Chapter 119. The Cost of Knowledge

Moving from one room to another, carefully exploring the roads and the walls, Michael experienced a strange thirst for knowledge.

He felt a guiding hand move him in the direction he should go, but it felt different from Lilith.

Furthermore, the green burning flames in the strange braziers on the sides of the road... made him think of when he met the Master Necromancer for his Golem Quest.

'Rathma, the Firstborn of Lilith and Inarius. The strongest Necromancer. It would make sense if this was his place or had a connection to him.' 

Another mural was soon discovered by the duo, depicting Inarius and Lilith holding something high, as if proud of it.

A similar urn stood in the corner of the room.

[Can you read this one as well?](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. It's titled 'Sanctuary.' I'll read what I can. 'Lilith is the Sanctuary's Mother. Somehow, I felt the truth of it the moment she said it to those knights...' This... this your mother's writing!?"

[I... I thought someone from old times left this behind...](Neyrelle)

"Apparently, we were both wrong. Let's see... ' those knights. Now I know how. She used Inarius to craft this world, a refuge from the Eternal Conflict.' It seems that your mother is leaving behind clues for you."

[It seems so... But why write them in a language I can't understand? What's going on with her?](Neyrelle)

"Don't worry. We'll find her."

The exploration continued, and they soon cleared another room with similar murals on the floor. 

[It looks like people this time. Some walking and some flying?](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. Look there. More writings from your mother."

[What does it say?](Neyrelle)

"This one is titled 'The Firstborn.' Hmm? Rathma?"

[The Necromancer legend?](Neyrelle)

"Yes. Let's see... 'All my life, I sought the origin of humankind. It was always her. From the union of angels and demons came the first generation of humanity. They were powerful. Movers of mountains, shakers of seas.' It seems that you haven't heard the story of their union before. Inarius and Lilith's."

[We... we didn't. We searched the entire Sanctuary for an answer for as long as I can remember.](Neyrelle)

"Didn't you find records about it with the Horadrim? Or from the Church? Might be difficult from the Church, though..."

[No. We couldn't access most of them, and we barely managed to decipher their language and magic. So, most of their texts are gibberish to us. Temporarily.](Neyrelle)

"I see. It looks like the both of you would get all the answers you seek here."

Pondering while walking through the strange hallways, Michael realized how lucky he was to meet with Lorath. Finding out about the truth of the Sanctuary so early opened his eyes to the real world.

The doctrine of the Chruch couldn't keep the veil over his view of the world, so he could see the truth, just as Neyrelle's mother was now.

He continued walking and dealing with the demons popping up occasionally, but they soon reached a dead end.

"That gate seems locked, and there's no mechanism to open it. Probably magically sealed."

[Michael, come here! Look what I found!](Neyrelle)

"Huh!? When did that brat run off..."

He found Neyrelle staring with mouth agape, and it was understandable why. A lake, dark as night, surrounded a small pavilion.

The view was... breathtaking.


[The Black Lake... we're at the edge of the city of the dead!?](Neyrelle)

"Then, it makes sense now. Rathma and the green flames. But why is Lilith here? What is she planning?"

[Let's retrace our steps. I think I know how to get down there.](Neyrelle)

And indeed, she did. The answer was climbing down the almost twenty-meter pillars over which they walked... with their bare hands.

Fortunately, there were some protrusions here and there, allowing for a somewhat easy descent.

Soon, they reached a place they saw from above and another curious mural on the ground.

[I've seen his picture before in Horadrim books. That's Rathma.](Neyrelle)

"Your mother seems to agree. She left his name as a title here. Let's see... 'She was proud in the telling of this part. Lilith and Inarius bore a son together: Rathma. He is wise beyond his years, the first to untangle the power of necromancy. She says his lair lies deeper within.' So, she came looking for her firstborn!? Is he still alive?"

[The strongest Necromancer. A master of death. It wouldn't be strange if he is. Can we open the gate?](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. It's called the Gate of the Cradle, it seems. Let's go."

[ Main Quest update - In Her Wake

Objective: Open the Gate of the Cradle. ]

With the gate open, the Quest ended, and a new one started.

[ Main Quest complete - In Her Wake

Reward 1: 1,600 gold coins

Reward 2: 10,237 experience points. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Storming the Gates

Objective: Enter the Cradle. ]

"Another Dungeon, it seems. I'll go first. Follow after me."


As soon as they entered, they were flanked on both sides by two gigantic statues, which looked very familiar to them.

They belonged to Lilith and Inarius, seemingly guarding the entrance to this Cradle. 

Walking a bit further in, they stopped in front of a strange ancient gate, covered and locked by red magic symbols.

[There, on the ground. More petals of blood.](Neyrelle)

"I guess that's my cue. I'll see what I can learn from it."

Touching the blood petals, a similar scene to before appeared before his eyes. The blood shadows of Lilith and Vhenard were conversing.

[So curious. You are eager to know why you were spared.](Lilith)


[Do you have faith in me?](Lilith)

[I... want to.](Vhenard)

[Good. For now, all you need to know is that we are going to meet my son.](Lilith)

[Rathma? The first Necromancer?](Vhenard)

[He is that and more. He is the key to my plans.](Lilith)

With the blood shadows disappearing, so did the blood petals on the ground. And with them gone, the barrier around the door dispelled also.

'This... does Lilith want me to follow? Why?'

[Did you see anything?](Neyrelle)

"Hmm? Oh, yes. It sounds like they're searching for Lilith's son, Rathma. Together..."

[Mother... What are you thinking?](Neyrelle)

Patting the girl's head to reassure her, Michael placed his hand on the ancient gate and pushed it open.

The journey continued, exploring road after road and finding them intricately connected. From one dead end to the next, they kept clearing out every demon they encountered while searching for Lilith's trail.

From one big chamber to the next, from one Elite to the following one. They persisted in their search. Until, finally... they found it.

[*Huff* Blocked again! Does Lilith know we're coming? Look, more blood petals.](Neyrelle)

"And another 'gift' to guard those blood petals."

[ Rohaksa (Elite) - Level 36

*Hellbound: Summons a Hellbinder that latches chains on enemy targets in a five-meter radius.

*Multishot: All ranged attacks are mirrored by two more attacks dealing 100% of the initial damage.

*Explosive: Explosions send shockwaves around the creature afflicted with this modifier, dealing 350 damage to its surroundings. ]

As a Unique Elite, Rohaska was strong. Very much so. His Quarterback died four times in the battle with her, and Michael had to use two Life Potions while tanking the explosive damage.

He had to in order to protect Neyrelle. With the Elite finally gone, all that was left was to inspect the blood petals.

Lilith's blood shadow stood before Vhenard's.

[You've mastered your fear, but I still sense your pain. You miss your daughter.](Lilith)

[My magpie. She's scared right now, she must be...](Vhenard)

[Go, or stay. It is time to choose.](Lilith)

[I... I trained her well. She's a good kid. Strong. She'll be alright, she...](Vhenard)

Michael frowned upon hearing those words and realized Vhenard had given in to her greed. It triumphed even over her love for Neyrelle.

His changing expression didn't avoid the girl's attentive gaze.

Seeing her wanting to ask, the Necromancer waved at her to remain silent for now. The memory wasn't over.

[You've chosen well, my child. To reach Rathman, we will need to cross a lake at the bottom of these ruins. It requires a ritual. I will teach you.](Lilith)

[As you wish, Mother.](Vhenard)

[Good. You're ready for lesson one. Blood is the key...](Lilith)

The images vanished, and Michael met Neyrelle's gaze.

[What did you see this time? I don't need sparing. Tell me.](Neyrelle)

"Lilith plans to teach your mother a ritual. One that needs blood. Your mother seemed... receptive."

[We have to reach them! Fast!](Neyrelle)

Michael agreed, but deep inside, he already knew it was too late. Even if they could find Vhenard, she was too far gone. 

Liliconvincednce her to give in to her true nature, so now... probably not even Neyrelle's words could reach her.

He kept quiet in order not to destroy the girl's hopes. Road after road once again, they followed Lilith's trail and killed everything in their path.

Michael secured over 32 Demon Hearts so far, a welcomed addition to his materials.

'Tsk! As expected, we are close. The more monsters we kill, the more we find in the following rooms. Fortunately, they are weak, and I have my minions to tank for us. Let's get this Quest over with. I need to get some rest...' 

After so much intense fighting, Michael was mentally spent. Furthermore, Lilith's involvement, as well as her 'plans' - whatever those might be - were giving him a headache.

Finally, they managed to reach another room with a door blocked by a barrier. There were no blood petals in sight, though...

[This barrier... it looks like the same kind of magic as before...](Neyrelle)

"Hmm? Tsk! Demons approach, we need to get through."

[I think I can dispel it. Protect me.](Neyrelle)

"Got it."

More and more demons were summoned into the room, so Michael had to keep his Reapers and Golem around the girl as his Cold Mages attacked from afar.

He stood on the frontlines with his Bone Storm activated, taking care of the riff-raffs.

Four or five minutes into the fight, he heard the magic words from behind, and the monsters turned into dust.

[I think I've done it!](Neyrelle)

"Looking at the ash on the ground, I said you did. Good job! Let's keep going. We are close."

Passing through the gate, they reached yet another entrance to a Dungeon. At this point, Michael lost count of how many they went.

"The Mourning Shore it says. Seems like it's the only way forward."


"Hmm? What's wrong?"

[Thank you. For doing this.](Neyrelle)

"This... you know already that I came here to search for Lilith. Also, as a Wanderer, this is a Quest for me. Don't overthink it."

[Still. Thank you.](Neyrelle)

He patted her head and went in first. He wanted to go back to Helen and sleep as soon as possible. After this Quest, he would take at least a week's vacation. 

On the other side of the Dungeon, the first thing Michael noticed was the end of another Quest and the start of a new one.

[ Main Quest complete - Storming the Gates

Reward 1: 1,920 gold coins

Reward 2: 17,915 experience points. ]

[ Main Quest issued - The Cost of Knowledge

Objective: Search for Vhenard and Lilith with Nyerelle. ]

Seeing the name of the next Quest, his heart churned. Looking at the hopeful girl, he could only keep going forward. 

Then, they heard the voice of a woman...

[Not enough blood, never enough blood... I will follow you to the ends of Sanctuary, Mother...](Vhenard)

Michael recognized the voice, and so did the girl. Before he could say anything, she ran forward.

The duo reached the pavilion in front of the lake they had previously seen from above, and Neyrelle's mother carved ritualistic symbols with her blood on the ground.

The girl stopped, unable to move forward.

[There... she is...](Neyrelle)

"Go ahead. I have your back."

Nodding in thanks, she closed in on the crazed woman. Even after their conversation, she didn't seem to have noticed them.

[Mother... what are you doing?](Neyrelle)

[Nyerelle!? You're just in time. Beyond this lake lies the Necropolis of the Firstborn. A trove of magic and knowledge.](Vhenard)

[Please... stop...](Neyrelle)

[I opened the way for Lilith but could not pass through with her. I... I lack the divine element, you see?](Vhenard)

Vhenard wasn't listening.

Just as Neyrelle's face was clouded and her eyes teary, Michael watched the mother like an eagle. Judging from where things were heading, the woman was too far gone...

[Stop it... please, mother...](Neyrelle)

[But I can find it. I'm so close... I simply need - ](Vhenard)

[Mother, stop! Look at what Lilith has done to you! You're writing in your own blood!](Neyrelle)

That finally got the woman's attention. Her obsessed face disappeared as she looked at Neyrelle with the loving gaze only a mother can possess. 

[My little magpie, she awakened me. She showed me things... I can't even put it into words. Once I've finished, you will understand...](Vhenard)

After that, she returned to writing after making another cut on her palm.

'It's not even Lilith's doing. This is only her true nature... Greed for knowledge, huh? I guess... there are worse sins out there...'