Chapter 129. Troubles continue

The demon that emerged was at least five meters tall. It ticked every box in what a demon should look like.

[ Demotah (Elite) - Level 38

*Frozen: Summons three balls of frost. Upon explosion, they freeze and deal 350 fixed damage in a five-meter radius.

*Chilling Wind: Summons a wall of wind to block all ranged attacks. ]

Claws instead of hands, hooves for feet, horns on its large head, a ridiculously muscular body, and a pair of bony wings on its back.

Michael couldn't help but compliment the Diablo devs for the graphics and curse them simultaneously for making it so big.

Looking at the ridiculously large axe in its hands, which he was planning to swing at Sister Octavia, Michael immediately used the Golem's taunt to distract the large boy.

Michael also stepped in with his usual combo as the minions were given the green to go. Unfortunately, as soon as the taunt's distraction ended, the axe headed Michael's way.

Using the shield he switched to, he took the blood without complaint. 

"Tsk! No damage, and I was only slightly pushed back despite the difference in size. Armor is really everything against physical muscleheads."

[Ridiculous worm! Freeze and shatter!](Demotah)

Seeing the balls of ice growing around him and Sister Octavia, Michael immediately pushed the woman out of harm's way and used Blood Mist to become invulnerable.

Luckily, his decision proved correct, as all his Skeletons died immediately, leaving behind only a severely damaged Golem.

Without hesitation, he spammed Raise Skeleton to bring back three Reapers, after which he continued attacking the demon with Reap.

Until his minion's numbers weren't replenished, he couldn't start using Corpse Explosion just yet.

Sister Octavia tried attacking from afar, but Demotah just waved its claws, creating a wall of air to block on its behalf.

Finally, after much struggle and some rather painful blows, they were able to subdue the devil.

[Haha! Relish your meaningless victory while you can.](Demotah)

As the ominous words were left behind, the devil's body exploded into a circle of ice, encasing Michael and Sister Octavia.

Hearing the woman's pained cry, Michael quickly used his Blood Mist again to escape the imprisonment of ice and hurriedly poured a Healing Potion down the woman's throat.

He wasn't sure if this would work against external stuff, such as being encased in ice, but he wasn't sure what else to do.

[*Sigh* Is fine, Wanderer. Father's Light is not this weak.](Sister Octavia)

Seeing a warm light melt the ice around her body, Michael sighed in relief. The woman, on the other hand, didn't look happy at all.

[Vasek... I f-failed you. I'm so sorry...](Sister Octavia)

"There will be time for mourning later. It looks like the cold got into your body. We need to get you someplace warmer."

[Mhm. We need to get out of here.](Sister Octavia)

With the Sister leaning on him for support, they returned to the temporary Dungeon's entrance. 

Looking at the system's interface for the Quest, he had one final thing to do before wrapping it up.

[ Quest update - Depths of Despair

Objective: Speak with Sister Octavia outside. ]

After seeing the light of day again, Michael also noticed blood trickling out from a wound close to the woman's neck.

"You're injured!"

[I'm f-fine. It's nothing a warm fire and rest can't cure. Thank you! As badly as things went, they would have b-been much worse without you.](Sister Octavia)

"It's fine. Let's get you someplace warm first. You can't even speak properly because of the cold."

[I can't yet. *Shivers* Somehow, I must find the w-words to tell Kvera about her husband...](Sister Octavia)

"Do you want me to come with you?"

[There's no need. Take c-care of yourself, child.](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest complete - Depths of Despair

Reward 1: 10,678 experience points

Reward 2: 1,700 gold coins

Reward 3: Elixir Cache. ]

Watching the Sister limp away while shivering, Michael shook his head and opened the cache.

Out of it came a rather interesting item in the form of Rare gloves, as well as two Elixirs.

[ Elixir of Fortitude (requires Level 36)


Increases Maximum Life by 20% and experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes. ]

Without hurrying too much, Michael made his way to Veroka's store. The Alchemist could help him upgrade his Healing Potion vials and their effects.

[Hmm? You're back already? Did you reach Level 20 that fast?](Veroka)

"I'm already at 33. It seems that I skipped over one of the upgrades."

[Mhm. Doesn't matter, though. The third upgrade is to a Minor Healing Potion, which costs 15 Gallowvine and 5 Biteberries. The fourth upgrade is to a Light Healing Potion: an extra 20 Gallowvine, 10 Biteberries, and 5 Crushed Beast Bones. Do you have the materials?](Veroka)

"For both of them?"

[*Scoff* Of course.](Veroka)

Counting up to 35 Gallowvine, 15 Biteberries, and 5 Crushed Beast Bones, Michael thanked his luck for meeting Dungeons with beast monsters inside.

It was the only location where the said material dropped.

After paying the fee, he managed to upgrade his Healing Potions twice. The result was quite pleasing.

[ Light Healing Potion


Heals 141 Life points instantly and 35% of your Maximum Life over the course of 3 seconds.

The only difference between it and the Level 10 variant was the extra almost 100 instant Life points. 

Michael made his way to the Cathedral with the five new potions in the pouch. Certain things couldn't be postponed for too long.

On his way there, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the patrolling City Guards and the faithful nuns preaching about Inarius's greatness.

[I tell you, my neighbor is bewitched! I saw him skulking outside my door, muttering curses.](Remil)

[Right, right! This wouldn't have anything to do with the money you owe him, would it?](Grzina)

Hearing the quip, Michael almost burst into laughter and said hello to the funny duo. They became acquaintances after meeting them multiple times throughout the city.

They are good people, both of them, even if Remil had a crippling gambling addiction.

Shaking his head in amusement, he soon passed by Inarius's statue, which was also used as a World Tier Statue. There, he discovered he could switch to a higher Tier after reaching Level 50.

He was planning to do that since all the sisters in the Pink Palace did the same.

[For a hundred generations, Hell itself imprisoned Father Inarius, but they could not break him. He cast off his infernal shackles and returned to us. And now, he will guide the faithful along the path of deliverance.](?)

Hearing the all too familiar words, Michael shook his head inwardly. He wondered how the preaching woman would react if she knew that Lilith, the demoness, freed him from those shackles.

And as a prisoner of war imprisoned for 'hundred generations,' how could he not break? How could he not change?

Man, angel, or god... when subjected to torture for countless years, their mentality would unknowingly change. Whoever initially entered that prison... stayed there.

'As for the one that left... Only Lilith knows. Looks like I'm here. Let's stop with the heretical train of thought. I don't want to be burned on the pyre.'

[Halt! Who are you?](Knight Guard)

"Michael. I have an appointment with Reverend Mother Prava."

[I see. Please go in. She already left instructions that you can find her inside the Cathedral.](Knight Guard)

"Understood. Thank you for your help."

Moving through the large crowd praying before different shrines made in Inarius's honor, countless voices echoed through the air.

From old men to pregnant women to children talking in whispered voices among themselves.

[Father Inarius, bless the child that grows in my belly. Keep him safe in your Light.]

[My brother told me you have to shield your eyes in the Father's presence, or his Light will make you blind.]

[Oh! So that's why the knights wear helmets!]

[Oh glorious Father! Thank you! Your Light has cleansed the disease from my flesh. I am made whole in your radiance.]

Michael hadn't realized it before, but seeing the pious believers in Inarius, he couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

Religion played a major role in the life of normal people. If Inarius and Lilith clashed, he couldn't see a scenario where Lilith lost.

And if the 'Father' dies, people across the Sanctuary would become disillusioned. 

'Troubled times ahead. These are all the more reasons to find Lilith and figure out what her plans are. If we can't stop them, we can at least make preparations for the fallout.'

The chapel was mostly empty, a stark contrast to the crowd outside. Figuring out that he might've just missed this morning's service,' Michael sighed in relief at a well-dodged bullet.

Walking further in, he found a familiar face giving orders to some monks and nuns around him.

[See that the kitchen is ready for the morrow's service. Angels above! You've returned!](Iosef)

"Good to see you as well, Iosef."

[You don't strike me as the religious type. How can we help you?](Iosef)

"I was looking for Reverend Prava. I need a holy blessing to continue chasing Lilith."

[Ugh... The Reverend Mother will certainly want to hear of this. But she's away at Kor Valar. She left in a hurry this morning. Seek your blessing there.](Iosef)

"Something happened?"

[Everything is unfolding as Inarius foretold! Soon, he will be free to escape Sanctuary and return to the Heavens where he belongs.](Iosef)

'Jesus... this is why I hate talking with fanatics... But for her to leave in such a hurry. Also, something Inarius foretold? Another prophecy, perhaps.'

[ Main Quest complete - Light's Guidance

Reward 1: 5,339 experience points.

Reward 2: 1,360 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Kor Valar

Objective: Speak with Reverend Mother Prava in Kor Valar. ]

Rubbing the bridge of his nose to relieve the tension from too much frowning these past couple of days, Michael decided to get all the intel he could from the fanatic before leaving.

"What is Kor Valar?"

[Hmm? It's one of our defenses against the Prime Evils.](Iosef)

'Prime Evils? That... doesn't that refer to the Lords of Hell? Like the Lord of Terror, the Lord of Hatred, the very famous Lord of Destruction, etc. To think that this maniac would come clean about it that easily...'

[We build the mighty towers at Kor Valar to withstand Destruction. We fight Terror with faith and Hatred with compassion. It's the only way to battle these evil forces. That's what Mother Prava says.](Iosef)

"You seem to respect her a lot. Do you know of her past? If it isn't indiscreet of me to ask. I am curious."

[No harm done. It's common knowledge among all the people in Kyovashad. As a girl, she was sick. Plagued by constant seizures. But Inarius healed her. When I met her, I was a sinner. But her faith showed me what I could be. There's no better fit to lead us.](Iosef)

'Incredibly charismatic among the ecclesiastic people, huh? This is to be expected, especially after Inarius healed her. It looks like he chose her for this role; therefore, nobody has any complaints about it.'

Thinking about it, it made sense. For Inarius to fully control the church, there mustn't be a schism because those under him are fighting for power.

So, showing favor to one sick child and healing her, he creates both a miracle and gains a fanatic follower. Two birds with one stone.

There was one thing left to check.

"You mentioned something about Inarius foretelling and all this. What is that about?"

[Mhm. He was given a prophecy. 'Light piercing Hatred's heart,' it said. He knew what it meant. That he was fated to kill Lilith.](Iosef)

'What the hell!? Isn't that the prophecy I heard back in Nevesk? Does the Cathedral already know of it?'

"Who was it that gave the prophecy to Inarius?"

[We don't know. But what we realized is that when he does kill Lilith, he will be redeemed, and he will ascend to Heaven once more.](Iosef)

'This blockhead! If that happens, and that's a big IF, what happens to you? The other angels don't interfere at all in the Sanctuary's plight. Your only pillar is pretty much deserting you, and you're happy? Fuck me sideways! These fanatics are a lost cause. And that Inarius bastard... is he that set on returning to Heavens? But why? And how did he fall again?'

Saying goodbye to the raving lunatic, Michael fled the Cathedral before the fast-talking Monk could brainwash him further. 

He was truly a plague to be around.

'And this bullshit Kor Valar. Where the fuck is that even!? It's hella far away, and I haven't explored even halfway there on the MAP. Judging by the distance, it's at least a day's walk. I'll check with Helen, but I'll likely need a horse. One hundred thousand gold coins... damn it!'

While complaining mentally about the ridiculous cost, Michael decided to head to the inn first. The trio should have arrived by now, and even if Aylin went home, he should find at least Martel and Hoduin drinking there.

Just as he was about to cross the street, he saw a familiar figure muttering something. The man looked distraught.

"Petr? Why are you whispering? Are you alright? Is your child okay?"

[Thank the light you're here! Our mutual friend needs your help, but we must be cautious. Here, she wanted me to give you this letter.](Petr) 

Realizing it was a letter from Sister Octavia, whom he parted with not long ago, his face changed color.

It seemed like she was in danger.