door wide enough to let the soldiers observes how is the interior of this room to see what is going on. In the interior of this desk room is nothing but a big mess like the plays was robbed. A soldier enters the room, with his weapons prepared, checks the interior and notices how in this room there is a few corpse's people that are looking like teachers and the two principals of this school. That was something Victor has confirmed to the squad of the people in heavy armour.

Upon inspecting and searching this place, plus the secretary room, they've found radio station, underneath the desk. The soldier who found it, is testing the device to see if it is working, and he does that by calling the squad outside of their perimeter. The radio station is working because the squad from outside hears the soldiers telling them the part of their mission is complete. After a small checking the squad carries on their mission to clean this place, and escort the survivors outside where another military truck will arrive to take the survivors and deliver them to a base in Valea Iașului.

The truck will come later this day, and will arrive somewhere on the night at the community in that remote village.