In an abandoned mansion, seven malevolent mascot dolls, possessed by vengeful spirits, seek justice for their past murders. The story unfolds seven years later when the Bendeta Family purchases the mansion, still unaware of its dark secrets.
As the new owners prepare to move in, they hire a team of 32 security guards to protect the valuable mysteries hidden within.
Meanwhile, a group of five thieves embarks on their own quest inside the mansion. The protagonist, a private security guard monitoring the cameras, becomes entangled in unexpected alliances and encounters with the unknown.
"Watchful Eyes" is more than just a story , it's an immersive experience that will awaken your senses and challenge your perceptions. Dare to peer into the abyss and see the truth that lies behind those watchful eyes. Are you ready to unlock the secrets within?
It's fun and quite thrilled to read. The plot twist are meant to surprise the readers. Moreover, I'm amazed on how the story improve in every chapter. I must say, so far so good[img=recommend]. Btw, the author is pretty handsome! I love him so much[img=Loving it]
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The classic who done it in the mansions of slumber in heist will reveal their secrets before you know it? The real reading experience will tell a story you will tell others of the experience you had. They will read it.
Please leave a like and comment ! I hope you'll leave a review too😁 . enjoy the story Thankyou ! Hapi hapi hapi