Chapter 219. Wretched Delve

Torben charged forward, and Michael used his minions to back him up. Stana didn't appear flustered when she saw she was outnumbered; she calmly took out a crossbow from her inventory and melded into thin air.

Seeing her disappear just like her followers, the Necromancer cursed inwardly, only to see the 'Bear' hack to his right and create an energy slash similar to what he saw Helen use.

[Hehe! You didn't seem to lose your touch over the years.](Stana)

[*Scoff* Did you forget who taught you and your men this trick?](Torben)

Sensing danger, Michael immediately used Blood Mist, only to find three small arrows pass through him a fraction of a second later.

A second Stana appeared in a different position moments later, revealed by the sudden attack.

[Mirror Image...](Torben)

Watching the 'Stana' he attacked become unstable and scatter into water droplets, the innkeeper had an ugly look on his face.

Fortunately, it wasn't a Clone Jutstu, or Michael would've disconnected immediately.

[It looks like I spoke too early, don't you think so, my lovely Bear?](Stana)

[Did you?](Torben)

A second voice belonging to Torben appeared behind the woman as the greatsword impaled her through the chest.

The other 'Torben' also vanished into droplets of water. Michael had already activated his energy vision upon hearing the words 'Mirror Image' and could see the water particles interacting with light particles, creating the previously seen images.

The Necromancer had no idea how the man erased his presence and appeared behind the Boss of Blackweald Company, and even more importantly, when.

Deciding not to bother with the small details, Michael approached quickly and cast Reap, followed by Decrepify, and Corpse Tendrils on the woman.

Surprisingly, neither Decrepify nor Corpse Tendrils affected Torben, even though the skills were area of effect, and he was in their range.

Seeing how the system automatically added the innkeeper to his party, Michael remembered the explanation about how the Sanctuary casts the skills on behalf of Wanderers under Level 50. 

'It obviously doesn't have time to judge each situation, so it probably created a system where the skills affect whatever is identified as 'not an ally.' That way, skill usage can be adequately automated. That makes learning what Essence is and how to use it even more important.'

With the Boss restricted, slowed, and heavily injured, there was no way she could withstand the legendary Bear's onslaught. 

Within minutes, she was on the ground, covering a new wound on her chest and wheezing. Her lung appeared to be punctured.

Spitting blood on the ground in front of Torben's feet, the woman sneered at him with hatred.

[I gave you everything! *Cough* I gave you purpose! Saved you from the stockades...](Stana)

[I found my purpose. Beyond the ash, the death. The Bear of Blackweald died in Brione, Stana.](Torben)

[No! You can't--](Stana)

Seeing the greatsword looming above her head, the feared Boss of the mercenary company tried to plead with the innkeeper, but the weapon cut through her neck all the same.

The body followed the head, but Torben took no chances and used a bottle of Sacred Fire. Only when the blue flames cleansed both the minions and their leader, leaving nothing behind, did the man finally relax his guard.

[No more. *Sigh* I cannot forget my past -- but I will move past it. The Goose is where I put my strength now. It offers me peace I never thought possible, and still doubt I deserve. I was so used to only seeing terror in faces... it took a long time to recognize the worth of a smile. So, rest now, Stana. The 'Bear' will do the same.](Torben)

Speaking to the place where the woman died, the innkeeper offered a short eulogy and then turned to Michael and handed over his greatsword.

A bit stumped on how to react, he saw Torben laughing.

[Please. Take my sword. It's seen enough blood by my hands. I will keep true to my word and remain only an innkeeper.](Torben)

Accepting the sword, the Necromancer saw the man smiling freely as if a heavy weight had been removed from his shoulders. 

As he previously said, he tried putting the past behind him, but it wasn't sufficient to just say it. By handing over the weapon that had been his partner for many years, Torben gave up his identity as the Bear of Blackweald.

[ Side Quest complete - The Bear of Blackweald

Reward 1: 83,600 experience points

Reward 2: 3,570 gold coins

Reward 3: The Bear's Claw (Rare Two-Handed Sword). ]

Opening his inventory to sneak a peek at the weapon, Michael almost cursed aloud.

[ The Bear's Claw

Rare Two-Handed Sword

526 Item Power


796 Damage per Second (+377 compared to the currently equipped item)

* [637 - 955] Damage per Hit

* 1.00 Attacks per Second

* +18.0% Critical Strike Chance


* +28 All Stats

* +26.0% Damage to Slowed Enemies

* +16.0% Damage to Bleeding Enemies

Description: The greatsword of the fabled Bear of Blackweald. Its hardened edge is charred and notched, no doubt born from countless tales of brutality in which it played the lead role. ]

Inwardly shaking his head and feeling it was a pity that the weapon wasn't Legendary grade, the Necromancer followed behind Torben as they returned to the Goose.

As he promised, the innkeeper didn't fight any monsters on their way back but left it all to Michael. In his words, unless the life of one of his patrons is threatened, he wouldn't take up another weapon.

In the meantime, the person responsible for cleaning the trash blocking their path was inwardly complaining about how slowly he was gaining experience. 

'Even after these many Quests, I'm only at 960,052/1,571,130. At this rate, it will take me days of grinding Dungeons to level up only once. And what about higher levels when the experience needed is even higher?'

Only now did he understand why almost everyone reaching Level 50 would choose to upgrade the difficulty to Nightmare Tier. The monsters were more challenging to deal with, yes. However, they were also granted more experience, allowing them to level up faster.

Arriving at the Goose, Torben happily returned to serving and chastizing his patrons while Michael went to find Ewan.

Seeing him, the innkeeper followed with a sly grin, confusing the Necromancer.

Unable to do anything about the legendary killer, he simply found the drunkard and patted him on the shoulder.

"Here. I have your demon horn."

[Oi! You got one! Ain't that a beaut. This will show that smug bastard! Huh!? Wait a second... This looks nothing like Maric's.](Ewan)

Hearing the chuckle coming from behind him, Michael started connecting some dots. In the end, he sighed, feeling more tired than he had already been.

[Why, that lying bastard! I bet he's been parading around was goat hoarn. Ah, I'm gonna kill him!](Ewan)

As if the floodgates had been opened, laughter boomed in the entire inn, with everyone joining in mocking Ewan and his brother.

Torben found a chair to sit on and held his belly while laughing, barely able to breathe. Unable to help himself, Michael also chuckled, shaking his head at the foolish siblings. 

After a few minutes, he found Nairne before preparing to leave, said goodbye to the young woman, and used the Waypoint to travel to Túr Dúlra.

[ Side Quest complete - Waged Honor

Reward 1: 16,720 experience points

Reward 2: 2,040 gold coins

Reward 3: Elixir Cache. ]

With another Quest completed, Michael stood in front of the Great Tree again. 

His companions were also there, with Evelyn excitedly waving at him. Even after the past few days, the girl was still as famished for adventure as before.

[Everything alright?](Gonk)

Hearing the worried tone of the Barbarian, Michael smiled and briefly explained what happened.

"I got caught in a chain Quest. The situation was pretty serious and urgent, so I couldn't leave the people to their own devices. Fortunately, everything was settled successfully."

[Eh!? Why didn't you call us!?](Evelyn)

"It was a bit too dangerous. Furthermore, I wasn't aware that it would turn up that way. It was supposed to be a simple Quest where I sent a message. Speaking of that, I should check back with the initial Questgiver and let him know that I did my part. Anyway, let's focus on the matter at hand."

Turning to the druidic scholar patiently waiting for the four to finish their conversation, Michael smiled apologetically. 

"I'm sorry for the delay, Sir Yuein. We are ready to move."

[No harm done. Some problems cropped up for us as well. I won't be able to join you in the search for the three runestones, but I can mark their location for you. Two lie in the Deep Forest, and the third is hidden deep within the Wretched Delve, the entrance to which sits down by the ocean's edge.](Yuein)

Thinking in his head, 'So it was an ocean after all!' Micahel smiled calmly

"That won't be a problem as long as we have the general direction. Is everything okay with the Great Tree?"

[*Sigh* As soon as it escaped the demon's shackles, it restarted its duty of helping nature heal. And there is a lot that needs healing in Scosglen. In its hurry to fix everything, it overused its energy, and now we have to supplement it with our own so that its wounds won't worsen.](Yuein)

"Anything we can do to help?"

[You are already doing enough by finding the runestones. As for Druids to infuse their energy, we have already called our allies. Don't worry. There won't be any mishaps.](Yuien)

Leaving the man behind, the group first headed south of Túr Dúlra, where the first runestone was located.

According to the druidic scholar, they didn't have to bring back the runestones, only activate them.

[The first one is very close. Did Yuein say anything about how to activate them?](Gonk)

"Not to me. However, someone learned how. Isn't that right, girls?"

Seeing the grinning Evelyn, Michael laughed at how proud the little Druid was. 

According to Yuein, only someone who walked the path of nature could reactivate the stones; therefore why he chose Evelyn to learn the ritual. 

As for Neyrelle, she was the one who dumbed down the ritual to a manageable range. After she understood it, she explained the intricate details to the little Druid, teaching her tricks on how to perform it easier.

Even the druidic scholar was amazed at how resourceful those two were.

[This is it!](Evelyn)

[Hmm... from the inscriptions on it, it should be the Spirit Runestone. You can use the second version of the ritual for it.](Neyrelle)

Seeing the duo focus on activating the runestone, Michael and Gonk stood guard, ensuring that the ladies would remain safe.

Not even a minute later, the stone carved with druidic inscription began glowing. Then, roots emerged from the ground, coiling around it.

With Neyrelle confirming the successful activation, the party left for the second runestone, which was directly north of their current position. 

About half an hour later, they found the Nature Runestone and successfully activated it as well.

[This is a bit... underwhelming.](Gonk)

"Please, don't! I would love for it to remain underwhelming until the very end if possible."

[Fair enough. Where's the last one?](Gonk)

"Based on what Yuein said, in a Dungeon. Wretched Delve is what's apparently called. As for its location... We need to climb down the cliffs under Túr Dúlra, and we'll find it at the northernmost point."

[Simple enough. Let's get moving then.](Gonk)

"Mhm. Neyrelle, Evelyn, all good on your end?"

Receiving nods of confirmation, the party set off once more toward the last runestone.

Even though the beach looked amazing, they didn't have the leisure to enjoy it. Instead, they dived straight into the Dungeon.

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Wretched Delve

Objective: Travel to the Tunnels of Túr Dúlra. ]

As expected, lots of undead tried to block their path but were easily removed.

Then, after reaching the area mentioned by the Sanctuary, they encountered demons as well.

Nothing too difficult, but still annoying, thanks to their large numbers.

[That should be the third Fallen Idol.](Gonk)

"Yes. It should be the Boss right after. Since that room was called Shaman's Lair, I think it's where we'll fight next."

[So, it's probably an undead?](Evelyn)

[I don't think so. A demon is most likely.](Neyrelle)

[And there's our last objective. This should be the Earthern Runestone, right? With it, our job here is done.](Gonk)

Watching Evelyn perform the ritual one last time, the group waited patiently for the runestone to activate. 

And when that was done, they returned to the Boss Room.

[Seems like I was right.](Neyrelle)

[It's so ugly...](Evelyn)


Speechless at the duo kicking the dead body of the demonic Spiritcaller, Michael signaled for everyone to group up and prepare to return to Túr Dúlra.

Fortunately, the mission was easy enough.