Chapter 118. In Her Wake

The trio went through the open doors and deeper into the Dungeon.

[You should learn to compliment women more instead of nagging, you know?](Neyrelle)

[Ugh... that was... quick thinking.](Vigo)


Amused at their exchanges, Michael continued scouting the way. In order to protect the backline from ambushes, he let the Reapers cover that, as the Golem took the front and the Cold Mages the flanks.

[Why would your mother leave you like that?](Vigo)

'This dumb insensitive guy... He's bound to remain single for life.'

[She wouldn't. Or, she shouldn't have. I'm sure she had a good reason...](Neyrelle)

"Focus on protecting yourself for now. We'll find her."

[Mhm. Thank you, Michael.](Neyrelle)

The search continued, with the trio descending deeper and deeper into the mine. 

Another Wretched Revenant appeared, but this time, the Elite fell even faster due to the large number of Ghouls around it. Using their Corpses, Michael exploded the poisonous Elite into the High Heavens.

The only thing of concern was the mine, which kept collapsing.

[The damn mine is caving in. Be more careful when advancing.](Vigo)

Another Elite fell, mostly because of the same reason as the other one. There were many ghouls, but they were easy to kill. Against a Necromancer, they found the worst enemy they could face.

Vigo and Michael were scared shitless when a Revenant attacked Nyrelle out of nowhere, only to be outsmarted and out-skilled by the girl.

"Are you alright?"

[Don't worry. I'm not dying here.](Neyrelle)

Smiling at the courageous teen, the expedition continued. Michael hoped to find traces of Lilith soon. The deeper they went, the more dangerous the mine collapse would be for them.

Finally, after another fifteen minutes or more of endless killing and walking, an exit out of the mines was found. Judging by the film covering it, it was either a Dungeon inside of a Dungeon or an exit to the current one.

Unfortunately, they had no time to think since the entire place was coming down on them.

[Over there! An opening!](Neyrelle)



Without hesitation, the trio entered. When on the other side, the air felt different for some reason. More stale...

[ Main Quest complete - Undertaking

Reward 1: 1,860 gold coins

Reward 2: 17,493 experience points

Reward 3: Miner's Litany (Rare ring). ]

[ Main Quest issued - Below

Objective: Speak with Vigo in the Path of the Firstborn. ]

Taking this chance as everyone caught their breaths, Michael inspected the ring he got.

[ Miner's Litany

Rare Ring

350 Item Power


* +2.4% Resistance to All Elements

* +2.4% Poison Resistance


* +9.0% Damage to Close Enemies

* +10.5% Maximum Minion Life

* +4.5% Barrier generation

Empty socket

Description: A simple ring inscribed with a prayer: 'Shield me, Father, from the crushing stones; from noxious gas, and from living bones. For if your way I do forsake, my life I offer, yours to take.' ]

With his experience points almost maxed out for this level, Michael was close to 31. 

'123,908/124,950. I gained more than expected with these Main Quests and all the monsters inside. Let's keep going.' 

"Good, everyone made it unscathed."

[*Gasp* The tunnel's closed. We-we're trapped without the hoist.](Vigo)

[Look, there she is!](Neyrelle)

Michael's soul almost left his body when he noticed the girl disappeared. Furthermore, mentioning 'her' in this damned Dungeon could only mean her mother or Lilith. 

'And those two are together...' 

Fortunately, Neyrelle was only some meters away, looking agape at something.

"What is it, Neyrelle?"

[*Gasp* That statue! It's her, the way I saw her.](Neyrelle)

Looking at the statue in question, Michael realized it immediately. After all, he saw her altars quite often in the Sanctuary.

But this statue... was over 15 meters tall. Who would build such a monument in her honor?


[We need to find my mother. Fast.](Neyrelle)

[Let's go. We'll find her.](Vigo)

[ Main Quest update - Below

Objective: Bring Vigo and Neyrelle down into the caverns. ]

The trio quickly found a ladder that could bring them down. Vigo went first to inspect its structural integrity, after which Michael and the girl swiftly followed behind.

Seeing the corpses of Fallen on the ground, the Necromancer frowned. It looked like they weren't in a Dungeon anymore since their dead bodies remained on the ground, but the fact that Fallen were present was that much worrying.


"Mhm. Stay close and protect yourselves."

The trio advanced cautiously, but there were no demons in sight. Only their corpses and strange green gas coiling around the pillars and ceiling.

This whole location had a spooky vibe, but Michael felt a connection to it.

[Over there! The hoist!](Vigo)

Passing through the strangely huge and locked doors guarded by Lilith's and Inarius's statues, Michael frowned.

It was rare to see these statues together — especially this deep under the ground.

[Ahh, at last! Our ride out! Oh, hell! A demon!?](Vigo)

On the wheel operating the 'hoist,' a large horned demon lay. It was obviously dead. But judging from the state of his body, it was killed recently.

[Slain. What the hell happened here!?](Vigo)

Ordering his Quarterback to take down the demon, the latter grabbed the body as if it was made of paper and threw it against the nearby wall.

[ Main Quest complete - Below

Reward 1: 1,550 gold coins

Reward 2: 9,996 experience points. ]

The level-up followed immediately after, scaring Vigo and Neyrelle. Offering a smile as an apology, Michael checked his new stats.

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 583

 Armor: 1214

 Life: 920


Strength: 151

Intelligence: 176

Willpower: 163

Dexterity: 180 ]

Not only that, but he had three skill points that he could add, though he didn't know what to do. Postponing that for later, Michael waited for the Sanctuary to issue the new Quest.

[ Main Quest issued - In Her Wake

Objective: Speak with Vigo. ]

Realizing this 'her' was probably Lilith, Michael calmed down his nerves and turned to the Knight. They were getting closer to her trail.

"What should we do now?"

[*Sigh* We need reinforcements. This is too much for us to handle alone.](Vigo)

[No, we can - ](Neyrelle)

A strange sound similar to a pained groan came from behind the enormous gates they passed by just moments ago.

The trio looked at each other and then at the gate.

[What was that?](Vigo)

[It came from beyond the gate...](Neyrelle)

Walking by the colossal statue of Lilith once more, Michael felt a strange sensation of being watched.

'Plus, that sound. It was too clear to have come from behind those huge stone gates. It's unlikely that even air can pass, much less sound... Something is strange here.'

[ Main Quest update - In Her Wake

Objective: Open the Gate of Kasama. ]

"The Gate of Kasama?"


"Have you heard about it before?"

[I'm not sure, but it sounds familiar. Should we?](Neyrelle)

"I'll open it. Stay behind me."

The first thing they felt was the stench of blood and death. Hearing Vigo almost howl, Michael's blood froze.

In front of them, there was another slaughter. Many Knights lay on the floor, dead and dismembered. It was oddly similar to the failed exorcism he went through.

[No...! The escort... they're all dead...?](Vigo)

The familiar groan of pain drew everyone's attention, as one of the Knights was still breathing, struggling in pain.

His innards were pulled out, and there was a long gash on his neck.

[Over there! Grendan! Hold on!](Vigo)

[*Groan* Ugh... Vigo...](Grendan)

"Who did this?"

[A woman. Vigo, it was one of the women you sent. Only she wasn't human, she was a... a demon, like the statue! Claimed she mothered the Sanctuary. It was a damned bloodbath.](Grendan)


Finally, having confirmation of the demoness, Michael felt cold and afraid. Seeing what she did to these Elite Knights of the Church, what chance stood he?

[The other woman, Vhenard. Where is she!?](Neyrelle)

[Heh. She begged for her life. Lilith spared her and led her deeper in. Give up, girl. She's lost.](Grendan)

The girl paled and staggered. Michael supported her and patted her head. Only then did she recover some color in her cheeks.

[Vigo, you must listen. Steel did nothing. Spells, prayers. All useless. Go to Kor Valar. Tell Prava. Raise the army, the Father. Evil itself walks the Sanctuary. *Gasps* Do this for me...](Grendan)

Moments later, the man stopped breathing.

[He... he's dead. I'm done for. Your mother told me this trinket would bring good fortune. To think I trusted her...](Vigo)

Seeing the tears falling down the man's cheeks, Michael now understood. He didn't hook up with Vhenard. He was only feeling guilty for letting her in after being bribed. 

Now, finding out that one of the women he let in was Lilith and the entire escort died as a result of his greed...

[She bribed you with it, didn't she? You weren't supposed to let her through at all...](Neyrelle)

[Mhm. It doesn't matter though...](Vigo)

[But it's not too late. She can still be saved!](Neyrelle)

[Not by me, child. Not anymore. Prava will know what to do.](Vigo)

[You are leaving us? Abandoning her?](Neyrelle)

[There's nothing left to abandon. *Sigh* She's as good as dead. I'm sorry, kid.](Vigo)

Watching the man leave, defeated and broken, Michael said nothing and let him go.

With that sort of mentality, facing Lilith wasn't something he could do.

[H-He really just left us. It's up to us now. You'll come with me, right?](Neyrelle)

[ Main Quest update - In Her Wake

Objective: Search for Lilith and Vhenard with Neyrelle. ]

"I will, but you must follow behind me and listen to me. Agreed?"

[Agreed. Thank you...](Neyrelle)

Seeing the girl brave enough to jump on an Elite with her daggers be so downtrodden saddened Michael as well.

Hopefully, they would get there in time. Jumping over a deep abyss in the ground they couldn't see the bottom of, the duo followed Lilith's trail.

He carefully inspected the murals inscribed onto the floor of the pillar they jumped onto, depicting a demon of sorts and a plethora of Knights fighting.

For some odd reason, he remembered the prophecy he had heard when he was drugged in Nevesk but quickly shook it out of his mind.


[Blood petals? Forming Lilith's symbol?](Neyrelle)

"*Sigh* I see. That's why I had to come, right?"


"It's fine. Stand back for a moment, and don't leave my side."

[ Main Quest update - In Her Wake

Objective: Inspect Lilith's blood petals. ]

'I know, I know, damn it! Give me some time to prepare mentally! Do you know how sickening it is to have memories stuffed into your brain!? Fuck!' 

Kneeling near the blood petal pattern, Michael touched it with his fingertips.

Fortunately, this time around, he didn't see the memories from someone else's perspective. Instead, he saw red shadows conversing.

[How your mind races. Yes, I am Lilith. Mother of Sanctuary.](Lilith)

[Daughter of Hatred...](Vhenard)

[I have what you seek. You hunger for knowledge. You dragged your child all over Sanctuary in pursuit of it.](Lilith)

[No, I... I taught her how to survive.](Vhenard)

[Is that what you want to believe? Drop the act. You have questions, I have answers. I know the fabric of the cosmos.](Lilith)

[Everything I've read has warned me against you.](Vhenard)

[You've read so much yet know so little. Will you accept my offer?](Lilith)

[I... I don't know. Will you let me try? I want to try.](Vhenard)

The sickening feeling didn't come, even after he returned to normal and the red shadows disappeared. He got up unsteadily and looked at Nyerelle.

"Your mother is... alive. She came this way with Lilith."

[What? How can you be sure?](Neyrelle)

"Er... sometimes, I see visions of the past. I saw them here."

[Visions? How?](Neyrelle)

"Lilith's petals. Her blood was fed to me once."


[ Main Quest update - In Her Wake

Objective: Open the Ancient Gate. ]

Ponting to the large gate ahead of them, Michael led Neyrelle through it. Behind the gate were tons of demons lying in wait.

Clearing them wasn't hard with the help of his minions and the brave girl.

[The ground. Look!](Neyrelle)

"A depiction of Lilith and Inarius walking hand in hand... Hmm? What's that in the corner?"

The object looked like a tall urn, covered in strange symbols written with chalk over them as if tracing the essence of truth.

The symbols were beyond Michael's understanding, but the ones traced with white chalk he could.

[Can you read what it says?](Neyrelle)

"I'll try. It's titled 'Forbidden Love' — no doubt referring to Lilith and Inarius over there. Let's see... 'Lilith saw a way to escape the Eternal Conflict. She tells me it started with the seduction of the angel Inarius. All this time, he was just as failable as any man.' Well, shit! Were we supposed to know that!?"

This place turned stranger and stranger by the moment. The MAP recognized the place as Kasama, therefore being recognized by the Sanctuary.

Furthermore, petals of blood kept raining around the duo.

[So it was true. Lilith and Inarius creating the Sanctuary and us, their children?](Neyrelle)

"So it seems. Let's go in deeper. The truth should lay there, waiting to be discovered."

[Mhm. Let's find my mom.](Neyrelle)