Chapter 123. Demonic Effigies

Complaining mentally at how fast this date turned sour, Michael walked a few steps behind Helen while keeping an eye behind them.

His minions were ready to be deployed as shock troops at any moment, so he wasn't very worried.

Watching her push open the doors of the church, he frowned immediately upon noticing over thirty people calmly looking to the front, where a strangely dressed priestess was worshiping a statue that bore a close resemblance to Lilith.

Two smaller ones stood on its right, while another one was on the left. They were less decorated and obviously sculpted with broader and less delicate strokes as if to outline Lilith's importance compared to the three of them.

[ Stronghold Event updated - Nostrava

Objective: Speak with the Priestess. ]

Exchanging looks with Michael while pointing at the blood on the floor near the statues, Helen approached the Priestess in question.

Before she could ask anything, the woman praying to Lilith's statue turned around and grinned maniacally. 

Without any hesitation, the couple entered a defensive stance.

[Blessed are you who will die in Mother's name!](?)

As if not enough to deal with one crazy bitch, the other 'parishioners' rose to their feet and glared at them.

Seeing their blue eyes, Michael instantly remembered the Nevesk's chapel incident and immediately summoned his minions.

Helen was surprised but didn't ask any questions as she saw the Sanctuary identify all the people around her as enemies. Furthermore, not even their names were present. Only 'Crazed' and the position they held from villagers, militia, monks, priests, or others.

Michael grimaced at the thought of massacring over thirty people, but Helen didn't seem to have such weakness. She directly activated a skill that increased both her Life Points and Michael's.

Furthermore, even the minions were affected by the buff. Another one followed, which improved his Attack Power, and immediately after, a third one that improved Armor.

[Haha! Give these strangers the holliest of welcomes!](?)

As the 'Priestess' laughed and commanded the crazed people, her body started burning with an almost blinding flame. Out of the flames emerged a demonic Succubus, oddly similar to the one he met in Yelesna while searching for Feodor. 

[ Negala (Boss) ]

Surprised at the creature's description, Michael and Helen were caught off guard by an explosion of fire that sent them both flying a couple of meters back, where crazed people had already surrounded them.

Michael used Reap before him without waiting for Helen to make the first move, creating a Corpse. Using it, he cast Corpse Tendrils, grouping the enemies together.

Just as he hoped Negala would be drawn in as well, she flew above their heads and smiled at the duo while leaving the church.

"Shit! Corpse Explosion!"

[Michael! I'll do it!](Helen)

"No. I'll handle it. Keep an eye on Negala in case she returns."

He knew that Helen wanted to spare him the mental trauma of having to kill these people. Still, with the Sanctuary intervening and cataloging them as enemies, the death sentence was already ordered. 

Luckily for him, after the death of an older lady who lunged at his Pathfinder with a knife, a powerful wave of air moved from around Michael and smacked all the surrounding enemies to death.

"How convenient..."

He had already noticed he was very close to leveling up to 32 after killing the Wrathful Phantoms on their way to Nostrava, but it seemed that it was a good thing he didn't.

The displaced air not only killed the people but also put out most of the fire and destroyed the three smaller statues. Lilith's was still standing proud as flames flickered around it.

[ Stronghold Event update - Nostrava

Objective: Investigate villager's homes. ]

Grabbing his hand as if to comfort him, Helen dragged Michael behind her as they left the burning church behind them. 

Just as they passed the Healing Well, she looked strangely to their left, where a small box shone oddly. The fact that there was a frozen man dead beside it didn't help the situation much.

Seeing her nod, Michael approached and opened it. There was a single letter inside.

[Is it me, or do the people here all have a strange look in their eyes? I know we were going to stay a few more days, but something feels off, and I don't like the way they're looking at me. Meet you on the north road out of town up to Menestad.]

After reading the letter, the couple was slightly confused but couldn't afford the distraction.

Saving whatever lives they could was more critical.

Upon reaching the first door and seeing it blocked, Helen stepped in and slashed twice at it. The door fell to the ground, and they entered the premises. 

Michael instantly turned his head to look inside, noticing movement.

[Get out of my house!](?)

Seeing a middle-aged woman jumping at Helen, Michael wanted to act, only to see his girlfriend ruthlessly beheading the woman mid-jump. 

Another person, probably the husband, was in a corner, also rushing at Helen without even a moment to mourn for his (possibly) wife.

[ Crazed Villager (Minion) - Level 37 ]

Parrying the man's blade and hitting with the hilt to incapacitate him, she scowled at the effigy in the middle of the room, which looked oddly similar to a statue of Lilith.

[These effigies reek of corruption. We must destroy them.](Helen)

[No! What are you doing!? STOP!](?)

The man rose from the ground, seeing Helen attack the strange effigy, but Michael didn't have time to pay attention to the result. Outside the house, multiple demons rose from the ground as if to properly welcome the trespassers. 

"Vilefiends, Succubus, and Opressors. How nice, the entire family is here. Quarterback!"

With his Golem using his taunt ability, Michael advanced unperturbed and used his standard combo. By the time Helen got out of the house, he was also done with his job.

"Any luck?"

[He wouldn't talk. Only kept raving about 'Mother-this' and 'Mother-that.' He would attack me with each opportunity he would get. I gave him peace.](Helen)

"Mhm. Let's go. It seems that the Sanctuary wants us to cleanse this place properly. At least five more effigies to go."

[Now I know why the inn was closed... let's move.](Helen)

The Necromancer had to admit that Helen in work mode was even hotter than usual, but he did his best to suppress his desire to stare at her. It wouldn't be good to distract her.

Following their objective to 'Destroy the Demonic Effigies,' the duo entered another home where they found the carcass of a horse, obviously sacrificed to the strange statue. 

Upon destroying the damned thing, a seductive giggle emerged from outside, and Michael saw something oddly terrifying.

[ Torvala (Boss) ]

Shocked and appalled at the thought of fighting two Bosses, the Necromancer quickly went to work as Helen reapplied her buffs on him. The minions and the Elite Overseer summoned by Torvala were taken care of, but the Boss herself disappeared. 

Once the demonic effigy was gone, Helen walked outside to a frowning Michael. She also noticed the second Boss but didn't seem too worried about it.

[Let's go back to Jvana's home. I'm worried about her...](Helen)

As they rushed back to the city's entrance, Michael watched with awe as his girlfriend easily dispatched every demon they encountered. Even Elites died in less than four strikes. She didn't seem to be using any active skills, either.

Resolved to ask her about it later, he frowned at the lack of item drops. Barely some gold coins were on the ground, but he chalked it all to Helen being too OP therefore the Sanctuary didn't want to reward them more than needed.

Soon, they were in front of the first house they saw in Nostrava, and Helen slashed the door without hesitation. 

Michael remained outside to deal with the demons who would inevitably surround them, as he saw an Elite being sent flying through the house's window.

[ Vyoras Flarebang (Elite) - Level 37

*Mortar: Randomly throws five fireballs toward an area occupied by an enemy. ]

Scratching his head with incredulity, Michael watched as the Elite Succubus got off the ground in pain. Its Life Points were already under 50%.

[Are there any more in the basement?](Helen)


[Go in and hide there until we return for you, okay? Here is some food and a sweet drink. Don't be scared.](Helen)


[Good girl. Go hide!](Helen)

Watching his minions beat the crap out of the disoriented Elite, Michael made a mental note not to piss Helen off. Seeing the Elite flying like that was truly a new experience for him, especially since he was the one usually sent through the air.

After hearing the crumble of the effigy inside, he waited patiently for Helen to come out.

[She'll be safer there for now. Let's go to the inn next.](Helen)

"Mhm. There's one more spot marked beside it, so we should be done after."

This time, the inn door was ajar as if inviting them in. Michael didn't hesitate to have Pathfinder check the place first and frowned when he saw what was inside.

The Stronghold Event was getting more difficult by the second.

[Another lamb for the sacrifice.](?)

Hearing the alluring voice, they immediately rushed in, only to see the villagers dressed in similar robes, worshiping another statue of Lilith.

Another unique Elite was waiting for them, but the main problem was the source of the voice.

[ Kozira (Boss) ]

Waving the duo goodbye, the Boss vanished, leaving them to deal with the crazed villagers.

Michael followed up with the usual combo, only that when he captured everyone with the Corpse Tendrils, Helen used her first offensive active skill so far.

[Sword Aura!](Helen)

With a horizontal slash, the aura in question split everyone, including the Elite, in two. Even Michael was slightly appalled at the ridiculous strength.

He now understood much better the significance of the restriction talisman.

Clearing his mind while inspecting the MAP, he walked beside Helen towards the last effigy location. Seeing its position, he remembered what he saw from the top of the hill and wondered if his girlfriend could interact with it.

The demons on the way were quickly dispatched by his minions' combined forces and Helen's Sword Aura. Seeing how easily she was using it, it didn't seem to consume many Resources, making him wonder just how broken the skill was.

As soon as they entered the final house, they saw a villager strapped to a pole in the 'living room' turn to them with tears in her eyes.

[Help! Please!](?)

As they noticed the crazed villagers praying around the effigy as well as the Succubus hissing at them, they understood that, fortunately, they got there in time. Before the poor woman could become a sacrifice.

With the woman saved and given the same advice to hide in her basement and block the entrance until they returned, Michael looked at Helen curiously. 

Behind the destroyed statue was a hole in the house's walls, obviously leading somewhere close to the hill.

Walking behind Helen, he was silently observing her reaction.

[That... is that one of the Effigies as well? No... it looks... different.](Helen)

"Can you inspect it?"

[Hmm? Yes... Al-Altar of Lilith!?](Helen)

"Mhm. I saw it from the top of the hill but wasn't sure if you could also see it. How is it? Do you want to try activating it?"

Unsurprisingly, Helen's first action was to slash at it with her skill. Unfortunately, no damage was done. What did happen, though, was a strange yet familiar feeling of being watched.

Looking at Lilith's statue, her eyes seemed to overlook the couple. In his mind, he could see her smirking at Helen after throwing him another glance. Then, she vanished.

With her attack unsuccessful, Helen approached the Altar and ignited it. Both their Intelligence attributes increased by 2 points, and they also gained some experience.

[What a strange power... Now that I'm close to it, I can finally understand just how powerful she is.](Helen)

"What about when compared to you at full strength?"

[Not even in the same realm. I saw Inarius once before, but he didn't seem close to this level of strength. And this is just a statue...](Helen)

Michael didn't take the comparison at face value. After all, bigshots loved to hide their strength so they could face-slap people when showing off. Furthermore, these Altars of Lilith are created through Sanctuary's assistance, so it's very likely that its power reinforces them.

Overall, he was still worried. After all, with Helen's high level, if she felt the gulf between her, Lilith, and Inarius to be large enough to be called 'not even in the same realm,' he wondered why the Sanctuary would keep involving him in their mess.

Mentally sighing, he grabbed Helen's hands and returned to the house. Even outside of it, there was no sign of demonic activity.

"Tsk! It is as if they suddenly vanished."

[Let's look around to be safe. Maybe there are more in the houses nearby...](Helen)

A familiar sound stopped her mid-sentence. Michael was also looking in a particular direction with an 'as expected' expression on his face.

[Church bells, again? But who is left to ring them?](Helen)

"It should be an invitation from those three, I guess."

[Let's not keep them waiting, then. It truly disgusts me seeing how they laid waste to the city in such a manner.](Helen)

Looking at the wrecked house and holding back the quip that she was the one who did it, Michael agreed and followed behind.

The Sanctuary also agreed with their decision.

[ Stronghold Event update - Nostrava

Objective: Go back to the chapel. ]