Side story-Haneefah

" Can I please go to the festival, mother?" I plead for god knows how many times.

"You know that I'm going to say no so why do you insist on bothering me all the time!" She responds irritably. I know what the response is going to be every single time I ask but I persist nevertheless in the slight hope that she will feel something within the depths of her heart to allow it just this once. But she remains adamant like a stone block, unwilling to be waved or moved from her position. I walk away a bit dejected and glum regarding the matter but what could I do. It isn't like she's going to let me go. As I am returning back to my room in defeat, an idea strikes me. 'What if I sneak out of the house?' The thought seemed promising but my mind would argue otherwise.

'What if you get manipulated?'

'What if I get hurt or lost?'

'Best case scenario, suppose you do get there and back unscathed and then you get caught?'

The last one fully threw me off and I argued with myself against it. I convinced myself that I wouldn't be going and that I should just face facts. But I really wanted to go! I mean is it wrong to want to stroll about occasionally and to want to amuse oneself at the festival. No! I should highly hope not. As the vision of the fair continued to reoccur vividly in my mind, I couldn't go to sleep. My mind was set on attending that festival but should I arrange for this journey? I lay there trying to devise a plan to creep out the mansion but nothing worthwhile came to me until...

Knock! I hid under the covers in a jolt. 'Who could it be at this late hour?' I wondered, my face a bit warm. 

" Miss, would you like anything?" Said a voice.

I slowly turn my head to face the person. Phew! It was Diane. 

"No, not really." I groan. "My, whatever is the matter, young mistress?" she inquired a bit concerned. At least Diane cared. She was the only one that ever seemed to care. I sigh. She held my hand and comforted me. I always felt so safe around Diane unlike anyone else in the mansion.

" I wanted to go and attend the annual festival but my mother strictly forbade it." I complain.

"So what do you propose we do?" she asks.

" I was thinking I would sneak out but I don't really know how." I propose.

She thought for a moment then beamed as a thought struck her. "My husband is off work tonight and was planning to set up a stall there to sell out goods. I believe he should be there now. My son should also be there. He was supposed to escort me there after my shift there in about half an hour. If miss permits it, I can take her with us there and return not too long after." 

"Are you serious!" I hug her in excitement. Soon after her son came and we headed out. The night air was so refreshing.