Rap'On - Part 12


One hour later, the five survivors have finished their searching in this building, and they've found nothing in this three floors brothel. They didn't find anything useful such as radio, walkie-talkie or even a mobile smartphone, nothing that can help them get a chance to communicate with people or military. But they did find in other rooms refrigerators that were filled with food and drinks, where all of them decided to gather all the food possible and stock it to use it when they were going starving.

"We have no source of communication." says Eric to the group when all of them have gathered in the dinning room to lock the found supplies. "But we have food and water."

"Yeah." says Sonya.

"So. We're going to live here?"

"What do you expect?" asks Paulo. "You've seen how dangerous it is outside?"

Paulo points to the way where is supposed to be the main lobby, where sounds of zombies that are kicking the door and trying to go through the window could be heard from the dinning room.

"But we cannot live here like forever." says Eric to the group. "What if this place will be bombarded with bombs like other places I've heard."

"Such as?" asks Ta'Ron.

"Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Holland, France, Germany." says Eric. "This is the ones I've seen on a news report days ago on the run with my group. These people, who throw the bombs, didn't show any mercy to humans. They killed everything that was on their way."

"If that is to happen." says Paulo. "Then we'll leave."

"But how do we know if they will ever attack this city?" asks Ta'Ron.

"We pray." says Sonya.

"Have you guys checked the security cameras from the outside?" asks Taric after about ten to twelve seconds of silence.

"We thought they don't have security cameras." says Paulo to Taric. "But why?"

"We could use these cameras to see the surroundings outside. And we could also try to see how many of these things are out there in the streets."

"Doesn't sound that bad." says Ta'Ron.

"I will look for it then." says Taric rising from his seat.

"I will come too." says Paulo to Taric.

"Okay." says Taric.

Taric and Paulo are leaving the dining room, they walk to the main lobby where they are looking on the map of this building, that is put on the wall as a way to know where are fire exits located. But as they inspected the map, it did not show any room that is labelled security room or something like this. Then, Paulo gets an idea.

"Should we check the office? Most of the hotels I've known have monitors that are tracking security cameras all around the building."

"Maybe." says Taric. "It's worth giving a shoot. But how can we open that room, we need a way to break it. You've seen it is locked."

"We just smash the door." says Paulo. "What do you think will happen? The boss of this place will come to our throats?"

Taric was chuckling at this one, and so, the two went to investigate the office. The room was located at the first floor, and on there, the two noticed the door is locked. They tried to force it open, and seeing it doesn't work, Paulo decided to search the entire place for a fire axe or something heavy to break the door. They've found a crowbar in the basement. Paulo used the crowbar to open the door, which worked and let the two enter the room.

When they entered the room, the first thing Paulo has saw was the huge TV screen, who was turned on when they entered, displaying four security cameras. Paulo and Taric are going to the TV screen, and are looking at it. The security cameras work, but the image is on a low resolution that is not considered to be great for current year, but for a 2010s time it is considered to be excellent quality.

"Security cameras works." says Taric.

"Yeah." says Paulo. "They work."

"Check the camera 4." says Taric in a scared tone.

"Oh my God." says Paulo looking on the camera 4. "It's him."

"Him?" asks Taric.

"That one zombie. Who has made my helicopter crash not far from here."

"Only one of those?" asks Taric in a serious tone pointing at the big zombie that is walking out of the forest zone.


"Jesus Christ." says Taric looking at that camera, then he looks back at Paulo and asks in panic. "Will that zombie smell us?"

"I…I don't know." says Paulo scared.

The two are looking at the security camera labelled number four, at the huge zombie who seems to stop from moving in the middle of the road. He looks at the direction where the brothel is and walks toward the building in slow steps. The two saw the big zombie coming to them, and they quickly left the room in a hurry to alert the others about what is going to happen.

In just a few minutes, the whole group of five people has decided to leave the brothel, by taking the backdoor and run to the nearby building, that is a small grocery store. The five survivors enter on the backdoor, where they locked the door by moving an empty shelf from the meat section to that door. But something like this will not be able to hold a creature like the one that is chasing them.

"What now?" asks Ta'Ron to Paulo after he and Taric moved the shelf.

"We have to keep moving." says Paulo who walks into the interior of the store, where he is greeted by seven zombies.

The group of five people, all armed with improvised weapons, are beating the seven zombies until they've been put down and their brains been destroyed beyond regeneration. Taric has a baseball bat that he carried with him in the Hostel. Sonya has a kitchen knife that she has taken from the kitchen. Ta'Ron has a broom. Paulo has a metal pipe that he has taken from the gas pipes from the hostel. And Eric has got his hands on a golf club that was in a room when they checked the rooms in the hostel. The five people get out of the grocery store and on the street, they see many zombies coming toward them because of the door that was opened by Eric, and that opening has triggered a loud alarm that attracts dozens of zombies.