The Inferno's Embrace

James emerged from the underground tunnels, carrying Don Petri in his arms, frustration etched on his face. The plan had gone awry, and their enemies seemed to be one step ahead.

"What's wrong with you, Father? I thought you had them!" James exclaimed, his voice laced with disappointment.

Don Petri sighed, a mix of regret and anger in his eyes. "My bad, James. I let my guard down. They're not afraid of me. It's like they already know my weakness."

James clenched his fists, determination burning in his gaze. "Let's move to plan C, Father. We can't let them win."

Don Petri reached into his pocket, retrieving a small remote connected to a bomb. A sinister smile crept across his face as he pressed a button.

"Hahahaha! That should do it! Tell them that Gunner is already dead!" Don Petri declared, reveling in his wickedness.

James nodded, his expression hardened. "I'll take it from here, Father. You focus on gathering more souls."

With that, Don Petri rushed off, his eyes gleaming with a twisted purpose, as he sought to claim the souls of the fallen officers.

Meanwhile, Lexus and the others emerged from the secret tunnel, finding themselves in room 99. Their arrival did not go unnoticed by James, who opened fire upon seeing them.

"Take cover!" Lexus shouted, his voice filled with urgency and command.

The room became a symphony of gunfire, as bullets clashed and echoed through the air. Lexus took a calculated risk, stepping out from behind cover to confront James directly.

"Go! I'll cover you!" Lexus called out to the others, his eyes locked on James.

Robin Padaplin, ever the loyal companion, provided cover fire for Milky Cow as he stealthily maneuvered towards James, preparing to launch a surprise attack.

In the midst of the chaos, Lexus reached out his hand to Oriana, a silent invitation to escape this battleground together.

"Let's go! Take my hand!" Lexus shouted above the din of gunfire, his voice filled with determination.

Oriana grasped Lexus' hand tightly, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. Time seemed to slow down for a brief moment, and in that split second, she noticed the graceful flutter of Lexus' eyelashes as he blinked, an image that struck her with a strange beauty.

Amidst the relentless sound of gunfire, Oriana found a sense of satisfaction, as if the symphony of bullets played a love song that brought joy to a million women.

Amidst the chaos of gunfire and the deafening bangs of weapons, Oriana's heartfelt plea slipped through the cracks.

"Marry me!" she called out to Lexus, her words blending into the symphony of battle. Unfortunately, her voice went unheard by Lexus, fully absorbed in the intensity of the fight. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Oriana swiftly switched to a serious expression and took cover, ready to face the impending danger head-on.

James, reveling in his perceived advantage over Milky Cow, couldn't help but taunt him sadistically.

"Hahahaha! You're such a fool, Milky Cow! I'm going to kill you and place your lifeless body next to Gunner's!" James jeered, his voice dripping with venom and malice.

Milky Cow, triggered by anger and the heart-wrenching news of Gunner's demise, crouched at a corner, his emotions fueling his determination to confront James.

"You!!!!!!" Milky Cow roared, his voice filled with a mix of rage and grief, as he lunged towards James, his sole purpose fixated on avenging Gunner's death.

James swiftly evaded Milky Cow's attack and darted out of the room, seeking to find an advantageous position that showcased his skills as a former mercenary. Unfazed by the trap that awaited him, Milky Cow pursued James relentlessly, his vision blurred by an overwhelming surge of emotions.

"Nooo Cow, it's a trap!" Robin shouted desperately, realizing the peril that lay ahead.

Blinded by his own emotions and burning with an insatiable desire for revenge, Milky Cow disregarded Robin's warning, his sole focus on capturing James.

Ever loyal and protective, Robin rushed forward, determined to keep a watchful eye on Milky Cow and provide him with cover during the pursuit.

"I'm going to cover him!" Robin declared, his voice filled with a mix of worry and determination.

Lexus, aware of the potential danger, called out to Milky Cow, his voice filled with urgency.

"Cow!!!!!!! Wait!" Lexus pleaded, hoping to break through Milky Cow's emotional haze and prevent him from falling into James' trap.

As Milky Cow continued his relentless chase, Robin focused on keeping a vigilant eye on his friend, prepared to shield him from any hidden threats.

Realizing the need for additional firepower, Lexus turned to Oriana, his voice resolute.

"Oriana, to the second floor! We need to arm ourselves and find Don Petri," Lexus commanded, his words punctuated by the chaos surrounding them.

Oriana, momentarily caught off guard by Lexus' commanding tone, quickly regained her composure.

"Yes, hon-" she began to say before correcting herself, "I mean Roger! Let's go."

Together, Lexus and Oriana made their way to the second floor, determined to arm themselves and locate Don Petri, while Robin continued to provide cover for Milky Cow, unaware of the life-changing revelation that awaited them all.

In the dimly lit hallway, James found solace in the shadows, his voice echoing through the underground floor of the mansion, taunting Milky Cow to follow him. Milky Cow, determined to avenge Gunner's death, strained his eyes in the darkness, relying solely on the beam of his flashlight to navigate his way. The limited light provided only a fraction of visibility, making it difficult for Milky Cow to pinpoint James' exact position.

Gripping his trusty crowbar tightly, Milky Cow prepared himself for an imminent attack, his muscles tensed and senses heightened. Suddenly, James revealed himself, his cunning nature evident as he burst a fire extinguisher in Milky Cow's face, temporarily disorienting him. In a swift motion, James aimed a heavy blow with the extinguisher towards Milky Cow's abdomen, hoping to incapacitate him. However, Milky Cow's resilience shone through as he withstood the impact without flinching.

"Nice try, mate!" Milky Cow retorted, his voice laced with determination and defiance. Despite his impaired vision, he relied on his instincts to trace the source of the attack, swiftly reaching out and grabbing hold of James' hand. James, driven by his killer instinct, reacted swiftly, drawing a combat knife and aiming for Milky Cow's solar plexus.

Sensing the imminent danger, Milky Cow instinctively tilted his body, redirecting the knife's trajectory, resulting in a deep slash across his chest. Though blood began to flow from the wound, Milky Cow wore a grim smile, seemingly unaffected by the pain. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he tightened his grip on James' knife, securing it in a lock with his armpit.

Undeterred by his injuries, Milky Cow summoned his remaining strength and delivered a powerful shoulder smash, sending James crashing to the ground. Blood trickled from James' nose and he spat a mouthful onto the floor, his twisted smile revealing his unyielding desire to kill Milky Cow.

"Hehe, I thought you were just a big empty-headed ogre," James taunted, his voice dripping with sinister amusement, refusing to admit defeat.

Amidst the fierce battle, Robin Padaplin, observing the brawl from a distance, quickly recognized the urgency of the situation and rushed to aid Milky Cow. Spotting Cow losing his balance due to his injury, Robin called out to him, concern evident in his voice, "Cow! Are you okay? Where's James?"

Regaining his footing and fueled by his determination, Cow brushed off Robin's concern, asserting, "Don't bother! I'm the one who's gonna kill him."

Meanwhile, James, struggling to recover from his injuries, made his way towards the ground floor in search of a weapon. Slowly ascending the stairs, he knew he needed something potent to gain an advantage. "Hmm, hahaha, I guess I'm gonna use that," he muttered to himself, his mind racing with devious plans.

Finally reaching a room on the first floor, James swiftly seized five Molotov cocktails. These incendiary weapons, consisting of glass bottles filled with flammable substances, were notorious for creating devastating fireballs upon impact. Igniting the first bottle, James hurled it into the hallway, triggering a massive explosion that illuminated the dark corridor.

Robin, closely trailing Cow, spotted the blazing inferno ahead and exclaimed, "Cow! Look at that!" Cow, his rage intensifying, growled through gritted teeth, "That dirty monkey!" The two companions advanced towards the flames, their resolve unshaken. Cow wielded his trusty crowbar, while Robin clutched his rifle, its ammunition running low.

Seizing the chaos as an opportunity, James seized a pistol from the lifeless grip of a fallen officer and fired from the cover of darkness, each gunshot resonating through the fiery surroundings. "Bang!" A bullet struck Robin, piercing his right shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon in pain.

James, reveling in his perceived advantage, hurled another Molotov cocktail towards Cow, aiming to engulf him in flames. Cow, undeterred, shielded his hand and endured the searing heat, determination etched on his face. Stripping off his burning clothes, he pressed forward relentlessly.

As James prepared to throw his next incendiary weapon, he attempted to create distance, knowing the danger that awaited him. But his body betrayed him, weakened by previous injuries. "Oh, FnCk!!" he snarled, his mocking tone laden with bitterness.

Unyielding and consumed by his burning resolve, Milky Cow clenched his right arm, engulfed in flames, and unleashed a powerful punch, striking James squarely in the face. Time seemed to slow as the perspective shifted to a bird's-eye view, capturing the dramatic moment.

With a thunderous crash, the window shattered, and James' body was sent hurtling 20 meters away from the mansion, propelled by the force of the impact. His defeated form lay sprawled on the ground, a testament to the indomitable spirit of Milky Cow and the consequences of underestimating his relentless determination.

The battlefield was stained with fire and blood, the battle far from over. As the flames danced and the smoke billowed, the fates of our heroes and their adversaries remained uncertain, their destinies intertwined in this deadly dance of survival.