Chapter 128. Depths of Despair

After an undoubtedly short nap - for obvious reasons - Michael was headed toward the Waypoint early next morning.

He couldn't help but worry for his lower back and thanked the Sanctuary for the overall body improvement. 

'I got carried away... well, WE got carried away last night. Since it's early, I should head to Margrave first and hand over the painting to that kid. After that's done, should I ask the City Guards to keep an eye out for Lilith's Altars? Nah... With that Matvey around, they're bound to be burned at the stake even if I somehow convince them. Better to let the girls handle the search. Bounty Quest, I think they called it.'

It wasn't an actual Quest but rather a request from other Wanderers. It was usually paid decently, and it was done as a favor by others as long as the danger was minimal. 

And what better people to ask for that favor if not the hottest girls on the block?

Stepping out of the Waypoint, Michael nodded at Vineska, the Healer, and moved in the direction of the Quest Marker.

[ Quest update - Better Days

Objective: Show the Faded Old Painting to Zalan Coste. ]

Without wasting any more time or energy, he went to Zalan. He found him on the same patch of grass, reading a book.

"Good morning. It looks like your wounds got much better."

[Hello, Wanderer. Indeed. I am fully healed now. What can I do for you?](Zalan)

Seeing the man's curious visage, the Necromancer opened his Quest Inventory and pulled out the Faded Old Painting.

Handing it over to the confused Zalan, Michael explained.

"Do you recognize this painting I found?"

[Hmm? Light's Watch? Interesting...](Zalan)

"Anything about it might point to clues about your mother?"

[Afraid not, Wanderer. This painting is from before my mother's time. *Sigh* These days, art like this would just go into the pyre. I'll have to keep this well hidden.](Zalan)

"I see. If Matvey gives you grief about it, just tell him my name and that I brought it to you for safekeeping. He should give me that much face, at least."

[Thank you, Wanderer! If you find anything else from Margrave's past in your travels, I'd love to see it.](Zalan)

Waving the man while returning to the Waypoint, the young Necromancer realized that this Quest might've turned out to be a scavenge hunt-type event, where every item he finds across the Sanctuary might be related to Light's Watch.

Still, it wasn't too bad to fulfill Zalan's request. He just had to go about his own business, and if he finds something related to Margrave, that's awesome. If not, well... he'll keep searching.

[ Quest complete - Better Days

Reward 1: 5,339 experience points

Reward 2: 1,360 gold coins

Reward 3: Salvage Cache. ]

Exiting the 'time-space continuum' in Kyovashad, Michael opened his two Salvaged Caches while grinning at his gold hoard, which reached 163,621.

He was working hard toward his 'small goal.'

'Let's see. Each cache held 2 Veiled Crystals, so that's four in total, as well as two Rare items. One is a Focus, and one's a Shield. Both will get salvaged. Speaking of which, I should head to Zivek.'

After much deliberation, a conclusion was reached regarding the new items. He would exchange his Legendary helm for the new one since he got more stuff from it.

Likewise, with his chest armor. Checking the currently equipped ones, they weren't bad at all.

[ Aegis Ire

Rare Chest Armor

286 Item Power


500 Armor 

* +5 to All Stats

* +11.5% Lightning Resistance

* +7.0% Fire Resistance

Empty Socket ]

[ Bonewalker Helm of The Embalmer

Legendary Helm

238 Item Power


298 Armor

* +14 Strength

* +4.0% Crowd Control Duration

* +1.7% Cooldown Reduction

Legendary Aspect: Consuming a Corpse has a 22% chance to spawn a Blood Orb (Necromancer Only). ]

'They served their purpose, but the new ones are much better in terms of Armor and other effects.' 

[ Armaghedon Plate

Rare Chest Armor

383 Item Power


670 Armor (+170 when compared with the currently equipped item)

* +13 Intelligence

* +17% Shadow Resistance

* +4.1% Damage Reduction while Fortified ]

While changing the chest armors, he would lose 5 points from all attributes and a bunch of resistances. The new item was obviously much better overall.

Not to mention his Intelligence attribute reaching 200 upon equipping it.

[ Champion Sin

Rare Helm

361 Item Power


451 Armor (+153 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* +6.5% Total Armor

* +3.0% Crowd Control Duration

* +34 Maximum Life

Empty Socket ]

By changing helms, he would lose 14 points in Strength but would gain a shitload of Armor instead, as well as 34 Life Points. It wasn't a bad trade. Not even one bit.

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 583

 Armor: 2,212

 Life: 1054


Strength: 146

Intelligence: 200

Willpower: 172

Dexterity: 178 ]

Truly satisfied with the modifications, Michael entered Zivek's forge and asked for help cleaning the almost-filled Equipment inventory.

After salvaging 2 Magic items, 24 Rare ones, and a single Legendary, the result was 33 Iron Chunks, 3 Silver Ores, 16 Rawhides, 4 Superior Leather, and 17 Veiled Crystals.

After thanking Zivek for his help and being chased out of the Blacksmith shop, Michael opened his MAP to look at the marker for the Main Quest.

'Hmm? What's this!?'

[ Main Quest - Light's Guidance

Objective: Speak with Reverend Mother Prava at the Cathedral of Light.

Description: You must speak with Reverend Mother Prava and convince her to provide a blessing so you can travel across and beyond the Black Lake in your pursuit of Lilith. ]

It would be a difficult Quest, no doubt, but the problem wasn't that, but the Side Quest exclamation mark on the MAP.

[ Side Quest: Depths of Despair (Level 33+)

Description: Sister Octavia once again needs your assistance with a suspected demonic possession. ]

Seeing the Quest Marker somewhere in the side alleys, Michael shrugged and headed that way.

'What better way to start the day if not by exorcising some demons?'

He found the woman in front of a house, most likely talking with the owner of it.

"Good morning, Sister Octavia. It's good to see you again."

[Ah, you have good timing, friend! Good morning. Kvera here is convinced a demon possesses her husband.](Sister Octavia)

[He is! Been disappearing all hours, coming home with bloody hands. He says he does not remember, but... he was scaring me, so I tied him up in the cellar until I could get help.](Kvera)

Both Michael and Sister Octavia looked on speechlessly at the woman. They both probably considered this lovely wife who tied her husband in the basement much scarier than the possibly possessed man.

[*Sigh* And help you shall have. Come, show us where he is.](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest issued - Depths of Despair

Objective: Enter the Ominous Cellar. ]

Seeing the Quest and its objective, Michael frowned and moved ahead of the women, signaling Octavia with his eyes.

Noticing the hints, the Sister nodded.

[Hmm. The door is damaged. Kvera, stay outside, just in case.](Sister Octavia)

[All right...](Kvera)

Upon looking at the door, it was indeed damaged. Michael frowned and entered first.

And it was a good thing he did. As soon as they entered, a group of seven Fallen and one explosive ice-boy jumped them.

[Demons? Manifesting already? But... I don't see her husband...](Sister Octavia)


[Kvera!](Sister Octavia)

"Outside! Let's go! Those were the only demons around. A distraction, most likely."

[ Quest update - Depths of Despair

Objective: Check on Kvera outside. ]

Quickly running back outside, they found a wounded Kvera kneeling before the door. She was keeping pressure on a wound in her abdominal area.

"Miss Kvera! What happened!?"

[Vasek, my husband... he was hiding upstairs. He ran... out there. Quick, before he hurts someone else.](Kvera)

"What about your wound?"

[It looks worse than it is. I will live. Go!](Kvera)

[Let's look for him. If he hurts more people, the church won't let him go.](Sister Octavia)

Unfortunately, once they were outside, they were able to see a trail of blood on the snowy road.

[Ivo! Look at me! Stay with me.](?)

[*Groan* What the hell was that!?](Ivo)

"Here. Drink this."

Michael fed the man a Healing Potion and quickly continued the tracking. It wasn't hard since they were literally following a trail of blood.

They saw a woman covering her head with both hands, sobbing. Fortunately, she wasn't injured. At least not physically. 

[A demon! A blood-soaked horror!](?)

Frowning, the duo moved faster and reached the end of the blood trail.

[There! Damn, he's gone into the sewers!](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest update - Depths of Despair

Objective: Enter the Kyovashad Sewers. ]

"Tsk! Looks like I have to go in."

[I'll follow.](Sister Octavia)

"I don't mind the company, but if things get bad, I expect you to run away. I can handle myself, but I might not be able to protect you."

[Understood.](Sister Octavia)

As soon as they entered, they saw the man they were chasing. 

[That's him! Vasek, wait!](Sister Octavia)

Just as she was preparing to run after him, Michael stopped her and shook his head.

It looked too much like an ambush.

And surely enough, as soon as they followed behind the man, they found plenty of wretched creatures they had to fend off.

[ Carver (Minion) - Level 37 ]

[ Plagued Worm (Minion) - Level 37 ]

[ Stinger Swarm (Minion) - Level 36 ]

[ Wretched Plague Bearer (Elite) - Level 38

*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 75 damage per second for a duration of 5 seconds. ]

It wasn't hard to deal with them, just disgusting. Oversized worms, a full 'cloud' at least a square meter in size made out of demonic mosquitoes, and the usual midget Carvers.

The easy Side Quest easily turned annoying.

[P-please... I'm so cold!](VaseK)

[Where are you, Vasek!? Speak to me!](Sister Octavia)

Without a response, they could do nothing else but chase after him. Michael couldn't help but find the situation odd, so he prepared for the worst by having his Reapers box them in, and the Golem took the front.

With the Cold Mages at the back, even in case of an ambush, they would be safe.

[Looks like you also have a bad feeling about this.](Sister Octavia)

"More or less... Can't leave the poor fella alone in here, though."

[Indeed. The Light doesn't abandon those who don't abandon themselves.](Sister Octavia)

Michael couldn't help but be impressed by the woman's devotion to her faith. He thought nothing much of the Light or Inarius overall, but seeing people as hardworking and compassionate as Sister Octavia, he couldn't help but praise the church for a job well done.

[Go away! Go AWAY! Stay... away...](Vasek)

[No! We won't forsake you!](Sister Octavia)

"Let's go faster. I don't know much about possession, but that doesn't sound good."

[It's not. I'm afraid it might be worse than I expected...](Sister Octavia)

After dealing with more creatures through the overly complicated sewer tunnels, they finally found Vasek's trail.

[It hurts... IT HURTS!](Vasek)

[He's close... There!](Sister Octavia)

Michael entered full battle mode when they reached the end of the tunnels. 

Judging by how things were going, this wouldn't end peacefully.

When they entered the cave, they found a man crouched with his hands above his head, wincing in pain. And they could understand why.

The man's skin turned blue, and frostbite covered his fingers and toes. It was almost as if he was slowly turning into an icicle. 

[There. Careful, this situation is delicate...](Sister Octavia)

"What do we do now? I don't think my potions can fix his ailments."

[Like before. Take my chalice and place it down as near him as you can. I'll keep his attention.](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest update - Depths of Despair

Item received: Holly Chalice

Objective: Place the Holly Chalice as close to Vasek as possible. ]

Nodding to the nun, Michae slowly advanced with the chalice in hand. He didn't want abrupt movements to spook the poor man and result in a catastrophe. 

[Vasek, just stay calm. Will you say the litanies with me?](Sister Octavia)

[No! No! Stay away!](Vasek)

[Everything is going to be alright.](Sister Octavia)

Receiving the nod that the distance was sufficient, Michael placed the chalice on the ground as his minions slowly spread out to surround the possessed man. 

This would end poorly regardless of the angle he looked at it from. The best he could do was damage control.

The Sister wouldn't have any of that, though, as she immediately started the exorcism ritual.

[Father Inarius, as I shed my wicked blood, let it be purified in thy Light.](Sister Octavia)

As a cut was made in the palm of the woman's hand and blood dripped into the chalice, light enveloped Vasek.

However, the result was obviously painful for the man.

[Stop. Please! It... it hurts!](Vasek)

[Let the Light fill the dark--](Sister Octavia)

[No! NO! AAAARHG!!!](Vasek)

[Something is wrong!](Sister Octavia)

And indeed it was. Mid-screaming, the man was fully encased in ice, immediately silencing him.

A low demonic laughter echoed throughout the cave, making Michael sigh. The poor Vasek was shattered into small pieces of ice, and a huge demon rose from the frozen flesh and blood.

[VASEK!](Sister Octavia)

[Look upon the shattered remains of this poor wretch and lament your own upcoming demise!](?)