Rap'On - Final Part


An hour later, the helicopter is landing on a free zone, when they've landed, the soldiers are getting out of their helicopter, walk toward the military truck, all armed with weapons and taking down any zombie that dared to live after the cleaning. One of the soldiers goes into the military truck to check the interior, seeing there are a lot of deceased corpses of soldiers who are in Albania Military Program. That soldier goes over to the pager that was left by the two survivors inside the military truck cabin, checks when it was sent then he says.

"We came too late."

He takes the pager, puts it on one of the pockets under the anti-biting vest he's wearing. The soldier gets out of the military truck trailer cabin and walks inside the store with the other soldiers. Where, he sees that Ta'Ron and Paulo are getting their temperature taken.

"Both are having 36." says the soldier in German language after he has taken the temperature of the two survivors.

"Good." responds the pilot of the helicopter, and he looks at the two, who were looking in awe at them, then he asks them in English language: "You speak English?"

"Yes." says Ta'Ron. "I speak a little."

"Great. You two will come with us to Slovakia base."

"For real?" asks Ta'Ron sounding happy.

"Yes." responds the pilot of the helicopter to the two survivors. "You two sure have gone through a lot from the looks of it."

"We've been through some shit." says Ta'Ron to the soldier. "But we've survived. Thanks to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I it wasn't for you two. We would've been killed by that giant zombie who was after us for like… an entire day I think."

"You two were running from a class F zombie?" asks a soldier in English. "And you couldn't shoot on his face?"

"We did not have any weapons at us. And we thought that thing was bulletproof."

"To be fair," says a soldier from the group. "these things cannot be killed by any bullet. So, they are partially bulletproof."

"Now…" says Ta'Ron after he translated what they discussed to Paulo. "What are we going to do?"

"You two stay in here. Rest, while we are cleaning the area and contact the others. Understand?"

"Yes." says Ta'Ron sounding happy, he then translates it to Paulo, who agrees by a shaking of its head.

The two survivors are walking out of the second-hand clothing store, walks two more blocks into a flat complex, there they go inside it, walk to the first flat, open the door and the two are laying on the sofas, relaxing for real after a lot of running and fighting with these creatures. Paulo spots on the coffee table a bottle of tequila, which he lunges over to it, opens it and takes a sip from it, then he hands it to Ta'Ron, who is taking a sip from it.

"We've made it." says Paulo.

"Yes, we did." responds Ta'Ron who is sitting on the other side of the coffee table, and puts the bottle of tequila on the table.