CHAPTER 10 (Return Part 2)

~~~ September 29, 1896 (Tuesday)~~~

It has been a few days since the news regarding my father's return reaches the Imperial Palace. Preparations were then made under the command of the Head Eunuch and Head Court Lady regarding the decorations and all.

While the palace workers are busy, I and my siblings were also busy. Busy attending our daily classes, except Saturday. New lessons were also introduced to me by my tutors; Doctor Rizal, my mother, and Archbishop Adam. Lessons like: medicine, politics, religious and secular ceremonies, public engagement, and more.

Coupled with the preparation for my father's return. The Imperial household and the parliament are also busy preparing for the 908th founding anniversary of the empire. Planning for the parade, streets fest, the venue for the imperial army's parade, and many more, were already put to start.

Overall? It was the usual day of our life, boring yet enjoyable. Wait… that's kinda weird.

"What are you doing, Kuya?" a sweet yet childish voice enters my ears. I instantly look beside me and saw a cute little girl wearing her morning attire of a much simpler version of the sonmin, it was my sister. She stares at me while sitting beside me at the pond facing the island shrine in front of the main palace.

"Nothing, Sister. Just thinking about something." I smile at her while answering

"Is it about your fiancé?" She asked in pure innocence and curiosity

"Huh? Why so say so?" I said while touching the orchids on her head designed to look like a tiara.

She then stares at me flashing a concerned look on her face "Because… Because I heard last time that she will be coming here to celebrate with us on our country's founding anniversary."

I giggle as I find it cute how my sister said it "Are you worried about what will be my reaction when I see her?" I answered as I shifted my attention to the sky

"M-hm" She agrees while nodding innocently

"Hahaha! Don't worry, little sister. I won't make a scene. I promise you that." I said while laughing and raises my pinky finger to make a promise. She then excitedly extended her pinky toward mine while saying.


"M-hm… I promise."

After doing our pinky promise, she then stands up while giggling.

"Where are you heading now, sister?" I inquired as she fixes herself.

"I am going to meet Mother. Want to come, Kuya?" She extended her hands towards me as a sign of invitation.

"I'll pass on that one. I want to stay here for a while." I said declining before diverting my attention back to the pond.

"Okay. See you later, Kuya. Bye!" She said and not long after I hear her run back inside.

*giggles* silly girl… you should have persuaded me more. T^T

I was deeply thinking about my sister not persuading me to accompany her. When I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"Sir, the carriage is now ready." I turn my head and saw Radhesh standing behind me. I calmed myself first before answering

"Good. Let us go then." I said as I went straight to the Imperial carriage commissioned by me, using my own money.

"Ride with me, Radhesh." I said after I take my seat and inside the carriage. He then entered the carriage and take his seat opposite to mine.

It is my second time riding this vehicle but it never fails to amuse me.

A carriage, capable to carry 4 people inside while 2 coachmen outside the carriage. This cost me quite a lot of Yu, funded by my own estate and personal allowance. It might be expensive but it was worth it. A black and gold carriage carved with intricate design, worthy for an Imperial Crown Prince's transportation, and a miniature flag of the Imperial family flag hangs on the front edges. Designed with elegance and power while also maintaining comfort for passengers were considered and added in this carriage's features (I don't want to experience the discomfort the Windsor experience with their State Carriage). While 4 brown Hmong horses (descended from Mongolian horses) were gotten from the imperial ranch in the Northeast Coastal Region (Now called the Southeast Region of Vietnam) of the Champa Province are the ones pulling the carriage.

I might be from modern times, but royalty is not just about responsibilities it is also about power, prestige, and glamour, just to maintain your dignity. Besides, a poor royal family means the country is struggling financially.

The carriage then started to move after Radhesh closes the door. Accompanied by 4 imperial guards riding their own horses. After exiting the Imperial Complex gate, a 200-meter curvey road enters my view outside the carriage window. Few governments and Imperial workers, coupled with some tourists can be seen on both sides of the road.

The journey heading to the Temple of Sooraj will just take a total of 6-11 minutes, depending on the number of carriages travelling on the road. The distance between the Imperial Complex to the Temple of Sooraj is just approximately 1.48 km. I still have time to look around and see the current progress in the capital.

Houses, government buildings, and private buildings having oriental-themed designs can be seen along the road. Looks like the law passed by the parliament is really paying off. 10 years ago, the parliament passes a law requiring houses, government and private building, that is currently sitting on 200-metre distance from the Imperial walls are required to have a traditional design of houses, this was to ensure that the architectural style of the building will still be preserved, this 200-metre distance from the Imperial complex was dubbed as the Imperial City.

It was a huge controversy for those already living in the area, but they couldn't do much since it has been approved by my father already.

Why am I heading to the Temple of Sooraj today? Well, I needed to meet with Archbishop Adam regarding some important matters concerning the Temple. It came to my attention that some local temples have voiced their support for the further restriction of power from the Imperial Household. And meeting Archbishop Adam today will answer this issue.

A few minutes after we departed from the Imperial City, we have now entered the main road of the capital city. Seeing the city streets full of buildings resembling those of the industrialization era, but were still able to maintain some trees and plants. Looks like the plan of the government works, balancing nature and advancement. Industrialization enters much earlier in the Empire compared to its neighbouring country.

The accepting attitude of the people of the empire paves the way for trade to flourish and advancement to prosper. Because of this, the empire amasses a huge GDP making the entire country the 3rd largest and strongest economy in the entire world, ahead from Germany and just below the US and the UK.

Although the Empire's economy almost collapsed after the Euro-Sea War of 1870-1883, coupled with the long depression of 1873, the Empire manages to recover and survive. Despite some struggles and problems, the empire still has enough resources to maintain and established the Imperial Air Force. That is why the empire manages to maintain its standing as the 3rd largest economy in the world.

Without even noticing it, I finally arrived at the Temple of Sooraj and was met by the archbishop himself outside the temple complex. I must say, I commend the builders of this temple and previous monarchs as they manage to maintain the greenery surrounding the building.

With a total land area of 111,953.41 square meters, the temple stands tall and majestic in its length of 100 metres and width of 90 metres, while also exuding an aura of serenity and spirituality. Its architecture reflects a blend of traditional and ornate elements, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and religious significance.

The entrance to the temple is marked by an elaborately decorated gateway of Christian symbols and the Saints' statues. As you pass through, you are greeted by a spacious courtyard, lined with trees and flowering plants, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

The main temple building, with its sloping roofs and tiered structures, is a focal point. The roofs are usually curved with brightly coloured tiles covering the roofs, adding to the temple's visual appeal. The facade of the temple is decorated with ornate carvings, depicting the nature that surrounds the entire capital.

Surrounding the main temple building, are 2 pagodas (Containing 2 huge bells) and a garden.

"I am expecting your visit, Your Imperial Highness." Archbishop Adam said after he bow his head while wearing his daily priest attire. "Radhesh." He said looking at Radhesh acknowledging his presence.

"Archbishop" Radhesh said as he bowed his head towards Archbishop Adam

"Good. Lead the way then" I said in a serious tone and started to follow him inside the temple while Radhesh is also tailing behind me. The Imperial guards were left outside guarding the carriage along with the coachman.

Inside the temple, is a grand prayer hall which is divided into two sections, the King Aakesh I Chapel (which is used for normal masses), and the King Siagu II Chapel (Where coronation usually takes place). Both sections can accommodate up to 4,000 individuals. The interior is adorned with intricate murals, ornate altars, statues of revered religious figures, and deceased monarchs. Soft incense fills the air, and the sound of prayers or chanting at every mass creates an atmosphere of reverence.

We then entered a chamber right ahead of the altar at King Siagu II's Chapel. The chamber is where the archbishop of Sooraj's office is. A much simple yet exquisite room, a huge contrast to the grandeur of the temple's design.

We then take a sit on the opposing coach's, right before his working table. Radhesh stayed on the door, guarding it for the both of us.

"I presume you already heard the news about those local priests voicing their support on limiting the power of the Imperial family, correct?" I nod, agreeing with his statement.

Obviously, I wouldn't be here if I don't know about that. As the regent of the empire and the house, I am obliged to confront this issue. Those priests are really getting out of hand.

"This started 2 years ago, they have an ideology of democracy, much like those in the USA. But it was just a few numbers of them before and not worth the attention, but after 2 years, it seems like the ideology has already spread and it sprang on a total of 20% of local temples priests." He said seriously while handing me the papers containing the names of those involved.

Despite it numbering only 114, it is still quite an alarming number. Although the priests involve are just minor ones but this is still worrying. Containing the ideology of nationalism and total democracy is a must-do. Nationalism will fragment this nation and democracy will only further divide us. Heck! I don't want to inherit a fragmented nation or worst a non-existent one. It would be humiliating for one of the oldest families in the world.

Nationalism must be contained and must be replaced with Patriotism.

"What actions do you suggest we should take then?" I replied seriously while looking at the paper wanting to hear his suggestion.

"I am planning on sending them a letter of eviction, informing them that they are automatically relieved of their office and must evacuate their respective overseeing temples and return to St. Andrew's Bishopric School in Manila or any other Bishopric institution to be re-educated." He said while passing me the sample letter he will be sending to the 114 priests.

"This will cause outrage from the other Priests, Bishops, and Archbishops, Archbishop Adam." I said while I looked at him seriously.

"It will indeed cause an uproar, but this can be mitigated if we can manipulate the tabloids and have the Ministry of Peace and Order released a statement saying that those who are involved are planning for a rebellion sponsored by Western countries." He said in a serious tone

"You are blatantly lying inside the temple, Archbishop. Are you not scared of the Lord's punishment?" I said seriously.

"Then, let the punishment befall me! But I have no other choice but to go with this. Priests should be impartial on any ideology, except inside the parliament building, their actions on showing their support for democracy undermines the very core of our duty of serving the realm as spiritual leaders." He said while calming himself after almost bursting his anger

"I see. Proceed with your plan then. I will take care of the tabloids and the Ministry of Peace and Order." I then stand up and started to walk towards the door "I hope it will be done before my father returns."

"Yes, Sir. Take care, Your Imperial Highness" he said while bowing for the last time before I exited the chamber with Radhesh.

Instead of going out from the temple directly, I stopped at the grand altar where a huge wooden cross can be seen hanging above the altar. I then faced the altar, knelt in front and started praying, despite wearing my traditional attire, it is still comfortable.

"Father, I don't know why you have sent me here but I will do my best to enjoy and survive this chaotic world. Please watch our nation and my family. Amen!" I prayed sincerely and reverently; I then left the Temple of Sooraj with Radhesh.

Yes, you are correct. I am a devoted believer in the Temple of Butuan's teaching. What? Shock because I am not like those who hated God and told others that believing in any God is a sign of weakness? Psshh… It is not a sign of weakness to believe in any god. Besides, we have the freedom to believe or not, and in my case… I believe in the Temple's teaching because I believe so.



Note 1: Yu (¥) – is the name of the currency used by the Empire of Butuan. Since Philippine Peso never came into existence, I opted to make one and chooses the word 'Yu'. Which is partly influenced by the Empire's proximity to China and its trade with that nation.

The exchange rate on this one is ¥1 = $ 0.73

Note 2: Yes, the MC will be a religious individual. Please understand that despite him coming from the modern world Philippines, 2023, he was raised in a traditional mindset and viewpoint, not on a negative side though. He will be more accepting of his position since his upbringing on modern earth is quite similar to his upbringing in his current world.

Note 3.1: I Know this is quite late but I have to say this. The Imperial family and Imperial imperial eunuchs and court ladies will always wear their traditional attire/dress. The Traditional attire/dress of the Empire is much like those in Thailand with a mixture of Hanfu skirts because of the influence of Buddhism and trade with China. Although other areas of the empire have their own traditional clothing. But the Imperial Family or the entirety of the Caraga Region, Philippines (Where our Empire originated) is heavily influenced by Buddhism in terms of dressing.

Note 3.2: The Female traditional clothing of the Empire (worn by the Imperial family) is made out of 2-4 pieces, depending on the design. Firstly, the blouse is usually made out of silk it is a long sleeve type of blouse embroidered with intricate designs, in daily use the blouse can be turned into a much more comfortable one by just having the sleeve extends until the elbows.

Secondly, the skirt is sometimes connected to the blouse but most of the time it is a separate piece. Originally, the skirt has been a bit more puff but as time goes by many variations have emerged causing any style of puffiness to be acceptable. It starts from the waist and extends until the wearer's shin or sometimes ankles. The skirt usually follows the colour of the blouse or sometimes its complementary colour.

Thirdly, a sash is a fabric worn to secure the wearer's skirt. Usually adorned with detailed embroidery of nature.

And lastly, a sablai, a loose-sash-like garment worn by both men and women. The design of a sablai varies to each individual's social standing and culture. Sablai became the common feature of all traditional garments in the entire empire.

Note 3.3: For men, it is quite the same on the female's garment, also consisting of 3-4 pieces. Firstly, is the long-sleeved, a fine garment made out of silk to ensure the comfort of the wearer. This also features a mandarin collar embroidered intricately along the collar and the cuffs.

Secondly, the pants, made to look loosely fit, it is wrap-around the waist of the wearer, reaching the ankles. Usually, the pants have a pattern following the upper garments design or a much more traditional one.

Thirdly, a sash or a waist sash is worn to secure the wearer's skirt. Usually adorned with detailed embroidery of nature.

And lastly, a sablai, a loose-sash-like garment worn by both men and women. The design of a sablai varies to each individual's social standing and culture. Sablai became the common feature of all traditional garments in the entire empire.

Note 4: The Empire experienced early industrialization making its population reach a staggering number of 28,642,929 as of January 12, 1896. Obviously, a made-up number to coincide with the early industrialization of the country.

Kingdom of Butuan (3 Main Islands) has 20,200,339; the Sabah Region of the Empire has 532,800; the Hainan Province of the Empire has 5,009,790; the Champa Regions of the Empire has 2,900,000. This is an estimate generated by an AI.

Note 5: How did the Empire become the 3rd largest economy in the World? Trade, manufacture of weapons and ships, and resources like mining and fishing to name a few, new infrastructure throughout its domain.

Note 6: The Butuanon language being used here is a mixture of Cebuano and Ancient Butuanon languages.

Note 7: The Butuanon culture is a mixture of local and foreign cultures, especially from the East and Buddhist nations.