Rap'On - Part 13

"We're screwed." says Ta'Ron looking at the big wave of zombies coming toward them.

"Look." says Eric pointing to a military truck at a hundred of meters from them.

"Go!" says Paulo to the people, taking the lead and smashing the skull of the zombie that was close to touching his shoulder.

The five survivors are running to that military truck. But one of them, that one being Eric, wasn't fortunate enough to make the eleventh step, he got jumped by a zombie, who just jumped from the rooftop of the grocery store they just left, pin Eric down and bite his neck. Eric has tried his best to move this Jumper from him, but he couldn't do it alone on his condition. Thankfully, Taric was there to push the zombie away and smash the head of the thing with his baseball head.

"Eric!" yells Taric to Eric in a state of shock.

Eric, who is covering the zone he was bitten by that zombie who just jumped on his back and pinned him to the ground, he looks in a sadness to Taric, then to his friends, who have stopped from moving to the military truck. Eric takes the hand from the wound, and takes it in both of his arm, his weapon he carries, the golf club, he looks at the upcoming zombies, coming from the left side of the grocery store, and look to his friends.

"Stay strong!"

"Eric!" yells Sonya to Eric.

But Eric turned to the horde of zombie and runs to them with the golf club. As he was running to that horde, he was yelling his fighting spirit and tried his best to injure as many zombies as he can with the golf club. While Eric was fighting the small horde, the four survivors are running to the military truck, without looking back and ignoring the cries of pain of Eric who seems to not manage to fight the horde of zombies with a golf club.

"Poor Eric." says Ta'Ron.

"There was no other choice." says Paulo. "He made his mind."

The four people are arriving at the military truck, they open the backside of the trailer, and there they see a few reanimated corpses of zombies that are looking at the people who disturbed their sleep. The zombies in that trailer were all having equipped military uniform, and all the twelve of the zombies are walking to the survivors.

"Shit!" says Paulo looking at that horde who is coming to them.

Taric, quickly takes from that trailer an assault rifle, aims it to the zombies in that trailer and shoots at them. But he only managed to kill ten zombies, while the other two were crawling to them. Taric is backing down, but he made a terrible mistake because he went more steps back than he should've done. Taric gets grabbed from behind, then he gets bitten on the back by a zombie. Taric yells out in pain.

"Taric!" yells Sonya, and she runs there to help her friend.

"Sonya! Don't!" says Paulo.

Sonya gets to Taric, she tries to help him, but as soon she grabbed Taric and tries to drag him from the zombie, the girl gets bitten on the left side of her face and yells in pain. She tires to fight that one zombie who has bitten her, but she then gets attacked by another zombie from her opposite side, who grab her neck and lunges on her face, eating her nose and gauging her eyes with the left arm.

"Dammit!" says Paulo looking at the three people who just got killed in seconds.

"We have to get out of here!" says Ta'Ron.

Paulo looks back on the military truck trailer, there he and Ta'Ron are killing the zombies with their weapons, and the two of them are getting inside the military truck. When the two have entered the military truck, Ta'Ron closes the door behind, he looks to Paulo who is checking the bodies of the dead corpses that were killed by Taric. He finds a gun in a soldier vest, and he looks at Ta'Ron, who is shaking.

"No. No. No. We will not do it."

"What?" asks Paulo, then he looks at the gun. "Oh. No. We will not kill ourselves."

"Then what?" asks Ta'Ron.

"I don't know, friend." says Paulo.

The two stayed quiet for a few moments, listening to the growls and screeching of the zombies, and the faint yelling for help to come from Sonya and Taric, who are disappearing into the noises of the zombies made. The two friends are looking around the military trailer interior, and Ta'Ron, seems something blinking on a soldier corpse. He quickly goes over to that corpse, takes the device from the corpse and looks at it carefully. The device he holds it is something like a pager, and on the monitor, it displays a message in English: "The Organization has sent a squad to your location. It will arrive in 2 hours.".

"God knows when the message was sent." says Paulo who was starting to lose hope.

Ta'Ron does something on this pager device, which it displays the timestamp the message was sent, and the timestamp shows the message was sent one hour and fifty minutes ago. He tells this to Paulo who is feeling a little better, but he gets on his guard the moment a loud growl is heard outside. that growl was so loud, it could've been heard miles away from the help that is approaching with their helicopter.

Ta'Ron and Paulo are sitting on the seat of the military cabin, staying with their weapons in hands, irritated by the zombies outsides who are banging with their hands and pushing the military truck. The two have come to the decision to remain there and accept their fate. In this cabin there are weapons, but most of them seem to look jammed and wrecked. Paulo has tried to go over to the driver seat, but he noticed the vehicle has run out of gas.

"Now what do we do?" asks Ta'Ron after two minutes of not speaking, while the growling outside and the banging is louder.

"We wait." says Paulo sounding defeated. "Wait for our deaths."

"There's really nothing we can do, ey?"


Ta'Ron raises his fist to Paulo, he tells him to bump in.

"Was nice to meet you, friend."

"Same, my dear friend." says Paulo fist bumping Ta'Ron.

The two remain in that military cabin, waiting for the time the zombies will break in and kill them. But, they will not go out without a fight, the two are preparing their weapons. Paulo takes a working shotgun that is on the cabin floor, on a deceased soldier body, loads it with the shells that were on the shotgun put on the attachment. Ta'Ron takes a pistol from one of the deceased soldiers in this cabin.

A minute later, the two survivors, right when they were aiming their weapons to the military truck backdoor, they hear the loud sound of helicopter motor approaching their location. Paulo is opening the hatch from the upside of the military truck, upon opening, the loud sound of the helicopter is invading the interior.

"Chivalry has come, man!" says Ta'Ron sounding happy.

"Yes. They really did." says Paulo going back on the military truck.

Outside, there is one helicopter that has arrived at the location. That one helicopter belongs to "The Organization", who are immediately firing on the zombies that have gathered on the military truck. This helicopter is using two miniguns, one of the left sides and another one on the right side, that are controlled by two people wearing "The Organization" anti-biting armour. In that helicopter, there is also a guy that is using a sniper rifle to kill the huge zombie.

"I spot one Class F zombie approaching the military truck!" says that one dude with the sniper rifle in a German language.

"Take him out." says the pilot in German language.

"Yes, sir!"

And the guy pulled the trigger of this rifle, who sends a bullet that flies through the thick skull of the class F zombie, making the thing fall on his stomach to two unfortunate crawlers zombies, who were crushed to death. With that zombie being killed, the two gunners on the helicopter proceed to open fire on the group of the zombies that are surrounding the military truck. Thankfully, none of the bullets hit the vehicle.

After they've cleared the military truck, the two survivors from the trailer cabin, decide to open the hatch, get on the top of the cabin, raise their hands and yells the English word "Help!" because they think the people from that helicopter are Englishmen. But the soldiers have seen them waiving and yelling for help.

"Look there." says one of the people on the helicopter. "There's two people in there."

"I see them." says the pilot of the helicopter.

"They didn't get shoot?" asks another soldier from the other side of the helicopter, controlling the second minigun. "Must mean the two are lucky."

"No. That military truck is a certain type that cannot be easily taken down by hordes of zombies and class F zombies."

"I see." says that soldier who asked the question. "We rescue them?"

"For sure." says the co-pilot, and he looks down. "But let's clear this town from zombies to create a safe zone. As we were ordered, you know?"

"I know, man." says the pilot.

The helicopter and the personnel in that helicopter proceeds to kill the hordes of zombies that are approaching the military tuck. While the helicopter was flying on a high altitude and killing zombies, one of the soldiers, the one with the sniper rifle, decides to give a message to the two survivors.

"Hey, you two! If you want to live, hide yourself somewhere safe and protect yourself from these zombies! We will soon come in to help you two!"

Ta'Ron and Paulo are getting out of the military truck, the two are running inside a building with the guns they've found in the military trailer. The building they've entered it looks to be a casino house, upon entering there, the entire place is in out of lights and hard to see. The two survivors have heard a growling sound of a zombie where they decided to close the door and go to another building. which is a second-hand clothing store, which was in a total mess. But there wasn't any zombie in there.

"We stay here?"

"Yeah." says Paulo to Ta'Ron.

Paulo closes the door after him, the two are going to the office room, where they decided to stay in there and rest until the helicopter clean the area from these deadly creatures called zombies.