Valley of Flood - Part 18

It is 09:23 A.M., Curtea de Arges, near the car park in King Michael First High School, two teenagers and three soldiers, all heavily armed, are leaving the safe zone. Their reason for leaving is going on a mission, searching for clothes that can help the survivors of this safe zone and the community on Valea Iasului withstand the following days.

"What a mess." says Andra looking at a nearby Café from high school, who is having the windows broken and three zombie corpses laying on the ground.

"Used to have our morning coffee in there." says Viktor to Andra.

"You two." says a soldier looking back at the teenagers. "Focus. And keep quiet. Undeads are walking."

"Right… Sorry." says Viktor in a whisper tone.

The five survivors are walking slowly from the car park, they are looking around the boulevard. They see the entire street is blocked by an enormous number of small cars, heavy cars and even a building remains who have fallen on the boulevard. Looking at the boulevard, they see numerous of zombies on the streets, who are sitting on their butts, walking aimlessly, and others are walking toward the survivors since most of these kinds of zombies can detect humans from smell.

"They can smell us now?" asks Viktor in a whisper looking at a zombie from twelve steps from them walking toward a soldier.

"They can do that from beginning." whisper the soldier leader walking closer to the zombie, and stabs the head of the creature with the hunting knife he has on the right hand.

He threw the corpse of the zombie on the street.

The landing of that corpse did awaken a few zombies who were laying on the ground, and made them look at the direction of the survivors. They start to walk or run on a slow peace toward the five survivors.

"Don't use fire weapons!" says the leader. "These will attract more. Use your knives."

The soldiers and the two teenagers are taking their knives and start stabbing the heads of the upcoming zombies.

It was a tough battle for the teenagers, but for the soldiers this felt like a normal cleaning mission. For the kids it was hard to stab the head of these creatures who refuse to die. Viktor and Andra have made a few mistakes like not stabbing the certain zone of the head or stabbing and pushing them down.

But this fierce combat fighting was over after a few minutes when the zombies on the street boulevard were all killed.

"Good work." says the soldier leader to his people. "But we still have to move on."

"Where to?" asks a soldier to Andra.

"I know several stores that probably sells the clothes you are looking for. Most of them are from the left side." she points on left side, where the boulevard continues for about one to two kilometres.

The direction Andra is pointing is the one where there is an enormous number of cars who are blocking the road, corpses of humans who are about to rise back to life and one helicopter wreckage. That helicopter who has fallen has the news logo of an international TV station. Soldiers and Viktor, seeing the difficulty in their way to acquire the supplies, they shrug it off, and carry on walking to that direction.

The group is looking at each other, then a soldier asks Andra.

"You sure there aren't any other stores on the other side?"

"Mate." says the leader of the group. "We've checked the other places days ago. There's nothing left there. We have to go further our safe zone."


"No buts. We go further." he takes the lead of the group, and stabs the closest zombie on the brain zone with hunting knife, then he pushes the zombie onto a one who was about to rise, and stabs that one zombie.

The squad of five people are deciding to move further, going forward on the boulevard by taking the side walk, that's having a huge number of dead creatures laying and standing around. The leader and the two soldiers are taking the front, while Viktor and Andra are following the people, both of them, fighting like the three soldiers, stabbing the zombies on the head, and pushing them back.

The soldiers are killing a lot of zombies, but are hardly advancing to a zone Andra knows the best to have the supplies the Organization is searching for. The soldiers, seeing they are advancing hard, they decide to look for a way to escape from zombies since all of them are growing tired for killing the zombies. Their anti-biting armour is tiring the stamina of the soldiers and two teenagers.

"Look!" says a soldier after he killed a zombie with his hunting knife, he sees a shortcut.

"Come on!" yells the leader of the group, running to the shortcut pointed by the soldier.

The shortcut pointed by the soldier is a paved road who is leading to the backsides of a countless residential buildings. A road usually used by high schoolers who would take it instead of the stairs at the police station when they've come with the microbus from a remote village into this city.

"Keep going!" says the leader, leading the four people from the dangers of the boulevard.

The group runs down the road, avoiding five zombies who almost grab them. The group has made possible arriving at the main road of the city, and arriving there, they see the street is as bad as the boulevard of their safe zone. An enormous number of wrecked vehicles, all blocking the road and side walk, but instead of cars with two and six seats, there were trucks, buses, microbuses, fire trucks and ambulances, where very few would work. And as the blockage from the boulevard, there are also zombies, countless alive zombies, who were aimlessly walking around.

"There." says the leader, pointing his shotgun to his right direction, running toward a street that is transforming in a hill.

"Don't!" says Andra to leader. "That road leads back to boulevard." she points to the main road. "We can take the main road. There is a store that sells all sorts of second-hand clothes. Maybe we can find some in there."

"You sure?" asks the leader of this squad.


"We go there." says the leader and he take the lead of his squad of soldiers, running toward the road that Andra indicated.

The squad is soon flowed by walking fast-paced speed zombies and normal paced zombies. But the soldiers dealt with them by either pushing them, stabbing their heads or breaking their legs by kicking ruthlessly the decaying legs of these creatures.