Chapter 217. Claws at the Throat

Bringing the wagon back under the protection of his minion squad, Michael undid the harness around his mount and allowed her to roam around while grazing near the river.

With his Skeletons acting as bodyguards, the horse could eat in peace even if monsters decided to stupidly attack.

Signaling to the stable master that he'd drop the wagon there for a while, he got back a nod, though the man looked incredibly confused seeing it.

Stepping back inside the inn, Michael saw Torben sitting at a table with Nairne, comforting the lass. 

He had a kind expression and looked at the Necromancer thankfully but frowned immediately after seeing the blood on his boots. 

Understanding the Wanderer's signals, the innkeeper patted the girl's head and approached him.

"I ventured west and found a dead merchant on the way. Throat torn out..."

[Throat torn? Hmm... too clean for a beast. Messy for a man.](Torben)

[It's the Bear of Blackweald! *BURP* Returned from the Days of Ash to silence us all!](?)

Both Michael and Torben were surprised by the shout and looked at a drunken patron enjoying his meal.

Pleased with the attention, the man continued yelling at the top of his voice.

[Tore out their throats, he did. Women. Children. Any who faced the man were left wheezing blood!](?)

[There is no 'Bear,' you drunken fool!](Torben)


[But something has eyes for our merchants. Others have yet to arrive from the eastern road. Not normal to miss their mid-way pint. Something's definitely wrong.](Torben)

"I brought the man's wagon in case he has any family members that could claim it. I also brought his body."

[Leave them both with me. I'll take care of it.](Torben)

Pointing out the wagon next to the stable to show that he had done his part, Michael went outside and removed the coffin from his inventory.

Torben gently opened it and saw the person inside.

[Fuck! It's old Patrick... Damn it! He has two children and a wife waiting for him at home.](Torben)

"*Sigh* I'll investigate and find out what happened. In the meantime, what's this Bear of Blackweald?"

[A fabled killer from the Days of Ash. A tale shared between merchants to keep their eyes open on the road. Nothing more.](Torben)

"I see. What can you tell me about the Days of Ash?"

[*Sigh* The time of Astaroth's reign in Scosglen. Countless suffered. The lucky ones died quickly. The Heroes saw an end to it, and we survivors well remembered the cost. It's not to be made little of with made-up stories.](Torben)

Nodding and preparing to go out and investigate a while longer, Michael used his Ring of Communication to let Neyrelle and Gonk know he'd be late for their meeting in Túr Dúlra within a couple of hours.

That should earn him sufficient time to deal with this dangerous 'stalker' and settle the issue for the wager involving a large demon's horn.

'Based on priority coming from the danger each Quest poses, I must first focus on dealing with the stalker. What's weird is that the Sanctuary is late in issuing the damned Side Quest for some reason...'

It took an additional seven minutes on the clock until the mission was issued and Michael got his instructions.

[ Side Quest issued - Claws at the Throat

Objective: Search for the missing merchants

Description: Torben is unfamiliar with a man or beast who would leave a body so bizarrely displayed as the merchant you found. A local claimed it was 'The Bear of Blackweald,' a fabled killer from the Days of Ash.

Other merchants have been late to arrive at the Goose, as well. The innkeeper wants you to search the eastern roads for a sign of their absence. ]

The Necromancer looked strangely at the Quest description, feeling that the Sanctuary is dropping the ball quite often lately. 

It was literally a rendition of Michael's conversation with Torben...

"Oi, Sanctuary! Are you okay? What the hell's going on?"


There was no reply, but since he was already riding his mount toward Loch's Bane Ridge, there were no signs of problems since he had passed through there three times already today, so he continued toward Gloom Pine Pass.

Initially, he didn't find anything until he saw a cart's wooden 'tires' hidden in the bushes.

Approaching carefully while surrounded by his minions, he found another slain merchant.

Fortunately, the Sanctuary came in clutch and highlighted an insignia near the dead person. As soon as Michael bent over to pick it up, three silhouettes burst from nearby and attacked him.

Using Blood Mist to evade the dangerous pincer attack that somehow bypassed his minions, an order was given to the Reapers, who swung their scythes at the three assailants, leaving behind two Corpses.

In the next moment, the bastards went invisible, prompting a large grin on the Necromancer's face.

"You think that can allow you to leave? How about you join me for a chat?"

Corpse vines burst from the ground and grabbed ahold of the three, which were dubbed 'Slicers' by the system.

Sneering at the captured trio, Michael was about to begin threatening them into spilling the beans when he saw them suddenly convulsing and falling to the ground. 

"Holy shit! Did they poison themselves or something? What the hell!?"

Caught off guard by the sudden development, the Necromancer blanked out and was unsure how to proceed. 

Seeing the bodies of the three Slicers dissolve into an acidic mass on the ground, he raised an eyebrow and waited for the Quest update.

[ Side Quest update - Claws at the Throat

Objective: Show the Worn Insignia to Torben. ]

Sighing upon seeing his mount displeased look, Michael comforted it slightly as they returned to the inn.

There was too much weird shit going on, and somehow the Goose found itself in the middle of it.

Upon returning there, he found Torben and gestured to the man. Understanding the signal, the innkeeper followed the Wanderer outside, where they could talk uninterrupted. 

Taking out the Worn Insignia, the Necromancer threw it at the man, who caught it with surprising agile movements.

Then, the man's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Michael could feel murderous intent from him.

[Where did you find this?](Torben)

"Near one of the victims. Another merchant near the Gloom Pine Pass. Three people tried attacking me, but I captured them instead. Then, they committed suicide before I could interrogate them. You seem to know what this is."

[*Sigh* The mark of a mercenary company from the Days of Ash. Killed man or beast without hesitation. Blackweald Company. The same company that put the fabled 'Bear' to purpose.](Torben)

"What!? I thought you said the Bear was just a made-up story?"

Seeing the man lost in thought and intentionally avoiding the question, Michael wanted to continue pressuring the man, only for the innkeeper to take control of the flow of the conversation instead.

[This is bad. The last time they visited the Highlands, Brione burned...](Torben)

The Sanctuary wasn't very useful either, as it simply marked the Quest complete.

[ Side Quest complete - Claws at the Throat

Reward 1: 33,440 experience points

Reward 2: 2,550 gold coins

Reward 3: Random Cache. ]

[ Side Quest issued - Pyre of Ash

Objective: Speak with Torben about the Blackweald Company

Description: Torben told you the worn insignia belonged to a mercenary company from the Days of Ash. The same company of the fabled killer, the Bear of Blackweald.

Torben seems disturbed by the idea that they have returned. You should speak with him to see how they're related to the merchant killings. ]

Raising an eyebrow at Torben, who appeared to know more than his friendly appearance showed on the surface, the Necromancer relented and focused on this mercenary unit.

"What can you tell me about this 'Blackweald Company'?"

[Ruthless mercenaries from the Days of Ash. Took any contract that promised equal weight of blood and coin. Only the desperate called them. But those were desperate times...](Torben)

"Sounds... lovely. What about Brione that you mentioned?"

[It was consumed by fire in the months following Astaroth's defeat. Some thought the demon had returned, while others were wiser. Blackweald Company visited the town the day it burned. The charred remains proved their hand in the deed. Strong souls who had survived so much, all extinguished by day's rise.](Torben)

Before the conversation could continue, the sound of hurried hooves could be heard as a local rode and yelled through heavy gasps.

[Smoke's billowing from the southern ridge! The fires have returned! Torben, what should we do!?](?)

[*Scoff* No time wasted. Wanderer, can you see the source of the smoke?](Torben)

"Mhm. I visited that place with Nairne earlier. If I'm not mistaken, it is close to the Highland Bear's Den."

[It's at the Recluse Hovel. Please help me investigate. There's likely a connection in all this. I'll see no harm reaches the Goose.](Torben)

Watching the innkeeper remove a druidic totem from his inventory and place it on the ground, Michael felt that he was getting surprise after surprise today. 

If things were going at this pace, he would soon not have enough time to finish his other Quest with Gonk, Neyrelle, and Evelyn.

[I need five minutes to activate the barrier around this place. I'll be right behind you.](Torben)

Nodding, he once again saddled up and returned to where he found the second dead merchant. 

From there, he took the path through the plains called The Fells and into the Ard Lands.

After eliminating a couple of mobs standing in his way, he found the den where Nairne scratched her name and her Tavis's. It seemed that the area he had to investigate was only a few meters away.

[ Side Quest update - Pyre of Ash

Objective: Find the source of the smoke. ]

Unsummoning his horse, Michael recalled his minions and cautiously advanced, making sure to keep a firm eye on his surroundings.

Those bastards who tried to assassinate him before could walk invisibly to the point where they were only a couple of meters away from him. He was prepared to cast Blood Mist even if a small leaf would be blown by the wind his way.

"What the fuck is that disgusting smell!?"

His stomach almost turned upside down as he smelled one of the most disturbing things he had ever experienced in his life so far.

As he moved past the Recluse Hovel, which, as its name implied, was a burnt-down house left in disrepair, Michael arrived in front of an entrance into an underground Cellar.

Seeing the Sanctuary highlight it as Embered Recess, he knew he would find his answers after entering it.

"Before that, though... Fuck! I heard that burnt human meat smells horrifying, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad..."

A small pyre was placed about five meters away from the Cellar, and three charred corpses could be seen fueling the fire.

Fighting his disgust, the Necromancer ordered his minions forward as he explored the underground.

Once inside, he found a large room, from where the smell of burnt corpses was even more prevalent compared to outside, forcing him to retch in disgust.

Still keeping an eye on his surroundings, Michael advanced until he reached the end of the Cellar, where a pile of burnt corpses were stacked.

[Well, this is unexpected. You're not the Bear.](?)

Hearing the voice, he immediately entered combat mode, identifying around fifteen people surrounding him and his minions.

He could even see footsteps moving through the gaps between his Skeletons on the sandy ground, closing in on him.

Before Michael could retaliate, a familiar voice filled the Cellar. It came from the entrance.

[Half-burried traps and a lookout who doesn't mind his back. Predictable, and disappointing.]

Turning around to see the innkeeper with an indifferent expression on his face, Michael blanked out for the n-th time today, especially after seeing the man throw the head of the supposed 'lookout' to the one who spoke previously.

The ambushers didn't appear worried or flustered about Torben's appearance. On the contrary, they looked incredibly happy.

[The Bear has finally left its den...](?)

[You never should have returned here.](Torben)

Taking out a large greatsword from his inventory, the innkeeper charged at the closest Blackweald Millitant and cut both him and his weapon in half.

Half a beat slower, Michael used his Reap on one of the closest enemies, then used Corpse Tendrils to round everyone up.

Surprisingly, the vines reached out to Torben as well, only to be cut mid-flight by the man.

There were two Elites recognized by the Sanctuary among the Militants, but they were swiftly hacked into pieces by Torben once the Necromancer grouped them.

Looking around for a couple of seconds after the deaths of more than twenty Blackweald Militants, none of whom were killed by Michael, Torben nodded slightly, indicating that these were all of them.

Seeing the pile of burnt corpses, the man took a deep breath.

[*Sigh* I'll never forget the smell of the bodies...](Torben)

And with that, the Necromancer entered the highest possible combat alertness.