Chapter 210. Tending Nature

The first location marked on the MAP was much smaller compared to the other two places, and it was where the party found the Bitterleaf Root.

Evelyn approached the red plant and started working her magic. Just like before, after severing a small portion of it, she used her energy to heal the 'wound' so the plant could recover faster.

It helped Michael realize just how complicated the Druid Class was compared to what he had previously thought about it.

Furthermore, after finding a small meadow filled with alchemy plants all four of them needed, Evelyn harvested a small portion and split it evenly. 

When asked why only this small amount, the girl explained how the food chain would be affected by over-harvesting since many small animals fed on these plants specifically.

'I knew they were guardians of nature, but I saw how even this little girl was instilled with the idea of balance and could act on it even if she hadn't been a Druid for longer than a couple of years. It's not just about planting trees or protecting the forests. It's about maintaining the natural balance of the flora and fauna. However, she's only 16. It makes no sense for her to be this 'involved' when she has so many other things of interest.'

Through this revelation, the Necromancer began pondering deeper about his own Class. 

Sanctuary could be called the soul and mind of the world they lived in. Since it was conscious, it wasn't surprising that the Classes it conferred upon the Wanderers who gained its approval were given active roles in maintaining a certain level of balance wherever they lived.

Leaving aside the strictly fighter Classes, which served as protectors, there were Priests who could heal, representing life; Druids who took care of the flora and fauna, representing nature; and Mages who controlled the elements that make up the energy and probably the world itself, representing the seekers of knowledge capable of advancing civilization.

'In that case, what does the Necromancer Class represent? It can't be just death since it's too simple. Sanctuary called Rathma 'Master of Death,' meaning there's more to this Class than harvesting Essence and re-animating Corpses. There's also the connection to the Spirit World, where the souls of the departed take refuge after their passing. Druids regulate nature on behalf of the Sanctuary, and Priests regulate life by helping people heal. Then, it's safe to assume that Necromancers regulate death in a way that I am not yet aware of.'

It hasn't even been four months since he arrived in this new world, yet he's been so busy daily that he didn't even have time to ponder the most basic questions.

With his little free time, he spent it relaxing with his girlfriend and ensuring his mental state remained stable.

But this would soon be his Second Class Advancement. A part of him doubted he could simply rank up without properly understanding his Class first.

"Did you guys go through an epiphany before going through your Second Class Awakening?"

The trio looked strangely at the Necromancer, then at each other. Gonk shook his head.

[I didn't. The Mage Classes usually require what you speak of for the Third Class Awakening. The second one only needs a better understanding. I spent three months studying in advance under our tribe's Shaman before having a basic understanding of my Class. Then, it dawned on me: I've been fighting in a foolish manner before and had to make necessary adjustments.](Gonk)

"Did it make a difference?"

[Not a huge one. It's a matter of... comfort, I guess?](Gonk)

Seeing the two girls nod, Michael felt at a loss. Noticing his confusion, Neyrelle supplemented the Barbarian's explanation.

[Before your Second Class Awakening, you can be called a 'dabbler' in your chosen profession. You can use some skills, but your general understanding of them is lacking. After reaching Level 50 and advancing further, the knowledge you need about your Class increases drastically. For most Mage Classes, the 'energy vision' is the most basic requirement. After all, they must control the energy for most of their skills. But all that needs to be supplemented by knowledge from books, which retain the experience of our predecessors. That way, understanding why a Fireball skill functions the way it does is much easier than researching it independently. After all, every Class has many skills...](Neyrelle)

"I see. Each Class has tens of skills, and even the first tier in the Skill Tree could take someone years to understand fully. However, is understanding all your skills mandatory before your second advancement?"

[Not really, but it's recommended. Otherwise, you'll have trouble using your skills in the future.](Neyrelle)

"Huh!? How come?"

[It's hard to understand without having experienced it at least once yourself. Uhm... you can look at it this way: until now, the Sanctuary helps you cast all of your skills, but after reaching Level 50 and going through the Second Class Awakening, everything must be done by yourself.](Neyrelle)

"So if you don't understand how to cast the said skills, you're screwed."

[Pretty much.](Neyrelle)

Michael fell into deep contemplation and had his minions take care of the monsters around them.

Gonk's previous words and Evelyn's deep care for the plants suddenly made sense.

'No wonder Gonk said that his previous fighting style was foolish. If you have a deeper understanding of your skills, it makes sense that you could find better ways to use them—the same thing for Evelyn. With a deeper understanding of nature, it's perfectly understandable why she cares even for the smaller plants. Then what about me? Compared to them, my Class and skills are stranger. Leaving aside ridiculous skills like Blood Mist, Corpse Explosion, Decrepify, and Corpse Tendrils, even Reap is hard to understand. And that's the most basic skill I use in my skill build.'

Continuing on their way to the second marked area on the MAP, the party encountered Vengeful Spirits, Wrathful Phantoms, Wailing Spectres, and tons of annoying Wraiths.

Michael stepped forward and only used Reap to fight the portion of enemies assigned to him, continuously keeping his energy vision active while doing so.

In the end, he had to give up temporarily.

'In a general way of explaining the skill, it's the energy I infuse into my weapon, swing it at the enemy, and then release it to form the illusionary scythe. As for the more specific way through which that happens... *Sigh* I don't even fully understand what this Essence is, to begin with, much less why it acts the way it does.'

Every Class had its own energy system called Resources. Unlike in a game where everyone used Mana or in a novel where everyone had Qi, in the Sanctuary, each Wanderer could manipulate a different type of energy through their Resource Pool based on the general characteristics of their Class.

That's why Michael felt it was paramount to first understand what Essence was before he could understand his skills. In doing so, he would lay the foundation that could help him quickly comprehend why they worked the way they did.

[That's the Spectral Essence! It dropped from an Elite Phantom.](Evelyn)

[Finally! Fighting these ghosts is always annoying...](Gonk)

[Hmm... going by this pattern, the Woodwraith Bark should come from one of the Woodwraiths, right?](Neyrelle)

Thinking of the giant Treants, Michael remembered always wanting to ask about them.

"Right. Evelyn, how do these Woodwraiths come into being? They are literal trees that sprouted arms and legs... I can't see them just sprout into existence out of nowhere."

[The Woodwraiths? Master Hoduin said that it's because of the Great Trees. I only knew the general explanation before, but after hearing about them today, I understand it better. Since they work as regulators of regions, the amount of energy they gather daily is sometimes more than the amount they can handle. So, the excess is released. Most of the time, the energy is infused into older trees that are nearly dying. Doing so heals them. However, it also brings them to life in a different way than before.](Evelyn)

"Then, why are they considered monsters by the Sanctuary?"

[Well, not all of them are. Most remain under the control of the Great Trees even after their 'awakening.' However, some escape or are corrupted. Those are the ones the Sanctuary deems as monsters.](Evelyn)

Listening to her explanation, the other three party members reacted similarly, expressing their discomfort and fright.

[Doesn't that mean that each forest we pass through could have tens, if not hundreds, of Woodwraiths!?](Gonk)

[Mhm. Furthermore, the Great Tree responsible for that region keeps infusing them with excess energy, increasing their levels and ranks. So, in older forests, someone wishing to harm nature could very well find itself facing an army of Elite or even Boss-level Woodwraiths.](Evelyn)

Picturing such a scene sent shivers down everyone's spine. Now, it finally made sense why the Druids of Cerrigar claimed that if Astaroth hadn't previously damaged the Great Trees, the Charred Duke wouldn't have been able to cause such mayhem.

It also makes sense that the devil first targeted the Great Tree, removing the biggest obstacle in its way during the Days of Ash.

Encouraged by this finding to read more of this world's history through Donan and the Horadric Vault's books, Michael led the party to the final spot where they got rid of one of these 'escaped' Woodwraith Elite, getting the bark they needed as the final ingredient.

[ Side Quest update - Tending Nature

Objective: Return to Moireach. ]

With the objective updated, the group returned to the Druid and the ailing bear, finding the woman gently stroking the giant beast's head.

Michael would've considered it similar to patting a pet if it weren't for the bear's ridiculous size. Bearfa was over five meters from snout to tail.

Coughing, he nodded at Moireach.

"We've returned with the materials."

[You've worked fast. Excellent! Set them over there, if you please. The little one should know what to do. There's a mortar and pestle to use. Mix the ingredients up, and I'll keep her still when administering the concoction.](Moireach)

Realizing that the woman was using this situation as practical training for Evelyn, the other three stood aside and let the girl show off her talents. 

Not one bit shy, Evelyn grabbed the ingredients and first cut the Woodwraith Bark and the Bitterleaf Root into small pieces, then placed them in the mortar. 

Using the pestle, she crushed them repeatedly and then added the Spectral Essence. After she was satisfied with the end product, a couple of minutes later, she calmly approached Bearfa, who sniffed the air and turned its head to look at the girl warily.

Smiling, the young Druid placed a hand on the bear's body and infused some of her energy. Bearfa instantly lowered her guard after issuing a low groan as if in greeting.

The trio watched Evelyn as she gently smeared a small portion of the paste on the wound and then hand-fed the remaining amount to Bearfa. Surprisingly, the large beast calmly licked her hand clean, after which its expression became nasty as if she had eaten something sour.

Grabbing a big needle from her inventory, the little Druid then plucked a handful of fur from Bearfa's butt and used her energy to mold it into a long string. She then swiftly began suturing the wound as Michael, Neyrelle, and Gonk looked on in amazement.

[Calm mind and steady hands. Good! Given your young age, your mentor must be impressive to have taught you to such a degree.](Moireach)

[Thank you. I still have much to learn.](Evelyn)

[Humble, too. *Sigh* It looks like we'll have a good seedling in a couple of years. Make sure you visit Túr Dúlra often. We'll impart all the knowledge we can to you.](Moireach)

Seeing the excited petite Druid, Moireach smiled and continued patting Bearfa as she infused her energy into her. 

Minutes later, as Evelyn was done stitching up the wound, it magically closed with a thin layer of flesh.

Michael curiously asked about it, but she explained that it was a thin layer of flesh created by Moireach, stimulating the flesh with her energy and the fur Evelyn used to act as a conductor. Given the depth of the wound, any strenuous movement would open it up.

Still, the Necromancer was shocked at the emergency treatment, which would make any veterinarian back on Earth faint in anger.

[She will sleep now. The Woodwraith Bark, combined with the Bitterleaf Root, acts as an anesthetic, so she won't go anywhere for a few days until she's fully healed. I already informed one of my apprentices to come over and watch over her in case someone comes across this place. I'd also like to prevail on you for one more favor if I can.](Moireach)

"Please speak."

[Bearfa's injuries were made with a poisoned blade. Help me search where I found her, and maybe we can find the perpetrators and exact justice.](Moireach)

Michael saw Evelyn's eyes turn murderous and shrugged helplessly. The Quest also wasn't yet finished, so he could only agree.

It seems that poachers were hated in every world.

"We're ready to go whenever you are."