Chapter 122. Nostrava

Watching the couple depart for their 'adventure,' the five sisters looked at them with different emotions.

[Big-sis Helen looked prettier than usual.](Evelyn)

Hearing the remark, the other girls couldn't help but grin at her naivety. Mina walked forward and patted her head lovingly.

[That's because she's much happier than before.](Mina)

[I'd be as well after a 'marathon' like she went through last night...](Mei)

With the truth thrown out in the open like that, Mina was flustered, trying to come up with a response. Especially seeing Evelyn's curious gaze. Glaring at Mei, who turned around and was looking at the grass, she hurriedly tried to come up with something.

[Don't you think that Helen changed compared to before meeting him?](Hella)

[What do you mean?](Mina)

[Look at her. Whenever she's around him, she smiles and shows more expressions compared to before meeting him. She's not as exhausted as she was before anymore, either.](Hella)

[Even if she sleeps less now...](Mei)

Glaring again at the indecent implications Mei was making, Mina coughed and returned to the subject at hand.

[That's true. She was like this before she... no. Before we lost her mother. Happy, exuberant, and yearning for adventure. She wanted nothing more than to follow in her mother's footsteps. When she died, seeing her idol gone was a hard blow. Furthermore, she had to carry the weight of Kyovashad's expectations on her shoulders as well...](Mina)

[That's true. She trained so hard and took the solo path just to prove she was worthy of being her mother's daughter. When she succeeded, though, the pressure on her shoulders only kept increasing. More Dungeons, more World Events, more Strongholds, the title of Captain of the City Guards, rescue missions...](Hella)

The group turned silent. It was true, after all. Seeing the smile on their sister's face disappear and the light in her eyes dimming with every passing day was a strong blow. 

Even around them, Helen's pure exhaustion prevented her from relaxing or having fun. 

[With every Dungeon she cleared, she returned more tired. Even when we asked her to take a break, she only replied, 'The demons won't.' As frustrating as it was, she was right.](Tia)

Seeing the hyperactive little devil turn gloomy, Mina walked closer and patted her head as well. Surprisingly, she didn't push her hand as she always does.

[She even changed her build from a very offensive one to her current defensive Thorn-based equipment. When I asked her one night, she said it's because the Dungeons are getting more challenging with every level up she goes through. Helen was afraid that her aggressive style would kill her as he did her mother, and she would be forced to pass the mantle to us. That's why she changed to a different build, allowing her to resist longer during battles, drag out the fights, and seek survival. All to make sure nobody else has to suffer as her mother, and she did...](Mina)

Of course, the girls already knew this. Irrelevant of how tired she was after returning from her duties, Helen always took time the next day to help her sisters train and point out the mistakes in their movements. 

It was fine to be exhausted as long as it could help them survive a little longer. It was fine to be under tremendous pressure. It was fine to be unhappy.

And with that knowledge, the girls trained as if there was no tomorrow. The difficulty of the Quests and Dungeons they took increased as well. All of them went through Class Awakening, even if Helen strongly disagreed. All because they wanted to help. 

They wanted to reduce the pressure on her shoulders, even if it was just a bit. 

[And then, HE comes along...](Mei)

[I was honestly surprised seeing them interact when we met him that day. Especially with how relaxed Helen was.](Hella)

[He's different from everyone else we met. It's no wonder Helen accepted him, and it's no wonder the Sanctuary is giving him Preferential Treatment. We can only pray nothing happens to him. I don't even want to imagine what she'll go through after losing him...](Mina)

The five sisters looked at each other for a while until Mina equipped her items. Pausing for a moment, the other four reacted immediately and excitedly followed her example.

They entered a party and, using a sigil, a Nightmare Dungeon was created by the Priestess. 

[We can't fall behind. It would be shameful if Michael easily caught up to our levels. I will make an exception today and help you grind some experience for your Glyphs. Is everyone ready?](Mina)


As for the couple in question, they were unaware of the fighting spirit their departure created.

More important than anything, Michael made sure that this outing of theirs would turn into a more romantic date. After all, leaving all the sex aside, the duo didn't spend much time together, just interacting as normal couples do.


"What's wrong?"

[Should we go to Menestad or Nevesk? You didn't go to Nostrava before, so I assume you didn't activate the Waypoint there, correct?](Helen)

"That's right. I think... Nevesk is closer. Also, should I use the restriction now or once we get closer?"

[Only when we get closer. But that also means you'll have to deal with the wild monsters alone. If I interfered, their levels would jump to mine or worse.](Helen)

After exiting the Waypoint and making the City Guards on duty nervous with the report of their future activities, they left through the southwestern gate.

To ensure plenty of time on their hands, Michael summoned his minions immediately and had them clean out everything that appeared in their path. 

So, he used that time to talk with her about everyday topics, such as her childhood, how she met the rest of her sisters, how she grew up, and any other stories of importance to her. Only by knowing each other better could a proper relationship exist.

The conversation was stopped every now and then by ambushes of Wrathful Phantoms, but the minions and his Golem took care of them easily. 

Everything went smoothly, but Michael could see how impatient Helen was turning. Seeing him have fun clearing monsters left and right appeared to have ignited her competitive spirit.

Fortunately, after about an hour of walking, they reached a small village with its gates closed. Hearing the church bells ring, the duo looked strangely at one another. 

[ Stronghold Event joined - Nostrava

Objective: Investigate the village. ]

"Looks like we're here. How do I use this?"

Pulling the Order of Restriction from his inventory, Michael curiously looked at the small blank piece of paper. Nothing on it would suggest the power it was supposed to have.

[Just send me a party invite using it. The Order will react to it automatically.](Helen)

Following her instructions, Michael did just that, and sure enough, a Level 31 Helen joined his party.

The feeling was... unique, to say the least. 

"With your Thorns, this will be a breeze. Let's go in. Hmm? What's wrong?"

Seeing the shifty eyes of the woman, the young Necromancer realized something was up.

[Uhm... with my current skill points... I can't use the Thorns build. My normal one would be better. Otherwise, we risk dying...](Helen)

Seeing her 'guilty' expression, he couldn't help himself from kissing her. As her expression turned to confusion and then embarrassment, Michael took her hand and pushed open the wooden village gates.

"I'm happy that you're here with me. I can deal with this on my own if needed. I just wanted to spend more time together."


Fortunately, before leaving Kyovashad, they stopped by Zivek, who helped Michael clear his inventory. 

The Magic items brought him 13 Iron Chunks, 4 Rawhides, and 1 Superior Leather, while the Rare ones another 16 Rawhides, 4 Superior Leather, 28 Iron Chunks, 4 Silver Ores, and 14 Veiled Crystals.

Now, he only had his spare Rare Wand, and the Legendary Shield left to occupy space.

[This is very strange...](Helen)

Her description of the village was dead-on. If anything, it reminded Michael of Nevesk a little too much.

The houses were silent, as if nobody was left in the city anymore. Walking to the closest house and knocking on the doors, Michael heard movement inside.

[Mother? Is that you?](?)

The voice of a child both surprised and helped the duo relax. The presence of a youngling meant that things didn't get as bad as they thought.

[Can you let us in? We have some questions for you. Are your parents home?](Helen)

[Mother went to church. She said not to let anyone in.](?)

[That's alright. My name is Helen. What's yours?](Helen)

[Jvana. Mother said not to talk with strangers...](Jvana)

[It's alright, Jvana. We'll go find your mother and bring her back to you, okay?](Helen)


Moving a bit further away from the house with the obviously barricaded door, Helen's eyebrows scrunched. 

Michael kept silent but also noticed it: a scent of demonic corruption came from inside that house.

It was hard to explain in words, but after many encounters with demons and Lilith's followers, he knew for sure something was wrong. Furthermore...

"That child is terrified. Either something happened to her parents, or..."

[There's something inside with her. We can't risk barging in and putting her in danger, though. While I felt something inside, she was the only living being.](Helen)

"Mhm. But there's something inside the house with her for sure. I'm just not certain what..."

[Let's go to the inn and find some answers. It's close by.](Helen)

Surprisingly, after trying to open the doors to the inn, they also found it closed. Initially, they thought the innkeeper might also be at the sermon, but they were proven wrong.

[We're closed! Away with you!](Innkeeper)

The couple left without kicking a fuss, though their frowns deepened. 

"What are Stronghold events like? Honestly, I wasn't expecting to come to the city itself, but a fort or something nearby."

[It's a recapture-type Event. It doesn't have to be an actual Stronghold. Sometimes, after demonic forces capture a location the Sanctuary deems essential, a Quest is issued based on it.](Helen)

Hearing Helen's low tone, it finally clicked for him as well. If they had to recapture Nostrava from the claws of demonic forces... it means that...

"...this city already fell into their hands."

[Mhm. The Quest prompt says to investigate the village, so let's do that.](Helen)

"I hope you won't say, 'Let's split up to cover more ground' or something similar."

[No. In cases like this, staying together is much better. We can react faster with two pairs of eyes, keeping our surroundings in check. The only thing is... I don't think we'll find anything in their houses...](Helen)

"I also thought it would be better to go to the only obvious oddity in this strange place."

[The church?](Helen)

"Mhm. The bells kept ringing periodically, but with how loud they were, we didn't hear them when headed to Nostrava, even if we should have. That means..."

[They were expecting us. And they ring it periodically to draw us to their location.](Helen)

"They should have an ambush prepared. I'll temporarily recall my minions so we can use them as surprise troops if the ambush happens."

[I'll take the front; you can use your skills from behind.](Helen)

"Mhm. Don't forget about my Golem's taunt skill. You don't have to put yourself in danger. I'll use crowd control to keep the enemies in check. You only need to deal damage and retreat if necessary. My minions are immortal, after all."

With both swords in hand, she looked like a proper Valkyrie. With no reason to disagree, he followed behind her, curious about her fighting style.

On their way to the church, they stopped by and checked some of the doors one by one.

"It's locked."

[This one as well... Let's hope the locals are not in danger.](Helen)

Continuing their trek to where the church was, the duo stopped when noticing a Healing Well at the foot of the hill.

"Was this always here?"

[Mhm. However... something feels off. Let's be careful.](Helen)

Once again, the church was the tallest and probably the largest building in the city. Michael couldn't help but complain about how deep of a hold the Cathedral of Light has on people.

But he noticed he was wrong... especially after approaching the church's entrance.

"Two statues... Obviously female. Horns, check! Wings, check! Kind of naked, check! Obviously demonic, check!"

[Succubus? But... using them as decoration for the local church makes no sense. They don't seem new, either. What's going on!?](Helen)

The Sanctuary had already updated the Stronghold Event by asking them to enter the church, but Michael ignored it, and he explored the local area near the building for a while.

After noticing something odd on the foot of a hill next to a house, he frowned while contemplating the situation.

Drawing some conclusions based on present evidence was easy. Adding the Side Quest about the cultists, it was obvious that Lilith's presence was the reason why this place turned the way it did.

"Let's go in and get this over with."

[Mhm. Be ready for a fight. I doubt this can be solved through words...](Helen)

"It rarely can..."