Chapter 132. Feast

Less than half an hour later, Mei returned with more than the two people Helen asked to be invited.

Fortunately, the additions to the upcoming feast weren't strangers.

[Miss Helen, Miss Mina, Miss Hella, Miss Tia, Miss Evelyn. It is a pleasure to meet you all again! Miss Mei found me talking with Sir Hoduin and Martel, asking for advice, and invited me over. I hope you don't mind my presence.](Gonk)

[[[[Hello, Gonk!]]]]

[As you can see, it's not the case. It's always nice to have friends over for dinner; we have plenty of space, as you can see. Uncle Hoduin, Uncle Martel. Thank you for taking care of Aylin!](Mina)

[Don't worry about it. She's more helpful than we are most of the time. It's good to see you girls again.](Martel)

[Mhm. Little Evelyn, it seems like you haven't been slacking off.](Hoduin)

[I've been working hard! Michael had me create many chessboards, so my control over Spirit increased considerably.](Evelyn)


[Did that brat invent something weird again? He always has strange ideas...](Martel)

[Come! I'll show you.](Evelyn)

Seeing the prideful look on the young woman's face, Hoduin, Martel, and Gonk followed behind as Mina waved at the remaining two guests, after which she also walked next to the three guests, explaining what chess was.

Helen walked forward, took one of the guests' arms, and smiled at the other.

[Connie, Uncle Collin! It's good to see you both.](Helen)


[Ignore Dad. He's still angry at you since he had to deal with the nobles for the past month. I've heard that you went to recover a Stronghold. Everything went well?](Connie)

[The one in Scosglen? Mhm. Everything went well. We...](Helen)

[No, no! I know about that one. I was curious about the one in Nostrava you cleared with your boyfriend. Hey! Don't pinch!](Connie)

[Hehe! Do you think you can tease me as you'd like!?](Helen)

[Enough, you two! I was trying to find Martel and Hoduin for a conversation on an important topic, and little Mei invited me over. I hope you don't mind, but I might have to discuss politics with them. I don't want to ruin the mood of the gathering.](Collin)

Helen shrugged and pointed at Hella and Tia, curiously looking at the mayor.

[As long as you don't mind sharing it with all of us.](Helen)

[Well, it also involves you, so it wouldn't be a bad idea. Speaking of which, where's that Necromancer kid?](Collin)

[He's preparing the food with Aylin. However, they said they'd only give the instructions to the 'staff' and return in a bit.](Helen)

['Staff'? What's that?](Connie)

[A term Michael came up with. It refers to those employed by us. He doesn't like the term servants.](Helen)


[Ugh... Let's take a seat. We can talk slowly.](Mei)

One hour into the conversation, after the group finished the snacks sent over from the kitchen, Connie and Collin wanted to run to them multiple times but were stopped.

The mayor was fine since he was curious, but Connie loved to tease Aylin a lot, and their food would be delayed if she was allowed to mess with them.

Fortunately, the chef duo returned soon, shocking the others into silence with how wide Aylin was smiling. Even Connie's jaw was wide open. She knew the explosive temperament of the woman. 

Unless it were her sisters, she wouldn't show that kind of smile to someone else — much less another man.

[Hmm? Looks like we have more guests than initially thought. Even though some were uninvited, fortunately, we cooked more. Hello Gonk, long time no see! Hello Uncle Collin!](Aylin)

[Miss Aylin.](Gonk)

[We appreciate the invitation. It is not often that we get to enjoy dishes you've personally cooked.](Collin)

[Hehe. Little Aylin is mad that I joined?](Connie)

[Who's little!? I'm taller than you are!](Aylin)

[But you're much smaller, though...](Connie)

Michael took a secret peek at Aylin's flatlands and then saw the bountiful hills the woman he figured out was the infamous 'Connie' had.

He couldn't help but pity the redhead until a foot smashed his toes.

"Damn! What was that for!?"


Seeing how Aylin was close to biting a piece of his face while Connie had a victorious smirk on her face, Michael realized that his 'secret peek' wasn't that secret. 

'I keep forgetting that these are high-level Wanderers. Ugh... change the subject!'

"Mister mayor. A pleasure meeting you again. And I assume this is Connie?"

[Mhm. You gave me lots of problems due to the issue with Mylo and his daughter. Luckily for you, the old brewer managed to bribe me with something. Though, he couldn't tell me about it without your consent. He also had me bring this since we met this morning, and I told him I'll look for you.](Collin)

Seeing the mayor take out a large barrel of something and place it on the ground with ease, Michael realized that the man should also be a Wanderer.

The others were curious about what was in the barrel, but Michael ignored them temporarily.

"My apologies for having you bring it here personally. What about the second thing? Did he hand you any bottles?"

[Yes. Two of them. I was curious but didn't open them. Here you go.](Collin)

"Thank you."

Seeing the smile on the Necromancer's face, everyone was even more curious about what was happening.

Martel and Hoduin already had a vague idea since Mylo, the brewer, helped him. So did the girls after Michael helped them create smoothies and other natural juices. It wasn't as if they hadn't drunk them before, but the combinations were a more exciting idea.

Only Gonk was confused, especially after being forced to play chess and losing ten matches in a row. The poor Barbarian's brain was short-circuited at this point.

Aylin ignored the smirking Connie and immediately ran to inspect the barrel's contents and the bottles, but Michael slapped her hand away.

Seeing her 'wronged' expression, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Have a bit of patience. The food will be served soon, and these should be a perfect accompaniment."

[Is it ale?](Martel)

"A more advanced form, but yes."

[And in those bottles?](Tia)

"Something that kids shouldn't drink!"

[Hmpf! Who's a kid!? I'm already an adult!](Tia)

Seeing Michael look down at the shortie, the little Assasin was fuming. He did his best to ignore her death stares and decided to appease her later with some desserts, as he turned out with an apologetic look to Connie.

With all the interruptions, their introduction was cut short.

[Connie. Swordsman. A pleasure to meet you, Sir Michael.](Connie)

"Just Michael, please. I've heard good things about you so far. From Aylin included."

[Hey! Don't lie!](Aylin)

[*Giggle* That's good to know. It seems that you are a pretty creative person. Ouch! Helen!](Connie)

[Tsk! Don't flirt with my boyfriend in front of me.](Helen)

Seconds later, the bickering stopped as everyone turned toward the incoming cohort of 'employees' bringing plenty of dishes.

Collin kept quiet, but the idea behind the employer and employee gave him several ideas he wanted to run past Michael. This kid seemed bright enough to become an asset, even if he wasn't a Wanderer.

Connie was also appeasing Helen, though her eyes often returned to the Necromancer. She wasn't interested in the man, but she was curious about him. Someone who could get both Helen's and Aylin's approval was too rare to find.

"I would've loved to think about it a bit more and pair the dishes well, but Aylin insisted on these five after hearing the recipes."

Michael started presenting the dishes as the servant girls were calmly distributing them on the table.

"First is a Tomato Soup to whet the appetite, then we have Chicken Pasta since other types would take too long to prepare in lack of proper ingredients, a Cornmeal-Crusted Catfish served with rice and peas, while the fourth dish would be some Garlic Bread, as well as some Buttery Yeast rolls we can enjoy with what's in that barrel over there. Finally, the fifth dish, the dessert, we have Tiramisu. I'd have to say we all got lucky with Aylin's ingredients for the dessert. It's not easy to find the coffee or this cream cheese she almost refused to hand over."

Seeing the wolf-like eyes of those sitting at the table, Michael rolled his eyes and wondered if they heard even half of what he said.

The dishes were served in order, and the portion sizes were reduced. Otherwise, even with their constitution as Wanderers, it would've been too much to eat.

Praises were flowing non-stop, and once Michael opened the barrel and asked Aylin to slightly cool the beverage inside, everyone could almost taste the brew before it was even poured into the long-prepared glasses.

[You called it 'beer'? It's an interesting concoction. Why are there bubbles inside?](Collin)

"It will be easier to taste, and you'll know the answer."

Michael chuckled, watching the men and the girls drink and have their eyes light up. 

He only handed over the recipe (which consisted of vague things he remembered, such as the ingredients and the beginning steps of the brewing process) to Mylo, and the man worked his magic. 

'It seems that we can push forward the plans I had. Especially with the restaurants being ready to be opened soon.'

[Michael, can we use this in our restaurant chain?](Hoduin)

"I was thinking of that, but Mylo will need a lot of help. He can't handle the production alone. If he wants to expand, we'll probably need the help of Sir Collin over here."

[Hmm... I've heard of these restaurants you're planning to open. *Sigh* It will be tricky.](Collin)

[Hmm? Why so? Would anyone interfere with our plans?](Martel)

[Mhm. I have reliable information about the nobles and the Merchant Alliance working together to push out the church. As you know, the nobles are greedy, and your restaurants would step on the toes of the merchants. Therefore, you will have to deal with them both.](Collin)

Seeing both Martel and Hoduin exude bloodlust, Michael almost laughed aloud. To think that those dumbasses would want to interfere with the duo's retirement plan...

"No need to get physical. If they interfere, we'll just beat them at their own game. It's not hard to make them go bankrupt. Also, the church is not a pushover, so most of their attention will be focused on them. We can also join hands with Prava if it gets to that point."

[Mhm. That was why I was looking for Hoduin and Martel. All three parties will meet tomorrow in the Cathedral, and I wanted you two to join. The discussions are based on the recent increase in demon sightings and a training plan for the newbie Wanderers. I heard you two have a plan, so I wanted your input.](Collin)

His own daughter was looking at the man with a sneer. This father of hers was trying to look severe and dignified but was continuously stuffing his face with garlic bread and downing beer...

The brew was interesting, but most girls didn't like the astringent taste.

'It looks like the beer needs more work. I can't complain about the quality since it was his first time making it. But for the women... some liquor or even cider would be a good idea. I'll visit Mylo tomorrow and run some ideas past him...'

[Mhm. We found some interesting training equipment in a VERY old Dungeon.](Martel)

[Don't tell me it was...](Collin)

[Mhm. And luckily, we hit the motherlode.](Hoduin)

"Wait. Is it the same type of training puppets I used?"

[Yes. Not only that, but we found fifty training arrays.](Aylin)

Michael pondered momentarily, and while the news was impressive, fifty wouldn't make much difference. It could only be used by newbies, after all.

[Fifty... That's great. Boza will be over the moon with happiness. Her recruits would have higher chances of survival if they used it. Is the effect the same? 100 Attack Power?](Collin)


[Good. I'll ensure proper compensation for you, so please help them as much as possible. Every newbie we lose is a possible powerhouse in the future. It will be much easier for those who go through the training array to challenge higher difficulties.](Collin)

Seeing Martel, Hoduin, and Aylin smile at one another, Michael realized that the trio had more cards up their sleeves. 

[This time around, we were lucky to venture all the way in. It wasn't easy, but luckily, all we had to deal with were traps and Stone Golems.](Hoduin)

[You say that as if it was easy... We almost died multiple times in the process...](Martel)

[Mhm. But luckily, it was worth it. Not only did we find traces of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, but we also found a manuscript written by Akara herself. In it, there's the method to create these arrays.](Aylin)


Not only the mayor but all others were shocked as well. This meant that every Wanderer had a chance to increase his/her Attack Power before having to deal with the monsters in the wilderness or Dungeons.