Chapter 124. A talk

Upon returning to the top of the hill where the church was, the couple could see one of the previous three demonic Bosses waiting patiently for them.

Helen moved her swords in preparation for an attack, but Michael grabbed ahold of her shoulder and stopped her. 

There was something strange regarding the three Succubus Bosses, and it was bothering him.

So, the humans walked closer and stopped about ten meters away from the creature eyeing them curiously. 

"Looks like we kept you waiting."

[No harm done. It was amusing to watch your actions.](Negala)

It did come as a surprise, but Michael also expected it to happen. The intelligence Negala was showing was much higher than any other Boss he had encountered so far, and judging from Helen's appalled face, it was the same for her.

Up to this point, all Bosses or Elites he encountered talked only when they assumed their 'human' disguise and only fought after reverting to their demonic form. The Necromancer considered this to be because their true form was the 'battle' form, or maybe they simply didn't possess vocal cords.

Communication was also needed among demons, but who says something as inefficient as speaking was what they used. Maybe it was body language, or perhaps it was a mental WhatsApp. 

What mattered was... Negala could - or maybe WOULD - also talk in her demon form.

'What matters is the reason why. Furthermore, she doesn't look like she's here for a fight. At least, not yet. Let's poke a bit and see what her response is. I should also confirm THAT since it bothers me quite a bit.'

"Was it? Glad to see you were entertained. The other two? Don't tell me they lay in wait for the proper moment to ambush us."

[*Giggle*Nothing of sorts. Girls?](Negala)

As the demoness spread out her bat-like wings and then quickly retracted them, the space previously hidden by them now housed the other two Bosses.

Torvala and Kozira walked a couple of steps forward and stood beside their... sister.

Inspecting the creatures, Michael found them to be very similar to human women. The ashy pigmentation of the skin was probably the one thing that differed.

'Beside the horns, tail, and wings? Plus, hovering above ground. I am really curious about how that works.'

"What a flashy entrance... You have a flair for the dramatic, don't you?"


[How interesting.](Tovala)

[It was worth the trouble of coming here.](Kozira)

"I appreciate the... interest. Can you help me confirm something, if you don't mind?"


The synchronized answer caught Michael off guard, but he recovered his bearings quickly. 

The more he looked at it, the more it seemed that the demons were teasing him, and not in a pleasant manner.

"You're not the reason for this whole mess, are you?"

[What do you mean?](Helen)

"I've been thinking about it for a while now. The Quest to recover the eyes mentioned a 'cult,' and the people living here were identified as 'crazed.' This is their doing, isn't it?"

[*Giggle* Correct.](Torvala)

[We simply saw a door being open to this place and decided to take a stroll.](Kozira)

[After all, we were curious to meet you after Her Highness mentioned you. Multiple times.](Negala)

Frowning, the young Necromancer automatically filtered the last response he got from Negala, albeit temporarily.

"So they brought this upon themselves? Why?"

[The usual. More power. More influence. Beautiful women.](Kozira)

[Speaking of which. Feel free to reach out if you get tired of that one.](Torvala)

As Michael was sweating at the provocative demoness, a cross Aura Blade was launched at the flirting Succubus. 

Judging from its power, Helen was truly pissed. He prepared to send his minions forward since the talking part was over, but Torvala just flicked the attack away with incredible ease.

The power this Boss showed was ridiculous, even compared to Helen after the Order of Restriction. It made no sense. 

They had no way to resist.

[What's the meaning of this? You came here with your actual body?](Helen)

[No, no, no! The Sanctuary wouldn't allow that. Or Her Highness, for that matter.](Kozira)

[We just made a deal that would allow our souls to inhabit these puppets. After all, we were truly curious about this one.](Negala)

[That means you can't attack us, right?](Helen)

[True. But you can't do anything to us either. Temporarily. After we leave, you'll still have to deal with the puppets. Now, back to the subject at hand. What do you think, Wanderer? Curious?](Negala)

"*Sigh* I'd lie if I'd say I wasn't. What is Lilith planning?"

Seeing the trio frown, Michael realized that he might've overstepped the boundaries given that these demons... no, these devils were addressing her as 'Her Majesty.'

"Different races, different customs. Don't get too hanged up on them."

[Truly, an interesting human. As for what Her Majesty is doing, don't you know already?](Kozira)

"Looking for allies?"

[Don't be silly. Why would a wolf ally with a bunch of ants? Your race is inconsequential when looking at the big picture.](Negala)

[Her Majesty is helping those who ask for it.](Torvala)

"I see. And Inarius? What does she plan with him?"

[Hmpf. All in good time.](Negala)

After filtering out the nonsense and praying for Inarius, Michael realized Lilith was going around the Sanctuary to gather and strengthen her children. 

But she wasn't doing it out of the kindness of her heart. She had a bigger goal.

'Dealing with Inarius doesn't need a bunch of villagers. Even Wanderers would be useless in the scenario where the two fight. But she is still gathering an army. One that was loyal enough to her to follow her anywhere. I need more information.'

Raising his head and looking at the smirking devils, the young Necromancer shook his head. They wouldn't give out more than they were instructed to.

"I guess your arrival here was also ordered by her. Did she want to pass a message?"


[I can understand why She likes you.](Torvala)

[Her Highness's message is 'Hurry up.' That's all.](Negala)

"Ugh... it seems I'm still too weak to be used in her plans. Is that right?"

[[[More or less.]]]


Interlocking fingers with Helen in order to calm her down, Michael pondered the message delivered. 

The urgency implied a reason. Something big that would happen soon, for which he was too weak to intervene at this moment.

"Did Lilith mention the relative level I should be?"

[Hmm... She didn't mention it, but given who's coming your way, I'd say at least Second Class Awakening.](Torvala)

[Hey! Don't spoil the surprise!](Kozira)

[Hehe. It seems like our time has run out.](Negala)

Scrunching his eyebrows, multiple trains of thought passed through his mind. Eventually, he stopped at a single question.

Looking at the blue skies, he breathed in.

"Would THEY get involved?"

[They? Hmm... probably not. Those prim-proper-balance-keeping trash have other matters on their hands to deal with.](Torvala)

[*Giggle* Like the legions attacking their home.](Kozira)

[Enough. We've said too much already. Hmm... such cunning and yet only a mortal. We expect great things from you, Michael.](Negala)

[These bitches!](Helen)

Hearing Helen curse for the first time was both surprising and adorable for the Necromancer. Seeing her jealous was doing wonders for his ego. 

'Still. The High Heavens won't interfere in the fight between Inarius and Lilith. Not because they won't but because they can't spare the forces to do so. Furthermore, the Sanctuary shouldn't allow an invasion that would put the common folk at risk. There's more to it than this... I'm certain about it.'

[Well, time to say our goodbyes, girls.](Negala)

[Hehe. If you miss us, feel free to reach out. I promise we'll have lots of fun.](Torvala)

"*Sigh* Please stop agitating my girlfriend..."

[*Giggle* Grow stronger so we can see each other soon.](Kozira)

[That stingy bark-bastard! Well, gotta go. See you around, Wanderer! Oh, right! I almost forgot...](Negala)


[[[Take care of our puppets for us.]]]

"Ugh... right. There was that as well."

Though, he wasn't too worried as the presence of the three Bosses diminished considerably. Judging by Helen's annoyance, they were the perfect targets to blow off steam on. 

With the Life bars above the trio's head, Michael knew the conversation was over, and the fight would begin. 

But there was something he needed to confirm first.

"Do you have a skill that can immobilize one of them for longer than 3-5 seconds?"

[Hmm... I do. But, given my restrictions, it won't last longer than ten. Why?](Helen)

"There's something I need to confirm. Let's get rid of two of them, and once the last one is at low Life Points, use the skill on her. Let me know when you do first."


The fight started without much fanfare, but even with their powers reduced extensively, they were still a pain in the ass. 

Torvala kept teleporting around the battlefield and attacking with her nails from tricky angles, and Kozira kept throwing lightning balls, which affected an area of about 3-4 square meters each. Furthermore, their numbers were ridiculously high, considerably restricting the space the duo could fight.

To make matters even worse, Negala used a strange modifier Michael hadn't seen before, which summoned four puddles in the few remaining clear spaces. Then, the 'puddles' caught fire...

If there was a silver lining to all this, it was Helen. 

'She's really going at it... She's been smacking the Bosses around to the point where they created craters wherever they fell to...'

Furthermore, she was taking her time to finish them off, reminding Michael of how vengeful women could be. 

Once more, completing a prayer for Inarius, Michael used his Golem's taunting ability to group up the Bosses, which Helen then proceeded to punch some more.

In a rather anti-climactic fashion, two died, and the last one was on its last breath. 

[Chains of Conviction!](Helen)

With chains crawling from mid-air, locking Negala in place, Michael quickly approached her.

To Helen's surprise, he started caressing her skin and horns and even went around her back to touch the wings.

Mentally questioning her boyfriend's preferences, she threw another Aura Blade when she noticed his hastily retreating.

With the last Boss dying, Michael met Helen's questioning gaze. Rolling his eyes at the adorable creature, he explained his purpose in... manhandling the puppet.

"I had my suspicion about their bodies. After all, they purposely avoided saying with whom they made the deal. Allowing these devils to cross over with their full bodies into this realm, I can't see what they would possibly offer for the Sanctuary to agree. There are only demerits to granting them entrance."

[I see... What do you think?](Helen)

"From what I've heard so far, Lilith was banished from Hell, or rather fled with Inarius and created the Sanctuary. However, these devils came from the Burning Hells. In theory, Lilith shouldn't hold enough authority there. Much more in a manner where she would trade ridiculous amounts of resources and allow not one but three devils to cross over with their full souls, and for what? To pass me a message? Please! That makes no sense."

[Then? Do you think they had a different purpose?](Helen)

"That's for sure. Some ritual that required the full strength of three devils. Furthermore, when comparing the strength of their souls to when I fought X'Fall the devil Baron, these Succubus are certainly higher on the social scale. So, what could Lilith need so badly that she would ask three high-ranking devils to cross into the Sanctuary?"

[And who is the third party that smuggled them in...](Helen)

Remembering a conversation with Old Man Al back at the camp he woke up to in this world, Michael rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly. 

"I don't have enough information to properly reach a conclusion, but I think it might've been the World Tree."

[What!? That...](Helen)

"I don't know much about it, but from what I heard, it can grant wishes to anyone as long as they pay a sufficient price. That 'anyone' should not be restricted to humans."

[It makes sense if you think about it. It's the only other being in this plane holding enough power to do such a thing. Furthermore - according to the Horadrim, at least - its strength is so significant that it can even shield itself from the eyes of the Sanctuary if it wants to.](Helen)

"Tsk! What a scary bastard of a tree... Is it true? About the 'deals' it makes?"

[I'm not entirely certain, but I did meet Wanderers, who claimed to have made a deal with it. Some were ordinary people who became Wanderers, while others became extremely successful merchants. In the end, I never saw the tree with my own eyes, but people do believe in its existence.](Helen)

"I see... Well, we don't have enough intel, so let's leave it to that for now."

[Mhm... But why did you have to touch that demon?](Helen)

"*Cough* I wanted to see if the puppets were made out of wood..."

[And were they?](Helen)

Seeing the woman's suspicious gaze, Michael couldn't bring himself to tell her that it felt like normal skin, only... tender and softer.

"No. It felt rough, but not like bark..."

[I see...](Helen)

Pondering for a second, Helen grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the spot where he saw Lilith's Altar from above the hill.

On the way there, Michael couldn't help but take in Helen's body. To be honest, as tempting as the Succubus trio was, neither had his girlfriend's voluptuous body nor her fiery temperament. 

'Tsk! To think that she's more tempting than a temptress. I need to fully indulge tonight. And maybe even the day after... Punishment must be handed where it's due!'

While his mind was deliriously chasing exciting scenarios that involved Helen wearing fake horns and a tail, the latter brought him in front of a strange arch-like construct.