Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 1

"God dammit! We missed it!" says a voice of a man getting at the rooftop of a normal looking hospital and seeing the last helicopter leaving the rooftop.

After him, a group of seven more humans are following him, arriving at the rooftop, unarmed and looking at the helicopter of "The Organization" heading out. All the survivors yelled for the helicopter to come back, but the helicopter opened the door while it was gaining altitude, from that helicopter, a soldier throws a sports bag with weapons and ammo, who is landing on the rooftop, at three steps from the group.

"Listen up!" says that survivor speaking through a megaphone in an English language with a heavy accent. "The helicopter is over its capacity. Only way out from here for you people are to head by foot or by any ways to Camp Lemonnier! I repeat! Only way out from here for you people are to head by foot or by any methods to Camp Lemonnier!"

"And where's that camp?" asks a woman to that announcer, who is already closing the helicopter door.

A lot of people from the group yelled for the helicopter to come back and pick them up, but it was to no use, the helicopter has long been gone. And what they've left behind wasn't anything to useful for them. In that sports bag lays two 9mm handguns, four knives, and a machete.

The eight survivors are looking at each other, and at the sports bag.

"Listen up!" says a male who is looking to be strong. "In this bag there are only two handguns with only one clip, full. Who's good with weapons besides me?"

"I am." responds another male from the group. "I often go on Sundays to target practices."

"Good enough." says that survivor and hands the handgun to the person, then he takes the remaining handgun. "I was a cop last year. Now I am a retired one. But I can still shoot."

"Whatever you say." responds a young man taking from the sports bag the machete. "I will be taking this one. Thank you."

"What's your name?" asks the tall, buffy, black ex-policeman, dressed in civilian type clothes, shaved and with thick eyebrows to the young man. "My name is Chidi."

"I am Dumisa." says the young man with African ethnicity, shaved, dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with the machete.

"My name's Giconi." says another young with African ethnicity man with an afro style, with a shirt and a pair of jeans, taking two knives from the sports bag.

"Eze." responds the person that who is wearing an office outfit with a messy black hair, black by the skin colour, who got his hands earlier on the 9mm handgun.

"My name is Chimola." responds another African ethnicity human from the group who is wearing messy clothes with a lot of blood on it and wielding an axe on his hands, bald, is the one who arrived first on the rooftop of the hospital.

"Kalisha." responds an African ethnicity female doctor from the group, wearing a doctor uniform, a bandana to cover her head, holding on her right hand a metal pipe that is soaked in blood.

"My name's Monifa." says a Zimbabwean woman speaking in the native language, wearing a yellow dress that is covered in blood and ripped on the things zone, hair cut short, carrying a baseball bat.

"My name is Akinyi." says the third female of the group, who is originally from Zimbabwe by her accent, wearing a jumpsuit, having black dreadlocks, carries on her hands a baseball bat with wires tied all around it, just like the one Negan from The Walking Dead is carrying on his debut.

"Good to meet all of you. Now, you all are thinking to get out of here to that said camp, or you have a better idea?" asks Chidi. "I am not a local to this place and I don't know what exactly is the safest place we can stay."

"How about we first try to get out of this rooftop and from the hospital." says Kalisha. "And then we'll be thinking on what we are going to do next."

"Sounds okay." says Chimola.

And the group of eight survivors are leaving the rooftop, entering the interior of the hospital that is still standing.

The place the eight survivors are escaping is known to be Parirenyatwa General Hospital, a hospital that is located in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. A hospital known to his good reputation to help local people to be cured of mild and dangerous illness. And this hospital has served as a point of extraction for the people who managed to came to the rooftop earlier than the group of eight people.

The eight people have managed to get on the first floor by taking the stairs rather than going with the lift that is blocked on the level three. When the survivors got on the first floor, the group observes a group of five zombies who are walking toward the direction of the survivors. Chimola, Dumisa and Giconi are running to those zombies, smashing and stabbing the five zombies that are in their ways.

"Why we couldn't use guns?" asks Kalisha to Chidi.

"Because zombies are attracted to noise." responds Chidi to Kalisha question. "You want to get mauled by zombies before we get to leave this hell?"

The female doctor didn't say anything back to Chidi.

The eight survivors are continuing their running from the Hospital. They get on the ground floor, and there they see the mess, that was like in any other floor on this entire place. But on the ground floor, the door and the windows are broken, dozens of bodies laying on the floor and four zombies munching on dead bodies. The group of eight survivors are taking down the four zombies in a minute by stabbing their heads with the knives and machetes.

"Jesus!" says Eze looking around the ground floor. "This is madness."

"The sun is about to settle." says Chidi to the group of seven people that are following him, pointing at the sun that is slowly settling down. "We have to seek shelter here."

"Why?" asks Monifa. "We can't walk on the night?"

"Zombies are more dangerous on the night." responds Akinyi. "I've seen how dangerous they were in the auto shop I've been hiding."

"Oh, you're a mechanic?" asks Eze. "Cool."

"Thanks." responds Akinyi to Eze compliment.

"Look out!" says Giconi to a zombie that is walking on all four on the stairs they've taken earlier.

The group is getting out from the hospital and starts running down the street for a while. While the group was running down the street, they've encountered zombies that were coming after them, but the group managed to protect themselves. But, their running went downhill after one of their survivors tripped on a corpse, who immediately reanimated and munched on the leg of that survivor. The survivor who died is Kalisha.

"Get this thing out from me!" yells Kalisha in pain as she was munched by the zombie on her leg.

Chidi quickly came to aid, he shoots the thing head, after he saw the thing died, he moves from the leg of Kalisha and looks over to the wound. Survivors are looking on the streets and sees a lot of zombies coming to them. Chidi decides to aim the gun to Kalisha head, and he says to her.

"I am sorry."

"No. Please! Do-"

But the man pulls the trigger, where the bullet goes through the brain of the woman. Chidi takes the metal pipe from the woman, and smashes the head of a zombie that was close to them. The survivors did not say anything to the things that have happened. All understands that what this ex-policeman did was to give her mercy kill, rather than let her be eaten alive by the zombies in this city and came back as a zombie. The now group of seven survivors are continuing their runs from the horde of zombies, who some have stopped to eat the corpse of the dead doctor named Kalisha.