Valley of Flood - Part 19

After a few minutes of running, the squad arrives in front of the store Andra mentioned. They all enter the place, and upon entering, the soldiers and Viktor are quickly moving furniture to the door, to block the main door of this place. Andra joins in to help the squad of soldiers to block the door and the windows of this place by moving the furniture who turned upside down by the panic of this apocalypse.

"Great." says the leader to his squad after they've managed to create a barricade. "We have to remain quiet for a while. Maybe the zombies will scatter from here. Giving us time to escape."

Soldiers are looking around this building, they see a lot of different types of clothing put on displays. They see hundreds of different shirts, t-shirts, blouse, pants, shorts and other type of clothing laying on the floor, all dirty from mud, blood and human remains.

They soon discover three bodies of humans, all who were eaten by zombies. All the three bodies of humans not looking like they were there in recent times, more like weeks ago. The rotten smell of the bodies, hitting the nose of the survivors, making them feel nauseous. The soldiers quickly took some facial masks from their vests anti-biting armour pockets, they put the mask on, and they look worried at the bodies.

"Are they presenting fungus?" asks the leader.

"No." says a soldier with a sigh of relief who was approaching the three bodies of humans to check to see if the bodies haven't grown any mushroom species on their dead bodies.

"Pfuu. We are saved." says the leader of the squad.

"What is it?" asks Viktor. "What would happen if it will grow a mushroom?"

"You haven't seen it, right?"


"The mushrooms." says the leader. "That start to grow on the trees and on bodies. They can infect humans with the zombie virus… I've seen mushrooms like these, and let me tell you. Things like this, when you saw it. You better be having a good immune system otherwise you're dead the moment you breathe."

"These mushrooms are letting in the air spores, that contains the exact structure of a normal zombie virus." says a soldier checking a shelf that is offering baby clothes at a cheap price. "We don't know how they appeared, or how they grow, but a certain thing is for sure. They are one of the causes this apocalypse happens."

"And there's no cure for this?" asks Viktor who has started to understand about these mushrooms.

"Not yet." responds the leader checking another display of clothing. "From what I've heard, our scientists are working on a cure. But that was two months ago."

"Fire won't work?" asks Andra.

"It will, but it will still release these spores on the air." says the soldier who checks the baby clothes' shelf. "We need a cure or a vaccine, or something to fight against these mushrooms." he takes a box that was left behind the shelf, he uses it and puts all the baby clothes into the box.

"Are these for your kid?" asks the leader to that soldier.

"Yes. My wife, she is already on her 9 months. She could give birth any moment."

"Congratulations." says Andra to that soldier, and checks another shelf.

The squad continues to look around this second-hand store for any clothing that can help the survivors withstand the cold temperature that is about to come. Andra and with Viktor are looking at the shoe's shelf. Both are trying to see if any shoe could fit their worn ones. Unfortunate, none of the shoes had the exact size of Andra and Viktor, all of them being two or three numbers lower than their initial shoe size.

A few moments later, the squad of five people, have made around six cartoon boxes with clothes. In these boxes are packed different clothes. In a box is packed baby clothes, in another are shirts and blouses, a third box are jackets, in a fourth are trousers and pants, in a fifth shoes, and on the six box there are scarfs, gloves, hats and socks. Now with the things they've found, the squad is now prepared to head back to the base, but this will be a problem.

Outside, the vehicles are blocking the entire road, the boulevard is blocked and crawling with a huge number of zombies, and outside of the store there is a huge number of zombies who are trying to break in the store but thankfully, the glasses are covered by the empty shelves from the last survivors and the main door is blocked by furniture pieces. Which leaves the back door of the store.

The three soldiers have gone in there to check to see if they could use the back door. Thankfully, there were only six crawler zombies in there, which were killed with ease by a stabbing in the head. Upon arriving at the back, they see there a small van, a Mercedes van, unlocked. The three soldiers are inspecting the van and to their luck, the van was abandoned a while ago, and it still has some gas left.

"What are we going to do with the van? The entire boulevard is blocked." says a soldier.

"Maybe the East side, but there's the West side." says the leader.

"Didn't you saw the bridged at Lukoil collapsed yesterday?"

"Yes. But we will not go to the safe zone. We'll go straight to the community."

"You mean you want to go on Valea Iașului?"

"What do you want to do?" asks the leader. "You want to risk it carrying the boxes on dangers of the boulevard? You've seen how many zombies are only in there, how dangerous and futile it would be to carry it back to safe zone. No, we got a better chance of going to Valea Iașului. The Monastery side is blocked by zombies and cars, the roads that connect Curtea de Argeș – Valea Iașului are blocked by the military barded wires and walls. Valea Iașului road is the safest route to deliver the needed clothes. Plus, we could deliver the clothes to the safe zone by helicopter."

"Then why aren't we calling a helicopter to come and pick us on the stadium?" asks a third soldier. Where a stadium is near them.

"Are you crazy?" asks the leader. "On the beginning days the stadium was used as a safe zone by the military, and in just a day, the entire people in there got bitten, and turn on zombies. God knows if there is a greenhouse of mushroom in there."

The soldiers debate for a few more minutes on what to do in the Mercedes-Benz van. Meanwhile, Viktor and Andra are inside of the structure, both going on the upper floor of this building.