Chapter 218. The Bear of Blacksweald

Looking at the innkeeper sporting the same clothes he saw him wearing at the Goose, Michael swallowed his saliva and cautiously opened his mouth.

"You're the 'Bear of Blackweald'?"

[Formerly. Donan sought able bodies and conscripted our lot to defeat Astaroth. Our ruthless tactics were put to measure, and, with time, the demon was defeated.](Torben)

Michael's mind was reeling, imagining a situation where the three 'heroes' were losing ground, so they had to hire the most ruthless mercenary band in the area and have them engage the Charred Duke.

It appears, as usual, that there's more to history than the books tell.

[But the things I saw... humbled and horrified every part of me. My kin and our leader, Stana, did not share my shame. They delighted in the fires. Yearned for their return.](Torben)

"Probably infected by Astaroth's demonic energy then..."

[Mhm. I was there when they set up Brione. Saw the madness in their eyes. The Days of Ash had taken their minds. So it cut them down, one by one, and left them to be claimed by the fire they so loved.](Torben)

Hearing the man's cold voice reverberating in the Cellar, Michael tried his best to calm the goosebumps on his body.

He was worried he couldn't defeat the man if he somehow became an enemy. 

'He gives off a feeling similar to Helen's when we sparred. Unbeatable. Fuck me sideways! How do I keep getting myself in shitty situations like this one!?'

Wanting to cry but having no tears to shed thanks to all the water in his body being eliminated by means of sweat, Michael kept his eyes glued to the 'Bear' as he prepared to use Blood Mist in case of an attack, then use Golem's taunt and straight teleport back to safety with quick travel.

Fortunately, his worries proved unnecessary.

[After years of quiet, it seems something survived that night. These bodies and the merchants... were meant for me. Meet me back at the Goose. We'll see to Blackweald together.](Torben)

Watching the bigshot killer teleport away, Michael dropped to the ground, breathing in raggedly even through the disgusting smell of burnt corpses.

"Shit! That was way too much excitement for a single day."

[ Side Quest complete - Pyre of Ash

Reward 1: 33,440 experience points

Reward 2: 2,550 gold coins

Reward 3: Random Cache. ]

[ Side Quest issued - Chasing Embers

Objective: Speak with Torben

Description: Torben is the Bear of Blackweald. Or, he used to be. The pyre in front of you and the merchants set upon it were put there by Blackweald Company to draw him away from the Goose—so much killing to capture one man.

Torben wants to speak with you at Under the Fat Goose Inn. You should find him and figure out how to put a stop to Blackweald Company. ]

Rolling his eyes at the foolish Sanctuary incapable of reading the room, the Necromancer dragged his body out of the Cellar, resummoned his mount, and returned to the Goose.

Seeing the poor horse unwilling to even pay attention to him, Michael felt bad for running the poor animal ragged today.

After reaching the stable near the Goose, he talked with the stable master about the 'spa resort' for horses most of them provided. Spending 25,000 gold coins, he sent the mount for some much-needed R&R.

Probably sensing his return, Torben met him outside the inn.

"So you are the legendary killer? Care to share something about your time as the 'Bear'?"

Testing the waters to see exactly how friendly this bigshot murderer was, Michael attempted to strike up a conversation but realized that he had chosen one of the worst possible subjects to approach.

[It's a path I hold no pride for, Wanderer. Stained with death -- and not all deserving. My hands were not my own. They were tools of Stana, wielded against any who drew her ire. Sometimes... for amusement alone.](Torben)


[It's fine. I put the 'Bear' to rest long ago. But it seems that he might be needed again...](Torben)

"Mhm. If what you said is true, then we need to eliminate what remains of this Blackweald Company. As soon as possible!"

[Aye. With their trap failed, they'll only grow more persistent.](Torben)

"Do you know where to find them?"

[I'm not entirely sure, but I have some guesses. The pyres prove they are still drawn to the demon's work. The Scar to the east marks where Astaroth fell to the Heroes. I'd wager they'd find comfort in that cursed place.](Torben)

"This Scar I keep hearing about, what exactly is it?"

[The scorched land where Astaroth met his fate. His fires still remain, ever burning beneath the stone. A reminder for any who doubt the stories. Caution for those who survived. Let's go! I'll join you.](Torben)

Opening the MAP and finding the area marked by the Quest, he discovered that his Wagered Honor and this Chasing Embers missions were overlapping. 

This means he could hopefully clear both in one go and then teleport to Túr Dúlra. With all the running back and forth he did, it was already close to noon.

[ Side Quest update - Chasing Embers

Objective: Search the Scar for the Blackweald Company with Torben. ]

With the distance too big to travel on foot without wasting at least two hours, Michael found himself in a strange position where he might have to recall his mount from its spa session. 

He did not doubt that the horse might kick his head in if he did that.

Fortunately, the stable master rented him another horse with a temporary contract valid for 24 hours for only 25,000 gold coins. Truly fortunate...

Moving past the familiar haunts, the duo reached The Withered Scrubs where they disposed of spiders and goatmen alike, then they reached the Dead Forest.

As its name implied, only burnt stumps remained on the ground, and vegetation was scarce. Further ahead they found the placed recognized as Heroes Triumph, where a large burnt crater covered most of the ground.

Imagining the epic fight between the heroes and the Charred Duke, Michael felt like he was a spectator, tracing their battle through the scars left on the ground.

[Ahead. It's a big one.](Torben)

Hearing the man's words, Michael saw a huge goatmen Elite charge at them, surrounded by his own pack of minions.

Seeing the size of the beast, the Necromancer grinend and gestured to Torben to leave it to him. 

[ Golmothos (Elite) - Level 57

*Summoner: Creates three summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 5 minutes. ]

Seeing how the Sanctuary couldn't be bothered with restraining the levels of monsters he fought to only five above, Michael sighed in frustration and had his minions charge at the incoming pack.

After chaining up Corpse Explosion five to six times, he decimated the lot.

"This should be sufficient to satisfy Ewan."

[Ewan? Oh, I see. He tasked you with finding a horn larger than his brother's?](Torben)

"Mhm. I hope this is enough, since I have other matters to attend to."

[Something tells me it will...](Torben)

Hearing the vague words, and seeing the innkeeper's smirk, Michael shrugged as they continued their descent. The Scar, as the Sanctuary identified it, was a chain of canyon tunnels similar to the one he saw on YouTube back on Earth in the States.

It didn't take long for the Necromancer to sense the demonic energy plaguing the grounds. He didn't have to use his energy vision to see what was prevalent through these ravaged lands.

Suddenly, the sound of pained yells could be heard up ahead.

[I hear a live one! Hurry!](Torben)

Rushing to the top of the hill ahead, the duo found another pyre with someone burning on it.

Torben quickly brought the man down from it, and Michael poured a Healing Potion down his throat, but it was no use. There were many stab wounds which bled the poor man dry.

No matter how much a potion could do, it couldn't create miracles or revive the dead.

"Can you hear me? Please, focus on my voice! Can you tell me what happened here?"

[I... *GROAN* Urgh... A mercenary woman. She captured us along the roads. *COUGH* *COUGH* Took us into the depths of the Scar and... made us watch... watch them burn us... one by one...](?) 

And with those words, the man died with his eyes wide open. Torben stored the body in his inventory, looking somewhat murderous.

[Stana. Of all the devils who could have survived that night... why did it have to be her?](Torben)

Michael rolled his eyes inwardly, complaining about how it was an overly used plot. After all, if only some minions survived, they would've went about their merry way, instead of coming to mess with the biggest and baddest killer the company had to offer.

It made sense that if the Boss survived, she would either take revenge on the one that tried to kill her along with the company, or at least attempt to convince him to rejoin their ranks.

Though, he kept quiet, not wanting to piss off someone who used to kill for a living.

[*Sigh* None matched her joy for suffering. Her eyes said enough. Stana's madness ends here. If she wants the Bear... she'll have him. Let's go near the depths. I know where we'll find her.](Torben)

Nodding, the Necromancer followed behind him as the Sanctuary marked yet another Quest completed. At this point and with how they were chained up, it was similar to a Main Quest rather than just a Side one.

[ Side Quest complete - Chasing Embers

Reward 1: 58,520 experience points

Reward 2: 3,060 gold coins

Reward 3: Random Cache. ]

Seeing as it was his third random of the day, Michael inspected his inventory and found an extra Ore, Gem, and Salvage Cache.

Resolving himself to open them before leaving for Túr Dúlra, he watched as the system threw another Side Quest at him.

[ Side Quest issued - The Bear of Blackweald

Objective: Find Stana

Description: Thanks to a victim's last words, you've learned Blackweald Company's Boss is hiding within the depths of the Scar -- capturing victims for profane death by burning. Blackwealds' ruthless leader, Stana, survived the burning of Brione and is leading their return. Torben is clearly incensed by this news.

It's time to put an end to Blackweald Company. ]

For once, the Necromancer was in agreement. This whole 'find my sign' turned into a goddamn chain of Quests that took more than four hours already.

It was close to 1 p.m. and he wanted to wrap this up fast, so he could meet up with the waiting party members.

But, some more information milking wouldn't hurt. Hopefully...

"Tell me about this woman, Stana."

[There's not much to say. She was cruel, but effective. Blackweald Company was feared yet respected under her command. The Days of Ash changed everything. She was consumed by the horrors we withnessed-- and they consumed her in turn. Her body remained, but her soul was long extinguished.](Torben)

"Then, let's find her and put an end to this mess. That way, we could both sleep easier at night."

[*Sigh* There are so many terrible memories etched into this place. Memories I hoped to forget. It's only right she joins them. Come. The passage is hidden behind these rocks.](Torben)

Seeing the temporary Dungeon recognized by the Sanctuary, the Necromancer nodded and followed behind the 'Bear.'

Torben looked dead set on having only two people return alive after this encounter. Hopefully, Michael would be one of them.

Entering the Seared Hollow, they found themselves in a underground cave, and a small party of about forty people ready to welcome them.

"Planning to use numbers against me? Tsk, tsk, tsk! Quarterback!"

Without giving the killers time to react, Michael charged forward, used Reap followed by Corpse Tendrils, and then directly activated his Bone Storm

With the swirling mass of bones moving at rapid speeds around himself and the Golem, the mobs were mowed down easily, leaving the clean up to the Reapers and Torben.

After dealing with the trash, the Boss appeared in front of the duo. It was a beautiful woman, however, Michael understood what the innkeeper meant by seeing her eyes and knowing.

They looked... vacant... dead. As if there was nothing in this world that could bring them back to life. Even as she was speaking to the man who tried to kill her and failed, she showed no emotion on her face or in her voice.

[And so, my Bear returns...](Stana)

[You should have stayed in Brione, Stana. Burned with the rest.](Torben)

[And you should have aimed higher. A gut wound like that was quite the gamble -- and very unlike you. What gave you pause, I wonder?](Stana)

Hearing the scoff from the innkeeper, Michael cursed at the ill-placed affection. 

A simple stab to the head would've saved him so much time today.

[Come Torben! Help me rekindle the Days of Ash. Bring back those fires that gave us so much life. Blackweald needs its Bear.](Stana)

[*Sigh* No. It's time I finish what the fires could not. It's time for your body to rest. As for your soul, I can only pray it found its peace.](Torben)