Chapter 133. More plans for the future

Trying to calm down the emotional group, Michael asked for the dessert to be served, while he also served them a small amount of 'primordial' whiskey. 

Judging from the smell, the spirit was made properly, but he didn't know how the aging process was sped up. Back on Earth, there were some ways of doing that through technology, but here in Sanctuary, it should've been some form of magic.

[This tastes good!](Evelyn)

"Ugh... please drink slower. It has high alcohol, and I'm not sure if, in your actual resistances, alcohol falls under Poison Resistance..."

[This is a fine drink! That Mylo made this as well?](Martel)

"Mhm. He's a hidden genius, for sure. I only told him the recipe for both beer and this, and it wasn't complete. I could only remember bits and pieces, and he was the one to put everything together."

[It seems that I'll have to pay him another visit. This could become an important product to Kyovashad.](Collin)

"Hmm... for now, you probably won't be able to use it in trading with other cities."

[Why not!? It would increase our revenue considerably!](Collin)

"First off, the production level. We're not sure if he can supply a couple of our restaurants with his current size. Furthermore, he and I have already signed an agreement with the Sanctuary as witnesses that he won't be able to trade with anyone else until he meets the needs of our businesses. So, if you want to start trading, I'd advise you to help him extend the scope of his workshop first."

[I see. I'll look into it tomorrow. No! I'll go today. It's better to get this solved faster. What about this chess? And the girls also showed me the 'cards' you helped them create. Do you think we can make more of those as well?](Collin)

"As for that... I'll leave it to them. Besides the actual idea, they created the actual products, so you'll have to negotiate with them. Furthermore, they could need your help for their 'Kyovashad's Herald.'"

Tia's and Evelyn's eyes lighten up hearing his words, while even the other sisters are interested in the idea. It would be amazing if they had political backing or could get some juicy gossip from their Uncle Mayor.

The conversation continued for a while longer until the mayor excused himself, and Connie left with him. Gonk also left soon after with a satisfied smile on his face.

Michael turned to look at the high-level trio and pondered for a while.

"You didn't tell the mayor everything, right? Was there more included in the manuscript you found?"


[Indeed. But we need to keep some things for ourselves. At least temporarily.](Hoduin)

[The main problem is that we lack the knowledge. In the manuscript, a second training array can be used for those of levels 10 to 25. It gives an extra +15 to all attributes and +5% to all resistances.](Martel)

[That's amazing! That's equal to 15 levels worth of attribute points!](Tia)

[Could the knowledge you're referring to mean we can't create the array? What exactly are we lacking?](Mina)

[Translators for once... We need some Horadrim since we're not sure what more than half of the materials needed are. We tried finding Lorath on our way back, but he left his cabin.](Martel)

"That's on me. He left for the Dry Steppes because of a Main Quest. But I might have someone else that could read it."

[The girl you mentioned?](Helen)

"Mhm. Neyrelle might be able to if the Horadrim could. She and her mother spent their lives trying to decipher their coded language. If not, I could take it up to Donan in Scosglen."

[Donan? Hmm... did Lorath give you an introductory letter or something? He's not big on strangers visiting him.](Hoduin)

[Mhm. Even I barely convinced him to give me access to his library after bribing him with fifteen different recipes. Stingy!](Aylin)

Planning to bring Neyrelle over after wrapping up the Main Quest related to her and her mother, Michael enjoyed the company of the people as he relaxed his body and mind.

After running around crazily in the morning performing exorcisms and killing bandits, this sort of social gathering was like a breath of fresh air.

'Still, it seems that the Sanctuary would allow certain advancements to be made as long as they don't push the world toward a technological revolution. And understandably so. If commoners with guns could kill demons of high levels, the status quo would be destroyed. It might be exaggerated to think about it like that, but there's even a chance of the whole magic system to collapse. After all, if you can do everything through technology, why bother with magic? As for a hybrid system of both, the Sanctuary wouldn't take that risk...'

The conversation continued until late at night, the topic shifting to the newspaper the girls were working on and Lilith's Altars.

[I see. So that's what those statues of Lilith were.](Hoduin)

[That explains the random increase in attributes every now and then. How many of them did you say there are?](Martel)

"I'm not sure of the total number, but there should be a total of 28 in Fractured Peaks. Right now, I successfully found 7."

[And you're sure that everyone who sees them can activate them without side effects? We avoided messing with it for this same reason.](Aylin)

[There was no danger. I've activated one in Nostrava.](Helen)

[Hmm... In that case, we could indeed post a Bounty Quest, but it would be advisable to talk with Prava first. You would be stepping on her toes by doing such a thing.](Hoduin)

"I've been thinking along the same lines, but I think we should wait a while. I need to head to Kor Valar, and I would probably meet with Inarius if I'm right about what will happen next. I need his blessing to enter Rathma's Necropolis."

[Your plan is to talk with that arrogant bastard? Ugh... it doesn't sound like a good idea. What if he smites you on the spot?](Martel)

"He won't. Just the fact that his blessings are worse than Lilith's should bug him. It would destroy his reputation if he forbade Wanderers to activate them. My goal is to first ask if there are any side effects of activating them. He should know more than we do. If there aren't any, I'll ask for the Church of Light's cooperation, and then we can post the Bounty Quest."

[That makes sense.](Helen)

"Eh? I was expecting you to be against it."

[It's not like you'll change your mind just because I say no...](Helen)

Seeing the couple smile at each other affectionately, the others booed them for rubbing salt in the wounds of those single dogs at the table.

When Hoduin and Martel left for the inn, they threw a questioning glance at Michael, but Helen declared that he would be sleeping over, making the two shrug in response.

Aylin was a bit confused but happy that she would have more time to squeeze out more recipes from the man.

After barely managing to get out of Aylin's claws after midnight, the couple returned to Helen's room. With both being tired, they only rested in each other's arms.

[You plan to go to Kor Valar tomorrow?](Helen)

"Mhm. I'm on a tight schedule, with only a few days left until I meet with Neyrelle. I don't want to disappoint her. Furthermore, it would be for the best to see with my own eyes where Inarius stands in all this."

[Why are you so certain that you'll meet him? Prava could turn you away.](Helen)

"Because it's a Main Quest. With all my interactions with Lilith so far, it is time to meet the other participant in this conflict. Now that I'm heading to one of their fortresses and the Cathedral already announced that he has descended into the Sanctuary..."

[I see. Be careful. There's no need to get involved too much.](Helen)

"I know. I also don't want to since doing that will bring more trouble. What about you? Your vacation will end soon. What are your plans?"

[I probably won't return to guarding the gates anymore, but I'll keep the title of Captain. I already talked with Uncle Collin about it.](Helen)


[If what Aylin and her party found could be created, I want to train some recruits myself.](Helen)

"Eh? Like Boza does?"

[No. A more elite unit. Filled with people like me and you, who aren't afraid to challenge Dungeons solo. Suppose they do that until Level 25, then it is sufficient. After, they can party and grind together. It will increase the rate of clears and decrease significantly the number of casualties in our numbers.](Helen)

"That sounds pretty amazing, not gonna lie."

[But first, we must figure out how to build the second array.](Helen)

"60 extra attributes and +5% to all resistances. Even I am a bit jealous that I already crossed Level 25."

[It can't be helped. Time waits for no one. Furthermore, if you didn't, I'm not sure you would've survived all the mayhem you went through.](Helen)

"Makes sense."

After talking for a while longer, the couple finally fell asleep due to exhaustion. 

It wasn't until the next day that Michael woke up groggily, surprised not to see Helen around. Taking an item out of his inventory, he was shocked to see it was already 1:30 PM. 

"Holly crap! How did I sleep in this much!?"

Panicky, he got out of bed, used a Cleaning Marble and a Sanctuary fresh mint, after which he went out to find the sisters.

The clock in his possession was traded yesterday night with Aylin for 28 recipes. Now, even if it wasn't a phone, he had a second pocket watch to keep track of time properly with.

Furthermore, this one was more accurate then the one he bought with Helen on their date previously.

Downstairs, he saw the helpless looks of the servant girls and was puzzled about what was going on until he saw the pavilion.

Stunned, he approached with a wry expression.

"How did they get this... drunk?"

[*Sigh* After meeting with the local powers this morning, Collin dragged me and Martel to meet with Mylo. With the brewer and his many, many, many ideas, we were forced to help produce some liquors on a smaller scale. We ended up overdoing it, and I brought back a pretty big number for the girls to try, as some of them were sweet...](Hoduin)

[Ugh... it would've been fine if you hadn't mentioned the damned herb.](Martel)

[Hmm? So you don't need it in the future?](Hoduin)

[My bad. I apologize sincerely.](Martel)

Seeing the incomprehensible conversation between the duo, Michael didn't know where to start.

Fortunately, Hoduin didn't keep him hanging. 

[As you know, I am a Druid. After going through the Third Class Awakening, using seeds and maturing them into actual grown plants is not difficult. That's why we tried different ingredients at Mylo's brewery. As for the girls... I have one herb that reduces the tolerance to zero, regardless of one being a Level 1 or 100.](Hoduin)

After trading some promises for a couple of samples of that herb, Michael started Uber-ing the girls back to their rooms under the supervision of the servant girls. 

Martel and Hoduin wouldn't want to get involved in such a dangerous business, so they had the Necromancer take on the job.

Michael had to admit that it was fairly difficult not to touch places you shouldn't when hauling the girls in a princess carry. But he didn't want to hurt Helen, so he abstained from acting like an asshole. 

[Kor Valar next?](Martel)

"Mhm. First, I need to buy a horse, though."

[Hmm... you might not be able to buy one, but when you talk with Oskar, give him this. It is a guarantee of sorts. So make sure you pay your fees on time, so I don't have to do that myself.](Hoduin)

Taking a strange wooden 'business card' and thanked the Druid. With the clock already showing 2 PM, he wanted to hit the road as fast as possible.

Reaching the stables, which he had initially seen when Lorath had tried 'negotiating' with the owner, Michael smiled upon remembering the man's failed attempt.

[Hmm? I remember you. You came with that old coot Lorath. Here for a horse?](Oskar)

"Yes, sir. Hoduin also asked me to show you this."

[Mhm. Even that guy wants to be your guarantor, huh?](Oskar)

"I'm lucky to know them, sir. I prepared the 100,000 gold coins as well."

[I see. You're misunderstanding something, boy. Even if you have the coins and the references, you can't buy a horse yet.](Oskar)


[*Sigh* They obviously didn't tell you how this works, did they? Well, that's fine. Simply put, the horses I offer are similar to summons. You're a Necromancer, right?](Oskar)


[Then, you probably realized that those minions of yours come from somewhere. It's the same with my horses. You sign a contract, and your soul becomes a gateway to bring them into our realm. But that's where the problem is. If you attempt such a contract before the Second Class Awakening, your soul goes *SPLAT* and you die. Then, Hoduin will come and nag me for not telling you about it.](Oskar)

"Ugh... so I can't get a horse until Level 50!?"

[I said you can't buy one; I didn't say you can't rent it.](Oskar)

Seeing the man's sly smile, Michael grimaced.