Chapter 319. A Briny Fate

[ Side Quest complete - Untangling Truths

Reward 1: 62,216 experience points

Reward 2: 3,420 gold coins

Reward 3: Gem Cache. ]

Opening the cache and retrieving 20 Gem Fragments of each kind, Michael checked the details of their next chain Quest.

[ Side Quest issued - Threads of Envy

Objective: Meet Roina at the Eternal Watch

Description: The wight ritual at Linnéad revealed a statue of the fiend and knowledge of its lair in the far north. It also spoke of a test -- but that did not give Roina pause.

You should meet with her at the Eternal Watch. Together, you can put an end to the wight. ]

With Roina already teleported away, everyone turned to Neyrelle to decide their next course of action.

Michael could've intervened, but he saw it as unnecessary since it was pretty easy to figure out what they should do next.

[We have already completed and went above the necessary number of culled Drowned, so we no longer need to worry about the Stemming the Tide Quest. From the looks of it, we can return to Marowen and hand it in whenever.](Neyrelle)

[Should we do that first? In case there's a follow-up Quest?](Tia)

[There's no need. The city is too far away, and we'll lose at least three hours going back and forth. For now, our attention should be on the remaining two Quests. Miss Roina is already waiting for us, but it wouldn't be an issue if we take a slight detour through the southeastern part of the Eternal Watch first.](Neyrelle)

[So, we'll try to complete the Briny Fate Quest and only after that deal with the wight?](Evelyn)

[Something like that. We'll decide after seeing how the situation plays out for the first Quest.](Neyrelle)

Seeing the three small heads turn to him, the Necromancer nodded in agreement and gestured for the trio to lead the way.

With how excited they were to hold the leadership position, Michael didn't want to mess with their fun.

'It's understandable since they are younger, and the other parties they've joined so far wouldn't let them act as decision-makers. This experience should be helpful for them since they have to use their heads more than their fists. Even Tia has been incredibly quiet recently, cooperating with the other two whenever they were planning something.'

Following behind them on horseback, he knew that this sort of growth opportunity wasn't something they could often stumble upon, so he just let them be.

Even if they somehow majorly screw up, he could still clean up after them.

'Worst case scenario is entering a Dungeon and having to deal with dangerous enemies and the Butcher on top of them. Fortunately, I can deal with the interdimensional demon solo, and the girls aren't pushovers against any other enemies. As for stronger foes like Lilith or similar power demons, the Sanctuary is still around to hold up the skies.'

Smelling the salty air and hearing the water crash into the shore, the Necromancer refocused his attention to the front.

Recently, his senses became more attuned to his Class, and he could now detect death Essence as long as there was a large amount of it in the air.

"Prepare for battle. There might be some trouble up ahead."

Seeing him dismount, the girl trio followed suit and took out their weapons, curiously looking around.

After summoning his minions, Michael took the lead and tried following the trail of Essence in the air; indeed, the closer he got to the beach, the stronger the scent of death became.

'*Sigh* I really need some downtime to properly investigate my Class. With all this running around and other dangerous events, I feel that my combat capabilities recently decreased rather than improving.'

He was still in the adjustment period after 'taking over the wheel,' but the Necromancer was painfully aware of his situation.

Furthermore, unlike this facade that only half-assed things, he tried to properly study and specialize since he would be stuck with this Class of his for life.

Mentally, he promised himself at least a month's vacation where he would read all the books brought over by Natalia, which kept piling up in a corner of the Horadric Vault.

[Over there. I see two people!](Tia)

Looking into the distance and activating his energy vision as well, Michael saw a single living person standing near a recently dead one.

The lifeforce of the one still alive was waning fast, so he quickly ran ahead after gesturing for the others to follow.

When he got closer, he could tell the delirium had taken over the survivor as he mumbled something.

[Don't worry, Gil. Just need to wait out the tide. The sea can keep the damned ship!](?)

Looking at the non-responsive Gil, the Necromancer hurried forth and fed the man a Healing Potion. 

The sailor somewhat recovered his bearings and looked sadly at his dead crewmate.

After thanking the party for their help, the curious Tia immediately went into questioning mode, having learned a great deal from Michael after watching him today.

[What happened to you?](Tia)

[Our ship kissed the rock of Eternal Watch with its bare arse. Scattered us across the rock, blood and wood everywhere. I managed to get Gil up to the beach here. Not telling what happened to the rest.](Sailor)

[So you know nothing of the others? Do you happen to see a sailor named Benen?](Tia)

[Benen? Yeah, I recall the name. Stoic fellow. Kept to himself. If he's up there, he'll be a tough find. Not one for moaning.](Sailor)

After he got up to his feet, the sailor sighed and stored his crewmate's body in his inventory, confessing to the party that he had just become a Wanderer.

Apparently, his Recognition Quest involved escaping the shipwreck and, if possible, saving his crewmates.

While the group discussed how to deal with him, the man mentioned how he could teleport to Marowen, his hometown, stunning the party.

Watching the man step into the portal and vanish, Michael surmised it should be the Sanctuary intervening. 

The man hadn't registered his energy signature at the Waypoint in Marowen yet, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue for the system to accomplish on his behalf.

[ Side Quest update - A Briny Fate

Objective: Search for Benen at Eternal Watch

Description: You found a wounded sailor from Benen's shipwreck. He was not sure of Benen's fate but said any survivor would have washed up along Eternal Watch.

There's a chance he's still alive! ]

Motioning for the trio to retake the lead, the Necromancer sent his minions to the outskirts, having them deal with the wayward Drowned on the way.

Even Tia had just about enough of these salty, smelly water zombies and would rather take the backseat instead of having to keep facing them.

Fortunately, the area of the Eternal Watch was relatively small, and based on their current trajectory, they would head up north to meet with Roina and search the beach simultaneously.

As gruesome as it was, the party found over seven bodies that the system identified as 'sailor remains,' but none of them was Benen.

Michael took the lead in approaching the corpses and searching for the tattoo since none of the girls would.

"It's not this one either."

[We're almost at the meeting point for our other Quest. Maybe we overlooked something. Should we turn back?](Neyrelle)

[We searched every spot on our way here. We shouldn't have missed anything.](Tia)

Michael agreed with the little Assasin's statement. Her senses were sharper than his own, so if something had been hidden or a living person nearby, she would've noticed long before any other team members would.

Agreeing to continue on their path, the group located another sailor washed up near the beach, along with a small chest beside him.

The Necromancer shook his head again after inspecting the man's neck, but Evelyn jumped and screamed while shaking her fist, holding a small letter in her hand.

Looking at the opened chest and the light blue glow on the letter, he understood it should be either a Quest Item or something related to their current Quest.

Neyrelle cautiously took it and opened it, reading it for everyone.

[ Fergus, I send this letter from a far shore you will never see. Little makes me happier knowing so. The bottle consumed you long ago. Took what little sense washed around that head of yours. I couldn't stand it no more. The whining. The pissing about.

I leave Marowen, my home, to be free of you. Free of your misfortune. I wash my hands of you. - Benen ]

Everyone's expression turned strange, not expecting this sudden twist. 

"What a drama... One is hitting the bottle in the inn and too cowardly to come search for his friend, while the other crosses the sea to get away from him."

[This... what should we do now?](Neyrelle)

[Deliver the letter?](Tia)

[Well... wouldn't that hurt Mister Fergus?](Evelyn)

Unlike the trio, the Necromancer watched Fergus's actions at the inn. He had at least seven to eight pints only when they were inside, and who knows how many more he had previously and after they left.

Knowing this, it was obvious that Benen was probably the one in the right, but it wasn't his place to decide. 

If it was up to him, he would hand over the letter and hope it somewhat woke the drunken fool.

But this would serve as a good training exercise for the trio, so he decisively shook his head to show his lack of involvement in the decision-making when they turned to him.

[ Side Quest update - A Briny Fate

Objective: Tell Fergus about Benen

Description: Benen wasn't on the ship that crashed at Eternal Watch. He departed earlier in the voyage, leaving a letter for Fergus. It spoke to the harsh reality of their friendship and Benen's desire to be free of Fergus's drinking and misery.

You should return to Fergus and share Benen's fate. ]

Signaling the girls to keep moving toward their next Quest Marker, he wondered what they would do.

Neyrelle had already pointed out that they had two options: tell the truth or weave a pleasant lie for Fergus.

The first would destroy the man's false reality he created about their friendship but would inform him of his fortunate fate.

The second option would lie about Benen's fate and inform Fergus of his friend's demise while allowing him to continue living while thinking of his best friend as his best friend.

A tough choice to make for three girls still marred by the innocence of youth. 

Even for Neyrelle, who went through more than the other two, it was still hard to decide.

Fortunately, everyone could temporarily take their minds off this matter as they reached Roina.

The woman nodded to them and gestured with her chin to the dilapidated mine entrance behind her.

"Are you ready?"

[Ready? Why do we ask that before we do something we must, regardless of readiness? *Sigh* Let's go.](Roina)

Michael nodded. From the looks of it, their slight detour was sufficient for her to mentally prepare before they confronted the wight.

He was certain that there should be a couple more twists and turns ahead of them, but with the sternness in her eyes, the risk of the party being betrayed was rather small.

Nevertheless, he gestured for the trio to stay close to him while the Reapers stood between him and Roina, who was leading the charge.

Not wanting to expose the woman to too much danger, he had Quarterback move ahead of her, ordering it to use his taunting ability as soon as he met an enemy.

[ Side Quest update - Threads of Envy

Objective: Enter the Mithering Descent

Description: You've found the wight's lair. The fiend hides deep beneath Eternal Watch, thriving in the murk.

It's time you and Roina put an end to the wight's corruption. ]

Stepping through the thin film covering the entrance of the newly formed Temporary Dungeon, the Necromancer found himself inside a small cave.

The first thing he did was retch from the odious smell assaulting his nostrils. The overpowering stench caught him completely off guard.

[Ugh... the smell of this place...](Tia)

Evelyn and Neyrelle quickly covered their noses with their hands, rabidly searching through their belongings for something that smelled better to offset the stench.

Tia was more unfortunate, as she was already throwing up their previous dinner. Her senses were much more active and advanced in comparison with the other four people, and her fighting ability in such an environment was seriously damaged.

Patting her back and offering her a sour fruit smoothie which would hopefully help a little, Michael accepted the two bandanas handed by Evelyn.

The two little 'bandits' had already covered their mouths and noses with the perfumed clothes and were helping Tia do the same.

Approaching Roina, who was also frowning due to the smell, he handed the bandana.

"Judging from the smell, we are in the right place."

[Yes. This is the Murky Spillway. We'll continue onward through the Dank Hollow. If the wight has a lair, it should be at the end of this tunnel.](Roina)

Nodding, the Necromancer restructured the party following the same formation as before they entered and quickly advanced through the tunnels.