Chapter 152. Taxes and new businesses


[Not as bad? Uhm... Michael, I don't want to spoil your fun, but we're talking tens of millions of gold coins. Our city doesn't have the capital to invest in such a vast project.](Collin)

"*Chuckle* You'll see in a second. Let's see... We'll assume the maximum amounts before sending a team to measure the distance. It would be best if Mr. Hoduin could also survey the terrain for unwanted surprises. That means 1,400 seeds, costing us around 15,000 gold coins."

[That's not bad. I can cover that cost myself if needed.](Connie)

"Then, there's the Druid workforce needed. Let's assume one Druid per seed. That means 2,000 gold coins a day for two weeks. For 1,400 Druids. That's 2,800,000 gold coins a day, so in total... uhm... it should be around 39,000,000 gold coins."

[You say it as if it's peanut money... I'm pretty sure that not even Helen and all six of her sisters combined don't have more than 15,000,000 gold coins in their inventories.](Collin)

Smiling at the mayor, who was probably used to doing everything himself, Michael had decided to properly introduce the concept of 'community projects' to this world.

Furthermore, not just the common folk would benefit greatly from these changes, but also the greedy merchants and nobles.

It was similar for the Cathedral. Not all their members were Wanderers. Mina said the Wanderers made up less than 10% of their total numbers, meaning they needed funds just as much as the merchants did to keep their businesses afloat. 

'Also, faith travels faster through the carriage if there are enough roads. Much faster than books or word of mouth. A safe road would mean the possibility of creating public transportation routes from Kyovashad to Menestad. The traffic would be much higher, generating more revenue for both cities. Especially since most people are bored to death.'

Briefly explaining the idea of public transportation and the concept of tourism to the three people, the concept seemed well-received.

"Furthermore, once our first restaurant is up and running, people from all over the Sanctuary might come. I already talked with Ms. Raskya and advised her to build a higher-class Inn that could house visitors of a more... noble lineage, not because of their bloodline, as much as it's for their fat pockets. By creating this traffic between cities, wealthy people would travel to Kyovashad to spend money on our various businesses. It's your job to make sure they are of the highest quality, of course."

[*Sigh* Again, that sounds well and good, but we haven't solved our primary problem—the funds for the project. Based on how things usually work, we'll need around 65-70 million gold coins. Even if I had the money, I couldn't justify a million gold coins per kilometer for a road. It's absurd.](Collin)

"Mr. Mayor, who said the city has to come up with that money? If everything goes well, citizens won't have to pay a dime for the road."

[They won't? There where would the money come from?](Connie)

Smiling evilly, the Necromancer unveiled his grand plan.

"We'll make the nobles, the church, and especially the merchants to pay for it all."


"Hehe! Don't look at me like that. I haven't gone insane just yet. Think about it. Who would benefit most if the roads are completed and functional?"

[The merchants.](Hoduin)

"Then secondly?"

[The church?](Connie)

[No. It would be nobles, especially if we could sell them the idea of tourism. Most of them don't leave their houses due to fear of dying at the claws of the beasts in the wilderness. A chance to see the world, even if they aren't Wanderers. We could sell that to them.](Collin)

"You are both correct. The church would have a similar goal of spreading their faith and better controlling their churches in other cities through visits that wouldn't necessarily mean death in the wilderness for those doing the inspection. Priests and Priestesses could also increase their congregation by safely traveling to other cities and preaching to the masses. Something they are limited doing in Kyovashad only at the moment."

[That doesn't change the amount needed to be invested in the project. Even if it's split four ways - no, you said the city itself wouldn't participate, so only three - it would mean at minimum 20-25 million gold coins from the pockets of these three powers. I don't want to underestimate them, but I think you are overestimating their wealth.](Hoduin)

"Mhm. That's why we'll split the cost based on everyone's wish to participate."

[What do you mean?](Collin)

"We'll be building a brand new and safe road. So far, we only considered the cost of planting the oaks to make it safe, but not the road itself. That would add even more. But once it's finished, would everyone enjoy free access to it? Heh! There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world."

[You're planning to ask for tolls? I see... that would generate intense profits, indeed. But how would we split the profits between us?](Collin)

"Simple. The more one contributes, the bigger the percentage they would receive. Furthermore, there must be a distinction between tolls charged to normal citizens, be they Wanderers or otherwise, and commercial carriages carrying goods."

Hoduin was the first to catch on and smiled slyly, unbefitting for his Class.

"What would happen if the city would focus all the patrolling units they usually send to Menestad on this road and this road alone? It would further improve security, right?"


"Then, to guarantee security, doesn't the city need to pay their guards? So, we'll charge the caravans transporting goods a commercial tax based on the total value of the goods they are moving."

[...this... what if they do not agree to pay? We can't force them to.](Collin)

"Of course, we can't. That wouldn't be legal or ethical. But as I said, they will have to use a different road if they don't want to pay. And unfortunately, all the patrolling City Guards would focus on this road and this road alone. That means they either pay the tax or risk being hunted by demons and monsters in the wild. If that happens, not only will they lose human lives, but their cargo will also be destroyed. So, isn't it better to just pay instead?"


But that wouldn't be all. Adopting the carrot and stick method, those merchants who participated in the 'community project' would receive incentives such as a lesser tax than those who didn't.

Wanderers who contributed would receive discounts based on the amounts they pitched in at the local shops. It wouldn't be challenging to offer Zivek, Kratia, Idania, Demyan, and even Prava a percentage of the profit generated by tolls. In exchange, they provide various discounts to the Wanderers.

Going a step further, the city could hold all the profits and divide them based on needs and wants. For example, the merchants would prefer a reduced commercial tax rather than getting measly amounts of gold from tolls. The Wanderers, nobles, church, and even average citizens would prefer a discount at the shops instead.

As a result, even if the city gives away 50% or more of the tolls, they would still keep the remaining amount as profit, bolstering their coffers for future projects.

[So you're saying to offer them things based on what they need more?](Collin)

"Mhm. Furthermore, the merchants are being squeezed out of their shops by the Merchant Alliance right now. If you reach out to them as the mayor, wouldn't you be saving them from losing everything?"

[*Sigh* I've considered it, but that would make me lose my neutral position in this matter.](Collin)

"I'm afraid you're looking at things wrongly, Mr. Collin. There is no such thing as a neutral position if you don't have the power to enforce it. Wouldn't it be better to bring these merchants to your side and increase your political power in the process? That way, your word will hold a different weight during meetings between the three powers. Furthermore, the Church is hard-pressed to deal with the nobles and the Merchant Alliance. You could ally with them. But allies can accept each other on terms of equal strength. I'm afraid..."

[I don't qualify to be an ally just yet, is what you're saying...](Collin)

It didn't sound pleasant, but it was the truth. Connie's eyes were shining as if she finally saw the path their city could take while Collin pondered deeply the plan's feasibility.

Turning to look at the calmly smiling Hoduin, Michael raised a brow in surprise.

[If worse comes to worse, I know some friends that could contribute at least half of that amount.](Hoduin)

"I see... It wouldn't be a good idea since it would defeat the purpose of slowly putting a leash on the merchants and nobles, but it's good to know it's an option. Speaking of, we'll need quite a large number of Druids and even four more Nature's Guardians. Do you think you'd be able to find them quickly, Sir?"

[Hmm... within a week at most, I'll have an answer for the high-level ones. The low-leveled Druids will be easy. I can recruit half from Scosglen and half from Hawezar.](Hoduin)

"Well then, I'll leave everything to you three in that case. Feel free to reach out if you need me to suggest any other ideas. As for participating monetarily... sorry, but I still don't even have a Ring of Communication..."

Leaving while letting the others continue their talks, Michael smiled to himself. More than anything, this was an experiment to see if the Sanctuary would intervene to stop his plans.

'Fortunately, it didn't. Next, I must make sure I can slowly turn Kyovashad into a tourist attraction. But to do that, the city needs to grow more. It needs more businesses, and their quality must also be higher. The food industry will be handled, but the drinks need a similar push. Luckily for me, I know just the person.'

Reaching a small but clean and well-decorated shop, Michael entered its premises and waved at the boss, calmly waiting behind the counter.

"Mr. Rolo. Is good to see you again."

[Michael! Good to see you as well. My father asked me multiple times to 'take care of you,' but I've already heard you're doing quite well already.](Rollo)

"*Sigh* I said I'll find some time to visit Old Man Al and the camp again. How are they doing?"

[Much better. I've hired fifty retired City Guards and some Wanderers who wanted to hunt for monsters in the area. The camp expanded quite a bit already, so you'll be surprised the next time you see it. If things proceed smoothly, it might even become a small town in the near future. Though, it might be at least five to ten years from now.](Rollo)

The reason he decided to meet with this man was twofold. First, it would repay the debt of gratitude he owed to Old Man Al for saving, feeding, and housing him for over a month.

Second, Rollo was one of the very few merchants who transported drinks besides the usual assortment of goods. 

So his plan was not only to introduce him to Mylo the Brewer but also to convince the two people to open a bar together.

Halfway through the conversation, Rollo insisted on changing the location of their talks to Mylo's Brewery, where he could sample the new goods. 

'It's not like I don't understand his meaning. Spending all his life-savings as well as converting his small shop into a bar when there was Raskya's popular Inn across the street... it's not an easy decision. Fortunately, it shouldn't be hard to convince him. His shop is also not enough, so he would have to expand if he wants to make a profit. Alcoholic drinks, cider, fruit juice, coffee, and smoothies. He can create a place of leisure where people come just to enjoy the drinks and maybe some snacks. Furthermore, the Sleepy Peaks closes its 'shop' at 10 PM. But, Rollo has the chance to become the nightlife king in Kyovashad with his shop.'

Mylo was delighted to see Michael, and after saying a quick 'hello' to Rollo, he started explaining all the successful experiments he made. Michael grimaced, hearing that he used potatoes to create a new type of drink.

'It should be Vodka, right? Ugh... well, whatever.'

It wasn't only potatoes, as the brewer ordered crates of different fruits and vegetables and tried them each, and sometimes even combinations.

After tasting some of the products, even the Necromancer was stunned, much less Rollo. The man looked at Mylo like a hungry lion glared at gazelles. 

Michael looked at the watch, leaving the two to their devices after suggesting they talk with Collin first so they could get his backing if they reached an agreement.

It was already 2:26 PM, and he spent more than half the day talking with others about how they could improve or create new businesses.

Even compared to Dungeon diving, it was an easily productive day.

'Now that that's taken care of, there's still one thing I've been worrying about lately. I need to see what the girls plan to do with the newspaper. I don't want to interfere in their fun, but based on Earth's history, I can steer them in the right direction and hopefully avoid some landmines.'