Chapter 31. Inner city

Lorath was petting a skinny gray-white horse while talking with the vendor.

Obviously, he wanted to drive down the price of 'leasing' the mount to reach his next location. Thinking of his own horse which fell prey to animals in the woods, he couldn't help but feel bad.

"Why aren't you using the Waypoint to travel?"

[Hmm? Oh! The Sanctuary should've asked you to register your unique signature. I can tell you right now that your first-ever teleportation is quite memorable... in more ways than one. As for myself, I can't use the Waypoint if I want to maintain some modicum of stealth. I plan to visit the Dry Steppes to determine what this 'Pale Man' is up to and confirm my suspicions. Every Waypoint is highly supervised by more than one powers, and tracking everyone going in and out is pretty easy.](Lorath)

"You're thinking that Lil... 'she' has people watching for me as well? Also, it would be impossible to have demons infiltrate big cities, wouldn't it?"

[You've seen the situation with Nevesk. She can influence the minds without any issues, and troubled souls would easily accept her 'invitation.' I wouldn't be surprised if she gathered a following in all the big cities already.](Lorath)

Thinking of such things made Michael shiver. Remembering the Fallen and how close to Kyovashad they were, he couldn't help but eye the people around him suspiciously.

Getting tricked once in Nevesk was enough.

[Don't overthink it. It's not easy to infiltrate the city hosting the Cathedral of Light. They might be boneheads, but those monks have long devised ways to find demons if they are bold enough to enter the city.](Lorath)

"I see. That's great to hear..."

[So? What did you write on that piece of wood? I bet you wrote something about pride and hubris. Well, it matters little, I suppose.](Lorath)

"Mhm. Are you planning to ride there? Seems like a long journey."

[I know you have questions, but it's better not to answer for now. I'll head to the Dry Steppes for the Pale Man in your vision. I must know... what part he plays in all this. But first, I need you to retrieve something of mine while I finish my negotiations. The weapons merchant in the city has it. Just tell him I sent you.](Lorath)

"Any directions on where to find it?"

[Ask around. It's good to get used to the city. Also, this would serve as an unofficial introduction on my part. The merchant will treat you well in the future.](Lorath)

Nodding while slightly annoyed, Michael turned on his hills and opened the MAP. It would be ridiculous to compare this 'city' with modern ones.

'It would probably take me less than a few hours to visit everything here. Also, from the looks of it, the commercial district is based around the Waypoint the Sanctuary wants me to activate.'

Smiling at the interesting buildings, he walked away from the stables and immediately heard Lorath's hoarse voice bargaining.

[Cracked hooves, swayback, cloudy eyes... this poor thing is practically crowbait.](Lorath)

[Get out! We both know you don't have gold for a better horse, so make do with it.](?)

[*Sigh* Okay, I'll take it.](Lorath)

[With what you're paying, you're lucky she has four legs...](?)

Laughing aloud at Lorath's 'bargaining' and the straightforward way the merchant shut him down, Micahel took in the bustle of the city. It was probably only 6 to 7 AM, but people were already out and about.

'The streets are clean, and I don't see any of that novel crap where people throw their shit in the streets. There's no bad smell either, so a waste management system should exist underground. It would be interesting to see how that's taken care of in a parallel world of sword and magic.'

Remembering the Cleaning Marbles, Michael did not doubt that the technological system of the Sanctuary is backward, but it should be interesting to see, nevertheless.

'Their medical system should also be fully dependent on Healing Potions and similar other things. With how the Cleaning Marbles work, it wouldn't be a surprise if even the common folk can access a cheaper version. After all, there's no lack of entrepreneurs in every world.'

While still formulating ideas, he reached a large plaza with a very interesting platform in the middle. Judging by the symbols and diagrams carved on the stone, Michael was sure it was the Waypoint.

He held off on doing that since it wasn't an emergency and instead looked for the weapon shop Lorath asked him to find. The only answer he got was from a sleepy older man.

'He said that the weapon shop is next to the Blacksmith... not particularly helpful but... huh!? Oh wow... There's the Blacksmith.'

A large wooden building with some people moving stuff inside. Nothing awe-inspiring, but on the right side, a smaller placard stated, 'Zivek's Blacksmith.'

The shop was more of an open yard, and understandably so. There was an actual forge where a man, presumably Zivek, was hammering on a piece of equipment.

There were also some racks containing broken or chipped weapons and armor, making Michael understand that this was the place where you could fix your shit in-game.

[Welcome! A bit early for a visit to the Blacksmith, don't you think so, lad?](Zivek)

"Apologies for disturbing your work. Mr. Zivek, I assume? My name's Michael."

[Zivek, indeed. Michael, how can I be of service?](Zivek)

"I am new to the city, so I'm trying to get accustomed to this new life as a Wanderer. Lorath sent me to find the weapon shop and reclaim something of his. Curiosity brought me to you first."

[Hahaha! That old coot is still alive? It makes sense since even the wolves would refuse to eat him. Hahaha! A newbie Wanderer, huh? I don't think your armor or weapon needs much work. Maybe your tunic, but it would be a waste of time and gold since it might be cheaper to buy another one. Or find a replacement in a Dungeon. I guess you're not level Level 10 yet, correct?](Zivek)

"Yes, sir."

[Good lad. Polite. I like that. Won't earn you any discounts, but I'll at least make sure your armor doesn't break on you in the middle of a fight. You can come to me if you want to salvage materials from different items or repair stuff, and later on when you're at a higher level, I can help you enhance your gear.](Zivek)

"Leaving repairs aside, salvaging provides materials, while enhancing equipment requires them, correct?"

[Smart. So, make sure you don't sell all the good stuff you find in the Dungeon for coins. Bring some to me first, and I'll tell you what can be salvaged for decent materials.](Zivek)

"What about supplementing the needed materials with gold coins?"

[You mean, buying them from me? Hah! Not gonna happen, lad. I keep rare and precious materials for crafting my future masterpiece. I don't have time to save up garbage, as my space is quite limited.](Zivek)

Seeing the man point at the space the forge took, Michael couldn't help but nod in agreement. There wasn't much of a wall to protect the Blacksmith's shop, to begin with, and dragging around materials every day should be a drag.

Nevertheless, finding out so much stuff was a major boon to a newbie who lacked common sense. Neither the trio nor Gonk mentioned anything about salvaging items for materials.

"Thank you, sir. I'll make sure to bother you first after leaving Dungeons. As of right now, I only have a few pieces saved up, so I'm not sure they are of any good."

[Hmm... let me see what you have. Accept the request I'll send.](Zivek)

A system prompt appeared, letting Michael know that Zivek wanted to view his Equipment inventory for a trade, which he approved.

[Let's see... Lots of common junk, but you can get rid of that crap when you visit Orzen next door. Hmm... you also have some blue pieces, but neither the dagger nor the hand wraps are worth salvaging. Sell them and bring better stuff next time.](Zivek)

"Yes, sir. Thank you for the advice."

[Yeah, yeah. Just don't forget to come around more often.](Zivek)

Smiling at the middle-aged man, he walked next door... which was literally an open space on the left wall of the Blacksmith. Walking inside, a couple greeted him.

The middle-aged man raised an eyebrow while the lady smiled politely.

"Good morning. Lorath sent me to retrieve something of his, but he didn't give me any other information. I would also like to sell some equipment that's occupying space in my inventory if you don't mind."

[A polite young man in the company of that old coot? Interesting. So... the old man finally decided to buy it back... Heh! Knowing him, he didn't mention coin, did he?](?)

The man was laughing aloud, seeing Michael's surprised expression. Indeed, he didn't think paying for anything was necessary.

At least, Lorath didn't say shit about it.

[My name's Orzen, brat. Sorry, but he pawned his weapon for 20 gold coins after he lost a bet. If he wants his weapon back, you'll need to pay.](Orzen)

A new system prompt greeted Michael as the vendor, Orzen, initiated a trade request. The page was fairly simple, with only his 4000-ish gold coins showing in a corner and three items up for sale.

[ Lorath's Polearm - 20 gold coins ]

[ Aprentice's Wand - 2082 gold coins ]

[ Fiendish Folio - 2082 gold coins ]

Seeing the prices for the two 'common' items, as Zivek called them, Michael grimaced and realized just how expensive it was to play the Wanderer role.

He mentally selected Lorath's Polearm and saw 20 gold coins disappear from his stash.

Michael was prepared to ask about selling his trash again, but the man stopped him.

[Wait. The old man sold me this, too. He said he no longer needed it in one of his drunk tirades... But I think he'd want it back all the same.](Orzen)

Grimacing at the new addition, Michael looked inquiringly at the vendor.

[Haha! No charge this time, brat.](Orzen)

Thanking the man for his 'gift,' Michael grabbed the strange amulet and carefully studied it. He couldn't tell anything from its shape, and it didn't give any perks like increased attributes. Shrugging, he tossed it into his inventory and was surprised to see the system putting it in his Quest inventory alongside the weapon.

'It must be an important item. Maybe it's an emblem or something to show your allegiance to a faction. It would make sense not to have any perks in that case...'

[Now, what junk do you have to sell? Luckily for you, with the demons invading our realm, the Sanctuary has been madly turning people into Wanderers through Quests. There's a high influx of newbies, so garbage items should sell for decent prices.](Orzen)

Remembering Aylin's instructions, he prompted a trade request and had the couple inspect his 'wares.'

[Let's see...Common buckler - 4 gold coins, garbage gloves but decent material 34, a decent tunic... has 74 Armor... huh. I'd say another 49 gold coins. A worse tunic for another 17, some hide boots for another 4 coins, oh! Another decent tunic, another 72 Armor as well... 47 gold coins. A simple scythe, 8 coins. Some trash hand wraps... 2 gold coins. A decent dagger, 17. Another trash tunic... *sigh* 4 gold coins. I can at least use its materials.](Orzen)

Hearing the garbage prices, Michael was sweating inside. He knew they were newbie items, but Orzen's quoted prices were under his expectations.

[You're lucky you know that old man. Otherwise, I wouldn't even buy this trash. At least you have two magic items. Let's see...](Orzen)

"Magic? I'm guessing there's a way to label most items, right?"

[Yeah. Normal – White; Magic – Blue; Rare – Yellow; Legendary – Orange; Unique – Gold. There are supposed to be some higher-level rarities above, but I haven't seen any so far. The color relates to the item box's appearance when you pick it up. As for the item being of higher rarity, it means that it provides more options like increased attributes, increased percentages, and even skills.](Orzen)

"I see. I guess that higher rarity items are more difficult to acquire."

[Indeed. Also, it's hard to find them outside Dungeons of a certain level. So, while it's good to find such stuff since it sells well, make sure you don't trade your life for it.](Orzen)

"I will, sir. Thank you for the information."

[That's fine. Tell the old coot I said hi. He still owes me drinks, so have him visit me as soon as possible. At our age, the circle of friends we keep shrinks daily...](Orzen)

Nodding and saying his goodbyes, Michael exited the shop and saw the famous Inn the trio, and Gonk told him about it across the plaza.

Resisting the impulse to check it out, he returned to the stables where Lorath was waiting.

The Inn looked quite imposing, with five stories occupying space over three times that of the combined Blacksmith and Orzen's shop. The smell of food tempted him, but he kept his priorities straight.

'I'll visit that place with Helen anyway. Let's see what other info I can milk out of Lorath in the meantime.'