Valley of Flood - Part 20


The building the squad has entered and barricaded their front entrance presents three floors, but only the first floor is accessible, while the second floor has been blocked and barricaded most likely by the people from the ground floor, who are now corpses that continue to decay. The stairs that lead o the second floor are blocked by two furniture pieces. A blockage that could be easily pushed away by someone.

"Three rooms." says Andra to Viktor as the two arrived at the first floor, on the hallway.

"Should we search them to see if we can find any supplies?" asks Viktor to Andra, holding his hunting knife in the right hand.

"Sure." says Andra who is taking her hunting knife in the right hand.

The two are walking slowly at the first room. Arriving near the door, the two are leaning on the walls, then Andra slowly pushes the door and continues to lean on the wall. After the door got completely opened the two are waiting a few seconds, then Viktor and Andra are leaving the walls, and look inside of this room.

The first room has a few matters lying around, with blankets, toys near the blankets, meaning on this very room there were children and this was probably their beds. The two survivors are searching this room, but they found nothing useful to them. Andra did found a first aid kit, but the entire box was empty. What is interesting is that this kit had a few blood spots inside it.

The two leaves the first room, then they walk slowly toward the second room, which is on the other side of the other room. The two are slowly opening the door, looking inside the room, they see something they've never thought they've seen. On this very room, there are a lot of cartoon boxes and milk crates, all of them having a bunch of food stored in jars like pickles, mushrooms, hot peppers and many more other types of food that is usually found on a normal looking cellar from countryside. The two search this room, and they see most of the food from there have been exposed, had been opened long time ago which resulted in a growing mould over the food.

"What's with these supplies?" asks Andra.

"Maybe the three people from the ground floor were in a group." says Viktor. "I've never thought there would've been another group here besides the one in the high school."

"What makes you say this belongs to a group?"

"Think about the mattress in the other room. The toys laying near the mattress. Think about the corpses on the ground floor. Maybe this group decided to leave this place after a while. That is my thought."

"Probably." say Andra continues to check the room.

Soon, she discovered in this room a notebook. A normal looking "Dictando" notebook, which his having written on the cover, with big letters in a black permanent mark "MY JOURNAL OF THE APOCALYPSE". Andra opens the first page, on there she notices the name of the author, a few other names written in there and a phone umber, which nowadays is used since most of the telephone lines have been destroyed on the first three weeks.

She quickly looks at the pages of the journal, then, wanting to know more about this, she takes the notebook, places on the pockets under her jacket, then she heads outside of the room, together with Viktor who wants to check the third and final room of this first floor. Viktor and Andra, decide to open the door slowly, and peek inside. They did not open the door wide enough, they immediately close it when they've heard the distinct groan a zombie could make, and Viktor quickly close the door, and both of them are walking from that door.

"Shit." says Andra breathing heavy. "That scared me."

"Yeah…" says Viktor who is also breathing heavily.

"Hey!" says a soldier from the squad who has come on this floor, startling both Viktor and Andra, almost making hem shit their pants. "What are you two doing here?"

"W-W-We were investigating the place, sir." says Viktor to the soldier, who is the leader of this mission.

"I see." says the soldier who has taken a quick peek on the second room, noticing the milk crates and the cartoon boxes with the countless jars. "What's in there?" he asks, pointing is shotgun to the third room.

"Probably a zombie, sir." says Andra, we got scared the moment we tried to open the door.

"Aha." says the leader and he walks toward the room.

The man opens the door wide enough, aims his shotgun in front of his eyes, and pulls the trigger. He heard how the bullets have hit something and the thud noses of a body that has fallen on the floor. He looks around the room, then, he almost felt nauseas the more he was looking at this room.

"What the fuck is this?" he asks loudly as he is looking at the corpses that are chained to walls.

The more this soldier looks on the room, the more he was feeing sick and on the verge of puking his breakfast. On the floor, there are corpses of zombies, all alive and chained up by real silver chains, with their mouth covered by a powerful tape and missing eyes. There about six corpses like that on the floor, all chained and laying there, most of these six, still alive and moving their mouths. And on the walls, there eight corpses, all of them being kids, not adults like the ones on the floor. And one of the grotesque things about these corpses on the wall is not the fact they are chained to the wall, and all of them naked. No, one of the most grotesque things is that they are having their abdominal zone cut wide open, to reveal a lot of organs found in human's body, and upon looking closer, the leader of the team notices how these kid's insides are missing.

"My God." says Andra looking shocked on this room. "What kind of sicko would do this?"

"Oh no." says Viktor looking on this room, and upon smelling the awful stench of decomposing corpses, he backs away, and vomits on the floor in the hallway. The leader looked at the corpses in there for a while, then he closes the door and he leave this floor with his survivors.

All three of them looked at the door of the second floor, but decided not to check it after they've heard the violent door banging in there and zombie screaming. The three leaves the first floor, and they are heading on the backside of this second hand where the other two survivors are loading the van with the clothes crates to be delivered to Valea Iașului, and from there, the team would take a helicopter to the safe zone since the bridge has fallen yesterday, after the military trucks has crossed the bridge near the gas station, which has been repaired a countless times back in the past, and now, it will be left like this, for eternity.

After four minutes of driving, the squad did was surprised to see there was an opening of the blockage. An opening big enough to let them enter the boulevard and drive to their safe zone to deliver supplies found.