Chapter 43. Meeting the famous sisters

Dragged behind the pretty lady, Michael made his way inside the pink villa while taking in the incredible sights.

It must be said that these sisters had an acquired taste for art, as everything from the trees to the garden looked like something out of a movie about a fairy kingdom you'd see while visiting the palace.

Lush greenery and beautiful plants decorated every corner of the yard behind the gates as a group of beautiful young ladies eyed them curiously from under the shade of a poshly decorated wooden pavilion.

Seeing the tea and cookies served on the table, Michael wondered if, after entering the gates, he was transported yet again into a different world. The jump was too big!

[It's Evelyn who created this small paradise. She's the youngest among us, as well as the lowest level. She's a Druid.](Helen)

"That explains the beauty of this place. I only felt like this when I was wandering through the forests. To be able to give a similar feeling, your little sister must be quite talented."

While what he said was true, he threw in some compliments and immediately saw a big smile on one of the girls' faces.

He inwardly shook his head, confirming that these naughty girls were indeed listening to their conversation.

"Anything I should keep in mind to avoid offending your pretty sisters? I would prefer not to get beaten up if possible since all seven of you, including Aylin, are at a much higher level than I am."

[Well, it's true that even Evelyn is Level 36, but don't worry too much about you being under-leveled. It's pretty easy to reach Level 50 if you grind some Dungeons.](Helen)

Michael could've sworn he heard snorts coming from the pavilion as the pretty ladies rolled their eyes at this big sister of theirs.

Putting two and two together, it's very likely that the difficulty is much greater than this genius tigress claims it to be.

"That's good to know. I was planning to continue with my Quest, but that requires talking with Prava and getting some help from the Church of Light. After what happened today at the plaza, I'm having second thoughts about getting them as allies."

[You shouldn't. While it's true that there are bad apples here and there, the Cathedral has been fighting the demons fiercely day and night. They aren't called fanatics for no reason. You should put your personal feelings aside and judge things with a clearer head. I wouldn't say I like Prava either, but I wouldn't confront her like you did in the plaza today. It looked like you would attack her if Gonk didn't intervene.](Helen)

A wry smile appeared on Michael's face. He knew she specifically mentioned it to make a good impression on his sisters, but he was somewhat embarrassed by the foolish display.

With all the bad publicity religion got back on Earth and the horrifying things the church generally does in reality and novels he read, even without knowing the institution in the Sanctuary, his impression of them was at the lowest possible point.

"Please don't make fun of me. I acted out of anger, and it was a stupid thing to do. Leaving aside just how much stronger Prava is compared to myself, questioning the leader of the Church of Light in such a manner is prone to create issues down the line. Not to mention that we pretty much dragged their reputation through the mud after dealing with the whole kidnapping thing in public."

[Do you regret it?](Helen)

"Not one bit. After all, we managed to save two innocent people by doing so and exposing a villain at the same time. Two, if we count the Blithel family. But the method could've been more subtle in hindsight."

[Well, you do seem to hold some prejudice toward the church. Have you met them before?](Helen)

"Not exactly. It's religion, in general, that I have a problem with. I have no issue with religion as long as it stays just that. However, once it entrenches itself in politics, business, and generally other fields that grant it more power, it becomes a tainted thing that's no better than a disease. Between such a corrupt institution and demons, in my eyes, there's no difference."

Helen paused momentarily, looked deeply into Michael's eyes, and sighed.

[Well... I understand where you're coming from, but please make sure you don't say such things in front of anyone else. You would undoubtedly end up burned on the pyre.](Helen)

"I see. It looks like the Church of Light already entrenched itself deeply into Kyovashad."

[With Inarius himself descending into the Sanctuary, nobles, and highly influential merchants were forced to pick a side. As for politicians, they are backed by the same previously mentioned nobles and merchants; therefore, they also took a side.](Helen)

"And with the Father himself present, I'm guessing most of them chose his."

[Correct. That's why, even if the Church is only a place for prayers on the surface, you would often see even my superiors walking inside and holding a war council there. The situation grows more complex by the minute and forces both sides to reach an agreement. Cooperation in the face of a common enemy is much better than perishing at the demons' hands.](Helen)

The duo stopped talking about the subject as they reached the pavilion, where five beautiful young ladies scrutinized him curiously.

Michael threw the subject in the back of his head and politely bowed to introduce himself.

"The name is Michael Corbett. A pleasure to meet everyone. I've heard great things about you from Helen, but seeing the five of you, I know she didn't exaggerate even one bit."

The five girls giggled, and Helen rolled her eyes at the sudden pretentiousness of this foolish Necromancer. Was he truly after her sisters?

Though remembering what she went through last night, she gulped and shook his head, looking at the innocent girls. The poor girls would be lambs brought to the big bad wolf's bed if she was to hand them over.

Her right hand reached for his waist and pinched hard while glaring at him, prompting a yelp from Michael and laughter from the sisters.

"And exactly what was that for, my darling?"

[Hmpf! Do you dare throw more compliments at other women in my presence?](Helen)

"I would never! I only have eyes for you."

Hearing the sickening sweet words rolling naturally from Michael's tongue, Helen blushed and pinched even harder. This bastard was teasing her in front of her sisters.

Of course, the five young ladies became even more curious upon seeing the two 'flirting' so brazenly.

[See? I told you all. Big sis brought a man back to show off!](?)

[Brat! What are you talking about? You dare mock your big sister?](Helen)


Seeing Helen jump on the girl who dared make fun of her, Michael shook his head and watched the two girls chase each other through the garden.

Their speed... made Michael sweat a bit, and he was forcefully reminded of how high-level these girls were.

[Ignore those two and come take a seat, Michael.](?)

"Thank you. I would assume you are Miss Evelyn?"

[Eh!? How did you know?](Evelyn)

Michael snickered inwardly and didn't want to expose the fact that she noticed her proud expression when he complimented her garden, as that would imply he was aware of their spying.

If there was one thing you couldn't go wrong in a conversation with women, it was compliments. Well... as long as you don't go overboard.

"I was lucky to meet Aylin and her party on my way to Kyovashad. After getting acquainted with her party, I was taught some general knowledge by Mister Hoduin. As you are both Druids, I can sense a similar smell of nature in your aura."

Judging from the happy expression on the girl's face, Michael's bullshit compliment hit the mark. He didn't lie about feeling nature's aura on Hoduin, as the man was a high-level Druid.

As for Evelyn... well... it didn't hurt to boost someone's confidence through mere words.

[I can see why you managed to trick big sister Helen. You throw compliments quite easily, don't you, sir?](?)

"Just Michael, please. I'm barely 25 years old. I'll start crying if you treat me as if you would an older uncle..."

The joke had the intended effect, as both the speaker and the remaining three girls laughed.

There was cunning in the eyes of the girl who accused him of being frivolous, and judging by the way she carried herself, she didn't seem the melee type. Her hands were fair and without blemish, reminding him of Aylin.

"I would assume you are a magic Class, miss?"

[Hella. Yes, I'm an Illusionist specializing in Wind magic.](Hella)

"I see. Now, it makes sense. When I was training with Aylin, she mentioned that her illusion magic is weak and not strong at all compared to her sister's. I guess she meant you."

[Hmm? You trained with big sister Aylin?](Hella)

"Uhm... training is exaggerating it a bit. Getting pummeled by her spells would be more accurate. I'm guessing the magic stone imbued with illusion used on the training dummies also came from you?"

[She even used one of the magic stones!?](Hella)

"Eh... judging from your reaction, it isn't easy to get a stone like that?"

[I'm afraid not. Only Elite monsters and demons have a chance of dropping it. An Elite demon capable of using the water element proficiently can drop one after being killed. Though, they must be Level 50 or higher.](?)

"Ugh... it seems I owe Aylin just as much as Martel and Hoduin. Thank you for the information, miss. I dislike owing people and not being able to pay them back if it's in my power to do so."

[My name is Mei. I am a Ranger focused on archery. This is big sister Mina, and she's a high-level Priest.](Mei)

Hearing the name 'Mina,' Michael tried to act as normally as possible, as he remembered Aylin's story. But his act didn't seem to fool the shy Priestess.

[It seems that Aylin told you about our distasteful past. You don't have to feel bad, Sir Michael.](Mina)

"Please, call me Michael. It feels weird being called 'sir' by beautiful ladies, all of whom are at a higher level than I am. Aylin did recount the story as a warning not to discuss Wanderer matters with normal people. She hoped that I wouldn't repeat the tragedy you went through."

[It's okay; you don't have to explain. It was me who insisted that newbie Wanderers should learn what we went through. If at least a few people suffer less through our efforts, it's well worth it.](Mina)

Hella and Mia moved closer to the Priestess and grabbed her hands, forcing a large smile on her face.

[As you can see, even if scars remain, the wound itself healed with time. Especially when surrounded by such lovely sisters.](Mina)

Michael smiled politely but abstained from commenting further. From the few psychology courses he took in college, he knew that type of trauma stays with you for life.

Especially when encountered at such a young age. Instead of considering it a scar, it would be more apt to call it a scabbed wound. Every mention of the event would dig into the scab, revealing fresh blood.

[While I am curious how you met Helen, I'm more curious about how you convinced Aylin to help with your training. Even if you got along well with Sir Martel and Sir Hoduin, she's not the type that would give face to her seniors.](Mina)

Remembering his MasterChef battle with Aylin, Michael couldn't help but smile. Before he could recount the story, Helen and the little sister returned.

This very agile lady managed to evade Helen's pursuit for quite a while, though she eventually ended up in her clutches and was terribly tormented through tickles and some spanking.

Michael obviously pretended not to see the young woman get spanked since Helen either forgot about his presence or didn't care at all.

Seeing Michael stand across the table from the other four girls, she grinned and pushed the short lady to stay beside him. Then, she plopped herself on his other side and unceremoniously poured herself and Michael a cup of tea each.

[This is Tia. She's a snarky brat, but don't let her appearances fool you. She's a Level 50 Assasin who unlocked her Paragon Page recently.](Helen)

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Tia."

[Likewise. Hmm? You're a Necromancer?](Tia)

Michael grimaced and sneakily took a peek at Mina, who didn't seem to have much of a reaction, after which he nodded.

[The way you step, did Uncle Martel teach you?](Tia)

"Indeed. Though, I'm not very proficient, as you probably noticed."

[It's not bad for a newbie. By stepping on your toes rather than your heel, you are capable of responding faster in fight or flight situations. It's good to see you practice it even during your free time. However, people might take offense to your 'ready to fight' state on more informal occasions.](Tia)

Michael glared at Helen as if asking why she didn't say anything about it, but she ignored him entirely.

He would be stupid to believe that if Tia noticed, Helen didn't.

[It seems that Michael here managed to subdue Aylin through cooking.](Helen)

After throwing the bomb and watching the girls gasp as she enjoyed a cookie herself, Helen turned and grinned at Michael.

She was taking revenge for his previous teasing!