Chapter 42. Resolution

The crowd grew restless, realizing that something fishy was going on.

A ripple went through the crowd when the young Wanderer asked about the brewer's daughter.

[Old Milo's daughter... Felicia?](?)

[Speaking of Felicia, where has the girl gone? I haven't seen her in over a week.](?)

[Right, right. She would come by my shop daily to purchase bread, but I haven't seen her in over a week either.](?)

As the crowd's yells threatened to burst eardrums, Leotar's face turned paler by the moment. Prava also noticed this and furrowed her brows.

She sighed and closed her eyes, looking at Michael, who had his back to her. Struggling for a moment, she reached a decision.

"Sir, can you please answer the question? As you can hear, the other residents of Kyovashad seem a bit worried about your daughter's disappearance."

Seeing the unresponsive old man, Michael sighed and removed the kiddy gloves.

"Could it be that your daughter colluded with demons, and you're just taking the blame in her stead?"

[IMPOSSIBLE! My daughter would never do such a thing!](Milo)

"Hmm!? She didn't? Then, can you tell us where she is right now? It would be much easier if she were here to confirm your testimony, don't you agree, Sir?"


Seeing the old man lost and scaredly looking at Leotar, Michael approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about that worm, Sir. He can't hurt you. Also, if he has accomplices in the crowd, the guards will stop them. Speak boldly, as this might be the only chance you get to live and to see your daughter safe."

[I... I AM NOT A HERETIC!](Milo)

[Milo, you TRASH! HOW DARE YOU!?](Leotar)

Calmly, Michael conjured another cast of Bone Splinters, looking at Prava. She shook her head, and Michael almost doubled over when she punched five teeth out of the screaming priest's mouth.

The crowd had just about enough excitement for one day, most of the elderly people holding their hearts and breathing heavily.

Michael scratched his head and dispelled the Bone Splinters.

[Don't feel any fear, sir Milo. Speak truly of what happened.](Prava)

[I... They... they took my daughter! Using the name of the Church, they fooled her into going to the Cathedral, but she disappeared on the way. When I got worried and searched for her, I found that Leotar was the one that convinced her. I tried asking where she was, but he told me she was apprenticing under Mother Prava.](Milo)

[Lies! It's all lies! I would never...](Leotar)

Another punch deformed the priest's face, making Michael wonder if this woman was a Wanderer herself. If she was, she held back sufficiently to inflict significant pain but without breaking any bones.

She shook her right fist to get rid of the blood and looked at the brewer. Her calm voice had a tinge of anger.


[It felt odd, and I asked around. No new apprentices have joined under your holiness. Worried, I searched for Leotar again and heard him laughing about how he had brought my daughter to Blinthel's house this morning. When I confronted him about it, he had his minions hold me down and rushed to get five guards to arrest me. On the way here, he threatened to kill my little girl and feed her to the dogs if I didn't claim to be a heretic. Please! Please! You must save my daugther!](Milo)

The crowd exploded with anger, and for a moment, it looked as if they would lynch the priest if Prava wasn't sitting next to him. Three people tried to scurry out in the chaos but were met by the guards at the exits, who took attacking positions, forcing them back inside the crowd.

Michael was looking at Helen unblinkingly as she still had her eyes closed. The final part of the play would be decided by her...

[So there were indeed rats hiding! Die for me!](Helen)

Six aura blades whooshed through the air, hitting six different people beyond the plaza. With screams of pain, the six fell to the ground, making the crowd not know if they were alive or dead.

Michael wiped his sweat and looked shocked at Helen's straightforward attacks. He asked her to inspect if other people were watching the 'show' and told her his theory about the daughter being kidnapped.

He read enough novels to connect such simple dots, but he wasn't sure if such a tyrant who dared to abduct a brewer's daughter was influential enough to have his own men watch the show. Nevertheless, the kidnapping plan was utterly stupid, and the kidnapper would eventually get caught without his and Helen's intervention.

The only difference would be if Milo and his daughter would survive.

If the said criminal did set his own 'sentries' to watch the show and they managed to bring word back that the gig was up, it wouldn't be surprising if Felicia would end up dead in a ditch before they got to their home.

A strange whistle was heard from Helen's fleshy lips, making Michael raise his eyebrows.

[Don't worry; they are not dead, though after I'm done with them, they would wish that would've happened instead. I've called on the rest of the free guards here. Miss Prava, these accusations are pretty heavy. I'm hoping you willingly participate in the investigation and help us get to the bottom of this.](Helen)

[It is our duty. If found guilty, the criminal would be handed over.](Prava)

Minutes later, twenty guards came in and took control of the crowd, as well as the unconscious six 'figures,' while Helen directed the previous five toward Blinthel's household.

As time went by, the situation was turning more tense by the second, and even Mother Prava seemed to be affected by it, as she threw deadly stares at the dumb priest who lay unconscious on the cold stone floor.

Irrelevant how this went, the Church of Light would suffer a severe blow to its prestige among the common folk.

A light voice made Michael's mind refocus as they all looked to the Northern entrance of the plaza.


[Felicia!? My girl!](Milo)

Seeing a girl no older than 12, maybe 13 years old, rushing toward a crying Milo, Michael lost it.

Imagining the worst possible scenario, he forcefully summoned his four Skeletons at the cost of half of his Life points. He started walking menacingly toward Prava and the priest as a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

A ball of Blight took form in his left hand, as a one-handed scythe appeared on his right. Looking at Prava, who was still calm, he felt blood rush to his head.

"Did you know!?"

[Sir Michael, please calm down.](Prava)


Seeing Michael go a bit off the rails, Gonk intervened and held him back. Michael glared at him with wide eyes as if asking what does he want.

[*Cough* Not to detract from your anger and courage, but Prava is Level 68...](Gonk)


[...uhm... yeah... calm down a bit before she sends you flying across the plaza, hotshot. There's no way she was aware of this. Plus, Wanderer or not, it's not our place to judge common folk for their crimes. That's what the 'judges' of the city are paid to do.](Gonk)

A second hand fell on his other shoulder, and he saw Helen smiling at him.

Somewhat scared to ask, he gazed at the young girl. Seeing the question in his eyes, Helen sighed and shook her head.

[She wasn't touched. Luckily, we got there before anything bad could happen.](Helen)

Michael deflated like a balloon and cringed when realizing he lost control of his emotions.

Looking at the still-calm Prava, he shook his head.

"My apologies, Miss Prava. Seeing such a young girl being put through such an ordeal doesn't sit well with me."

[There's nothing to apologize about. It seems that the Cathedral is also at fault in this situation since one of our clergy members conspired to commit such a cruel crime. As promised, I will participate in the investigation without holding anything back.](Prava)

Unsurprisingly, the local 'police' under the mayor was also alerted, and a pudgy but imposing mayor arrived at the plaza.

Only then did Michael realize that the guards of Kyovashad are similar to the army back on Earth. To have them deployed to solve something that the police should do was both overkill and overstepping bounds.

[Miss Helen, Miss Prava. I was informed of the situation at hand.](?)

[Mister Mayor, I apologize for the disturbance caused.](Prava)

[*Sigh* Miss Prava, we don't blame the superiors for their subordinates' mistakes. Especially when they are not aware of them. If they are aware, then it's a different story altogether.](?)

Hearing the veiled threat in the mayor's words, Michael raised an eyebrow but was surprised to see Prava nodd politely.

The mayor then looked sharply at Helen, who seemed to fidget under the scrutinizing gaze.


[Ahem... Uncle Collin, I only acted to protect the citizens. It's well within my authority.](Helen)

[What authority, you dumbass!? You called a Level 2 and blockaded the city! I have all town's merchants blowing up my ass, asking why they can't leave.](Collin)

[Well... what if the culprits got away?](Helen)

[Away!? Where? In the wilderness!? Use your brain, you airhead! The Blinthel family owns four different businesses in Kyovashad and none anywhere else. Where would they go!?](Collin)

Seeing Helen remain silent but stubborn, the mayor rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

[My people will take over and investigate. I'll hold your five guards for questioning as well. You've done enough for now.](Collin)

[What about the Blinthel family? Felicia...](Helen)

Before she could finish her sentence, the mayor roared back at her.

[She's as young as my own daughter! Do you think I won't treat this seriously!?](Collin)

[*Cough* No, uncle Collin...](Helen)

[Scram! You're on vacation for a month! Stop causing trouble everywhere you go!](Collin)

Pouting, Helen grabbed Michael and dragged him away, leaving behind a dumbfounded Gonk that the mayor had his lion-like eyes on. Smiling wryly, he remained behind to give his own account to the local police.

Walking away with the beauty hand in hand, Michael squeezed her palm and looked at her.

"I hope I didn't put you in a bad position."

[Hmm? You didn't. That's just how Uncle Collin acts when outsiders are around. When it's just us, he treats me like his own daughter. After all... well... he did clean up after my blunders many times in the past.](Helen)

Chatting with the beauty to wash away the bad taste left in his mouth after his third encounter with the Church of Light, Michael realized that they had reached a shop with a very big 'Occultist' sign on top of it.

Remembering Gonk's words, Michael raised an eyebrow and looked quizzically at Helen.

"You sure you want to introduce me to your family so soon?"

A punch to his shoulder followed as she pointed at the 'Closed' sign, allowing Michael to breathe in relief. He dodged a bullet.

[Don't be relieved so soon. Since you're here and have nothing better to do, come meet my pretty sisters.](Helen)

Hearing the mischief in her voice, Michael looked her over from top to bottom and grinned.



"I said sure. Lead the way."


"Hehe. You dare tease me. See if I don't make you regret it!"

[Hmpf! Who's afraid of who!? Let's go. I'll bring you to our villa.](Helen)

Seeing the arrogant beauty, Michael chuckled and followed behind her.

Thinking things through, he might 'interact' with this pretty lady often in the future. He didn't mind meeting her friends since they could get to know each other better.

As for the family... well, that was a big step that is better left for the future. Also, seeing the beauty peek back at him from time to time to confirm he was still there made him laugh.

"What? You're afraid I would run away?"

[Well... no. But are you sure? We decided to take things slowly. Meeting my sisters doesn't exactly qualify as 'slow.'](Helen)

"Hmm. It isn't a bad idea, though. What if I fall in love with one of your sisters instead? Wouldn't it be a travesty to stop true love?"


Laughing together, they walked ten more minutes until they arrived in front of a resplendently pink villa. Michael had to rub his eyes twice to make sure he didn't see things.

"You sisters... sure are... uhm... exuberant."

[Hahaha! You wouldn't guess who wanted to repaint the entire villa this color.](Helen)

"It couldn't be you. You are more of a black/red type of woman. It can't be Aylin, right?"

[Hahahaha! It was her idea!](Helen)

Dumbfounded, Michael looked strangely at the large pink 'palace' and realized that he really knew nothing about the pretty Sorceress.

To boldly chose such a girlish color for her residence...

[Did big sis return?](?)

[I heard her laughing! She must be back.](?)

[Wait! Was that a man's voice? *Gasp*](?)

[*Deep inhale* No wonder she forgot about us sisters and didn't return here for a full day!](?)

Hearing the exaggerated conversation coming from inside the villa, Michael did his best to stop his mouth from twitching. Those girls were obviously teasing Helen, as could be easily seen from her tomato-red face.

Plus, their voices were loud enough to ensure he would also hear them, making it a test of sorts. It looked like mischief runs in the 'family.'

Grinning, he grabbed Helen's hands, who reacted like a frightened rabbit and looked at him questioningly.

"What's wrong, my love? Aren't you going to invite me in?"


Seeing her gnashing her teeth, Michael laughed loudly as he drew her closer in his embrace.

Helen was even angrier as she felt he was taking pleasure in her misfortune. If they were alone, she would've surely bitten him by now.

"Let's go, darling. I am curious to meet your famous little sisters."

[Hmpf! Shameless leecher!](Helen)