Chapter 320. Threads of Envy

Obviously, there were plenty of Drowned to bar their path forward, but his minions proved more than these creatures could handle.

Once they reached the Dank Hollow, the stench further intensified, prompting another retching session from the little Assasin. 

Judging from her wronged expression, she wanted nothing more than to burn this unholy place to the ground for the grief it caused her.

Fortunately, moments later, they reached their target's lair and saw quite the scene.

In the middle of an expansive cave, surrounded by walls and stalactites, a tree about three meters tall felt entirely out of place.

And if that wasn't sufficient, its branches both entangled and supported what appeared to be a woman.

She appeared to be naked, and her skin was yellowish. Fortunately, the thick branches not only locked her feet and waist in place but also covered her groin and chest, saving the party from the horror.

After inspecting her face, this 'woman' appeared to be around 40 years old, though her eyes showed the vicissitude of centuries past. 

It was an odd feeling, but Michael was reminded of the exorcisms he witnessed after being in the presence of this woman who he assumed was the wight.

The long dark hair flowing to her waist had a strange texture, similar to algae. Upon noticing them, her head began moving back and forth and left to right, only moans and groans escaping her lips.

[There you are...](Roina)

[Is that...](Neyrelle)


The trio immediately whipped their heads at Roina upon this sudden twist, but Michael remained nonchalant. 

From all the hints the woman gave them through their interactions so far, it was obvious what their relationship was.

He still had some questions about the situation, but they would undoubtedly be answered soon. What he was most curious about was whether her mother was a wight, to begin with, or if she had somehow been turned into one. If she was, then how did that happen?

Upon hearing her daughter's voice, strange mumblings in a foreign language echoed through the small cave.

They weren't as creepy as the demonic whispers he had previously heard when traveling to Nevesk for the first time.

They were much gentler, probably due to the woman's motherly voice and, even more likely, due to the hypnotic effect the wight had on other people. 

After ensuring the shortie trio wasn't affected, he turned to Roina, curious about how she would react.

[Stop it. Stop it! I'm not -- ](Roina)

While Roina held her head and kneeled on the floor of the stinky cave, five Sodden Growths appeared from the ground, and Michael nodded affirmatively to the girls.

They immediately took action, targeting one each while the Necromancer handed the other two.

His minions used the Golem's taunt to draw the recently summoned Drowned over and pummel them, and the wight could do nothing but watch it happen.

Fortunately, this time around, the party didn't have to 'pick berries' and could instead just flatten, cut, or burn the Sodden Growths to complete their task.

Once they did, the whispering became fainter, and Roina recovered somewhat.

[Enough! I am not bitter. I am angry! And I do not have the soft heart you did!](Roina)

Casting some Decrepify to help his minions deal with the enemies, Michael curiously looked at the two women holding a 'conversation.'

It seems that his previous assumptions were correct.

The whispers continued for a while longer, but Roina became angrier with each passing second. Eventually, she pouched with a mace and smashed through the branches and her mother, the weapon hitting the wight's chest.

[This is the end!](Roina)

The tree immediately withered and turned into salt, while the wight's skin became slightly pale and human-like.

As she stood over her dying mother's body, Roina showed no change in her facial expression.

[Roina... *Sigh* my Roina...](Wight)

A small book was hidden inside the piling salt mountain created by the tree's demise, and Michael quickly approached it.

The system identified it as a journal, and without waiting for Roina's permission, he quickly opened it to read.

[ Mold-spotted Journal - The waterlogged remains of a journal

Father always said it is true love that feeds the deepest hate. I thought that, having Roina, I need not want her father. I thought I might be strong. But daily... I hear whispers that tell me I am not. ]

Shaking his head, he could already puzzle together the story. He approached Roina and handed over the open journal as he looked at the body of the wight.

The previous yellow skin turned red, and her body was continuously shrinking. 

Not wanting to see this process anymore, the daughter who had just put her mother to rest took out a vial of Sacred Fire and poured it on her remains.

Watching her burn, there were hints of sadness in Roina's eyes, especially after reading the journal.

Signaling to Evelyn, the cute little Druid approached the woman.

[Are you alright?](Evelyn)

[I... *Sigh* Spirits... that's done. I am leaving. I won't just stand here moping. Let's go.](Roina)

With one hand patting the little Druid's head, she resolutely turned around and prepared to leave the Temporary Dungeon.

The party followed behind her, happy to get out of this stinky place before it completely sunk into their bones.

[ Side Quest update - Threads of Envy

Objective: Speak with Roina in Marowen

Description: You and Roina faced the wight, only to find that the creature was her mother -- twisted by its corruption. Though you defeated this fiend, Roina is clearly troubled by the revelation.

You should speak with her in Marowen and see how she's faring. ]

Surprised, Michael looked ahead and, surely enough, saw Roina look at them.

[I'll directly teleport to Marowen. I'll wait for you there.](Roina)

Seeing her somewhat disturbed expression, Michael nodded and prompted the little ones to wait in place.

[What's wrong?](Tia)

"I was thinking about these Dungeon teleportation options we have. Do you think we could use one to go to Marrowen since it's the closest town to us?"

[Huh? Wouldn't that mean we'll still have to return here after? What's the point?](Tia)

"Who says we need to?"

Everyone's expression changed, and Neyrelle quickly caught on.

[If it works, it would significantly reduce the time we need to spend traveling. Especially since we have more teleportation options daily by doing so. The only downside is that this is possible from inside a Dungeon. Do you think it would work?](Neyrelle)

"I'm not sure, but I don't see why not. As for the portals, I'm pretty sure they would close on their own if we don't return using them after a certain period of time. We can also try moving further away from them and see what happens."

[It's worth trying.](Neyrelle)

The group immediately used their teleportation from inside the Dungeon and were brought to Cerrigar's Waypoint.

Seeing their unsuccessful venture, the group turned to Michael, who shrugged and decided to use the Waypoint again and travel to Marowen.

Once they did, everyone received a system prompt.

[ Warning!

By doing so, your previous portal will be closed! 

Proceed with caution! ]

Since the Sanctuary didn't warn them of any other repercussions, Michael gestured for the trio to wait while he experimented with this situation first.

Nothing happened through the teleportation process, and he found himself safely in Marowen.

He then returned to Cerrigar and noticed the portal connecting to the Temporary Dungeon was gone.

"Looks like my assumption was correct. Let's go. We need to hand over the three Quests and continue our collection. It's already past midnight, and if this continues, we won't be finished by morning."

Roina was waiting for them near the Bones Altar, judging from her place on the MAP, so the group first traveled to the Inn.

Aigidh saw the party and immediately approached them.

"The drowned have been dealt with for now."

[Thank you. I'll tell the boys we can get back to work tomorrow morning. We've been restless bein' on land this long. Now, they can finally get some sleep instead of drinking all night long.](Aigidh)

Watching the woman leave and gesture at some nearby fishermen, the Necromancer checked the Quest rewards.

[ Side Quest complete - Stemming the Tide

Reward 1: 17,776 experience points

Reward 2: 2,280 gold coins

Reward 3: Gem Cache. ]

Another Rare item and 20 Gem Fragments each entered his pockets as he followed the girls inside the Inn.

Staying true to his promise, he allowed the little trio to handle this Quest however they saw fit.

Approaching Fergus, who was still drowning himself in alcohol, Neyrelle handed over the letter.

[We found this letter from Benen.](Neyrelle)

[Truly!? What about his body?](Fergus)

[It's all in the letter.](Neyrelle)

As the man was hopelessly trying to open the letter, but his drunken stupor was fighting back, the trio retreated slightly behind Michael, as they weren't sure how he would react after reading it.

Surely enough, after going through some of the words, clarity returned to Fergus's face as he gripped the letter tighter. 

Once he was done reading, he looked toward the ceiling. Probably because his emotions were affected by the booze, the Necromancer couldn't properly identify what was going through the man's head, but he noticed his shoulders were much more relaxed compared to before.

[Misfortune? Me? Hah. Saltier than the sea, that bastard. Better off without him, I am. I'll find my way alone. Prove him wrong.](Fergus)

[Hmm... another pint, Fergus?](Mawde)

[Huh? Ah... no. I've had my fill.](Fergus)

Michael nodded slightly, watching the man stand up and wobbly head upstairs to sleep.

The girls were also happy with this resolution and were already inspecting the rewards they got for the Quest.

[ Side Quest complete - A Briny Fate

Reward 1: 35,552 experience points

Reward 2: 2,850 gold coins

Reward 3: Salvage Cache. ]

With another Rare item and 3 Veiled Crystals added to his pocket, Michael refused Mawde's food and drink offer and headed out with the girls.

They still had one more Quest to wrap up.

Upon reaching the burning pyre, the group noticed the dwindling number of people remaining in the area. 

It was understandable, given how late it was.

Approaching the lonely figure standing near the Bone Altar and looking at the sea, Michael gestured to the girls to move forward.

It was easier for the three cuties to comfort Roina than for him as a grown man. Not to mention more appropriate.

Sensing someone moving closer, the woman turned her head and smiled upon seeing the trio.

[I always guessed her fate, you know. And I'm too old to become teary-eyed at the truth.](Roina)

"I'm sorry for your loss."

[*Sigh* Don't say you've come to see me sulk. I'm not a child anymore. Still, thank you.](Roina)

[Are you feeling better?](Evelyn)

[Yes. I am sorry. I was overly harsh with you. And you did help me. More than anyone else had.](Roina)

Seeing as she was patting the girls' heads, Michael knew his strategy of throwing cute Pokemons at the target worked.

[My mother loved Cecil... my father. Too much, I think. Whether he loved her or not, I don't know. I never wanted to ask. Our village was fine... until my mother disappeared. You can guess, hm? The same test I passed, she failed.](Roina)

"I see..."

[And now... *Sigh* It's over. My thanks, friends.](Roina)

The group exchanged contacts and promised to visit each other often. Roina was very experienced and bonded surprisingly well with the trio.

Furthermore, her level was apparently 78 and she had completed her Third Class Awakening, stunning the group.

Judging that she still needed some time to mourn, Michael took the girls away after the system announced their Quest to be completed.

[ Side Quest complete - Threads of Envy

Reward 1: 88,880 experience points

Reward 2: 3,990 gold coins

Reward 3: Roina's Heirloom Amulet (Rare amulet). ]

Noticing the third reward, he turned his head and looked at the woman, who smiled back and shook her head.

Nodding, he continued on his way without mentioning anything to the girls.

It was Roina's decision to give it away, and he would respect it.

After some inquiries, the girls got a cache each as their third reward, marking him as the only one to get something 'special.'

[ Roina's Heirloom Amulet

Rare Amulet

600 Item Power 


* +15.0% Resistance to All Elements


* +109 Maximum Life

* +2.5% Cooldown Reduction

Description: A Druid charm made by Roina's mother to keep her strong during any hardship. ]

Sighing and deciding to add it to the pile of similar items he got in his Quests so far, Michael opened his MAP to check the current situation.

'2,525 Renown points, 43/47 Side Quests completed, 67/70 Areas Discovered, 5/25 Dungeons cleared, and 24/37 Altars of Lilith collected. Not bad at all. We made good progress, and there are only ten Altars left. If all goes well, we can grab those and return to Kyovashad in time for breakfast. Then, I can also take a quick nap before meeting with Natalia around noon.'

With Neyrelle as the temporary decision-maker, the party left Marowen and began exploring the southern area toward Túr Dúlra.