Chapter 117. The Knight and the Magpie

Seeing the significant difference in experience rewards handed by the Sanctuary, Michael was mortified.

Could it be that he made a mistake with Feodor? Could it be that there was a way of saving the man?

After thinking about it for a while, the conclusion that he reached was no. With a dagger through the heart and all the torture he went through, there was no saving Feodor.

'I need to stop overthinking things... Still, what a shitty way of starting the day. Even if the day started a while ago... At least my Quarterback exceeded my expectations.' 

As for the naming, given how much the Golem looked like a rugby player, Michael decided to follow the same naming pattern given to the minions... somewhat...

What he was most pleased with was the tauning ability shown. Yulia the Succubus focused all its attention on the Golem as soon as it roared at her. Furthermore, in the future, he could repeat this trick with other Elites and even Bosses, all in order to reveal their cards before joining the fray himself.

"Two down and two left. Let's see... The shrine Quest is straight north, so let's go there before visiting the mines. Man... gaining experience was rather easy today. I'm already at 31,441/124,950. Let's keep up the good work and surprise Helen tonight."

Michael reached the shrine in question after killing some more Ghouls and some giant bats. Not knowing how to react, he simply bowed to the shrine to show his thanks.

Then, a chest appeared on the ground, identified as 'Pilgrim's Supplies.'

"An Elixir of Demon Slaying, and an Elixir of Undead Slaying. Judging from the names, they should give quite a bit."

[ Elixir of Demon Slaying (requires Level 36)


Increases damage against Goatmen, Fallen, Flies, and Demons by 20% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. ]

[ Elixir of Undead Slaying (requires Level 36)


Increases damage against Vampires, Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts, and Drowned by 20% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. ]

Trying his best to ignore why Flies were considered demons, as well as being reminded of the existence of Vampires, Michael watched as the Sanctuary declared the Quest complete.

[ Quest complete - Traveler's Prayer

Reward 1: 1,240 gold coins

Reward 2: 4,998 experience points. ]

Seeing the reward similar to the Unyielding Flesh's Quest, the Necromancer sighed in relief. He tried convincing himself that he didn't do anything wrong, but it was hard to drive away the thoughts.

Now that the Sanctuary confirmed it, he could rest easier.

On his way to the mines, he found a Blast Wave Shrine of Inarius, which he used to have fun with the poor Ghouls. He started wondering why it was so fun seeing the creatures crumpled into balls of meat on the ground by the pressure created by the Blast Wave blessing.

"Not only did I gain more XP, but I also found a decent harvest of plants. 6 Biteberries, 4 Lifesbane, and 5 Howler Moss. And there's the Herb Cache... as well. Hello there!"

[Stay where you are and state your name!](?)

Seeing the Knights guarding the entrance, Michael knew he was in the right place.

"The name is Michael. Captain Ankers sent me to find Vigo. Can you please guide me to his location?"

[Captain Ankers sent you? Go right in. Follow the path, and you'll reach the mines. Vigo is inside.](?)

'What a merry bunch... I can't blame them, though, given they are in the middle of the damned wilderness. Judging from the blood near the gates, they must fight Ghouls quite often. No wonder the clergy asked for the little shits to be researched.'

[ Main Quest update - The Knight and the Magpie

Objective: Speak with Vigo. ]

Fortunately, the system decided to guide him and threw a Quest marker on the MAP.

Crossing through the camp, though, the guardsmen weren't very pleased.

[Tsk! More strangers in the camp!?](?)

'Judging from their reaction, that child must've gone into the mines again. Let's find Vigo first.'

Michael also wondered if they considered the woman who joined the disappeared Knights a stranger as well...

The mine was called the Windfall's Hollow. He found Vigo at its entrance.

[You are?](Vigo)

"Are you Vigo? I was sent -"


The man sighed, hearing something being knocked over and looking at a hole in the mine wall. 

A girl about 14-15 years old crawled through it and walked straight into Vigo's face.

[Hey! *Grunts*](?)


[I know what I saw. She had horns like a beast. Strode right past where you stand.](Neyrelle)

Seeing the girl using her hands to show the horns with her hands on her head would've been cute or funny usually, but Michael felt his skin crawl. A horned woman... it could only be Lilith.

[To think my mother's trapped in there with her! You let my mother through, sir; shouldn't you be responsible for her safety?](Neyrelle)

Vigo's face changed, but upon seeing the girl wanting to bypass him, he stopped her in her tracks.

[But, we have soldiers stationed inside who -](Vigo)

[You should be worried about them too!](Neyrelle)

Seeing her antics fail, the girl exclaimed in frustration. Turning around, she noticed Michael, and her eyes shone.

[Maybe you can help me!](Neyrelle)

Seeing her approach him, the young Necromancer felt amused. He decided to play along.

"What brings you to Yelesna?"

[My mother and I study the Horadrim. We were onto something big! But then she ran off. It's not like her to abandon the hunt.](Neyrelle)

The mention of Horadrim raised an eyebrow on Michael's face, as well as his interest in this girl and her mother. He didn't know much about the order but could find more through them.

"You seem to want to enter, but the mines are sealed. Why?"

[Mines are closed down on Church orders. They are not safe. Especially not for children.](Vigo)


Seeing the two bicker and especially noticing how patient Vigo was with the girl, Michael was confident that this corrupted Knight who liked gambling... was banging her mother.

"Reverend Mother Prava sent me."

[Did she? Because of this 'horned woman?'](Vigo)

"The horned woman is the demoness, Lilith."

[No... That can't be. My mother taught me that name. You speak of the Daughter of Hatred.](Neyrelle)

[Did Prava mention me? She wasn't angry, was she?](Vigo)

[There's more than your job at stake here!](Neyrelle)

Seeing the two argue again, Michael nodded to Vigo to show he was serious.

[Ugh. Come on. Let's get this over with.](Vigo)

Watching the man take out a key and open the door leading into the mines, Neyrelle was over the moon. 

Michael decided to go all out and protect this kid. Even if her mother was in danger, he could get intel about the Horadrim out of her.

[ Main Quest update - The Knight and the Magpie

Objective: Follow Vigo to the Ore Hoist. ]

Seeing the 'magpie' next to the 'knight,' Michael realized that the Knight was Vigo and the magpie was Neyrelle. 

'If the Quest is centered around the two of them, I should ensure the safety of them both.'

Walking behind the knight, Michael saw an elevator of sorts, which seemed to be used to move ores from the lower floors to the surface.

Vigo was planning to use the 'hoister' to descend.

Unfortunately, after messing around with the thing for a while, he kicked it angrily.

[The damn hoist is stuck. We have to go on foot. We should... Look out!](Vigo)

A small pack of Ghouls attacked, but Michael resummoned his minions and let them deal with it.

Both Vigo and Neyrelle were impressed by how quickly the monsters fell.

[Hey, that's my mother's charm on your wrist.](Neyrelle)

[Hmm... *Cough* It's mine now, girl. She gave it to me when... I let her and her friend pass through.](Vigo)

Seeing how suspicious the man was behaving, Michael held back a chuckle. 

[Let's go. We'll travel on foot to the sealed door.](Vigo)

[ Main Quest update - The Knight and the Magpie

Objective: Travel to the Sealed Gate with Vigo. ]

The location wasn't far, and the trio reached the gates successfully. What Michael didn't expect was that the Quest would be completed just with that.

[ Main Quest complete - The Knight and the Magpie

Reward 1: 1,550 gold coins

Reward 2: 9,996 experience points

Reward 3: Fundamental Rudimentary Wand (Magic grade) ]

[ Main Quest issued - The Undertaking

Objective: Enter the Condemned Mines

Description: With your new allies, you must enter the Condemned Mines and pursue Lilith and Vhenard, Neyrelle's mother. ]

'So her mother's name is Vhenard. The Sanctuary is weird with giving out these details through the Quest's description when I haven't heard about it from the people around yet. Is it fine to find out in advance?'

Seeing the film covering the entrance into the Condemned Mines, the trio realized it was a Dungeon, albeit temporary.

[Maybe we should go back. Round up the Knights.](Vigo)

[And leave my mother in Lilith's care for as long as that will take us!? No, I'm going on!](Neyrelle)


After entering the Dungeon, the Quest updated automatically.

[ Main Quest updated - The Undertaking

Objective: Pursue Lilith and Vhenard. ]

Taking point with his minions, Michael led the search. Not even a couple hundred meters into the Dungeon, blocks of rock fell from the ceiling, almost hitting the party.

[Hmm... beams are too damn old. Shaking like leaves. Take notice of the terrain and ceiling, or you might get crushed.](Vigo)

While it might look like he was talking to Michael, the warning was mostly directed to Neyrelle. The man was exceptionally caring, given he wasn't her father yet.

Soon, they reached a fork in the road and decided on the left path first.

To Michael's surprise, Neyrelle was quite impressive. Not only was she strong while wielding twin-daggers, but she even had spells that conjured a wall of air to block ranged attacks, similar to the Elites he met so far having the Chilling Wind modifier.

Vigo was just as one would expect from a Knight, charging with his shield and sword at the Skeletons that popped up to greet them.

[A dead end...](Neyrelle)

"Let's return to the fork. We'll take the other path."

Fallen rocks demolished the bridge connecting to the next passage, so the trio had no choice but to check the other road.

The sighting of an Elite was a good one, as it meant they were on the right path. With Vigo's help and the Quarterback taking the tank's role, the monsters fell quickly.

"You are impressive, Neyrelle. Being able to fight and so skillfully at your age."

[I had plenty of practice with my mother while hunting in Dungeons for secrets.](Neyrelle)

She seemed very proud of her mother, but her voice couldn't hide her concern. It looked like he had to hurry up and find Vhenard as soon as possible.

Finding some wooden stairs leading further down, the group continued their talk.

[What is so special about this place anyway? What would draw Lilith here?](Neyrelle)

[Hm, hell if I know. Prava doesn't tell us anything. 'No one goes in; nothing comes out.' That's all.](Vigo)

'Nothing comes out, huh? It seems like Prava explored the Dungeon. Let's hope nothing strange comes at us...' 

Continuing their descent, the group finally reached a strange door, with many unrecognizable mangled bodies on the floor.

To the left side, the lift Vigo was looking for was nowhere to be found.

[No lift. The jam must be deeper down. What about the door?](Vigo)


[Over there, I can squeeze through to the other side.](Neyrelle)

[Wait! Hold on.](Vigo)

However, Neyrelle slipped into a hole in the wall before Vigo could catch up.

[And there she goes. Hmm? Enemies approaching. Nowhere to go... The fight's coming to us this time.](Vigo)

"I'll take the brunt with my minions. Stay safe."

A large group of Ghouls descended from the ceiling while others climbed from the shaft. Among them was an Elite Blood Mage.

[ Dreadful Blood Magus (Elite) - Level 35

*Terrifying: Summons three spell circles on the ground. Targets affected by it would fall into 'Terrified' status. ]

Fortunately, it was only a generic Elite. Its annoyingly cowardly fighting style was getting on Michael's nerves — and Vigo's, apparently.

[Almost there!](Neyrelle)

Neyrelle seemed to be working on unlocking the door from the other side as Vigo and Michael took down the Elite and the other mobs. 

[Open that door, girl!](Vigo)

[I've got it!](Neyrelle)

Akin to a heroine, Neyrelle sprung through the open doors and slammed her small body as well as the knives into the back of the Elite, pushing it onto the ground.

With the monster pinned down, Michael added a couple more Corpse Explosions and sent him on his way.

Patting the girl's head, Michael complimented her for a job well done.

"You're pretty amazing, you know?"

[And reckless...](Vigo)

[Hehe! Let's go. My mother's waiting!](Neyrelle)

Sighing inwardly, Michael prayed that Vhenard wasn't dead.