Chapter 221. The Old Ways

The party quickly reached the area marked by the Sanctuary for the Chron's Quest and were surprised upon seeing it.

Not only were there signs of a fight, as shown by the blood trail, but there was a deeply disturbing feeling about the entire place, which affected even Gonk, who was a magic idiot.

Nothing was out of the ordinary even after Michael inspected the zone with his energy vision, though the particles he looked at seemed a bit different than usual.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but fortunately, it wasn't demonic energy.

[ Side Quest updated - A Deepening Shadow

Objective: Examine the area.

Description: You have found a site that pulses with an unsettling magic, but you have not found Shob'ha's familiar yet. You must investigate further. ]

When the party realized that things might be more complicated than they initially thought, everyone became more alert and kept a constant eye on their surroundings.

The Sanctuary highlighted some items which they curiously looked at.

[ Broken Fence

Something large crashed into this fence, leaving blood and traces of fur that lead deeper into the thicket. ]

[ Traveler Corpse

The deer have torn apart various portions of the corpse. What remains is riddled with teeth marks. From the blood trail and the marks on the ground, it appears the traveler was alive for some time after the initial attack. ]

[ Pool of Magic

The magic here feels wild and untamed. It carries an undertone of contempt for the living things but does not feel demonic in nature. ]

Michael grimaced, realizing where this was going. It was a cliche commonly found in novels he read back on Earth.

After dealing with demons, aliens, and other stuff, when the author used up most of the possible enemy archetypes, it would bring up the 'Old Ones' or 'Old Magic' to create a sense of mystery. 

It was a major pain in the ass most of the time, and the Necromancer hoped that it wouldn't be the case here. He had to visit Ked Bardu tomorrow.

The Side Quest turned even shittier after exploring the blood trail and finding a large bear with strange glowing marks on its fur. 

Evelyn pointed out that there was a connection to Druid magic on the animal, but it was growing fainter by the second. 

Without a choice, the group defended themselves and killed the creature. After the Sanctuary dissipated its corpse into ash, a strange pulsing heart was left on the ground.

[Barret's Corrupted Heart]

Seeing the Quest Item and realizing that it was indeed Shob'ha's familiar that they'd killed, the party sighed and returned to the spire, hoping the Crone wouldn't fly off the handle after hearing it.

Surprisingly, the woman was more interested in the heart rotting because of the strange magic than the fact that her familiar had died.

[Berret, my friend... you had a strong heart. What could have rotted it so? No... we must stop this. If this was to spread, I cannot imagine the consequences. I don't recognize the magic that rotted my familiar. It is old, older than the Druids themselves. They could know if it.](Shob'ha)

Michael rolled his eyes, cursing in his heart. What could happen will happen!

[Take the heart to the Druid, Yuein, at Túr Dúlra. Perhaps he'll know if there's a way to deal with this magic. He lived at the Stronghold before Astaroth's attack. If the demons that remain there are cleared, he'll certainly return.](Shob'ha)

"He, alongside other Druids, returned. The Great Tree was also healed."

[That's good. Go find him. Hopefully, he has an answer; otherwise, we'll have to fight this corruption blind and helpless.](Shob'ha)

With the Crone entering her house and shooing away the party, they had no better alternative than to return to Túr Dúlra.

Since they still had to hand in the Left in Ashes Side Quest, they could take this chance to ask about the corrupted bear heart.

[ Side Quest complete - A Deepening Shadow

Reward 1: 33,440 experience points

Reward 2: 2,550 gold coins

Reward 3: Leather Cache. ]

[ Side Quest issued - The Old Ways

Objective: Speak to Scholar Yuein

Description: You need to take the corrupted bear heart to Scholar Yuein in Túr Dúlra and explain the situation. ]

So they did just that. They returned to the Stronghold and found Yuein near the Great Tree, discussing with other Druids their next course of action.

Seeing the party return, the druidic scholar stood up and approached them nervously.

"It's been done. We've laid her spirit to rest."

[You have? Oh, spirits... Thank you. Truly. I... *Sigh* She was days away from finishing her apprenticeship. I had a staff fashioned for the occasion. Almost buried it with her. But it didn't seem right at the time. Here. I think she'd want to see it put to good use. Not rotting in the ground.](Yuein)

Evelyn was given a beautiful druidic staff made of entwined wooden branches. The girl was really happy, and Michael quickly understood why.

[ Spirit of Éadaoin

Rare Staff (Class-Restricted to Druid only)

534 Item Power


824 Damage Per Second

* [659 - 989] Damage per Hit

* 1.00 Attacks per Second

* +18.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies


* +14.0% Damage Over Time

* +9.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies 

* Lucky Hit: Up to a 9.6% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites

Description: This staff was carved with intricate runes and sanded perfectly smooth. Tender care was put into its crafting.

Empty Socket ]

Seeing the little Druid happy with her gain, Michael turned to Yuein for the second reason they returned.

"Shob'ha sent us with a request."

[Is she still alive? Huh, what is she up to now?](Yuein)

"Here, have a look at this."

Taking out the rotted bear heart, the Necromancer quickly noticed the change in the Druid's expression, recognizing mostly fear among most emotions.

[Curses! Keep that away! That's wild magic. Damn it! In the old days, it would turn entire lands barren. The Great Tree can act as a stopper, fortunately, and the elders also developed a ritual to contain its spread. Now, eh... where was that scroll?](Yuein)

The scholar was genuinely confused until he turned to look at the somewhat demolished Stronghold and smiled bitterly upon his realization. 

[Ah, right. It would be in the old archives, which are currently probably still overrun with fiends. Clear them out, and I'll help you find the scroll.](Yuein)

[Won't you come with us instead?](Evelyn)

[I'm not a battle Druid, lass. I prefer reading and studying to fighting.](Yuein)

"No problem. What about the Crone? What do you know of her?"

[Ugh... She stays in her tower and will let the troubles of others pass her by unless you can pay for her help.](Yuein)

As the man was unwilling to speak further, Michael nodded and became even more curious about this old woman. Something told him she might be a hidden bigshot.

If that was the case, it was better to cozy up to her in advance in case they crossed paths again at a later point.

[ Side Quest update - The Old Ways

Objective: Enter the Lair of the Despoiler

Description: The ritual scroll you seek is housed in the old Druid Archives beneath Túr Dúlra. Unfortunately, that area has been overrun by demons following Astaroth's attack. ]

Noticing a blue temporary Dungeon appear on their MAPs, the party quickly made their way to the lower half of the cliff the Stronghold was built upon and found the entrance to the archives.

Once in, the Quest changed and asked of them to slay three Wildwoods.

As expected, they mostly encountered undead and demons inside, but they were much easier to clear when compared to other monsters. 

[It's the Great Tree's influence on Túr Dúlra. Since it's her domain, intruders would be weakened further.](Evelyn)

[Mhm. The archives are also covered in druidic talismans and inscriptions. They are slowly activating again, which, in the long term, would directly kill the demons here. But that might damage them in exchange.](Neyrelle)

"So Yuein used us to save up some talismans from being depleted? It's not that big of a deal. I'm more concerned with this wild magic he mentioned. If it's that dangerous, I'm worried about it falling into the wrong hands or being used by those wrong hands already."

Seeing the strong curiosity in Neyrelle's eyes, Michael rolled his and thought he should hide whatever they found from the brat. Otherwise, she might end up causing global devastation.

The three Wildwoods were similar to mini-Bosses, even if they were Elites only. Standing over five meters tall, the treants attacked the party with wild abandon, forcing them to fight back.

After clearing the corrupted treants, Michael explained to the others that the same 'wild' magic mentioned by Yuein had corrupted the Wildwoods since it felt exactly the same as the one they sensed in the Dark Thicket.

[ Side Quest update - The Old Ways

Objective: Activate the Sacred Stones (0/3). ]

Seeing as the Sanctuary was pushing them forward, the party found the Secret Stones marked on the MAP and activated them, prompting a large number of demons to attack them.

After clearing everything, Yuein appeared from behind them through a portal, shocking everyone.

[You don't need to be this startled. With the Great Tree healed and the Runestones connected, the domain of the Oak is stronger than before. Now, it has almost full control over the space in Túr Dúlra. This only extends to the Stronghold, though.](Yuein)

"And that is something minor in your eyes?"

[You should visit Hawezar. You would be amazed by what the World Tree is capable of. Anyway... the wild magic has spread even to here it seems. If we had the Druids to deal with this ourselves, we would've, but so many of our elders were lost to Astaroth's flames. I'm sorry to keep imposing on you.](Yuein)

"It's a give and take. What about the scroll?"

[Gone. But these stones contain the information you seek. I will transcribe them and meet you back outside.](Yuein)

Hearing the implied meaning of them not being able to use the internal teleportation system of Túr Dúlra, the party had no other choice but to walk out of the Dungeon and climb back the stairs to the Great Tree.

By the time they returned, Yuein was already there waiting for them.

"All good? Do you have the scroll?"

[Yes. I'm trusting you and that old Crone to handle this. Tell Shob'ha this is not something to play with. We will be watching.](Yuein)

Shrugging to show that they were just the mules responsible for carrying the cargo, Michael took the scroll and placed it into his Quest inventory.

The Sanctuary also considered this portion of the mission finished.

[ Side Quest update - The Old Ways

Objective: Bring Yuein's Transcription to Shob'ha. ]

Resummoning their mounts and traveling back to the spire, Michael wondered if he should return to the Fat Goose Inn tonight and reclaim his horse or wait until the following day.

With how much he abused the poor animal, it would probably be better to wait until tomorrow.

Lost in thought, Neyrelle was already bombarding the old Crone with questions.

[Why do the Druids distrust you?](Neyrelle)

[Hmm... we have differing opinions on how to best protect the forest. I respect their bond with nature, but as you have seen, power left ungoverned can become dangerous.](Shob'ha)

[What about...](Neyrelle)

"Later, Neyrelle. Here. According to Yuein, this will contain the wild magic."

Patting the head of the curious young woman, Michael handed over the transcribed scroll containing the ritual to Shob'ha.

The woman clicked her tongue in annoyance as if she remembered something unpleasant.

[Yuein has a scroll for everything, doesn't he? Let me see it. Ooh, interesting.](Shob'ha)

Michal and the others remained quiet as the woman read and analyzed the scroll for over fifteen minutes until Gonk finally had enough and coughed to remind her of their presence.

[Well, the spell is old. Intricate. But I have another familiar, Mochrann, who is suitable for the task. Mochrann will suppress the wild magic. Please protect him. At my age, I can't afford to trade any more of my life essence to create a familiar.](Shob'ha)

Agreeing to help, the party prepared to leave.

[ Side Quest complete - The Old Ways

Reward 1: 33,440 experience points

Reward 2: 2,550 gold coins

Reward 3: Salvage Cache. ]

The old woman reminded them once more that they might encounter problems on their way.

[Keep up your guard. I expect there will be trouble.](Shob'ha)

"No worries. We'll be caref... Huh?"

Following the accepted Quest interface, an even larger one containing large amounts of text appeared in Michael's view, stunning him.

He didn't manage to read through all of it as it was a lot, but what he did see in the first few sentences made his jaw drop.

The Sanctuary reached out to him directly with a message!