Chapter 220. Left in Ashes

Fortunately, the Dungeon dive was quite productive, as Michael gained two Legendary drops from it.

[ Band of the Moonrise

Legendary Ring

574 Item Power


* +4.0% Resistance to All Elements

* +4.0% Cold Resistance


* +10.0% Shadow Damage

* +2.7% Lucky Hit Chance

* +12.5% Damage to Close Enemies

* +12.0% Maximum Minion Life 

Legendary Aspect: Damaging an enemy with a Basic Skills grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 80% Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 15 seconds. ]

[ Coldbringer's Aventurer's Tunic

Legendary Chest Armor

552 Item Power


966 Armor (+19 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* +9.0% Summoning Skill Damage

* +5.5% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies

* +18% Maximum Minion Life

*13.5% Lightning Resistance 

Legendary Aspect: Every 8 seconds, your Skeletal Mages cast a Blizzard that deals 540 Cold damage and continuously Chills enemies for 8% over 6 seconds (Necromancer Only). ]

Both the ring and the chest armor would end up salvaged for materials, but it was a good haul nonetheless. 

The party's return to Túr Dúlra was also uneventful. Yuein greeted them with a large smile. Even the Great Tree looked much better already, signifying that the awakening of the runestones should've gone as the druidic scholar expected.

"We're back. Everything went well, and we've awoken the runestones in the forest."

[Brilliant work, everyone! Listen closely. Can you hear it? They're humming again! You can feel the life force surging. Let's not waste a moment. Help me wake up the runestone and restore Túr Dúlra.](Yuein)

Seeing the Druid beckon Evelyn to the runestone near the Oak, the other three looked confused.

[It's the last step. The power of the stones lingers with you from the activation of those three. Touch the runestone and connect them all to complete the ritual.](Yuein)

Sure enough, as soon as the little Druid got closer to the runestone, a low vibration similar to a humming sound filled the Stronghold, making everyone present look toward the Great Tree.

[It's working. Excellent!](Yuein)

[I can feel the other three runestones. They are connected!](Evelyn)

[Indeed. Thank you, everyone. You've reawakened this place. Can you feel the magic flowing again? That's all your doing. Isn't it beautiful?](Yuein)

Seeing the little Druid nod happily, the other three shrugged and took in their surroundings. The air seemed clearer, and Michael could see magic particles of all kinds flooding Túr Dúlra through his energy vision.

Even the Great Tree had a more vibrant green color as it greedily sucked in the surrounding energy, as its roots pulsated through the ground, sending small earthquakes in all directions.

[ Side Quest completed - The Diviner

Reward 1: 58,520 experience points

Reward 2: 3,060 gold coins

Reward 3: Murmuring Cache. ]

With the Quest complete, the party had achieved their goal for the day. Not only was Túr Dúlra resurrected, but the Great Tree would take over its mantle as the 'regulator' of nature in Scosglen once more.

However, seeing the blue exclamation mark above Yuein's head, the four looked strangely at the scholar.

"Can we assist you with anything else?"

[*Sigh* You've breathed new life into our order. Our Druids have begun returning. Those that survived. Many didn't. I... I once had an apprentice, Éadaoin—a fiery spirit, that one. Never backed down from a challenge. Not even when Astaroth came.](Yuein)

Hearing the words, Michael already realized that the girl in question had already died.

[Huh, I bade her not to go. Of course, it didn't stop her. She... *Sigh* she's dead now. But her spirit is shackled to the fight that ended her. Over and over, she faces him. Please, help her move on!](Yuein)

With a strange expression, Michael signaled for the others to remain silent momentarily as he directed a question at the druidic scholar.

"You can't do this yourself?"

It wasn't like he minded more Quests, but this one appeared weird. Usually, the easier a Quest sounds, the more complicated it might get.

[I've... tried. Spirits, I've tried! But I can't -- I can't fight her. Not like this. I'm sorry. You've already done so much to help. I wish I didn't have to ask more of you.](Yuein)

"No problem."

Seeing the genuine embarrassment on the man's face, Michael accepted the Quest and signaled for the others.

Since his inventory was almost full, he asked them to wait a bit until he returned to Kyovashad to deal with it.

Finding Zivek, the Necromancer first opened his Gem, Ore, Salvage, and Elixir Caches, gaining a total of 180 of each type of Gem Fragment, 27 Iron Chunks, 12 Silver Ores, 3 Veiled Crystals, and a Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance.

The six caches also added six Rare items, which Michael immediately dumped on the Blacksmith, exchanging them for more materials.

Zivek paid 45 Iron Chunks, 10 Silver Ores, 15 Rawhides, 5 Superior Leather, and 18 Veiled Crystals. 

The two Legendary items gained in the Dungeon were also sold, netting him some extra basic materials, as well as 1 Coiling Ward and 1 Abstruse Sigil.

With his business handled, he returned to the Stronghold in Scosglen, where the other party members had already narrowed down the area where Éadaoin could be on the MAP.

[ Side Quest issued - Left in Ashes

Objective: Search for Éadaoin's spirit.

Description: Scholar Yuein's previous apprentice died during the Astaroth attacks. He has sensed her spirit in the Deepwood, unable to pass on. He wishes for you to find her. ]

Evelyn had already prepared some druidic talismans that could help calm the girl's tortured spirit, but they had to find her first.

Without hesitation, the group departed in search of Éadaoin, soon reaching the Dead Barks Wilderness northeast of Túr Dúlra. It was also the starting point of the Quest Area marked with a blue circle.

[You there. Please, help.](?)

Surprised by the shout, the four cautiously advanced into a meadow, where a woman, probably in her late twenties, was lying on the ground bleeding.

The two girls moved closer to her as Gonk and Michael kept a look at their surroundings. Even if this was an ambush, the two girls were high-level Wanderers, while the hurt woman was a normal person.

She posed no danger to them.

[Are you hurt?](Evelyn)

[Yes. I was traveling to petition the Crone for a blessing when I was attacked by a wild animal. The deep forest has always been dangerous, but the animals seem more aggressive than normal. I managed to fend it off, but it took a chunk out of my leg in the process. Might you have a potion I could drink?](?)

Most of the party's doubts were cleared upon seeing the nasty wound, as well as the missing flesh on her left calf.

Neyrelle was already pouring a potion on the woman's leg as Evelyn fed her another. She could recover in five minutes or so, but she would be severely exhausted for a couple of days since the healing effect was more severe on ordinary people.

Seeing the woman's pale face recover somewhat, Michael began his interrogation session.

"Who is this Crone you mentioned?"

[Shob'ha. Stories say she's a powerful Druid who was banished for dabbling in forbidden magic. She helps folks for a price, but the help isn't always quite what you asked.](?)

"That sounds... unreliable."

[Yes. It's always a gamble with her, but with the harvests as bad as they've been the last few years... well, I figured it was worth the risk. Now I'll need to find another solution.](?)

[You don't have to search anymore. The Great Tree in Túr Dúlra was already reawakened. Your future harvests won't be bad anymore.](Evelyn)

After confirming with the little Druid four more times that the Oak was brought back to life, the woman finally answered the question about this Crone and pointed out her location.

[She lives atop a spire southeast of here. Thank you for your help! I should return home. With the beasts so stirred up, it's not safe for me to continue venturing here.](?)

After escorting her out of the woods, the party spent another half an hour moving back and forth, ensuring that the unlucky woman did not suffer further harm.

They then resumed their search for Éadaoin. Finding her didn't take long, as the smell of charred human flesh and burnt vegetation attracted their attention.

[Can't let it all burn down... I won't lose my home!](Éadaoin)

Surrounded by the corpses of four bandits, they found the Druid apprentice looking lost as if she couldn't identify her surroundings.

The fight wasn't too tricky, and they managed to quickly subdue her as Neyrelle and Evelyn placed the calming talismans around her. Éadaoin's expression changed as a kind smile appeared on her face, followed by a long sigh.

Then, she vanished.

[ Side Quest update - Left in Ashes

Objective: Return to Scholar Yuein. ]

With the Sanctuary confirming their successful 'exorcism,' the party initially intended to return to Túr Dúlra. 

In the end, the two girls' curiosity won out, forcing Michael and Gonk to follow them into searching for this Crone.

It wasn't that difficult to find the location, as the spire mentioned by the wounded woman was easy to find. 

The Sanctuary also identified the area as Shob'ha's Perch, meaning that if the entire zone were named after this Crone, she should hold significant value to this world.

They saw a middle-aged man standing in front of an old woman. She had skinny arms and a frail body, looking like the slightest gust of wind could send her to the Spirit World.

[Please. I... I haven't slept in days. Is there anything you can do?](?)

[Hmm. Take this amulet. It will ward off the nightmares.](Shob'ha)

[Kindness upon you.](?)

[Go now. It seems I have more visitors to entertain.](Shob'ha)

Seeing the old hag chase away her 'customer' and approach them, Michael took the initiative.

"We are here looking for the Crone. May we know if that is you?"

[You may call me Shob'ha.](Shob'ha)

"Uhm... a pleasure. What do you do here?"

[I offer solutions of a kind to those in need. Yet it is now I who need aid, it seems. And here you are. Coincidence and opportunity are sisters, you know.](Shob'ha)

Seeing the blue question mark appear above the old woman's head, the party became speechless. They were only here to satisfy their curiosity, but as it turned out, the Sanctuary somehow herded them to this place to help Shob'ha.

"How can we help?"

[An ominous power stirs within the Dark Thicket. I sent my familiar, Berret, to sniff about, but she has been gone too long. If you can find her, I would be in your debt.](Shob'ha)

"That won't be a problem. If you don't mind, can I ask some questions?"

[Go ahead.](Shob'ha)

"Who was that man just then?"

[One of my patrons who doesn't pay me to gossip about them.](Shob'ha)

Speechless, Michael turned to see Neyrelle and Evelyn giggling at the sudden face-slapping.

Thinking about it and realizing that he walked into that one, the Necromancer took a deep breath and continued pushing for more information.

"Are you a Druid?"

[Oh, I'm just an old woman.](Shob'ha)


After waiting for more than two minutes, Michael realized that that was all he would get from the Crone, so he gave up his intel-gathering since he had met his match.

Old people don't have much to lose, especially when it comes to time. So he could only eat this loss and hope he could learn more about this old Druid after helping her find her familiar.

Fortunately, his mood improved slightly after finding another Silent Chest close to the spire, which Michael claimed as the others lacked Whispering Keys.

However, after watching the Necromancer open his third one so far, they decided to buy some just in case they walk into such unclaimed treasures in the future.

The haul was pretty good, with a Legendary ring, a Legendary amulet four Rare items, and one Magic two-handed sword being put in his inventory.

[ Ring of Torment

Legendary Ring

568 Item Power


* +3.9% Resistance to All Elements

* +3.9% Fire Resistance


* +9.0% Vulnerable Damage

* +9.0% Shadow Damage

* +4.0% Damage to Crowd-Controlled Enemies

* +8.0% Barrier Generation

Legendary Aspect: Critical Strikes with Bone Skills increase your Essence Regeneration by 170% for 4 seconds (Necromancer Only).

Empty Socket ]

[ Necklace of Audacity

Legendary Amulet

562 Item Power 


* +9.7% Resistance to All Elements


* +2.9% Dexterity

* +7.0% Bone Skill Damage

* +3.5% Control Impaired Duration Reduction

* +1 Rank to All Corpse Skills 

Legendary Aspect: When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun them for 3 seconds. This can only occur once every 20 seconds. ]

The ring would undoubtedly be salvaged, while the Legendary Aspect on the amulet could be extracted and kept. Who knows, it might even come in handy in the near future.