CHAPTER 9 (Return Part 1)

Buckingham Palace, London, England (September 25, 1896)

~~~ Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury POV

"The Prime Minister, Your Majesty" The servant said sternly, a fine servant indeed, not long after we heard a reply coming from the room "Come in."

The door then opened and I enter, seeing an old woman sitting on the couch while wearing a mourning dress. The Queen of England and Empress of India, Empress Victoria of House Hanover.

"Your Majesty." I said respectfully after bowing my head.

"How are you, Mr Prime Minister? Take a sit" The Empress nod as I take my seat

"I am fine, Ma'am. Thank you for asking. How about you?" I ask while smiling

"I am good. Now then, what is it that brought you in here today, Prime Minister?" She said seriously while looking at me. Direct to the point indeed.

"Yes. I bare some serious news from the Empire of Butuan in the Southeast of Asia." I look at her wanting to see her reaction but she only looked at me waiting for me to continue. "It appears to be that an uprising happened in one of its provinces called Sabah. And it appears to be that the uprising was instigated and supported by some British and French autocrats."

Those idiots who only know how to chase some money but don't care about their country! If only pieces of evidence of their involvement weren't discovered, we could continue to deny it, but pieces of evidence were recovered.

"And? Did the Empire of Butuan retaliate?" She inquires nonchalantly before taking a sip of her tea

"Yes. They have sent their protest and demanding some answer from us regarding this incident." I said as I give the papers to her. A moment of silence rules the entire room as she puts down her tea and started to read the content of the article.

"I see." She said seriously while flipping the entire paper "Do all necessary things to secure the greater interest of our nation. We can't risk waging war right now. The threat from the Germans and Russians is much more important than a country in the backward waters." She said as I nod agreeing with her remarks.

One of the few nations that was kept untouched by the Western powers. Even the once formidable Spanish Empire were defeated by the then Rajahnate of Butuan. A resounding defeat that causes the slow decline of the Spanish Empire not just in Asia but also in America. And it would indeed do us good to be on good terms with it than souring our relationship.

Those autocratic fools really think that the British Empire will go to war just for their benefit. The British Empire might be powerful and can wage war with the Empire of Butuan at any moment but the threat from the Germans looms the air of the entire European continent. The German threat is much more important than the Empire of Butuan at the moment.

"As you wish, Ma'am. Then excuse me, Your Majesty." I said as I take my stand and bid my farewell. She then nods and motions me to leave.

Another added work once again. 'I really hate those incompetent people!'

~~~ Imperial Crown Prince Siagu's POV ~~~

It is now afternoon, and I am currently at my private library accompanied by my tutor while Radhesh is standing at the door, guarding it. Currently, I am listening to Doctor Rizal as he is discussing more about our Empire's history.

"And that causes the end of the 4th Rajah-Sultan War. Any questions, Your Imperial Highness?" Doctor Rizal inquires after discussing the events that lead to the end of the 4th Rajah-Sultan War. Of which, the 'Massacre of Dawn' of 1362 greatly impacted the end of the war.

"Why did the Sultanate of Maguindanao and Sulu declares war on the Rajahnate of Butuan, Doctor? They are obviously on a disadvantaging side at that time as the Rajahnate was flourishing at an astonishing speed." I inquire in curiosity as to what pushes them to do so after a long time of peace.

"Yes, indeed. The Rajahnate was on the advantageous side for being a trading hub. But the main reason for Maguindanao and Sulu to declare war on the Rajahnate is because of their fear." He said while writing the word fear on a movable small board in the room.

"Their fear of Rajahnate's total dominance on the island prompts them to take action as 3 kingdom coalition and declares war on the Rajahnate of Butuan. But instead of defeating the Rajahnate, they were squashed in the famous battle of 'Massacre of Dawn'. Their defeat cemented the dominance of the Rajahnate on the entire Island." He said proudly.

'What a twist of event. The once proud Filipino in my previous world, José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, is now a proud Butuanon. Disregarding his Spanish ancestry, even feeling repulsive towards them.' I thought while listening to his explanation.

"Did I answer your question, Your Imperial Highness?" he inquires, I then shake my head telling him that I have no more questions "Great! Now, I will be the one asking you some questions for me to know your understanding regarding our Empire's history, ready?" I nod confidently. He smiles after seeing my response.

"How did our Empire's alliance with the Kingdom of Siam come into being?" He said as he looks at me waiting for my answer.

I took a deep breath "In our history, the formal alliance we had with the Kingdom of Siam started before the Kingdom's establishment. During the Kingdom of Ayutthaya, our then Rajahnate of Butuan allied with Ayutthaya and other Southeast Asian Nations to combat the Spanish invaders." Doctor Rizal nods in agreement before I continue "This alliance was then cut off for a short time after the fall of Ayutthaya. Our alliance with the kingdom then continues with the Kingdom of Siam under the rule of the Chakri dynasty."

"Excellent, Your Imperial Highness." He claps in amusement along with Radhesh "Now, why did we not establish any formal alliance with the Japanese empire?"

"It was deemed useless by the then Rajah to establish an alliance with the empire of Japan. And their isolation policy doesn't sit well with us despite our trade connection with them." I said nonchalantly

"Good. Lastly, why did we lose against the Dai Viet and Qing Empires despite us having the advantage?" he said sourly

"We lose because our army was stretched too much. Rebellions in the Luzon area consume half of our forces while in the Dai Viet front, we are greatly outnumbered. Resulting in our forces' defeat by the later years of the war." I said seriously

"Good… Well, that would be the end of our lesson today. Remember to read more and we shall meet at our next meeting, Your Imperial Highness." He said while cleaning his site of teaching and packing his things, after doing all of this, he then turns towards me and curtseyed while saying "Excuse me the, Your Imperial Highness."

"Hmm… Take care, Doctor Rizal." I said while smiling as he walks through the door and left…

Now, being left alone with Radhesh inside the library, he suddenly walks in front of my table then pulled out documents of paper and put them in front of me.

"These are the current progress on the construction of the aircraft in base San Miguel. Although it has been a challenge for our engineers and technicians, progress has still been made at a much more acceptable speed." Radhesh said seriously while summarizing the content of the entire document, while I am listening and flipping some of the pages.

"How about the making of the aircraft's engine? Any progress has been made?" I inquire while I turn the page to the report regarding engine making.

"Progress has been made, Your Imperial Highness. But it seems that it is at a much slower pace." I nod in response… Can't help it, the making of a suitable engine is much more complicated than making the actual body of the aircraft.

"Hmmm… That is to be expected, Radhesh. I would be sceptical if they can make huge progress in just a couple of weeks." I said while I continue to scan the whole document. I then look at him and ask "Anymore update?"

He nods before answering "Yes. An update regarding your betrothal to the Princess of Siam." He said as he flips the page before continuing "It appears to be that this betrothal has been approved by the temple, and your father. Although the parliament is still deliberating on this one."

As expected, I am not against early engagement as this has been our family's practice since its founding. And I know that this is one of my jobs as the heir and future monarch of this empire, even my siblings will do the same. While parliament's deliberation regarding my marriage might take much longer since balancing the pros and cons of the union isn't an easy task.

How about love? My stand on this one is quite peculiar. Love for me is just an emotion, which is subject to constant change. One day you fell in love with that person, the next day you already hated that individual. Besides, you can teach yourself to love a person. Only those people who are insecure fell for this trap of thinking that love is a feeling.

Even my parents joined into a union without love, yet they still manage to fall for each other though. And besides, my union with Princess Abbhantripaja of Siam will strengthen our relationship with the Kingdom. It might be a big no for some modern people, but not for me who grew up in a family of old tradition (back on earth) and now in a family of royalty. Connection and mutual benefits come first before personal feelings.


"She and her mother, Royal Highness Consort Sae Rojanadis, will be coming here during the founding anniversary of the empire to talk about the engagement." Radhesh said before putting down the documents

"That fast?" I ask

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness."

I see… looks like I'd be busy once again for the next few weeks.

"If that's all, you may now leave, Radhesh." I said as I turn my attention to a book about astronomy

"One last thing, Your Imperial Highness. It appears that the emperor will be returning soon." After hearing what he says, I instantly lifted up my head and smile in pure joy. Finally! Father is about to be home!

"Really, Radhesh?" I asked excitedly

Radhesh then giggles after seeing my reaction before replying "It is true, Your Imperial Highness. The emperor is indeed about to return." He said with a full smile on his face.

Finally! He is one of the few people in the Imperial Palace whom I am close with. I was actually quite mad about his sudden departure to Joseon, but can't blame him. It is his job to keep the Empire working while mine is to train for the future.