Chapter 116. Unyielding Flesh

Heading toward the Inn, Michael realized that both the local Purveyour of Curiosities and the second Quest were there.

The conversations weren't very optimistic, but it made sense since this was the Sanctuary.

[Marietta, retire early. We can have a child and care for our family.](?)

[It's a hard life, sure, with the dangers and the mines. But if I'm lucky? I could make it five more years without sight of injury or death.](Marietta)

[And if you're not?](?)

[I'd rather not have my child grow up without a mother. I know how much having one helps...](Marietta)

The conversation was taking place at the entry into the Inn between a guardswoman and probably her beloved. They both looked relatively young...

Walking past the arguing couple, he entered the Inn only to hear more complaints about stuff in general.

[Like I said! Why are the both of you here for gambling!? Arkadi, didn't you lose even your underwear three days ago?](?)

[Leave me alone. I'm off duty. Just trying to have a little fun... for once.](Guard Arkadi)

[A hell of a guard, this one. And you, sir Knight Gastev? Are you sure you want to sin with the rest of us?](?)

[Look, I didn't ask for this post, but as long as I'm here, I may as well make some money. Don't worry, I'll tithe.](Knight Gastev)

[Damn! You're talking as if you've already won!? Come, come, come! I'll show you how it feels to leave without pants on you in this cold winter.](?)

Watching the arguing gamblers, Michel smiled. Walking to a nearby letter, he grabbed it and read it since it was his Quest Giver.

[From Yelesna, I set out on my pilgrimage. I offered thanks at a roadside shrine and received a blessing for my journey.]

Reading the interesting letter, Michael placed it back on the table while pondering the situation. Maybe it was one of Inarius's shrines?

[ Quest issued - Traveler's Prayer

Objective: Give thanks at the shrine.

Description: You found a pilgrim's account of giving thanks at a roadside shrine and receiving a blessing in return. Would it work for you? ]

Smiling at the description, Michael approached the Innkeeper and asked for a drink.

[Sorry, but that's Anamarii over there. And as you can see, she's pretty busy...](Tasyana)

Looking in the direction the hostess was pointing at, he saw a lady serving a group of six men with drinks.

[Hahah! Wait your turn, you drunkards. There's plenty to go around!](Anamarii)

Turning around and laughing with the hostess, he decided to ask for some details about the local 'fauna.' After all, you can gather lots of information in an Inn just from the rumors the civilians and the guards bring.

"You seem to be doing well. Business is thriving."

[Hmpf, probably better than it should be. Hard times make people want to feel something. A little drink. A little gambling. Better than being scared all the time, eh?](Tasyana)

"I've heard something happened at the mines. Why are they closed?"

[Story changes depending on who you talk to. Some say demons. Some say werewolves. Don't really matter; all mean the same thing. Closed mines and idle hands.](Tasyana)

"That's true. So, how does Yelesna survive in that case? The mine should be the place that gives the most jobs in this town."

[The Cathedral, mostly. Though, people don't want to admit it. Too proud. *Sigh* Don't want them here, but can't survive if they leave.](Tasyana)

Thanking her and turning his head to look at the man smiling at him, Rodyar introduced himself as the Purveyor of Curiosities in this town.

Unable to find any decent boots and gloves lately, Michael decided to give it a try with one each. Each was 40 Murmuring Obols, so he could waste most of his 490 pieces here.

'Well, not really. Probably only 80 or so... probably.'

After paying the man 80 Murmuring Obols, he got two strangely colorful item boxes. However, after opening them and getting two Magic items, Michael felt like punching the laughing face.

Leaving the Inn in a huff, he couldn't do much except comfort himself for achieving his goal of dropping the Obols down to 410...

Opening up the MAP again, the Main Quest was northeast of the city, while the two Side Quests he picked up were on the way there. One required him to murder Ghouls, while the other needed him to pray at a shrine. Nothing fancy so far, but there was one left to pick up.

Walking to the eastern exit, he found a distressed woman at the gate, probably deliberating whether she should leave the city.

"Excuse me. You seem troubled."

[My husband, Feodor, left our home in the middle of the night. I heard him talking to someone, another woman.](Krystyna)

'Holly crap! An affair? As a Quest? You can do that!?'

[I went to confront them, but they fled towards a strange light in the forest.](Krystyna)

'And there's the penny dropping. Strange light and a strange woman leading men astray... sounds pretty demonic to me. Succubus maybe? I doubt it's Lilith, but it should be one of her minions.'

[They seem to have been gone all night... I think it's time I went after him, but the forest is dangerous. Would you accompany me?](Krystyna)

"Sure. Which direction should we go?"

[Thank you, Wanderer! It's east of the town.](Krystyna)

Explaining his Class to the woman so that she doesn't get scared and run into the arms of some monsters, Michael told her about his minions and Golem. 

In the meantime, the Sanctuary confirmed the Quest.

[ Quest issued - Unyielding Flesh

Objective: Help Krystyna find her husband, Feodor

Description: Krystyna has asked for help finding her husband, Feodor. She saw him flee the woods with a woman last night. ]

Looking at the Quest Giver's face, she wasn't ugly. Not particularly beautiful, but surely not someone her husband would cheat on in a world where beauty was hard to find among the common folk. Furthermore, definitely not in a forest filled with monsters in the middle of the night.

'Especially with an Inn in town where they could book a room. So, it means he was somehow tricked. The only issue is the location of the Quest...' 

Looking at the MAP, the other three Quests were northeast, while this one was straight east from the town of Yelesna. 

So, with the woman's concern growing and her husband missing, she was the highest priority.

"Let's go Ms. Krystyna. Stay behind me, and don't stray. After we leave the city, I'll summon my minions so you can get accustomed to them."

[Thank you, Wanderer. I'll follow behind you then.](Krystyna)

Upon seeing the Skeletons, the woman was pretty brave but did issue a low shriek when the Golem entered the fray. 

Overall, Michael gave her an 8/10 since he almost screamed himself when he first summoned it.

One surprising thing as they ventured out was that only Ghouls attacked them on their way to the Quest marker. 

Furthermore, they walked in packs of over 10 to 15 each time. Collecting the Ghoul Hearts for the Quest was easy, so Michael was rather pleased.

When they reached the entrance to the forest called Gnarled Timbers, strange moaning sounds could be heard.


[It sounds like... Feodor...](Krystyna)

Walking toward the source of the sounds, the duo walked upon a gruesome scene. A woman stood in front of Feodor, caressing his... face.

[My sweet Feodor, may you know bliss eternal.](?)

After that, she turned to look at Michael and Krystyna and simply walked away.

Initially, Michael wanted to follow, but seeing Feodor's situation, he temporarily stayed behind.

[Feodor!? What has happened... oh, heavens, no! No...](Krystyna)

[Such sights... I have witnessed... Such pleasure... such pain... I must have... more.](Feodor)

[What? Feodor!? How is it that you--?](Krystyna)


[...please go after that woman who did this to him--](Krystyna)

[MORE! MORE, MORE, MORE!!!](Feodor)

The man seemed delirious, and rightly so. He was currently chained down to three pillars, with hooks into his flesh holding him in place.

His entire skin has been flailed, leaving behind the muscles and a bloodied body. It was... a truly horrifying sight.

How the man was still alive after enduring being skinned, Michael had no idea.

"Would you be fine alone?"

[Yes. Go...](Krystyna)


[ Quest update - Unyielding Flesh

Objective: Confront the mysterious woman. ]

The Quest marker's location wasn't much further away, but the image of the man's flayed body wouldn't leave the young Necromancer's mind. It was disturbing, more than anything he had seen so far.

And the fact that the man asked for more even after enduring all that.

'Just what did they do to the poor man to break his mind so...'

He found the woman in a small meadow nearby, seemingly waiting for him. There was a large pool of blood under her feet, as well as a slain Knight behind her.

Sighing, Michael couldn't help but complain about how cheap lives were in the Sanctuary.

[It's no surprise Feodor was drawn to me, but I have given only what he desired. His petty soul has been torn asunder by agony and ecstasy, but his flesh is unyielding. You will NOT interfere!](?)

Looking at the flayed Ghouls dead on the ground and a couple of other men, Michael sighed and gave his minions the order to attack.

The Ghoul went first and activated his Taunt ability while the others peppered the woman with attacks. Sure enough, the demoness dropped the pretense, as well as her human disguise, turning into a three-meter-tall flying succubus.

[ Yulia (Elite) - Level 35

*Hellbound: Summons a Hellbinder that latches chains on enemy targets in a five-meter radius.

*Multishot: All ranged attacks are mirrored by two more attacks dealing 100% of the initial damage.

*Electrified Obelisks: Summons three Electrified Obelisks that send electric currents from one to another in a straight line. ]

It was the first time the Necromancer saw this modifier on someone other than the Boss of the Lost Archives.

Furthermore, it was a disgusting combo with her Multishot and Hellbound. The first time it was used during the fight, his Ghoul died in seconds, but fortunately, Michael knew to keep his distance.

Twenty seconds later, the Quarterback rejoined the fray, and Yulia fell.

Grabbing the item boxes on the ground, Michael realized that after killing many Ghouls and this Succubus, he already gained seven of them. Four were Rare, while the other three were Magic grade.

[ Quest update - Unyielding Flesh

Objective: Return to Krystyna. ]

Sighing in annoyance, Michael returned to the forest's entrance, where Krystyna appeared to be in a trance while looking at the squirming Feodor. 

The man was writhing in both pain and agony, while Michael knew the man Krystyna loved was long gone.

What shocked the Necromancer was the appearance of a dagger that seemed to have been lodged under the man's ribs and probably into his heart.

[Ugh... more... more...](Feodor)

[You... you deserve much worse... than the mercy I have just shown you. *Spits*](Krystyna)

Watching the item embed into the man's flesh, Michael realized Krystyna was a Wanderer. The item looked at least Magic grade.

Seeing her spit at the feet of the man... he didn't know how to react.

"The woman was a demon. I have dealt with her."

[*Sigh* If it's a reward you want, take the dagger from his chest... and leave me be.](Krystyna)

Michael was stunned to see the woman turn around and walk back toward Yelesna. The Quest also didn't end, which meant that he had to take out the dagger.

Furthermore, seeing the man in constant agony... someone had to offer him release, but his wife didn't seem to have the strength.

"Looks like I have to do the dirty work. *Sigh* Rest well, Feodor."

Wrenching the dagger free from the man's chest, a large amount of blood fell onto the ground.

With gurgling sounds of choking with blood, the man finally died.

Just as he was wondering what to do with the body, the chains turned red, and a flame devoured the flesh. Except for some dried blood, nothing but ash remained.

Even the pillars descended onto the ground as if they had served their purpose.

"Guess I'll follow Krystyna back to Yelesna. Wouldn't want her to die also... Truly, what a shitty world they live in."

[ Quest complete - Unyielding Flesh

Reward 1: 1,240 gold coins

Reward 2: 4,998 experience points

Reward 3: Blood-Barbed Blade (Rare grade) ]

He caught up with Krystyna and managed to deliver her safely back to Yelesna. 

The woman was probably disillusioned and needed time to recover. That's why he didn't engage in a conversation with her and just followed silently behind.

Seeing Krystyna enter her abode, Michael scratched his head and walked to Olesia to hand over the Ghoul Hearts.

"I've returned with the Ghoul Hearts."

[That was fast! Excellent work, friend. Ghoul Hearts seem to have captivated the clergy as of late. It's no surprise, really. Understanding your enemy is the first step to defeating them.](Olesia)

Watching the Alchemist lady leave to hand the organs to the clergy, Michael's Quest seems to have ended.

[ Quest complete - Ravenous Dead

Reward 1: 1,550 gold coins

Reward 2: 9,996 experience points

Reward 3: Herb Cache. ]

"Eh!? What's this about? Why is the difference so big?"