Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 2


The group of seven people haven't gone that far from their starting line from Hospital. They have killed zombies that were in their way, hitting with their melee weapons because if they were trying to use their firearms, this would've alerted more zombies from a bigger area. The people have managed to cross the street and get inside a sports club because of their leader of the pack, who has seen it as a place to rest.

"Let's get inside this place." says Chidi.

"Alright!" says most of the survivors who did not stay too much to think about this.

The group of seven people are running toward the entrance, but as they were running to that place, someone from the group, Dumisa, stops from running and looks back, seeing a horde of zombies walking to them. Dumisa is looking back on the group, and decides to do something that is considered to be dumb by some people.

"Hey!" yells Dumisa to the group holding the machete. "I am going to make the zombies follow me!"

"Dumisa!" says Giconi to Dumisa who has stopped from running and looks back to his friend.

"We will meet again on the Camp Lemonnier!" says Dumisa, then he starts running on the other direction, yelling and trying to make the zombies follow them.

Dumisa has managed to make some of the zombies follow him, and he did that by smashing the machete on the nearby vehicles and yelling bad slurs to the zombies to follow him. The team of now six people are looking at Dumisa who is running from the north direction, to the other side that is leading to the entrance/exit of Harari. But they did not look too much because the entire group is entering the Harari Sports Club interior. When they got in there, Akinyi and Giconi are closing the doors and blocking with furniture, while the other four people, Chimola, Chidi, Monifa and Eze, are killing the zombies on the interior in this place.

After a while, the group has finished off the twelve zombies from this interior, and now all six of them can have a rest after this fight, running and smashing heads of zombies. All six of the survivors are gathering in the lobby room, takes a few boxes that are lying around, chairs and any sports equipment and uses it as a way to sit. They all make from this equipment like a circle and sparked a conversation on what to do from now.

"Now what are we going to do?" asks Chimola to Chidi. "We can't just stay here forever, right? The city is falling."

"We rest." says Chidi to Chimola, then he looks at the rest of the people, and tells them the same thing. "We rest here. And we are waiting for the things outside to calm down."

"Then what?" asks Giconi who has calmed down after he saw his friend leaving the group.

"Do you guys think Harare Train Station works?" asks Akinyi.

"I don't know." says Chidi.

"It is worth a shot." says Chimola. "Don't you all think?"

"I also think it would work." says Monifa to the group. "The apocalypse has started like yesterday. Maybe there is still one train that hasn't moved from rails."

"And you can make it work?" asks Akinyi.

"No." says Monifa toward the mechanic girl. "Do you?"

"Yes." says Akinyi with a smug on her face. "My uncle worked in there, and he gave me countless tours when I was little."

"Convenient." says Chidi starting to feel better about this.

"Did your uncle…?" asks Eze to Akinyi.

"Last thing I heard he got into a train and drove it to Zimbabwe." responds Akinyi to the group. "Hopefully he's safe out there."

"And the trains all go there?" asks Chimola to Akinyi. "You do know where they are going, right?"

"I don't know their routes. But I do know most of the routes are going to Zimbabwe."

"It's worth a shot, like I said." says Monifa. "But how are we going there? You don't suggest walking, right? It's like two to three kilometres from here. And from what I've heard the Avenue is heavily blocked from traffic."

"Three kilometres." says Giconi. "That's like ten minutes of walking. But it is risky to do that, especially since we aren't fully equipped."

"And these sports equipment," says Eze looking at the cricket bats, boxing gloves and other sports equipment. "doesn't look sturdy enough."

"We take a car." says Chidi.

"A car. For five people?" asks Chimola. "And where do you think we will find that car?"

After about an hour of staying in silence in that room, a horn of a bus is heard from outside. The group of five survivors hears the horn and are running to the windows. Chimola opens the curtains and see a bus who is stopping near the sports club. From that bus, a guy slides down the window and yells.

"Is anyone in there?"

"Oh my God!" says Giconi who recognized the man voice. "It is Dumisa."

"That lucky young man." says Chidi with a smile.