Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 3


A bus is stopping in front of Harari Train Station. On that place, who once was filled with people who were commuting from home to work, beggars who were coming here in hope to get a quarter, teenagers who came here to skip classes or do any of the stuff they could do in a train station. Now this place, has a darker atmosphere, and it is not because it is around 15 o'clock, it is because it looks abandoned. Now, instead of alive humans, this place has countless zombie bodies who are moving and looking around aimlessly.

"So, this is the train station." says Chidi to Dumisa who is on the driver seat.

"Yes." says Dumisa. "Hopefully it still has a train."

"It will have." says Akinyi to Dumisa, who is getting out of her seat and takes her wired baseball bat. "Thanks for the ride."

"It was my pleasure. Sorry if I couldn't provide any weapons to all of you."

"It is okay." says Chidi.

"Are you sure you don't want to tag along?" asks Giconi to Dumisa.

"It's alright, friend. I will find a way to get out of this city and get to that camp. I still have to look for somebody."

"That somebody is family, right?" asks Giconi.

"For me, it is." responds Dumisa.

The group of six survivors, Chidi, Chimola, Monifa, Giconi, Eze and Akinyi, get out from the bus who has helped them go three kilometres to this train station. The road toward this place wasn't blocked like the avenue where there are a bunch of heavy gear like tanks and cars blocking the road. The route they have taken was Josiah Tongogara Street, where they've taken a left to Seventh Street. The bus ran until it had to take a left to Greenwood Park, and march straight to Herbert Chitepo Avenue, which had some blockages like zombie bodies who were killed by buildings who were set in fire during the outbreak that was four days ago. When they reached the Mangawa Rd, they have taken a right, passing Jason Mphepo Little Theatre, who was like most places from the area, tarnished.

The team hasn't stopped at the steps of the train station, it is at around 100 meters distance from it because a lot of tents have been installed near region by the people who are wearing this weird logo with the name "The Organization". But these tents, have all been abandoned by doctors and researchers, meaning this outbreak it is worse than what was once Coronavirus for the whole world.

After Dumisa has left the area, and the six survivors bid farewell with him, all of them are going inside these tents to check for some valuable weapons or supplies to help them keep going further to Camp Lemonnier. Around this zone were only six standing big tents, and eight tents who have been destroyed by either zombies or survivors trampling the zone in a hurry. Chidi finds under a table an AK-47. The man looks at it, inspects its ammo content and finds the gun doesn't have any bullet left.

"Found a weapon." says Chidi to Chimola.

"Cool." says Chimola.

"But it is empty." says Chidi showing the content to Chimola who has approached to inspect the gun.

"Darn." says Chimola.

"Found medicine." says Eze coming in the tent where Chimola and Chidi are inspecting.

"What medicine?" asks Chidi.

"Look for yourself." says Eze who is handing the bag of medicine. "I don't have it with the medicines."

"I understand." says Chidi who is taking the bag, puts on the table and looks through its contents. "We have something here… Yes… Painkiller. Paracetamol. Plasters. Coughing syrup," he finishes checking the bag in about a minute and looks over to Eze. "You did good. These will help us in case of something bad."

Chimola goes over to the table and beats into the wood with the fingers. The guy is a little superstitious. But the two did not mind this, continuing to search the zone for some useful supplies. Chimola and Chidi are going outside the tent, where both of them see Akinyi coming at them with a sports bag, followed by Monifa and Giconi.

"I've hit the Jackpot!" says Akinyi going with the sports bag to Chimola and Chidi.

The mechanic woman let the sports bag on the ground, wide opened, revealing a lot of firearms with a lot of the clips for different ammo types. Chimola is looking through the sports bag, sees something worthy in there, takes it from the sports bag and shows to the people a flare gun, but without any flares.

"We can use it for communication." says Chimola.

"But there's no flare gun ammo in there." says Chidi.

"Flare gun ammo?" asks Chimola.

"What are they called?" asks Chidi.

"I believe it is called flare gun ammo." says Akinyi. "But whatever they are called, we have got to keep that thing with us. WE never know when we can get our hands on one of those."

The group of people are looking through the available weapons in that bag, and they are taking what they can use. Chimola has taken a sawed-off shotgun, lupara, because his father, who was in the Army at that time, had something like this. Illegally of course, but they let them keep it.

Chidi takes the empty flare gun because he already has a weapon, a handgun, known by the name of Glock 21. Akinyi takes from that bag a submachine gun, a Micro-Uzi.

"Why?" asks Eze to Akinyi.

"I used to play a lot of Left 4 Dead in my free time," says Akinyi. "this was always one of my most favourable weapon in game."

"Hope you know how to use it in real life." says Chimola to Akinyi.

Akinyi proceeds to check the clip of the weapon, she looks at it carefully and notices the weapon is fully loaded. Didn't count the amount of bullet, and she puts the clip back to where it was.

Monifa takes from the sports bag a handgun, a Desert Eagle gun. She has taken this weapon at the first sight. Giconi takes a Micro-Uzi. And Eze takes an M-4 assault rifle style because it was the last gun in that bag.

After everyone has taken their weapons, they take the ammo clips in there, everyone puts them under their belts, in their pockets, or in Akinyi case, in her bra. The group of six people are going toward the train station, to the interior of the building to check for anything useful to them.