Chapter 153. Meeting new friends

Reaching the Pink Palace, he was greeted by Sophia, the head maid. 

[Mr. Michael.](Sophia)

"Hello, Sophia. Is Helen back?"

[Yes, sir. She's at the pavilion in the garden, entertaining some guests she brought over. Female guests, sir.](Sophia)

"*Chuckle* You don't have to worry. I am not the jealous type. And even if I was, it's not like I could do anything about it. What if your mistress beats me to death?"

Seeing the girl laugh while hearing the sound of voices in the garden stop abruptly, Michale shook his head and remembered when he met the sisters for the first time. It seems like the girls were also listening in on his conversation with Helen at that point.

The only difference now was that he could feel other people's senses focusing on him, making him aware that he was already under scrutiny. 

"It seems that I'm being expected."

[Go ahead, sir.](Sophia)

Walking toward the garden, Michael kept a poker face as a large group of over ten people. It was precisely as Sophia mentioned; only girls chattered while looking at the newcomer from the corner of their eyes.

He could only shake his head inwardly while watching them enjoy the sandwiches and smoothies he 'invented.'

'Let's see. I don't see Mina, but everyone else is here. Helen sits next to the four guests, showing she's closer to them than the other girls. Even Tia is behaving properly... More 'big sisters' it seems.'

"My apologies for coming unannounced. I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

[You didn't! I sent Sophia to call you if you didn't go out Dungeon clearing early in the morning. Come, I'll introduce you to my friends.](Helen)

Solving the question of why Sophia, the head maid, was at the gates, Michael smiled politely and followed Helen to introduce himself to her friends.

The four women, as expected, were big beauties, making Michael wonder if leveling up affected one's appearance or if it was just the fact that birds of a feather flock together.

"My name is Michael Corbett. Necromancer. A pleasure to meet you."

[Hmm... Helen didn't mention how good-looking you are. Too bad you're too young for my tastes.](?)

[Mira! Do you mean I have skewed tastes in men?](Helen)

[Huh!? You don't?](Mira)

[Let me see... First, that silk-pants chased after you for an entire year and managed to trick you into his bed with flowery words. Then, it was the scumbag who tried to get in bed with your other sisters as well. Even if this guy is decent, it's still two out of three.](Mira)

"Mhm... I can't seem to argue with that logic."


The group teased Helen until she was red-faced, prompting Michael to save the distressed damsel by grabbing her hand. 

Of course, this had an adverse effect, as jeers and hoots followed, mostly from the four friends.

Mira, the dark-skinned girl, looked at him with curiosity.

[Mira, as you've heard. I'm a Tier 4 Shadow Dancer.](Mira)

"Shadow Dancer?"

[It's one of the rarest advancements of the Thief Class after its Third Awakening.](Tia)

Seeing the admiring look in the little girl's eyes as she stared unblinkingly at Mira, Michael finally understood why she was so well-behaved.

This woman could be considered an idol, as all the other sisters walked a different path from Tia's. She was probably burning with anxiety to ask for advice, judging from how she didn't look away even while talking with him.

[So it was true that you're a newbie.](Mira)

"I am afraid so. It's been almost two months since I became a Wanderer myself."

This statement obviously created a commotion among the guests, as they questioned Helen wide-eyed at the revelation.

Seeing his girlfriend's proud looks, he couldn't help but find it cute how easy to please she was. A short story described the Necromancer's saga, including his many exploits. 

Suffice it to say that even he felt embarrassed by the recounting, especially with how detailed Helen was. Michael was even starting to doubt his incompetence, as his girlfriend described him as a monstrous genius.

"*Cough* While exaggerated slightly, all I can say is that I've been dragged into various troubles recently, barely managing to keep my small life. Still, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Mira."

[Hmm... same here. Tsk! You three, stop staring and introduce yourselves!](Mira)

Her shout startled the other three women, who immediately turned angry from embarrassment and glared at the dark-skinned Mira.

The Necromancer started sweating after being seriously inspected, feeling like a small animal at the zoo.

[How uncouth! We weren't staring! We are just curious. After all, Helen's standards are pretty high. Haven't they been together for two months? It's very rare to see such a thing.](?)

[Heh! Do you think everyone is as sluty as you are?](Mira)

[Damn it! Who are you calling a slut, you dark ogre!?](?)


Seeing Mira take out her two short blades while the other green-haired woman took a crossbow, the remaining people at the table started cheering and fanning the flames, much to the Necromancer's surprise.

The duo soon started clashing in the garden, sending Evelyn's plants and trees flying left and right. Not that the little Druid seemed to mind, given the spectacle she was watching.

[Ignore those two. They are at war with each other after Celeste stole Mira's lover.](?)

[He wasn't my lover!](Mira)

[Heh! That's right! You couldn't even get him in your bed.](Celeste)

[This slut!](Mira)

[*Sigh* Beatrice, don't fan the flames. I was hoping to have them reconcile today...](Helen)

[Those two? Haven't they been fighting ever since we partied together for the first time?](Beatrice)

Seeing Helen hold her face in her hands as if embarrassed after presenting her friends to her family, Michael looked away in a pathetic attempt at hiding the smirk on his lips.

Celeste and Mira were at opposite poles when it came to looks. Mira was dark-skinned but slender, probably around 1.7 meters tall, with brown hair and blue eyes. She was an exotic type of beauty, for sure.

Celeste, on the other hand, had a skin fairer than Helen's. And he should know since he saw her naked multiple times. The green-haired, green-eyed beauty was also much taller than her 'enemy,' probably around 1.9 meters. 

Turning to Beatrice, he smiled politely at her and asked.

"Shouldn't we stop them? It's not good if they take it too far? What if one of them gets hurt?"

[Hmm... that would be impossible.](Beatrice)

"Huh? How come?"

[Well... Mira's Class gives her 90% evasion from ranged attacks, and Celeste is a Tier 4 Sniper that can be only hurt by magic attacks.](Beatrice)

"And Ms. Mira doesn't have any."

[Correct. By the way, I am Beatrice. A Tier 4 Spirit Caller. It's the advancement of the Shaman Class.](Beatrice)

"Once again, it is a pleasure meeting you."

Seeing the sultry smile he got in response, Michael swallowed and looked away as Helen was glaring daggers at him. Her fingers pinching his waist didn't help either.

Surprisingly, Beatrice was of average beauty when compared with the other girls she was in the presence of. She would be the closest to Mina's type if he had to put his finger on it. A mature kind of beauty, obviously more mature than Mina, though. 

If there was one thing really attractive about her, it was her red hair and freckles. Michael almost thought he had somehow transmigrated into Ireland upon seeing her.

After soothing his tigress, he turned around to the last guest. He was also the most interested in her out of everyone else. It wasn't because of her frail beauty, pale skin, or white hair. 

[I am Natalia. As you've probably noticed, I am a Tier 4 Night Lord.](Natalia)

"The advancement of a Necromancer..."

[One of them, yes.](Natalia)

"I will be honest and say that I haven't met any of my Class. Not unless they were in Dungeons..."

[We're a bit of a rarer breed. Added to the obsession most of us have with research and books, it's not that easy to find Necromancers 'in the wild.'](Natalia)

[Then this one is a rare breed for sure. He's been more active than any other Class I've seen. From what I've heard, he cleared five Dungeons alone in the past two days.](Aylin)

[Oh? Party?](Natalia)

"Solo, I'm afraid."

[That's true. Finding people willing to party with a person getting preferential treatment is difficult. Connie and her friends are a huge exception.](Beatrice)

Michael could read curiosity in Natalia's eyes, and he was most curious about her also. After all, he had no reference when it came to his Class. Most Wanderers have at least one or two people to ask for advice but in his case... there was nothing. 

Still, it was impolite to ignore everyone and converse with Natalia, so he held back to avoid hurting Helen's feelings. Friends or not, it would be bad if their relationship would be affected.

Surprisingly, the sounds of metal clashing stopped, and the other two guests returned to the table with messy hair and disheveled clothes.

[Celeste. Tier 4 Sniper.](Celeste)

"A pleasure meeting you, Ms. Celeste. I see you are enjoying some light snacks. Did the girls in the kitchen prepare for dinner already, Aylin?"

[Not yet. Do you want to cook?](Aylin)

"I won't, but I'll help with some ideas since you have guests. I'll fill you guys in about what I've been doing today after I return. Mina should also come back in an hour or two, right?"

[I already checked, and she'll return in half an hour.](Hella)

"Ring of Communication... I'm slightly jealous..."

[...I told you I could get you one.](Helen)

Turning to look at his pouting tigress, he leaned over and kissed her. 

"And I told you I'd like to buy it with my own hard work. I'll be back in less than an hour."


Watching the departing Necromancer, four pairs of eyes turned to the blushing Helen, who wished nothing more than to hide five feet under the table.

[I had my doubts when you called us over for a get-together, but now I understand. You called us to flaunt your new boyfriend!](Beatrice)

[*Sigh* It's enough having this woman, but now you're doing the same, Helen?](Mira)

[You two...](Helen)

[Okay, okay! Stop poking fun at my sister. It's been almost two years since we saw each other last.](Aylin)

[Indeed. We've been so busy lately that I haven't seen sunlight in six months before you called us.](Celeste)

[Isn't Scosglen sunny?](Natalia)

[No... it's been a year ever since constant fog has been clouding the skies. I've been working with Donan to find the source, but we didn't have much luck. *Sigh* At least Fractured Peaks has both Helen and Aylin. I need to take care of Scosglen by myself! That fatty Donan barely gets out of his damned library! I've been wanting to burn it down recently...](Celeste)

[The Dry Steppes have been strange recently also. I've been helping Lorath track down someone. By the way, I need to hand Michael some letters from him. If he hadn't mentioned Helen, I wouldn't have known who the old coot was talking about.](Beatrice)

Everyone raised an eyebrow at the mention of Lorath and Donan, Helen and Aylin exchanging looks.

Seeing Helen nod, Aylin took over the conversation.

[It can't be helped. We're each responsible for the high-level Dungeons and the overall security of our regions. With how active the devils have been lately, it's no surprise we've all had our hands full. As for the situation in Scosglen and the Dry Steppes, Michael might have some insight. I'm not sure if Lorath and Donan said anything since the Horadrim love their secrets very much.](Aylin)

[Michael? What does he have to do with anything?](Mira)

[Well... it shouldn't affect Kehjistan and Hawezar yet, but keeping you both in the loop is sufficient. It's also one of the reasons why I came to grab you.](Helen)

[Oh, is that so? Okay, I'm all ears.](Mira)

[I doubt there's much that can cause a stir in Hawezar without being decapitated and placed on the World Tree's branches, but I am a bit curious. Judging from what I heard, not only is he clearing Dungeons solo, but he's getting preferential treatment on top of it. I couldn't do that at his level.](Natalia)

[What!? You couldn't? What do you mean? You didn't have Skeletons and Golems like he does?](Helen)

[I did. But their damage is very low, and they are super brittle. Furthermore, they stink of death and decay. That's why I picked a different route for my Class.](Natalia)

[I don't think Michael's summons stink though, right?](Mei)

[They don't! They are so cool! Especially the Golem! It's so big!](Evelyn)

Natalia's head turned to Mei almost at break-neck speed, surprising the others. Seeing her incredulous look, the girls were confused.

[You don't have to be so surprised, Natalia. His summons are a bit special.](Mina)

The four guests excitedly stood up and swarmed the Priestess, hugging and rubbing her cheeks as if she was a doll.

It took them a while to settle down, but Mina was forced to sit between them.