Chapter 30. Interesting possibilities

Seeing the city walls in the distance made for quite an impressive sight.

'Especially with those armed soldiers on top. Holy crap, it looks like I wouldn't be able to put a dent in their armor... Speaking of strong armor, I luckily gained something from that Elite that I can use.'

Grinning while walking behind Lorath, Michael opened his Equipment inventory page and looked at his loot.

[ Sturdy Buckler

Offhand: Magic Shield

87 Item Power


*40% Blocked Damage Reduction

*20% Block Chance

*+80% Main Hand Weapon Damage

*+1 Thorns


*+1.0% Damage Reduction ]

Michael paused and scratched his head in slight confusion. Comparing his Buckler with this new addition, he only saw the extra 1% Damage Reduction between the two.

Pondering for a bit, he realized that the 1% was not a lot, but it was a general Damage Reduction, not a specialized stat.

'So that means it doesn't matter if it's a physical, magical, elemental, curse, etc. They will all get some damage mitigation. The number is not high, but it might make the difference between life and death.'

[We're here. I initially planned to come with you and talk to the people at the Cathedral of Light, but something changed. I can't get your description of the person who summoned Lilith back to this realm out of my head. *Sigh* I only hope I am wrong...](Lorath)

Based on his reaction, Lorath might known the tall, pale man. However, Michael also knew better than to ask questions he shouldn't. Gaining knowledge is fine as long as it doesn't dig into other people's wounds.

Judging from the man's disappointed face, the young Necromancer hoped he wasn't a relative...

'From where this is going, I can only hope it wasn't his child. That would be too much of a cliche. Also... DAMN! These guards have huge weapons.'

Two guards, entirely covered in heavy armor, stood on the side of the road leading to the gate. If that wasn't sufficient, they looked easily over 2 meters and were very bulky, making Michael wonder if they were Barbarians like Gonk.

Both had strange pikes as weapons, though they seemed to deter others rather than be useful in a fight. The pointy end looked sharp enough, but it was based on the strange cross motif of the Cathedral of Light, having two smaller blades pointing left and right.

The blade looked more like a small cross than a spear, making Michael wonder if its integrity would be sufficient upon meeting another weapon or a shield.

Of course, such thoughts were better kept to oneself, as they still looked like they could slap him across the MAP even without their weapons.

After entering through the medieval gates and only after the newbie had enough gawking at the metal mastodon that served to keep enemies at bay while the guards pelt them from the walls, someone stood to bar their path forward.

[Hold! To enter the city, you must first...](?)

[We have no time for this.](Lorath)

Seeing the practiced ease with which Lorath interrupted him and the man's blank face, Michael began sweating slightly.

The Sanctuary also deemed this situation interesting, prompting the young Necromancer to investigate it.

[ Quest update - Rite of Passage

Description: Speak with Lorath. ]

"Ahem... Lorath, what is this all about?"

[*Sigh* To enter Kyovashad, you must perform a cleansing ritual. A meaningless gesture, but some people take comfort in it.](Lorath)

Seeing the rapidly darkening face of the young guard that barred their path and his right hand going for the weapon, Michael thought he would hear the famous 'courting death' being shouted.

[How dare you...](young guard)

'Close enough, I guess...'

[Just let them through. I've been trying for years to get Lorath to do the ritual without success. You might instead convince demons to go through it rather than this old man.](?)

A lady spoke while watching the drama occurring in the middle of the road with interest. Lorath nodded at her, signaling to Michael that he knew her.

She was watching from a small stone building, reasonably simple but probably only used to shelter the guards from the elements. A guard shack of sorts.

Since she knows Lorath and said she tried for years to have the Hermit perform 'the ritual,' she was likely a veteran guard. She did look like a formidable lady since the young guard flinched at the sound of her voice.

Michael couldn't help but notice how beautiful her brown eyes were.

[Fine. But this one stays.](young guard)

'Oi! Don't drag in the weaker-looking one to vent on. That's childish!'

Being pointed at and seeing the lady guard's smirk, Michael was getting slightly irritated. Judging by the Quest's name, he was here to perform the said ritual, so he tried to remain calm.

[Fine... I'll meet you inside. I need to find a decent horse.](Lorath)


[Take a piece of holy cedarwood from the shrine and inscribe it with the sin that troubles you. Then, cast it into the brazier. As the fire burns the wood, so will the Light burn away your sin.](young guard)

Seeing Lorath leave and the young guard enthusiastically explain the 'ritual,' Michael couldn't help but think back to the Dark Ages on Earth. Back then, the church also fooled the people into thinking they could buy their sins and get absolved through various shady means.

'At least there's no self-flagellation. I'm not interested in performing kinky rituals with another man. As for the lady guard... I might consider it if she's as pretty under that armor as her face entails.'

Walking to the shrine while watching the foxy-eyed lady guard, Michael gulped and focused on the strange thing. He saw similar 'shrines' back on Earth with vendors selling wares, but he kept his disdain hidden.

He grabbed a piece of wood and saw a small carving knife on the side. If he were to ask them for a pen or something, these fanatics would certainly talk shit about pain and hard work being needed to cleanse one's sins.

He saw the pretty guard lady walking his way.

[Fear, Anger, Pride, Greed... Such are the major sins the lords of Hell influence us often with.](Lady Guard)

"What about Lust? I think I might be more influenced by it than I initially thought."

[And you would want to rid yourself of such a sin?](lady guard)

"Not through the brazier..."

Seeing the giggling woman, Michael's wires seemed to short-circuit. He didn't realize it due to the constant stress and fighting, but he didn't get laid in months.

'Not to mention sex; I even forgot to rub one off due to the lack of privacy. Shit! It seems that getting to the city calmed down my nerves just enough to be reminded that I'm horny...'

[The name is Helen.](Helen)

"Michael. Hmm... I have plenty of questions, and I'm new to the city. Lorath seems to be planning to leave for another location, so I doubt he can answer them. Are you free to join me for a drink and a conversation later on?"

[*Smiles* My shift ends in about four hours.](Helen)

"Do you mind if I come here to meet you then? I also want a city tour before we go for a meal and some drinks."

[Sounds good to me, Michael.](Helen)

Seeing her alluring smile and hearing the pronunciation of his name, the young Necromancer swallowed hard and used the back of his hands to wipe the corner of his mouth.

He was planning to lure this lady to whatever bed he could find and teach her the wonders of the internet.

"Still... I must say that I'm surprised. Why are there only four sins? Aren't they supposed to be seven?"

[Oh? It seems like you are a knowledge seeker if you know that. Did you read it in some ancient manuscripts.](Helen)

"Yes. Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. They should be the seven sins. I'm guessing that since four of them you mentioned are related to the Lords of Hell, there should be the same for the other three?"

[We call them the Lesser Evils, yes. Though, not exactly a conversation you want to have in front of young, impressionable minds.](Helen)

"I see. Well... I'm not greedy, and I can control my anger pretty well. I don't have reasons to envy others for now, and while I enjoy good food and wine, it's just about the regular amounts. For Lust... *glances at the woman* I have some plans in mind... I am quite lazy, though, so maybe I should eliminate that."

[It seems that pride would be better.](Helen)

Seeing her laugh and catch on quickly to the allusions he made, Michael felt he should find a way to get rid of Lorath quicker.

Looking at the piece of wood, he inscribed the word 'Pride' in English and threw it in the fire.

Helen watched him carefully and raised an eyebrow.

[I don't recognize the language.](Helen)

"Hmm? Oh... A bad habit of mine. It's a... lost tongue spoken and written during older times. I learned of it through books."

[A scholar, then? You have a shield and dagger equipped. I was expecting a more... active Class.](Helen)

Being teased like that, how could Michael accept it? Smiling back at her and seeing that they were alone near the brazier, he took a step closer and whispered.

"I never had complaints before. I will make sure to keep it that way."

[Hmpf. That's to be seen, then.](Helen)

Watching the burning piece of wood, Michael did his best not to pounce at the woman, who was getting hotter and hotter in his eyes by the second.

Of course, he didn't miss her attempts at sounding him out, either. While he might look acceptable, he wasn't far gone enough to think with his dick.

'She is taking her job seriously. Probably curious since I arrived with Lorath. I'm not one to complain, though. I'll take what I can.'

[So? Feeling any less prideful?](Helen)

"Heh. I've always been meek. It's not pride if it's the truth."

[Hehe! I guess so.](Helen)

"I need to go meet up with Lorath. I'll see you in four hours here?"

[Sure. Looking forward to it.](Helen)

"As am I..."

Seeing her walk away, Michael couldn't help but have his eyes drawn to her swaying hips. Seeing the beauty's behind as the lady guard threw him a provocative glance, Michael had issues walking straight for the next few minutes.

Shaking his head and seeing the young guard waiting patiently in the middle of the road, Michael mentally branded him a fanatic.

"It is done."

[Good! You must feel as though a great weight has been lifted from you. Welcome to Kyovashad!](Young Guard)

"Thank you."

Watching him walk to the side and ignore him completely, Michael was speechless. Shaking his head again, he walked further down the paved road, taking in the city's architecture.

It looked like all houses were a mix of stone and wood, without traces of anything like concrete.

'There should be other mixes used since I can see different pieces of stone glued together. Since this is a world of swords and magic, I wouldn't be surprised if everything is handled through magic instead of technology.'

The road seemed clean, with only some recent snow covering it. On the sides, multiple carts and carriages were 'parked,' no doubt belonging to citizens and merchants of this city.

[ Quest complete - Rite of Passage

Reward 1: 960 experience points

Reward 2: 350 gold coins ]

[ New Quest issued - Missing pieces

Objective: Meet Lorath in Kyovashad. ]

With the Sanctuary recognizing the ritual completed, Michael sighed in relief and kept looking around.

Walking forward, he saw, to his great surprise, another gate and one of those suspended bridges that can be retracted.

'I see. So, where I met Helen and the other guards is the outside portion of the city where the less fortunate live. There's a wall and guards to protect the people there, while in front of me should be the inner city. Most likely, that's where the affluent ones reside.'

Seeing the sudden increase in statues and carvings on the drawn bridge, Michael couldn't help but sneer at the separation between the rich and the poor.

He wasn't disillusioned, though, as he understood very well that they couldn't live any other way through the nature of human beings.

'At least, in the Sanctuary, they have bigger things to worry about, so race and wealth shouldn't be as important. Having to deal with discrimination and 'young masters' while fighting off demons and angels sounds like a major pain in the ass.'

Walking over the suspended drawbridge, Michael took in the breathtaking view and was soon admiring the inner city.

The Sanctuary had different plans, though.

[ Priority Quest issued - Unlocking Waypoints

Description: Walk to the Waypoint and register your unique signature. ]

Thinking of teleportation, Michael all but started running to find it. Lorath's voice stopped him in time.

[You're here. I'm surprised Helen let you go that easily. She has been single for over six years now since her last boyfriend died mysteriously. Remembering the last time someone tried to court her only to get their balls busted with a kick is still fresh in my memory. Fun times...](Lorath)

Trying to figure out if this was a cougar warning or if Lorath was implying that she wasn't an easy woman, Michael wiped off his inexistent sweat, happy he didn't take teasing the woman too hard.