Chapter 107. Margrave Outpost

The Margrave outpost... it was surprisingly small! Even when compared with the encampment where he woke up upon arriving in the Sanctuary, it's still smaller.

If there were a difference, it would be this Margrave outpost's specialization. Everywhere you'd look, there would be Wanderers and their children. Very few common folk were around.

Furthermore, the children were being taught the way of the Wanderers since they were young as if they could become one themselves any other day. It was quite baffling. 

'There's also the buildings. I don't think there are more than 15 of them, which means the number of people housed here is not bigger than 30-40. The wall doesn't seem to reach two meters in height, and its making components are rather thin. It looks like makeshift barricades built upon the cliffs of the river. How the fuck isn't this outpost demolished by the wildlife of the Sanctuary?'

Leaving the demons, ghouls, undead, and goatmen outside, even the bears and boars he saw reaching three meters in height could pass through these 'walls' as if they were paper.

However, the people inside the outpost didn't seem to be bothered or worried at all. On the contrary, they were going about their jobs as if nothing important was occurring. 

'Let's see. There are some sentry towers with archers in them... and that's it? The MAP recognizes a Blacksmith and an Armor shop, a Healer, an Inn, and finally, Stables. There are even two Quest markers in this place.' 

[ Side Quest (restricted to Level 27+)

Name: Bound by Blood

Description: A pious man needs help with his unruly brother. ]

[ Side Quest (restricted to Level 27+)

Name: Legacies of the Light's Watch

Description: A young Monk seeks answers about Knights Penitent. ]

Upon a cursory glance, both Side Quests seemed troublesome, so Michael walked in the other direction for now.

He couldn't help but notice the strange pyre built upon the altar-like structure in the middle of the camp. 

'It seems that Sister Octavia wasn't exactly wrong about the other people 'of faith' and their 'excitement' about burning people alive. I'll need to look into it. It wouldn't be funny if I committed some kind of crime and ended up on one myself.' 

Just as he was walking through the outpost, a couple started arguing out of nowhere.

[So you will simply run to Kyovashad and forsake the rest of us?](?)

[My heart is sick with screams and smoke! I love the Father, you know I do, but I cannot serve him here.](?)

The man got even angrier, but noticing Michael, he dragged the woman into a nearby house, where they continued their argument. The conversation became muffled because of the walls, so he couldn't get any extra intel from them.

'She was no doubt talking about burning people alive. It can indeed be a traumatic experience. I've seen some documentaries in my past life. Not only can it cause bodily harm after being exposed to the smell and the burnt remains, but the sight and screams of a burning person can cause immense mental scars to anyone. I'm honestly surprised such a barbaric practice is happening in a place as straightforward as the Sanctuary. Isn't execution a much better method?' 

To the southern exit of the outpost, a guard was talking to a Wanderer prepared to explore that direction.

[I would reconsider heading south. Nothing in the swamp worth dying for, least of all people...](?)

The man listened to the guard continue his story, but Michael made himself scarce. It wasn't nice listening to other people's conversations, even if it was for intel gathering.

Walking forward, he reached the East gate, where people were huddled around small graves. An altar was built opposing the graves where a big candle burned intensely.

The people mourning were quiet, except for an older woman.

[The nights have been quiet without you. No snoring. I... can't sleep a wink without it *sniff*...](?)

Sighing at the saddening scene, he was once more reminded of the cruelty of the Sanctuary. Not the world itself but the cruelty of the invaders who destroyed the lives of the people.

Michael didn't consider himself a saint, nor did he fancy himself a hero. His 'adventures' so far have been challenging as it is, without acting stupidly on top. 

'But it still sucks seeing people like this... Hopefully, there will come a day when peace and quiet are not such a distant dream...

Wandering through the small outpost, Michael reached the Stable area and the location of one of the Quests.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the Quest Giver that approached Michael first, but another person sitting next to him.

[Did you walk here too? I don't see a steed with you.](?)

"Indeed. I couldn't afford one. The name is Michael."

[*Scoff* Yasen. I will pray for our feet... this pilgrimage has not been kind to them.](Yasen)

Looking toward the Quest Giver, Michael frowned slightly. The boy seemed hurt.

"You're injured. Do you need help?"

[You're kind, but it's nothing that won't heal. I was a fool for trying to get into the old Light's Watch outpost. The place is overrun with fiends.](Zalan Coste)

"You don't seem to be the foolish kind, seeing how you're reflecting on your mistake. What brought you to such a dangerous place?"

[I only wanted to... I believe my mother, Soliana, was stationed there. However, the Church keeps everything but its records in the Light. There must be something left behind at the outpost by Knights Penitent!](Zalan Coste)

"I see. If you don't mind, I can look into it."

[I would appreciate the help, Wanderer.](Zalan Coste)

"Mhm. What do you know about Light's Watch?"

[Only that it was once a bastion of the Knights Penitent, the holy order of the Cathedral knights who patrolled the roads, delivering the Light's justice to evil...](Zalan Coste)

"What changed?"

[Well... That is until they marched away. That's all I could find.](Zalan Coste)

"I see. I'll look into it and come back to let you know."

[Thank you, Wanderer!](Zalan Coste)

The system seemed to have also acknowledged the Quest, as it appeared in his list.

[ Quest issued - Legacies of Light's Watch

Objective 1: Aquire Archivist's Journal I

Objective 2: Aquire Archivist's Journal II

Objective 3: Aquire Archivist's Journal III

Description: Zalan Coste believes his mother was stationed in Light's Watch until it was abandoned. 

He has asked you to search the old outpost for information about the Knight Penitent there. ]

Unsurprisingly, after checking the MAP, the Quest required him to go Dungeon diving once more. Furthermore, it was the Dungeon he passed by earlier today.

Scratching his head and shrugging at the ever-increasing amount of work he had to put in, Michael walked toward the last available Quest in the area, as he hesitated talking to the Priest preparing the pyre.

[Do you see now, Lacthan? Enough is enough! Perithan's soul is marred by sin!](?)

[No! He wouldn't go that far.](Lacthan)

A man was surrounded by five other people who seemed to pressure him into doing something he didn't want to.

Turning around and seeing Michael approach, the conversations seem to have ended.

[You know what must be done, Lacthan. If you do not do it, we will. Do you have the will to see it through?](?)

[Do not question my faith. I will fix this.](Lacthan)

Watching the men leave while giving him the stink-eye, Michael approached the Quest Giver, Lacthan.

"They seem like a friendly bunch. What's going on?"

[Those were local hunters. They went with my brother, Perithan, to guide some merchants through the mountain pass but were attacked by bandits.](Lacthan)

"Let me guess: they think he had something to do with it?"

[The hunters think Perithan set them up... that cannot be right. He is not very devout, but he wouldn't do something like that.](Lacthan)

"What's your plan, then? It doesn't look like the hunters would give up easily."

[I want to look for him, but the woods are dangerous. Could I perhaps hire you as a bodyguard?](Lacthan)

Pondering for a moment while looking at the center of the outpost where the fanatic Priest was preparing even more wood for the pyre, Michael's lips twitched.

He really didn't want to get involved with that crazy-looking bastard.

"Sure. Why not."

[Thank you! Before we leave, we should ask around town. Maybe he came back on his own.](Lacthan)

"Let's go. Who should we check with first?"

[Guard Cvetko. He took care of last night's shift, so maybe he saw my brother.](Lacthan)

Walking to a nearby house, the two knocked on the door and were promptly let inside by a middle-aged man.

"We're looking for Perithan. Has he been around lately?"

[That troublemaker? No, but let me know if you find him. I have some questions.](Cvetko)

Nodding in acquiescence, the duo left somewhat puzzled and headed back out.

Apparently, Priest Matvey was also one of the people they should ask about this troublemaker of a brother, but Michael still wanted to avoid him for a while longer.

[Then, Meridan might know something. Let's check with her.](Lacthan)


The lady was nothing but helpful...

"Hello. I'm looking for Perithan."

[Why, to finally arrest the menace? He went out with those heathen merchants a while back. I haven't seen him since.](Meridan)

Judging from everyone's expression, this brother of Lacthan's wasn't very well received in this outpost. 

Still, if it were only on the level of a troublemaker, it wouldn't be THIS strange.

Gathering up some courage, Michael walked toward the weird Priest and asked the same question.

"Hello, Priest. Have you seen Perithan lately?"

[*Laughs* No, no. Perithan does his very best to avoid me, I'm afraid. I should hope he's somewhere praying for his own salvation. We gave up long ago.](Priest Matvey)

[Light, I was hoping... The merchants were ambushed at a camp just before the pass. We should search there.](Lacthan)

"Sure. Please give me a bit of time first. I have some further things to talk about with Priest Matvey here."

Seeing the curious look on the Priest's face, Michael felt the urge to punch him. He knew it was because of his bias against clergy that like to burn people at the pyre, but still...

The fact that the system also identified the pyre served to annoy him further.

[Pyre of Margrave

Description: Crowned by the Cathedral Cross, the great pyre stands as tall as any roof in town. Charred corpses of the condemned remain lashed to the timbers - a clear warning for all those who enter Margrave.]

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Michael realized that not only did he have a Quest to complete with this Priest, but he also had one to offer.

Still, he took things step-by-step.

"I found the body of a pilgrim from Margrave. I thought to return him."

[I see. So our young brother failed in his pilgrimage to the monastery.](Priest Matvey)

"That's an awfully cold reaction for a priest."

[A shame, but no worse than any of us have earned, is it? Death of fang and claw. Of freezing. Of the pyre. Our sinful bodies deserve no better.](Priest Matvey)

Before he could continue the conversation with the fanatic Priest, the Sanctuary seemed to have considered the Quest complete after he handed over the coffin.

[ Quest complete - A Cold Faith

Reward 1: 998 experience points

Reward 2: 840 gold coins

Reward 3: Herb Cache ]

Ignoring the Quest rewards, Michael turned back to the clergyman.

"Does the Cathedral support these burnings?"

[*Snorts* We are far from Kyovashad, friend, beyond their notice or care. But... *inhale* the Father sees our Light burn from high atop his glacier. He knows that Margrave will suffer no evil.](Priest Matvey)

"What about the people burnt? Were they all deserving?"

[*Sigh* Many were bandits, murderers... others, dear friends. Good, Light-tending folk until they embraced evil. We must not share the fate of Nevesk. Examples must be made!](Priest Matvey)

Hearing the man's words, it finally clicked. The reason for such extreme reactions to 'sin.' It was because of Lilith and Nevesk. 

In their eyes, sacrificing a few people would serve as an example to warn others not to waver in their faith. 

'Faith forced through fear... isn't that just as bad as the alternative Lilith's offering? One cages people, while the other frees them. Who's the truly evil one here?'

Looking at the Quest mark above the Priest's head, Michael decided to accept it. After all, he needed the experience.

"It seems that Margrave is beset by evil on all fronts."

[Yes... darkness is all around us, threatening to close in at any moment. It is our struggle to keep it at bay, if only just barely. Back when the Knights Penitent still patrolled these woods, they would construct great sanctified braziers to ward off evil.](Priest Matvey)

"I see. So that's why this outpost is still standing, even if it severely lacks manpower or fortifications. The sanctified braziers."

[Mhm. Most had their lights extinguished, though. There is one not far from here. If you wish to help us push back the darkness, you could light it.](Priest Matvey)

"So be it."

Leaving the Priest behind, Michael checked the details of his new Quest. He was slightly curious about how these braziers worked in warding off 'evil' and other creatures.

After all, if there were plenty of them, wouldn't the peace and quiet Helen spoke about be easier to reach?