Z stands for Zimbabwe - Part 14


In a helicopter, at approximately fifty kilometres away from Chimio entrance, a helicopter is flying at an altitude of one hundred meters. In that helicopter there is a group of nine people from "The Organization" who just now got back from a mission that has taken place in Somalia. The One of the people from that helicopter looks at that black smoke that comes from a barnyard by using a pair of binoculars that can see even from 75 kilometres distance. A pair that in today's technology doesn't exist, but something like this exists in the future.

"There's smoke coming from there." say that person.

"And?" ask the pilot of the helicopter.

"What if there's people who need to be saved?" asks that person.

"We cannot risk it, Brian." says the pilot. "We have orders from Mr. Twenty-Three. Establish outposts and search for gas."

"Where do you see the smoke coming from?" asks the female co-pilot who is quickly looking through a monitor that shows a map of the world.

"From fifty kilometres from us." says Brian looking with the binoculars and checking the distance between the helicopter and the smoke from Chimoio. "Approximately."

"On that it shows there are two gas station." say the co-pilot looking through the map of Chimoio, Mozambique. "And a lot of supplies to help Europe's Island."

"And you want to go there to gather supplies?" ask the pilot to the co-pilot.

"I say we should try." says another member of The Organization squad, wearing anti-bite armour like the rest of the people in this helicopter. "Better than go empty-handed and get scolded by Mr. Twenty-Three."

"…Fine." says the pilot making a move to turn the helicopter to another direction and fly toward the direction where the smoke comes from. "But if one of you guys die, it will be your fault."

The helicopter flies toward Chimoio, with all the six people from the helicopter who is the two are going to the mounted machine-guns and preparing their arsenal for a fight on the ground in case a wave of zombies will be there.


After a wild chase, the group of eight people are entering a warehouse, that looked to be used before this apocalypse. Abeni and Chadi are locking the bid metallic doors of this warehouse, and they are going with the group toward a safe room, which is a room that was designed to be a Cafeteria. The eight people are going inside that room, where they see a lot of tables, chairs and a body of a dead zombie in there. Giconi, Akinyi and Samuel are throwing the body away from this room, and help Abeni, Chadi and Chimola make some sort of blockage by suing the tables and the chairs.

"You think this'll hold it?" asks Chadi to the group.

"Hopefully." responds Chimola who is walking toward a chair and he sits there. 

The group is looking in the windows, they see the night is about to settle, which makes the group feel anxious about this. And they feel more anxious after they discover their guns are running out of bullets and their combat weapons are starting to wear off from how much they were being used.

"We're screwed." says Quanda.

"Don't say that." say Abeni.

"Yeah, man." responds Giconi. "This is a minor setback. Tomorrow morning, we'll find some gas and get away from here."

"And how you expect to get out?" asks Quanda to Giconi. "Our truck is blocked. The other roads are too."

"Poor Monifa." say Akinyi out loud without realizing that she changes the sorrow mode into a more miserable one.

"The girl was unlucky." say Abeni to Akinyi. "There's nobody fault."

"You were with her when you found the backpack, right?" asks Quanda to Akinyi.

"Yes." say Akinyi. "She was always scared and a wuss, but it was still a human. Just like us."

"Amen." say Giconi. "The woman wasn't the most athletic nor the strongest. But she did good."

The group stays in silent, giving a moment of silence for Monifa, who wasn't the strongest survivor from the group, but was still a human who managed to survive almost a week into the apocalypse. Not the best survivor, but one of those who will be remembered by close people to her.

After a few minutes, the group hears the loud sound of a helicopter landing. The eight people are quickly taken off their weapons, some of them waking up from a nap they've had, others get their weapons and remain in there. Giconi has an idea to go to the light switch and turns on the light of this Cafeteria room hoping this will attract the people from that helicopter to come to them and rescue them.