Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 4

 The group of six survivors arrive at the front doors of this train station, they all push the door, who were all blocked by piles of zombies and dead humans bodies. After they opened the doors wide enough to get inside, the group enters the building, one by one. The first one was Chidi, where, after he made the first three steps inside this room, he notices a zombie walking to him, and by instinct he pulls the trigger of his Glock 21, aiming the head of the thing, and looking at the zombie falling on the floor after a shot in the head.

"Oops." says Chidi in a whisper, looking scared at the thing he committed.

 Then, a lot of the zombies, who were laying on the floor, proceeds to get up, one by one, slowly. Chidi looks around, sees about seventeen zombies rising on their two legs. But thankfully, the other members of the group are entering the building and starts to open fire on the zombies who are rising to their feet. And more zombies start to rise on their feet.

"We have to run!" says Chimola.

"Where?" asks Eze as he shoots five zombies who are crawling from the bathroom stalls.

"The office!" yells Akinyi where she takes the lead, running toward the corridor infested with zombies.

 The six people are entering a room, there they see a zombie who's turning to them, but that zombie is quickly getting killed by Chimola who is smashing his axe into the head of the zombie, leaving on the body who's falling on the floor. Chimola is looking around the place, and sees a pack of keys laying on the table.

"Are these the keys to the train?" asks Chimola looking over to the keys.

"No." says Akinyi who is closing and locks the door from the threat that are following them. "Trains are not supposed to have keys. They have switches."

"I see." says Chimola who is putting the keys back on the table.

"What are we going to do?" asks Eze to Akinyi. "We followed you here to stay and wait to be eaten?"

"No." says Akinyi looking around, and spots a computer, she goes to that computer, where she notices it is still working. "Good thing the electricity didn't fall completely."

"What are you doing?" asks Chidi looking at Akinyi who is starting to check the computer.

"I am looking for available tracks. I see we have only one train available for us, but not many free tracks to help us get to Mozambique."

"Why Mozambique?" asks Giconi.

"I am thinking to get a boat from there." says Akinyi.

"And we'll use it to get to that camp?" says Chidi.


"Good." says Monifa who is looking at the door that starts to be hit by the zombies from the hallway. "Could you guys hurry? We are in deep trouble."

"How do we get out of here?" asks Eze.


"We are the first floor," says Eze to Akinyi who is getting out of the computer and smashes the window by throwing the chair she just sat on. "are you going to jump?"

"You want to be eaten by zombies?" asks Akinyi.

 Eze looks back at the door, he hears the knocks and the growls are getting louder, and he immediately jumps first from the window, landing in the ground on his ass. He looks back and sees the survivors from his group getting out one by one. He hears a few zombies coming from the rails, where Eze decides to take out his weapon and shoots the threat.

 After all the survivors have climbed out from the window, all are running to the available train, that is situated on the line number two. Akinyi goes to the driver seat, while the other five are getting inside in the one of the wagon train. The train has only two wagons, who were all having a few dead bodies and zombies in there. And the survivors decide to get to dirty business and clean up the two train wagons that had around twelve zombies in total. They only focused on the zombies, letting the dead bodies in there because they don't have enough time to worry about this. While the fighting ensues in wagons, Akinyi is working on the train and killing the driver who has now become a zombie.

 In just three minutes, of intense fighting in the train, and the survivors shooting the upcoming zombies that are walking toward the train, Akinyi manages to make the train work, and she proceeds to make it move a few switches on the correct sequences. When the train was moving on a normal speed, many zombies continue to run and walk to the train, but it was pointless for them to catch it as the huge machine started to pick up speed, leaving the station in just a minute, and the horde of zombies who were close to have a feast.