Chapter 209. Underroot

[Clear it!](Evelyn)

Seeing the firm conviction in the young girl's eyes, Michael helplessly agreed to it.

The other two weren't too bothered by it. After all, even if there were more monsters, it didn't mean the difficulty level was higher. 

As the Necromancer pointed out, large numbers are meaningless if they cannot surround their target.

And in failing to do so, using Corpse Explosion would clear out large swathes in every room they would travel through.

Turning to look at Neyrelle, Michael saw her reading the words on another totem, which the Sanctuary identified as the Totem of Reflection.

[ Various totems around Túr Dúlra mark locations for Druids to stop and acknowledge not only the blessings provided by nature but the road their predecessors walked and the hardships their people endured. ]

He was also severely tempted to start an archeological dig, curious about what he would find around and inside the Stronghold, but they had other priorities at the moment.

Patting the girl's head to bring her out of her thoughts, he smiled and pointed at the Dungeon's entrance, to which the girl nodded.

"Same formation as before, Gonk. Let's get this done quickly and be on our way."

[Got it.](Gonk)

The entrance was on the side of a steep cliff, and strangely enough, the Dungeon maintained the decorum once inside.

It looked like the interior of an excavated cave, but the flora around them also gave them pause due to its incredible lushness. 

[ New Dungeon Quest issued - Underroot

Objective: Slay all enemies in the Labyrinth of Rot. ]

After checking the location's name twice to make sure it wasn't a misspelling error, Michael saw that the Sanctuary had indeed identified the place they had set foot in as the Labyrinth of Rot.

Scratching his head, he shrugged at the confused Neyrelle and ventured deeper while maintaining their formation.

Not even a hundred meters from the entrance, they found something unexpected.


[It's the root of the Great Tree!](Evelyn)

[Uhm... so we can cut a portion of it and complete our Quests? We didn't even fight any monsters yet.](Gonk)

"While it's a bit... underwhelming, it's good that we can secure it this easily. Evelyn, you're the best among us at this so you can do the honors. We'll guard around you."

The collection process was uneventful, albeit slightly longer. After cutting the portion needed, the young Druid spent over fifteen minutes infusing her energy into the wounded root, ensuring its fast recovery.

According to her, the Great Tree was already damaged enough as it was, and while such a small thing couldn't even bother it, it was better to be safe than sorry.

[ Side Quest update - Daughter of the Oak

Objective: Return to Keeper Albard. ]

Seeing that they got what they were here for, the group decided to go wild and vent on the monsters in the Dungeon.

As for the 'variety' offered by Underrot, it was in the form of undead, flies, Skittering Abominations, and strange-looking 'things' that walked on two legs but looked similar to stickmen without arms and a large head.

For the latter, they were the source of the flies, and their heads were akin to a nest in which hundreds of these demonic flies took refuge. 

They had no power to defend themselves or fight back, serving only as a carrier for the disgusting bugs. 

The undead were mainly in the form of Shambling Corpses, something that Michael would refer to as zombies often seen in classic movies on Earth. They were dumb and easy to kill, even less a threat than the flies if one was, to be honest.

The Skittering Abominations were, as the name implies, strange creatures made out of multiple parts, giving them a horrendous look. They walked on all fours like animals but had a human-like head. On their back, they had a pair of insect-like wings, and their front... hands... had scythes attached instead of fingers.

To use a single word to describe them, it would be 'chimera.' The mythical creature is said to be formed from multiple monster parts. Anyways, among the monsters they faced in the Labyrinth of Rot, these ones were the most dangerous.

They possessed high agility and could sprint at incredible speeds. Furthermore, when threatened, they would crouch and jump incredibly far, fast, and scarily. Using their front scythes during such a jump, a single Skittering Abomination Minion was able to behead and insta-kill one of Michael's Reapers.

After finally wiping out the last danger factor and reaching the sealed door, Neyrelle quickly ran to him, showing off a small journal.

[I found it under a skeleton. Judging by the rusted armor and sword, it was likely a Wanderer that fell in this Dungeon in the past.](Neyrelle)

"Good job finding it! We'll add it to our collection."

As a Mage Class unique to the Horadrim, Neyrelle advanced to something called Knowledge Seeker after completing her Second Class Advancement. 

True to her Class name, the girl was instantly attracted to Michael's collection of pages, journals, or other strange writings found during his Quests or Dungeon dives. 

It certainly didn't help that Helen and her sisters also shared their findings, making the 'collection' a small library. 

After some thought, they decided to store everything they found in the Horadric Vault for now and maybe open a museum when they have enough pieces. Ultimately, every page they found told the story of someone who fell while fighting the invading forces.

[ They did not believe me. Or perhaps, could not believe me. The sores that began on the Great Tree spread to Finalaya's hands this morning, and tonight, they march relentlessly into her ears and nostrils. 

She has tended to the tree for three generations, and though I tend the health of this clan, she would not be dissuaded, would not be convinced that the Great Tree could bring her harm. Finalaya will not speak at the gathering tonight.

I only wish they would heed me... and hold no gathering at all. ]

The group immediately frowned. This journal they found implied a possible disease spreading from the Great Tree to those 'tending' to it. 

Judging by the ominous last words, an epidemic was possible. To begin with, the idea of men 'tending' to nature was something Michael found preposterous. At best, refraining from causing intentional harm to it was more than sufficient.

Nature wasn't something weak that needed human protection. Yet the hubris of some people... 

"*Sigh* Let's show this to Hoduin and Youin before adding it to our collection. We cannot afford an epidemic when Scosglen is already weakened as it is."


Opening the sealed door, the group continued their descent into Underroot. 

[ Dungeon Quest update - Underroot

Objective: Travel to the Chambers of Offering. ]

The activity was restricted to killing monsters that jumped in their path, finding an Ancient Statue and returning it to its pedestal, and then finally, traveling to the Infested Reservoir.

There were no Bosses to be found, even if the number of Elites was high enough to compensate for the lack of them. They were happy enough that everyone was able to get an additional piece of Legendary equipment after clearing the large numbers that blocked their path.

"Neyrelle, remember what we talked about before? About the Dungeons?"


"If every Dungeon preserves a certain event in history, as well as the exact condition of the place during that time, doesn't that mean that this Dungeon has the answer for why the plague at that point happened?"

[You mean the Dungeon Quest?](Neyrelle)

[ Dungeon Quest update - Underroot

Objective: Destroy the Egg Clusters (0/3). ]

Nobody in Sanctuary had an exact date, but most Dungeons are 5-10 years old at most. All old Dungeons were closed, and new ones took their places.

Also, a Dungeon can be created only through the Sanctuary's intervention and permission. Therefore, it would be impossible for it to know what was going on with the Great Tree and do nothing about it for 40 years.

But if it didn't know but still chose to preserve this state of the Dungeon from more than 40 years ago, when some strange epidemic affected the Druid community through the Great Tree, and this Dungeon has something to do with pestilence, rot, and Egg Clusters, then it must mean that whatever affected the Oak wasn't a natural occurrence.

[Even more reason to let them see the journal, then.](Neyrelle)

"I already let Hoduin know, and we'll be checking with him later. Still... Dungeons, Sanctuary, and history in general. There's still too little that we know, and not having that information is affecting us greatly. Is akin to fighting blindly an enemy that can see through the darkness. We need to know more."

With renewed efforts, the party quickly cleared the Dungeon and got out. They temporarily postponed returning to Cerrigar in favor of intel gathering. 

Mingling with the Druids, they were able to learn snippets of old stories transmitted through word-of-mouth, but they were still unable to piece together a proper narrative about what happened back then and whether the 'back then' was around the time Astaroth attacked or earlier.

'Am I reading too much into things and theory-crafting something that didn't actually happen? It's not a leap of logic to assume that there was an outbreak of a plague since the community's 'healer' wrote about it, and it's not too far-fetched to assume that it didn't occur naturally. But if that's the case, why aren't there anwritten or at least spoken records of it?'

After silently thinking about it for a bit, Michael's mind returned to when the group had left the cleared Dungeon. On their way out, they even found a side tunnel where they encountered a Cursed Chest Event.

The undead Elite fell, and through the Resplendent Chest behind it, the party became one Legendary item richer each.

Michael had already opened his and was debating what to do with the new ones, but temporarily chose to wait until he returned to Cerrigar, or even better, to Kyovashad at night.

When the group reunited and shared the information they found, Michael had everyone check their MAP, and the two girls immediately turned to him with puppy eyes. The Necromancer shrugged and nodded, leading the party toward yet another Side Quest.

'I must finish 10 Side Quests and reach Level 55 for my Second Class Advancement. The more I get, the more experience I can gain.'

At the western entrance into the Stronghold, there was a Side Quest marker beckoning at the party. Michael saw some general details and was also curious since it involved Druids.

When they reached the location, they found a middle-aged woman stroking the fur of a large brown bear. The bear was lying on the ground, breathing heavily as if in pain.

[Easy, friend.]

[Excuse me, is the bear alright?](Evelyn)

The little Druid joined the mature one, making for an interesting contrast. From the looks of it, the bear also sensed her presence but didn't react negatively to her touch.

Both women Druids were infusing their energy into the bear, trying to heal him, but with little success.

"Hello. My name is Michael. That over there is Evelyn, and next to me are Neyrelle and Gonk. Do you need any help?"

[I am Moireach. *Sigh* Yes, actually, I could use your help. My little friend here, Bearfa, is injured. I don't want to leave her alone, but she needs an herbal remedy, and my stores are empty.](Moireach)

[Michael, she's been poisoned!](Evelyn)

"We'll do what we can to help. Tell us what you need and where we could find it."

[Thank you, that would be a tremendous help. Here's the list for the cure. I've been writing it down after identifying what she was poisoned with. You should be able to find everything near the camp.](Moireach)

"We'll try to be swift."

[That is much appreciated.](Moireach)

The group left hurriedly, and the Sanctuary identified the woman's request as a Side Quest.

[ New Side Quest issued - Tending Nature

Objective 1: Find Bitterleaf Root

Objective 2: Find Spectral Essence

Objective 3: Find Woodwraith Bark 

Description: Moireach, a Druid at Túr Dúlra, is taking care of an old friend who was injured in the Deep Forest. She would like you to find medicinal ingredients in the nearby area. ]

Three large blue circles marked the MAP near the Stronghold, where they would find the needed medicinal ingredients.

The first one was the Bitterleaf Root.