The Battle at the Rooftop

Petri emerged from the shattered window like a savage werewolf, his razor-sharp claws tearing through the remnants as he ascended to the rooftop. Rain poured down, drenching the scene in a gloomy haze.

Lexus, his heart pounding, shouted to Oriana,

"Keep running! Hide on the chimneys!" Oriana nodded, her eyes darting between the menacing figure and the treacherous rooftop.

In a split-second decision, Lexus retrieved two grenades, gripping them tightly in his hands. As Petri's claw emerged through the edge of the rooftop, Lexus hurled one of the grenades, aiming to disrupt his advance.


The explosive force sent Petri hurtling backward, his grip faltering as he desperately clung to a nearby window with his other claw. Lexus cursed under his breath, taking cover at the opposite end of the rooftop, his gun steady as he scanned the area, searching for Oriana amidst the chaos.

Thunder rumbled overhead, illuminating the darkened sky with bursts of light. Raindrops pelted the rooftop, mingling with the fiery glow engulfing the Bendeta mansion below. Thick smoke billowed, obscuring their vision as the flames consumed the lower floors. Through the haze, Petri leaped from the shattered window of the fifth floor, his monstrous silhouette casting an eerie shadow.

With a primal ferocity, Petri charged after Lexus, his movements swift and relentless. Lexus fired his gun, the bullets bouncing harmlessly off Petri's hulking form. Thinking quickly, Lexus hurled his weapon towards Petri's eyes, aiming to blind him temporarily. Petri laughed mockingly, dismissing the feeble attempt with a contemptuous sneer.

Lexus, his focus unwavering, analyzed Petri's body, searching for any hint of vulnerability. Petri's left arm arced toward him, a lethal strike aimed to tear him apart.

Lexus's agility saved him, evading the attack by a hair's breadth. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he continued to assess Petri's movements, calculating his next move.

"Partner, over here!" Oriana's voice sliced through the chaos, guiding Lexus to safety.

Oriana had prepared a trap, deliberately weakening a section of the roof's structure with precise shots from her shotgun.

As Petri advanced, oblivious to the imminent danger, his weight caused the weakened area to give way beneath him, ensnaring his feet and destabilizing his balance.

Oriana, seizing the opportunity, aimed her shotgun at Petri's head, her finger tightening on the trigger.

But her heart sank as she heard the dreaded "click" of an empty chamber.

"FnCk!" she swore, frustration boiling within her.

Petri, seizing the chance, lunged forward, slashing at Oriana with his razor-sharp claws.

Acting on instinct, Oriana used her shotgun as a makeshift shield, deflecting Petri's attack with a resounding clash. The impact sent her stumbling backward, but she managed to maintain her footing just a meter away from the treacherous edge of the rooftop.

Lexus, his concern mounting, called out to her, his voice tinged with urgency. "Be careful! Don't fall!"

Drawing strength from within, Oriana steadied herself, determination etched on her face. She knew she had to protect Lexus and put an end to Petri's reign of terror.

With unwavering resolve, Lexus dashed forward, diverting Petri's attention away from Oriana. Oriana watched breathlessly as Lexus skillfully aimed and launched his remaining grenade towards the open gap under the mascot's armpit.


The explosion rocked the rooftop, tearing Petri's left arm apart in a gruesome display of destruction.

Yet, to their shock, the Wolf mascot remained intact, undeterred by the loss of a limb.

Petri, undeterred and fueled by sadistic glee, slammed his remaining arm into the rooftop, shattering the structure beneath him and freeing himself from the trap.

"Hahahaha! Nice try, nice try!" Petri taunted, relishing in the chaos.

"This is fun! Hahahahaha!"

Lexus, injured and bloodied, struggled to regain his composure, his left eye blinded by shrapnel. Despite the pain, he fought to regain his footing, refusing to succumb to the overwhelming odds.

But Petri was not finished. With a swift motion, he grabbed Lexus with his massive hand, his grip tightening like a vise. Lexus writhed in agony, his voice choked with pain.

Petri reveled in his dominance, bellowing with maniacal laughter. "This is the difference between you and me! I don't die! Hahaha! I am immortal!"

Petri's grip tightened around Lexus, his fingers like steel crushing the life from his body. Lexus writhed in agony, his face contorted with pain. Petri relished in his triumph, his sadistic laughter echoing through the rain-soaked rooftop.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Lexus fought against the overwhelming force, desperately trying to free himself from Petri's clutches. But it was futile. Petri's grip was unyielding, unrelenting, and Lexus felt the weight of his impending doom pressing down upon him.

In a final act of sheer brutality, Petri, with a sinister grin, hurled Lexus across the rooftop. Helpless, Lexus soared through the air, his body spinning, before crashing into the unforgiving surface of the chimney. Pain seared through his battered form, his right arm dislocated and blood pouring from his broken nose.

"Auuugh!" Lexus cried out, the agony ripping through him like a tidal wave.

The world around him blurred, his vision fading, as he teetered on the precipice of consciousness. He fought to stay awake, to remain in the fight, but darkness threatened to claim him.

With tears streaming down her face, Oriana's anguish transformed into a seething rage. She could not bear to see Lexus in such agony.

She mustered every ounce of strength and courage, screaming at the top of her lungs, "No! What did you do, you f*cK!ng demon!"

Petri's gaze shifted, fixating on Oriana, his twisted smile widening.

"Hik hik hik... You're trying to act cool, hiding your fear of losing the one who's precious to you, right, Hoody's child?" Petri taunted, his words dripping with malicious intent.

Oriana stood frozen, her trembling body drenched by the relentless rain. Her heart shattered, tears mingling with raindrops on her cheeks as she witnessed Lexus lying motionless, teetering on the brink of death.

A surge of emotions threatened to overwhelm her, but in that moment, a resolve like no other took hold. Oriana pushed aside her fear and despair, channeling her anguish into an unyielding determination. She knew she had to fight, not just for herself, but for Lexus and everything they had endured together. With trembling hands and a resolute gaze, she prepared to face the demon that stood before her, ready to unleash her fury and protect those she held dear.