After a long drive on the day, the military truck stops in the Chimoio, Mozambique because they've run out of petrol and the entrance road to Chimio is blocked by a bunch of cars and corpses that have been eaten by zombies on this area. Besides this blockage, there are a bunch of mindless zombies who are walking toward the military truck that stopped at the entrance of Chimio. And from the back side of the military truck, there are a bunch of zombies who are walking toward the survivors.
"We are encircled." say Chidi to the group.
"No shit." say Eze in English, and he aims his assault rifle.
"We run, or we shoot?" asks Chidi.
"Both." say Abeni and she goes to a group who is in a lesser number of zombies.
That group is running to their right side on the highway known N260. In front of this group there were several zombies that raised from their ground and want to take a taste from them, but the group has taken their guns and blasted as they were running to a safe zone to rest because the night is approaching. The group manages to kill several zombies who were standing in their ways, but not all of these zombies could be killed easily. The entire group of nine people haven't stopped one minute from shooting, reloading and running down the highway for the next one kilometre. Then, the group sees a mud road that is leading toward the city, who is looking to be safe, and the group runs to that road while being chased by zombies.
"These things don't stop chasing us." says Akinyi while she is running and breathing heavily as she's shooting her submachine gun.
The group of nine people, continue to run as fast as they can, but all of them have started to become exhausted from an intense run like this. Samuel was on the verge of collapsing, while Chimola has tripped on her legs, being one step closer to be food for the Undeads, but it was saved in time by Chidi, Quanda and Abeni who shoot an entire clip to the zombies who were going after them. When they emptied an entire clip, and Eze's helped Chimola get up, the group continues their running to a safe place while they are reloading their weapons.
After two more minutes of intense running, the group sees a building on the road. The group is running toward that place. Abeni was with the idea to go in there, but Quanda has asked her while all nine of them are still running.
"And what we'll do? We fight with this horde until we run out of ammo?"
"Who says we are going to stay there." say Abeni who is running faster to the gates of the building, and she opens it to let her teammates get in.
"What?" asks Quanda to Abeni.
"We'll be using it as a decoy to lure the zombies to get close to the house. We burn the place to the ground, and zombies will be more focussing at the fire."
"You think that'll work?" asks Chidi.
"I've seen it with my eyes in Cairo." say Abeni as the group is entering this building that looks like to be some sort of barnyard. "One group has thrown Molotov cocktails and a bunch of other incendiary stuff to burn a building complex to lure zombies in one location, where our helicopters would shoot the horde of zombies from the air."
"And you think this will make zombies stop chasing us?" asks Quanda as he and the group are entering the barn.
"Only one way to find out." says Abeni, and she looks at the group of eight people. "I want all of you to find anything that can be used to burn this barnyard."
And the group starts searching for anything that can be used to start a fire. Search that did not last that long because Abeni found a working lighter and inside this barnyard there's a lot of paper, haystacks and corpses of dead people and animals lying around, around three humans (one kid and two women), twelve chickens that are barely distinguishable, one horse and one decapitated dog. Monifa found some petrol in a plastic bottle and decided to pour all of it in the horse.
Zombies starts to break in the barn, and the group starts to make the fire. Abeni lights up a few papers and throws the paper onto the horse corpse. Then the group starts running through the broken wall that was made because of a car that crashed in there a while ago (they've assumed it because there are tires to that big hole on the walls). All eight survivors have run out from the barnyard, but Monifa wasn't fast enough to maintain the pace of the group. The poor woman got jumped by a fast zombie who ran through the fire of the horse and pins Monifa to the ground. The zombie starts to bite her face off while he was still covered in fire. The woman screamed to be saved and raised her hands to be dragged rather to use it to move the zombie away. But all of this is in vain because the fire quickly gets Monifa, and she starts to burn.
The group looks terrorized at the poor friend of them. The group of eight people decide to give mercy to their friend, and they shoot the zombie and their friend, Monifa. Monifa's body is burning on an alarming rate, which means in a few moments it'll become ashes, like the rest of the zombies who have entered the barnyard and are going straight to the horse to eat it since its meat was still fresh for zombies. The group looked at the barnyard who is quickly being taken over by the fire and by zombies.
"Fuck…" say Eze looking at a zombie who is leaving the barnyard and goes over to Monifa's body, whose clothes and skin have burned up.
The zombie leans over and starts eating the corpse of Monifa veraciously like a wild animal. Then other zombies come out from the fire, two of these zombies are going over to the body of Monifa, while five are walking and running to the eight survivors. And the group continued their running while shooting the zombies that are coming after them. But this fire wasn't useless. This fire has been sawed by someone that is flying nearby.