Chapter 106. Experiencing new thrills

Sighing at his bleak prospects, Michael turned his attention to the man locked for Heaven knows what reason.

[Theya? Ha, she was a nobody a few years ago... disappeared for a bit. Came back with friends blathering on and on about the end of days.](Vilek)

"The end of days?"

Hearing the words reminded Michael of the Sealed Door. Could it be that the two are somehow connected?

Or could it be a different 'end of days' altogether? After all, with demons invading the Sanctuary, there's a high number of scenarios through which this apocalypse could happen.

[Don't believe her! She's a liar, but she's also cunning. She snatched up my eyes after all.](Vilek)

[He doesn't seem very stable...](Helen)

"Hmm. We need something to bring him back on track. What happened to your eyes?"

[Theya stole them. Pinned them on some necklace she wears, but takes it with her everywhere, makes me watch. I wonder if my suffering aids her.](Vilek)

"How do you know this? Can you still see through your eyes, even if they are no longer connected to your body?"

[Ah yeah, I can see through those eyes just as you can see me now, but what I see is painful. So much pain, so much death. I want my damned eyes back!](Vilek)

Seeing the man howl in grief and resentment, the duo knew that the interrogation session had ended.

Stumbling upon another curious topic, which might have been related to a big conspiracy, Michael shared the intel with Helen.

Unsurprisingly, she had no idea about this gate and said she would inspect it when he left for Nostrava.

The young Necromancer thought of cautioning the woman since there could be powerful creatures there, but with how strong she was, there was no doubt on his mind that if they appeared, the one who would suffer was still to be determined.

"I have to say... not a single boring day in the Sanctuary. There's always something happening."

[I would love nothing more than some peace and quiet... What now?](Helen)

"Well, let's check the final Quest. Hopefully, they are in the same direction."

Following the marker, the duo reached the back alleys, where he saw the Purveyor Lizveth. Meeting Helen's curious eyes, he nodded to point to a conversation taking place in front of them.

[Thank the Light, you're here! My boy... I-I think he's possessed!](Petr)

[Worry not, Petr. The Cathedral will not abandon you.](Sister Octavia)

Watching the interaction, Helen stayed behind so as not to interfere with the matters of the Church while still keeping an eye from a distance.

"My apologies, but I overheard your conversation. What's going on here?"

[Ah, good, you look capable. I could use an extra set of hands exorcising the demon that has seized this man's son. Meet me in the Cellar there. And prepare yourself. You're about to witness a miracle.](Sister Octavia)

Michael was shocked at the calmness with which the woman invited him to join the 'fun.' 

He turned to look dismayed at Helen, who was almost rolling on the ground laughing.

[ Quest issued - Malady of the Soul

Objective: Enter the Frigit Cellar

Description: Sister Octavia, a priest from the Cathedral of Light, has asked for your help with a ritual to exorcise a demon from a young boy. ]

Rolling his eyes at Helen, he pointed out that the Cellar turned into a Dungeon of sorts, stopping her fun.

Annoyed that she couldn't follow him in, she cautioned him to escape if things got dangerous.

Seeing her wait outside nervously, Michael resolved himself to wrap this up quickly.

The location recognized by the system as 'Frigid Cellar' was exactly as the name implied. A cold cellar where this household stored their perishable goods and wine.

Walking before Sister Octavia, Michael questioned her on his purpose here.

"What do you need me to do?"

[Take my chalice and place it in front of the boy. I need to read through my prayer book for suitable passages.](Sister Octavia)

The system informed him of gaining a Quest item called 'Holy Chalice' while the Quest was also updated.

[ Quest update - Malady of the Soul

Objective: Place the Holy Chalice. ]

Walking into the nearby room, a bed was put in the middle with a child lying on top. The boy seemed to writhe in agony, but no shackles were holding him down.

Judging by his looks, he was no older than 10. Worried that it might be the case of a miss-diagnostic and the child might be autistic, he decided to interfere if things got violent.

Walking to the left side of the bed, Michael placed down the chalice. Just as he was about to retreat, he heard the conversation between the father, Petr, and Sister Octavia as they entered the room.

[Sister, I know the Cathedral's normal method is to... burn the person possessed.](Petr)

[Some of the clergy can be... eager in their reading of the scriptures. That won't happen here.](Sister Octavia)

[Oh, praise be!](Petr)

Overhearing the content of the conversation, the thought of the exorcism being slightly violent was fine as well crossed Michael's mind. Compared to being burned alive... it was a much more preferred alternative.

Though, from the looks of it, this sister was flying incognito. Michael was confident that she hadn't gotten approval from Prava to do what she was doing.

"Well then, shall we begin the exorcism?"

[*Deep breath* Father Inarius, as I shed my wicked blood, let it be purified in thy Light. Let the Light fill the darkness - ](Sister Octavia)

Even the skeptical Michael turned believer at that point. Especially seeing the child on the bed levitate all of a sudden, with horrible guttural growls coming from him.

[Pathetic. This child belongs to me!](?)

[Angels above! My son!](Petr)

[Let the Light push out the darkness hiding within this child. Father, force this demon out!](Sister Octavia)

Watching the interaction between the three parties, Michael was speechless. Both the humans and the supposed demon were thoroughly ignoring him.

As the sister continued reciting verses, the child kept floating up and down above the bed. Its laughter filled the room with a malicious feeling.

[Hah! Your mewling has no power here!](?)

As the chalice exuded light, covering the boy's entire body, magic circles appeared on the ground. As an avid Dungeon diver, Michael recognized them as summoning circles.

Taking out his scythe and Focus item, he was shocked to see 9 Fallen minions rise from the ground, preparing to attack the sister and her father.

"Tsk! You know... I really hate being ignored. Sever!"

In a matter of seconds, the demonlings were grouped with Corpse Tendrils and sent packing soon after.

Sister Octavia didn't seem even remotely bothered by the sudden invasion.

[Father! Protect this child with your grace!](Sister Octavia)

[Never! I will never let go! His soul is mine!](?)

[I command you to flee this body!](Sister Octavia)

[No! NOOOO!](?)

Hearing the exchange, Michael just realized. If the demon got out of the child's body, where would it go?

Would it possess another person, perhaps? Or maybe even worse... would it manifest now that this Cellar was a Dungeon?

Michael had his answer as a circle of frost formed on the ground, and the child's body fell back on the bed.

[ Xul'Goth the Chill-Touched (Elite) - Level 32

*Cold Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 150 Cold damage

*Summoner: Creates three summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 3 minutes. ]

[Slay it quickly! Before it finds another host!](Sister Octavia)

And obviously, the demon's first action was to summon even more damned Fallen minions in an attempt to draw out the fight.

After a bit of a struggle, Michael was able to deal with Xul'Goth while protecting the exhausted sister and the child on the bed. As for the father, Petr, he stood mortified in a corner of the room.

It was to be expected, though, as meeting with a noble-ranked devil that possessed your child... was not a comforting experience.

[*Sigh* It is done.](Sister Octavia)

[Vata! My boy! Can you hear me?](Petr)

After getting the sister's confirmation that he was in the dodge, the father lunged at the bed to check his son's condition.

[Please... say something!](Petr)

[*Groans* F-father? Where am I?](Vata)

[My boy! *Sobs* Oh, Vata! You're alright! Thank you, Sister!](Petr)

[You're welcome. I'm sure I will see you at the next service, yes, Petr? Right in front of the pew?](Sister Octavia)

[Of course, Sister! Of course!](Petr)

[Let's give them a moment. Speak to me outside.](Sister Octavia)

Watching the sister leave the room while the man embraced his son happily, Michael couldn't help but think the woman was quite badass. 

Especially the last line said to Petr. 

'That's one way to get people to come to church... Fortunately, it shouldn't be widespread. Especially with all that burning the others are doing...'

Following the sister outside, he found her conversing with an anxious Helen. The fierce tigress instantly deflated upon seeing him.

Patting her hand to comfort her, he approached Sister Octavia.

"That was... interesting."

[You did well. You're more suited for this work than you think. There are many more people in Kyovashad who are in need of me. If you have the time, I would welcome your assistance. Well... until next time!](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest complete - Malady of the Soul

Reward 1: 7,985 experience points

Reward 2: 1,400 gold coins

Reward 3: Herb Cache ]

Looking at his experience bar showing 15,767/99,820, Michael agreed with Helen that he underestimated how difficult it would be to level up from now on. 

Still, there was plenty of time. Opening the Herb Cache urged by a curious Helen, he obtained 1 Howler Moss, 2 Lifesbane, 2 Reddamine, 6 Gallowvine, 2 Biteberry, 1 Blightshade, and 1 Rare two-handed sword.

The sword was quite ridiculous in its damage, but Michael didn't want to mess with it. Even if its physical damage alone was over his total magical damage.

Laughing with Helen on the way to Zivek's Blacksmith shop, the duo agreed on salvaging the sword. After all, it looked like it was made out of suitable materials.

[You're back. Just in time. Here's the shield. Did a pretty good job, if I can say so myself.](Zivek)

After getting 2 Iron Chunks, 2 Silver Ores, and 1 Veiled Crystal in return, the duo inspected the upgraded shield curiously.

[ Dread Shield of Audacity

Legendary Shield

340 Item Power


270 Armor (+270 when compared with the currently equipped item)

* 50% Blocked Damage Reduction

* 20% Block Chance

* + 80% Main Hand Weapon Damage

* + 63 Thorns


* +21 Strength

* +4.2% Crowd Control skill Duration

* 4.9% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies 

* 9.0% Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies

Legendary Aspect: When there are at least 5 Close enemies, stun them for 4 seconds. This can only occur every 20 seconds.

Empty Socket ]

Seeing the improvement, Michael was slightly shocked. In gaming terms, this shield would be a +4 at the moment, but even so, its stats increased tremendously compared to before.

Zivek seemed pleased with their surprised expression and chased them out playfully. 

The duo didn't mind and kept discussing the shield on their way to the Waypoint.

[So? What's the plan next? Nostrava?](Helen)

"I'm not sure. Please help me decide. Nostrava is the Stronghold. Apparently, I need to reclaim it before completing a Dungeon inside it. As for Margrave..."

[Margrave then.](Helen)

"Eh? Why?"

[Each Stronghold I participated in reclaiming was... terrifying. If you can get just a little stronger in Margrave, it would be the better course of action.](Helen)

"That makes sense. Be careful with the Sealed Gate. Don't get too close to it. After all, we don't know what kind of terrors are locked behind it. If it's to sate your curiosity, look at it from afar. If you want to investigate it, please wait until I reach your level, and we can do it together. Okay?"

Fortunately, Helen seemed delighted by the idea of Questing together, just as much as she was about Dungeon diving as a party.

After getting some instructions from the City Guards at the Southern Gate, Michael left Helen behind and headed toward the Quest marker.

"Let's see. They said to get to Father's Cross, head East, follow the road to the Dobrev Taiga, move South onto the road passing near the Light's Watch Dungeon, and then keep heading South. There, I'll find a settlement."

And it was true. After avoiding Skeletons, Wargs, and Wrathful Phantoms, Michael ended up following a small river to the encampment in question.

Saluting the guards and telling them of his purpose, they guided him to the Waypoint.

[How many times have I said: do not leave these walls! I promised your parents I would care for you.](?)

Seeing a distressed adult admonishing a child, Michael realized just how bad the conditions of the Sanctuary were from a safety perspective.

In the end, there were just too many dangerous factors out there. Even Wanderers couldn't be said to be safe...