Chapter 130. Faith in Blood

With his brain cogs spinning at rapid speeds, Michael looked at Petr, the man whose boy they saved during the first exorcism he participated in. Conscious, at least...

Taking the letter from the man's hands and reading it, he was first shocked and alarmed. 

Without hesitation, he nodded at Petr, and they both started running.

[Dear friend, I do not know how much longer my shaking hand will hold a quill, so I shall be brief. I believe the demon we thought slew in the sewers was able to escape death by using me as the next host. Please, come to me in Kvera's Cellar if you can. You're the only one I can trust to help. My life is in your hands.](Sister Octavia)

Annoyed at the sudden catastrophe, Michael gritted his teeth since he couldn't understand the situation.

"Why so much secrecy? Wouldn't the church be more helpful than I can be?"

[The Cathedral of Light used to perform those kinds of... rituals whenever anyone was in need. But it seems that lately, they would rather burn the demon along with the victim.](Petr)

"Not very fun when your child is one of those suffering from this 'affliction.'"

[Yes. *Sigh* I still believe in the Father and his holy grace, but I couldn't let that happen to the Sister. Not after she saved my boy. No matter what happened to me...](Petr)

Michael nodded in a satisfied manner at the man. It seems that Sister Octavia didn't waste her efforts with this one.


[ Quest issued - Faith in Blood

Objective: Speak with Sister Octavia

Description: Petr, the father of the boy Sister Octavia saved, covertly slipped you a letter from her. It seems the demon from the sewers has taken her as its next victim.

She is being hidden in Kvera's cellar. You must go to her quickly. ]

Kvera seemed to act in a similar manner. The Necromancer labeled both of them as 'good people.'

They soon reached her house and saw the woman waiting at the door. Seeing Michael, she frowned.

[Keep walking before I -- Oh... oh, it's you! Thank goodness! The Sister is in the cellar; come quickly.](Kvera)

"Thank you. Also, I'm sorry for your loss."

[*Sigh* And thank you for trying to save my poor Vasek. I know you tried your best.](Kvera)

The trio hurriedly entered the cellar after closing the door behind them. Prying eyes or ears could result in an untimely death not only for Octavia but for them also.

"Have you been taking care of her? How long?"

[Since she collapsed in my arms while telling me what happened... to my Vasek *sigh*.](Kvera)

"I see. Thank you."

[Don't thank me... I was going to find a Knight Penitent to help her, but she pleaded with me not to. Asked me to hide her, and tell any other priest that came looking that I have not seen her.](Kvera)

"That couldn't have been easy for you..."

[Truth be told, I had to wrestle with that. Lying to the Cathedral? Came close to turning her in more than once. But then I remembered that when I needed help, she did not ask any questions; she was just there, ready to do whatever she could. Well, she deserves the same.](Kvera)

He was surprised at how faithful these people were to those who helped them before. Or maybe Sister Octavia was just a special case.

You can't compare apples and pears when it comes to the favors she did them.

After entering the cellar, he saw the woman on the same bed. Her face had the same blue color, just like her hands. Same frostbites also...

"I came as soon as I heard."

[*Grunts* I knew... you would...*gasp*. Don't have... much time. You need to... perform... blood rites. *gasp* Exorcise... demon...](Sister Octavia)

"What!? I... take deep breaths... I'll do what I can."

[Ugh... I cannot... you need... my prayer book. But... chalice is lost...](Sister Octavia)

Thinking back to when they chased Vasek and faced the demon, it appears Demotah stomped the small goblet into the ground so hard that nothing remained of it.

"What must I do then?"

[Need to get... a new one.](Sister Octavia)


[Margrave. Matvey... he is... chalice keeper.](Sister Octavia)

"Ugh... that won't be easy..."

[Be wary. He is suspicious... you may need to deceive...](Sister Octavia)

"No sleep lost on that, don't worry."

[*Groans* Please... hurry.](Sister Octavia)

[ Quest update - Faith in Blood

Item received: Sister Octavia's Prayer Book.

Objective: Speak with Priest Matvey. ]

After asking the other two to keep her safe and try to lessen her pain, Michael bolted to the Waypoint.

As much as he disliked Matvey, he proportionally liked Octavia just about the same. And with how helpful she was with the common folk when they would be burnt on the pyre otherwise, she deserves at least this bit of help in return.

Passing through the Waypoint, he made a beeline toward the pyre, where he found the crazed priest.

[It's you. How can I help?](Matvey)

"I need a holy chalice."

[What!? Who are you to demand such a thing? None but those who have dedicated their lives to worship may touch the holy implements!](Matvey)

Seeing the man about to go on a long rant, Michael sighed and stopped him.

"I am on a solemn task from the Reverent Mother Prava herself. The need is urgent. Shall I tell her that you are unwilling to fulfill her request? You know I came here initially at her request, right?"

[You are!? Oh! P-please forgive me! It is so rare to hear any news from Kyovashad, let alone from the Reverend Mother herself.](Matvey)

'Yeah, yeah! Hurry the fuck up!'

Probably seeing the Necromancer's impatient face, the man didn't dawdle anymore. Ass-kissing could be done later.

[Here, here! It will need to be consecrated first, of course. Anointed in the blood of sinners. There are deserving brings skulking in the cave to the east.](Matvey)

"The tunnels. Indeed. I'll get going. This is of most urgency. What do I do after?"

[Return, and I'll help you.](Matvey)

[ Quest update - Faith in Blood

Item received: Silver Chalice

Objective: Fill the chalice with Bandit blood. ]

'Brutal... Let's see... the area is about right. Also, it's where the possible new Dungeon might spawn. No time to waste! Let's get going.'

"I'll return as fast as possible. Please remain here where I can find you."

[Understood. May Light hasten your footsteps.](Matvey)

Watching the Wanderer leave without an extra word, Priest Matvey was confused and suspicious. 

He knew something was wrong since Mother Prava wouldn't send a Wanderer for such a task but a Knight Penitent or another priest. However, the Necromancer knew about the chalice and that he was the keeper of it.

That meant that only someone from the Cathedral should've told him. And if they needed one, it could only mean...

[I guess we'll see what happens next...](Matvey)

In the meantime, Michael was racing through the packs of Worgen that kept attacking him. Not having the leisure to deal with them, he simply used the Golem to taunt them, after which he ran forward.

Thankfully, his stamina increased considerably after the many level-ups, and he arrived without an issue at the entrance to the tunnels.

With a cloud of bats attacking from the front and the Worgen chasing from behind, Michael quickly used his Reap + Corpse Tendrils + Corpse Explosion combo, dealing with them all at once.

He played around with the Silver Chalice, but nothing happened.

"Surely enough, it must be Brigands... Let's go in."

What happened next could only be described as a massacre, as Michael killed everything in sight. 

Once a bandit died, the chalice would automatically absorb some of its blood essence.

Another strange thing dropped after dealing with more Brigands and even an Elite.

"Merchant's Ledger? Another Quest Item?"

[ Quest issued - Unwritten End

Objective: Show the Merchant's Ledger to Zalan Coste

Description: You found an old diary dealing with the various travels and sales of a merchant. Zalan Coste in Margrave may want to see this. ]

Realizing it was another piece for the scavenge hunt, he quickly threw it in the Quest inventory and decided to deal with it later.

After another 10 minutes, the blood in the chalice was full. Even if turned upside down, the blood wouldn't fall from it.

Without time to waste running back and dealing with more monsters, Michael quick-travelled back to Margrave.

It was a bit of a waste, but sparing twenty minutes could make a big difference. Walking out of the Waypoint and seeing Matvey, the latter smiled at him.

[Good! Now, take a piece of the burning wood from the holy pyre and place it in the blood. And do stand back...](Matvey)

Following the instructions, Michael placed the Silver Chalice on the pyre and broke a piece of burning wood.

With his high attributes and resistance, he wouldn't even feel the heat, much less pain.

When the burning coal entered the chalice, tiny bubbles formed. Listening to Matvey's advice, he stood a few steps back and watched in wonder as a pillar of flames and Light descended upon it.

[Excellent. The Reverent Mother was wise to choose you for this task. The chalice is now ready for her. And, err... please do give her my most respectful regards.](Matvey)

Without enough time to deal with the ass-kisser, Michael grabbed the chalice and placed it into his inventory.

[ Quest update - Faith in Blood

Item received: Holy Chalice

Objective: Return to Kvera's cellar. ]

Leaving without saying farewell to the priest, Michael entered the Waypoint and, once back in Kyovashad, bolted straight to the cellar.

Seeing a worried Petr pacing outside the house didn't bode well.

[Oh, thank the Light, you're back this fast! The Sister has taken a turn for the worse.](Petr)

"What happened!?"

[Right after you left, the Sister, she... the demon inside her is speaking through her. She's in terrible pain!](Petr)

"Damn it, let's hurry."

[She told me about the chalice. Here, I'll place it while you prepare. We must hurry.](Petr)

Without a second thought, he passed over the Holy Chalice as he brought out the Prayer Book. 

Skimming through it, Michael quickly found the passage he had previously heard Sister Octavia reciting.

As soon as they entered and the chalice was placed on the ground, cruel demonic laughter emerged from the almost frozen woman on the bed.

[Came to watch your friend die, Wanderer?](?)

[Please, save her!](Kvera)

"I will. Stay back, please."

Walking to the chalice and bringing out his scythe, Michael made an incision in his left palm, allowing blood to drip into it.

"Well, here goes nothing. Father Inarius, as I shed my wicked blood, let it be purified in thy Light. Let the Light fill the darkness within all of us."

As the prayer was recited, Light enveloped Sister Octavia, making her levitate above the bed.

[Oh? Your pitiful chanting again?](?)

"Keep quiet, small fry."

[Are you so eager to watch me freeze her blood?](?)

"This little bitch... Ahem! Let the Light push out the darkness hiding within this woman! Father, force this demon out."

As Light enveloped the woman and dark smoke kept exiting her body, a familiar voice sounded from behind. 

[I knew it! I knew you were involved in something abhorrent!](Matvey)

Michael rolled his eyes at the intrerupting dumbass, but waved his left hand at the duo in the corner.

[No! Stop him!](Kvera)

[*Gasp* Stop this instant! The Reverend Mother will learn of this heresy! I will see you all burn!](Matvey)

[Father, forgive me...](Petr)

Hearing the sound of fist meeting flesh and a grunt from Priest Matvey, the Necromancer-cum-exorcist gave a mental thumbs up to Petr.

[Hurry! Finish it!](Petr)

"Light, purge the wickedness!"

[ENOUGH! I tire of this.](?)

The Light dissipated, and the woman's body gently floated back onto the bed.

As Michael prepared for the worst, the demon's surprised voice echoed through the cellar.

[No! NO! How is she still fighting!?](?)

"Come on, Sister Octavia! Kick him out so I can get rid of him!"


Michael grinned, seeing a strand of darkness exiting her body and a ball of ice forming on the ground next to the bed.

As soon as the devil Demotah appeared in the room again, Michael had his Golem pounce on it.

Gesturing to the duo to drag the Sister away from the fight, he could properly focus on pummeling the little shit.

[ Demotah (Elite) - Level 38

*Frozen: Summons four balls of frost. Upon explosion, they freeze and deal 500 fixed damage in a five-meter radius.

*Chilling Wind: Summons a wall of wind to block all ranged attacks.

*Summoner: Creates three summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 2 minutes. ]

Seeing the devil try so hard, Michael smiled darkly. With the extra modifier and int increase in power for all others, this one was the real deal.

Therefore, with the help of his minions, he quickly ripped it apart. The poor bastard didn't even get the chance to leave behind some threatening words this time.

Unsummoning his minions, he turned to the corner where three people surrounded Sister Octavia.

[Please, wake up!](Petr)

[Sister? Sister! Please, say something!](Kvera)

[*Groan* Ugh... It's too bloody cold down here...](Sister Octavia)

[Oh, Light be praised!](Kvera)

Seeing the woman wake up and stand up, Michael almost dropped to the ground himself. 

This whole 'Quest' was tiring both mentally and physically.