Chapter 208. Suspicions

With everyone exhausted and lying on the ground like salted fish, Michael stood up and went to the place where they had previously discovered the Wanderer Shrine.

After touching the damaged arch and infusing his Essence into it, nothing of note seemed to have occurred, as it usually did.

No bombastic energy pulse was sent out, and the everpresent demonic energy devastating the Stronghold did not change.


Until a strange green glow overpowered the sun's light above, drawing the Necromancer's attention to the Great Tree.

Similar to a supernova preparing for its final moments, the giant Oak had an almost magnetic glow, constantly releasing a pleasant energy. Its glow was so thick and permeating that Michael could smell the scent of forests.

Slightly worried about his teammates, he returned and found them staring in wonder at the neon-bright tree with branches swaying and roots digging out of the soil.

The smoke created by the demonic energy quickly dissipated, allowing them to see beyond the tall cliffs they stood on.

"That's... a sea? Or an ocean? Holy hell, I can even smell the salty breeze... Was this Stronghold so close to water and we didn't even notice before!?"

[What is that creature!?](Gonk)

Looking at the place where the Barbarian was pointing, Michael noticed a giant whale washed up on the beach. The marine behemoth was dead for a while, and crows, as well as other carrion, were feeding on its corpse.

Slightly shocked upon seeing the beast, the Necromancer opened his MAP and was amazed to discover that they had reached what was probably the westernmost part of the continent. 

There was truly a large body of water nearing the cliffs, deep enough to house an aquatic creature of immense size, such as the whale.

While explaining the concept of a whale to Gonk and the two girls, the Great Tree finished expelling and evaporating the demonic energy surrounding the Stronghold. Then, it focused its roots on a strange stone platform, which the party immediately recognized.

[A Waypoint!](Neyrelle)

"This is interesting. The Druids will most likely return here in quick fashion after finding out about it. Let's wait and see what happens next."

And indeed, the next part was incredible to behold as the giant Oak sent leaves of its branches into the Waypoint, vanishing beyond the barrier of time and space.

Then, minutes later, people began teleporting inside Túr Dúlra. Judging from their attires, they were Druids, most of whom were old. Among them was Hoduin, who ignored the bemused group and walked alongside the others in front of the Great Tree.

A strange ritual took place next. All newcomers infused their energy into the trunk, healing the large wounds created by the demons. The Oak wasn't fully recovered yet but was out of immediate danger.

Hoduin turned to the amazed group and smiled kindly at them.

[It seems you've been up to mischief again, Michael.](Hoduin)

"Doing what I can to keep myself alive. How is it?"

[Strange... I can't describe it any other way. That damned demon cast an illusion over Túr Dúlra, and while we could sense the Great Tree when nearby, we couldn't sense the demonic energy as well as the blasphemous ritual siphoning its life.](Hoduin)

[Now it makes sense.](Neyrelle)


[When we arrived, I felt that something was off. Now I remember where I saw it before. The Horadric Vault and the Three-Faced Statue.](Neyrelle)

"It's an illusory formation. But how were we able to find our way in then? Last time, we got unexpected help. It was only us today, and the formation didn't seem to affect us."

[It was probably the Sanctuary. You might not know, but the Great Tree is one of the oldest beings on this continent. Just by existing, it can protect and empower the Druids who came in contact with it. Given the fragile balance between the High Heavens, Burning Hells, and our world that stands to collapse, the Sanctuary most likely guided you into finding this place and uncovering the foul demons hiding in it.](Hoduin)

Michael remained silent but didn't buy the explanation. The Sanctuary had its part to play since it handed over the Quest and even let him know in advance that the Stronghold must be recaptured, but how come nobody else got this Quest in the past 40+ years?

Did it simply ignore the suffering of the Great Tree and the captured spirits that have been tortured for over four decades? 

'It didn't know—not until recently, which means someone tipped the Sanctuary off about it. As for who, there are only two possible culprits: Lorath or Lilith. *Sigh* I hope it was Lilith. Because if my other guess is correct and it was Lorath, there was only one place where he could get the information from.'

The World Tree. He heard about it in detail from Natalia, but this allegedly omniscient tree would gladly sell information for the correct price. 

Most of the time, the price of knowledge was one's head. Literally. 

The World Tree had a strange habit of collecting the heads of those he made pacts with after their death. Then, through those heads, it would gain all the knowledge they accumulated in their lives, adding to its ever-growing 'library.' 

It is said that there are thousands of heads hanging from the branches of the giant tree hidden in Hawezar's swamps, a sight horrifying enough to scare even the most hardened veterans.

"Well... it's good that we somehow made it. What will happen next to Túr Dúlra?"

[It will be reopened. As you can see, most Druids are already traveling back and forth between their cities and this Stronghold, planning to revitalize it. This place... even if the demons devastated it for such a long time, it should still hold plenty of ancient knowledge left behind by our predecessors.](Hoduin)

Michael was even more confused upon hearing this because if it was true, then it meant that for over four decades, the Druids somehow ignored Túr Dúlra and the knowledge left behind.

He could understand hiding the demonic energy through an illusion. But somehow, adding the possibility of hypnotic suggestion so that everyone ignores the Stronghold seemed weird—too weird.

Signaling with his eyes to Hoduin, the man caught it and nodded almost imperceptibly. They would meet later tonight at the Sleepy Peaks Inn and discuss it in detail.

The group mingled with the crowd and listened to the Druids speak to one another with moistened eyes.

[I never expected to stand in Túr Dúlra again.]

[Do you think any of the archives survived? The college must have been stuffed with scrolls and books about magic!]

[Temper your excitement, you two. I doubt anything but ash remains.]

Hearing the last voice speak, most Druids looked lost and saddened. The man sighed and approached Michael and his party.

[Hello. My name is Yuein. I am a scholar of the Old Ways and a Druid. First and foremost, allow me to thank you wholeheartedly on behalf of all glenfolk for the immense help you've rendered us.](Yuein)

"This... I might be impolite to say this, but we only reconquered a Stronghold from the demon's hands. Aren't you exaggerating its importance to Scosglen a bit too much?"

[Haha! It's normal to think so, but what I said doesn't contain any traces of falsehood. Most people, and even most young Druids, are unaware of it, but each region has its own 'centerpiece.' What we mean by that is a Great Tree planted by the Ancients, capable of controlling and regulating the region's flora and fauna. Scosglen is an exception, as it has two such precious Oaks, but Astaroth severely damaged both. If they had been alive, the corruption of the land brought about by the demoness, the famine caused by poor crops and lack of game... none would have existed.](Yuein)

"I see. Does that mean that in the long term, with the Great Tree's interference, Scosglen will recover? To begin with, will the Great Oak fully heal?"

The surrounding Druids smiled kindly, and Yuein turned to look at the Oak with an affectionate gaze.

[Ah, we'll see. This place used to be blooming with magic and nature. The Tree was the heart of it. Many of the Túr Dúlra runestones were destroyed during the Days of Ash, but if one survived, we might be able to use it to heal the Tree. Creating a new set of runestones would take too long, so we must find a replacement in the meantime, or we risk leaving behind everlasting damage to its vitality.](Yuein)

"Do you need our help searching for them?"

[If you wouldn't mind. We'll focus on slowly healing the Great Tree. The chances are very slim, but perhaps you could search through the rubble for it?](Yuein)

"No problem. What exactly are we looking for?"

After receiving a rough description, Michael and his party received a new Side Quest.

[ New Side Quest issued - The Diviner

Objective: Find a Túr Dúlra Runestone

Description: A druidic scholar named Yuein is hopeful that Túr Dúlra can be restored if you find a surviving runestone. ]

The group separated and left no pile of rocks unturned. During Michael's exploration of the Stronghold, he encountered many open-air libraries, mostly burnt by the demons.

[ Rendered mostly illegible by ash and years of water damage, these scrolls are perhaps all that remains of the vast quantities of druidic knowledge once stored in this place. ]

Judging from the morose expression of those carefully sifting through the papers, the Sanctuary's description appeared apt.

Fortunately, not everything was destroyed by fire and time. Something called Druidic History Totems still remained standing, unaffected by the elements.

[ Wooden talismans inscribed with tales of great feats of the first Druids. These totems share the history of the druidic people of Sanctuary as well as their guiding precepts. ]

Michael smiled upon seeing Evelyn and Neyrelle absorbed in reading the words inscribed on the totem and left them to their devices as he and Gonk returned to Yuein.

The Barbarian had been lucky enough to find one of the runestones.

[You found one!?](Yuein)

"Mhm. Unfortunately, it might be the only one. At least we couldn't find a second."

[By the Oak! One did survive! Great, great! I didn't dare get my hopes up, but we are truly blessed. Now, we won't have to make sacrifices to fully heal the Great Tree.](Yuein)


The druidic scholar shook his head and smiled kindly but chose to remain silent. 

[I'll try to reawaken the runestone. Give me a moment.](Yuein)

Placing it on a strange stump he had taken out of his inventory, Yuein began chanting in a strange language the Necromancer had heard from Artair before. 

All other Druids, still infusing their energy into the Great Tree, looked hopefully at the glowing runestone, only to turn confused upon seeing that nothing happened.

[This... The ritual was complete. I don't understand... why is the stone still asleep?](Yuein)

A fierce debate started among the people surrounding the Oak, ending just as quickly as it began.

[Of course! We need to wake the three other runestones that connect this one with the Deep Forest. I almost forgot about them. They were hidden long ago to protect them from Astaroth's insidious gaze. Could you help me find them, please?](Yuein)


Looking at his three teammates, Michael was stumped. They were already in the process of completing another Quest, so taking another was out of the question if it implied immediate action.

After all, they needed to save the second 'centerpiece' of Scosglen before venturing out to this 'Deep Forest.'

"We need to visit Underroot and retrieve a root cutting. With it, the Druids of Cerrigar can heal the Oak recently wounded by Astaroth. If it isn't too long to wait, we could return here tomorrow and help search for the other three runestones."

[Look at me! My apologies, young friends. Tomorrow is perfectly fine. We wouldn't be able to leave temporarily either, as we must continue channeling our energy into the Great Tree to heal its internal wounds.](Yuein)

"I see. So, tomorrow then?"

[Yes. Let me know when you're ready to search for them. You know where to find me.](Yuein)

Leaving behind the group of frenzied Druids to their healing ritual, as well as the rabid search for lost knowledge, Michael led his party to the Dungeon entrance.

[It will be difficult for sure.](Neyrelle)

[Mhm. This Dungeon hasn't been cleared for a long time, and the demons were probably aware of it. We'll most likely face a ridiculous number of enemies once we enter.](Gonk)

"It's fine. Large numbers mean nothing against us in narrow tunnels. We just need to make sure we remain alert. The main question is, will we retreat after retrieving the root cutting, or do we plan to clear the Dungeon?"